2011 Winter Board of Directors' Meeting

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2011 Winter Board of Directors' Meeting

Soaring Society of America 2011 Winter Board of Directors' Meeting January 28 and 29, 2011 Sheraton Society Hill, Philadelphia, PA

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. Friday, January 28, 2011 by Chairman Al Tyler. The Chairman introduced the newly seated Directors Tim Hanke and Frank Whiteley. Present were the following Directors and Guests: 1/3 – Hanke, 2/4 – Garrison, 5 - Tyler, 6 - Lubon ABSENT, 7 – Molidor, 8 - Northcraft, 9 - Whiteley, 10 – Umphres, 11 – McDaniel, 12 – Brickner. Directors at Large present were: Black-Nixon, Greenfield, Pixton, Peter Smith, absent were Banks and Roland. 13 present of 17, quorum was present.

Guests present were: Denise Layton - CAO, Jim Short, Pat Costello, John Godfrey, Misti Breton, Bernald Smith, Honorary Director, Peter Brown SSA Foundation, and Penn Smith SSA Foundation.

Tyler gave his thank you to Past Chairman, Phil Umphres, also past Treasurer, who agreed to serve in 2007, found embezzlement, and continued anyway. Beginning in 2009, Umphres served as Chairman for two years. Tyler notes he is the first to accept the Chair in recent history without a major catastrophe. Tyler presented a gavel to Umphres for his service.

Consent Agenda --

Umphres moved to approve consent agenda of Minutes of Executive Committee on September 14, October 26 and December 7, 2010, and October 2 Board meeting minutes. Molidor seconded. Motion carried.

SSA Insurance Program -- Report by Pat Costello

A claim occurred in a contest event this past year. No violation of contest rules occurred. Some differences in coverages were apparent between the parties involved. Costello recommends SSA should refrain from requiring single sourcing insurance for identical coverage. Costello will provide an article on coverage and issues for Soaring Magazine.

Action Item: BOD wants the Contest Committee to review issue of limits of liability required by pilot entrants and report back to the Board for the fall meeting.

Ken Sorenson arrives. John Good enters 9:50.

Chairman's Report: Umphres wrote a December article reporting SSA is on sound footing but not without challenges, declining membership not turned around was a disappointment under his term. USHPA and AMA are experiencing the same member erosion. USPA is the only association growing their membership. Directors responsibility is to work on growth as leaders in our sport. Governors should be made aware of tools for promotion, local airshows, media outlets. Outstanding local TV programs across the country are a venue for local features and promotions. Umphres wrote briefs to various organizations, Private Pilot towing letter to FAA. Tyler looks to Umphres for ghostwriting assistance into 2011. Chief Administrative Officer's Report: Layton – gearing up for Reno Convention for warmer weather. 2014 has interest for a Pensacola location. Philadelphia Conference is going well, even with travel cancellations. OSTIV dinner went well. Comedians of Soaring dinner – only 10 tickets left. Eagle Fund - $50, 657.13 YTD since October. Half has been transferred into Kunda Reserve Fund, balance is a little ahead of 2010. Same gifting levels are used to encourage threshold upping of donations. BS Smith notes extreme support by Hobbs staff for OSTIV at Philadelphia. Umphres notes half Eagle donations should go into Endowment not Kunda reserve. Layton reports AOPA results on reciprocal member recruitment program. 23 Full and 1 Business members recruited to SSA through this program.

Treasurer's Report : Pixton reports December Profit and Loss – increase of $86,000 in net. Dues down 1%, Contributions $29,000 over budget. Merchandise up by $15,000 on income due to FAST program. Expense side reports staff under costs by $20,000, contract labor under by $10,000, FAST reimbursement over budget by $20,000, reflects program vigor. Printing under costs by $30,000. December we began using a new printer for Soaring and expect $6,000 monthly savings rate from budget. Johnson Miller audit was an unqualified statement and timely report, for the third year. Misti Breton worked on formulating an Accounting Manual this year. Pixton moves to approve Johnson &Miller for SSA and SSAF auditing and tax filing for 2010 year. Black Nixon seconds. Motion carries. Umphres asks, did we solicit bids from alternate company for 2010? Need to be responsible in selection and financial protection. Action Item for Treasurer for hiring a different auditor for 2011 books, report to Fall BOD meeting on search. 2011 Budget was presented. Pixton moved to approve the 2011 budget as presented. Black- Nixon seconded. Brickner notes Youth Committee late request after budget plan closed. Motion carried.

Committee Reports Soaring 100 – Jim Short Written report and organization now fleshed out, lots of volunteers and lots from Outer Banks world. Good support system. Lola Hilton local lead person. Barnaby Lecture settled in Wright Memorial Hall and Barnaby plaque site will be NOPS restored/rededicated since 1962 dedication. BS Smith to speak to Ralph Barnaby memories at opening of Barnaby lecture. 100 seat theater. Barnaby speaker will be Darrell Collins. Seminar – Tom Crouch, senior curator of Smithsonian to speak on Wrights- Beginning of gliding. Russell Lee to wrap up gliders to soaring currently. Partners are SSA, USHPA and AMA – all soaring air sports. Display of Cinema, TG-2, Ka-6s, DUO, AS-G 29 as a parade of sailplane history. Tyler notes Short is retiring from Government Liaison Committee. David Mathison, AMA President is very interested in this event, and will establish better AMA dialog. Action Item: Business card from SSA to event, Compton. Action Item: Encourage Open House locally for Soar 100, local media events through SOAR 100 local tie-ins. Oct. 24. Club & Chapters ( COBM needs it too.) Whiteley.

SSA Foundation Report submitted online. Tyler. SSA Growth Committee Report submitted online. Tyler. Affiliates and Divisions Report distributed via email, submitted online. Brickner. Clubs and Chapters Comm. Report sent via email, submitted online. Whiteley. Publicity Committee Report submitted online. Paget. Soaring Safety Foundation Report orally by Carlson. Five more Flight Instructor Revalidation Clinics scheduled in 2010. 2010 Accident report will publish in April Soaring and post on SSF website thereafter. Governors and Recordkeepers Committee report submitted online. Whiteley. Master Cross-Country Program report submitted online. Compton. COBM Committee Report given orally. Sarah Kelly joins Committee. Brickner. FAI Badge and Record Committee Report given orally. Brickner. Member working on badge processing automation program. Rollin Hasness hired as FAI Awards Coordinator. Backlog of applications eliminated, satisfaction improving. Northcraft wants annual report of badge activity level. Administration Committee no report. Volunteer Development Committee Report. Black-Nixon to find a new Chairman. Future Restructuring Task Force. Pixton. No action this year. Brickner moves to disband the FRTF and establish a Strategic Planning Committee for 2011. Northcraft seconds. Motion carries. Governmental Liaison Committee Report given orally. Northcraft. Jim Short leaves Aircraft Certification Committee. AD on single-place Grobs will have ~$4000 impact to owners. BlanikL-13s fly in Czeckoslovakia, but not worldwide. FAA Small Airplane Directorate migrating to rubberstamp entity post-EASA actions. Pegasus AD will not be changed by FAA. Compton mentions FCC licensing of ground stations. The Committee expressed their concern over member expectations versus the ability of the volunteer efforts to effect or direct legislation on behalf of soaring. Without paid staffing attention or professional expertise, the members may be disillusioned at the ability of SSA to provide regulatory influences compared to the ten times larger member organization’s influence.

Action Item: Governmental Committee to write article for Soaring on licensing of handheld radios.

Representation Committee Report given orally. Sheppe. BS Smith represents SSA internationally to FAI, IGC, OSTIV, RTC and many others. IGC report: SSA has two items on the March agenda for Sporting Code suggestions on flight declarations in recorders and jet launch sailplanes. Technical Committee no report. Editorial Advisory Committee no report Electronic Communications Committee report submitted on line. Easton. Sailplane Tracking Working Group no report. Youth Committee Report given orally. Whiteley. Late request for funding was not included in 2011 budget. Molidor reports youth promotional activity through AirVenture project. Whiteley reports Wally Miller uses Academy Graduate Association funds to pay cadet membership dues to SSA. 30 pilots of 80 flights each are upgraded to USAFA CFI status (not FAA licensed). 2010 season had 74 Youth members from USAFA. No action was taken on funds request by Committee. Action Item: Whiteley to inform Westbrook and Miller about no funding in 2010. Collegiate Soaring Association Report submitted electronically. Whiteley. Motion to recess to 9:30 on Saturday morning by Northcraft. Pixton seconded, Motion carried.

Meeting convened from recess by Chairman Tyler at 9:30 a.m. Sat. January 29, 2011.

Attendance: Umphres, McDaniel, Whiteley, Hanke, Lubon, Black-Nixon, CAO Layton, Tyler, Brickner, Peter Smith, Pixton, Compton, BS Smith, Molidor, Northcraft. Vistors: Bill Elliott, US Team Committee Chair; Ken Sorenson; Linda Murray; John Godfrey; Rich Sheppe, IGC Rep., Penn Smith, SSA Foundation; R. Carlson, SSF. Absent: Roland, Greenfield. 2012 World Gliding Championship Report given orally. Murray. Sponsorship Video shown by Linda Murray. Logos and vinyl on gliders and trailers is available to sponsors. Northcraft asks – what’s policy on sponsorship with FAI? Contract says zero percentage on sponsors, pays a sanction fee only.

Awards Committee Service awards submission on certificates of appreciation for regional level awards is discussed. Brickner moves to adopt submission as presented by Committee. Umphres seconds. Umphres moves to amend to remove Region XX designation from the submission. Pixton seconds. Amendment passes. Discussion ensues on level of service and quality of submissions for recognition. P. Smith notes it is still incumbent on Awards Committee to establish standards of service. Motion carries as amended on a voice vote. Contest Committee Report submitted electronically. Sorenson. 2011 Rules Changes Summary is moved for adoption as submitted, by Umphres. Pixton seconds. Motion carries. 2011 Rules Changes Summary link Contest Committee Report link 2012 WGC Report link Rules Committee Report link OLC Committee Report given orally. Tyler. New Chair is Terry Stroud. Trophy Committee no report. US Team Committee Report link Club Class Proposed Rule Change link

Northcraft moves to adopt Club Class opening of pilot restrictions. All other action in Club Class rules is referred to the Rules Committee. Garrison seconds. Extensive discussion ensued. Motion carried on a voice vote. Weather Resources Committee no report. Regional Director Reports Region 1 & 3 – no report Region 2 & 4 – link from Kellett and Garrison. Report good link with State Department of Aviation for Virginia. Region 5 - Chairs report Region 6 –- John Lubon – membership is stable, flying activity is down, but membership is steady. New members coming in, source from youth summer camp, CAP group, good neighbor events from adjacent property. Hanke – how dealing with L-13 groundings? Lubon – not hurt yet. L-23 will it be next? Brickner – L-23 has different structure. Region 7 (report from Gerry Molidor) (CLGC Newsletter) Region 8 (report from Stephen Northcraft) Region 9 Region 10 (report from Phil Umphres) Region 11 (report from Jay McDaniel) Region 12 (report from Cindy Brickner)

10:45 ten minute recess called by the Chair. Reconvened at 10:55.

Soaring Safety Foundation – link report reviewed briefly by R. Carlson. Soaring Society of American Foundation – Penn Smith gave report to Board. Welcoming John Godfrey to the Trustees of SSAF. Investments for year saw increase of ~12%, back to $1.5 mil balance. Recommend John Daly be removed for non-attendance. SSAF will resume posting quarterly Foundation reports to ssa.org site. D & O insurance will be purchased for trustees in 2011.

The SSA Board of Directors meeting was recessed for fifteen minutes at 11:23. During this recess the SSA Foundation Board conducted their annual meeting. The SSA Board of Directors Meeting was reconvened at11:45 p.m. Report of Coordination Efforts between SSA and EAA Molidor report and presentation. Activity and starts versus ratings. Build a relationship, ties in Aviation Community. Long term relationship with EAA. Short term AirVenture youth program. Planning to have local meeting on site for SSA member visitor participation. Northcraft – Wallawalla EAA chapter interaction for youth follow-on Ephrata.

Digital Media Report -- Frank Whiteley Tyler – Growth is our number one issue. Everywhere now is digital, on phone, web site, chasing you around, coffe cup and logo on line or YouTube videos nowadays. Bruno Vassel has 50 videos in Utah mountains. Whiteley can he have use of vids? Of course. Have it all. Frank – Webinar sponsors, Reg 1 XC seminar, and Utah seminar and SS Boulder twice. Can use for mentoring. Easton and ssa.org is great. Each Committee and BOD member can post into committee . Frank linked back to WGC video into SSA Facebook page. Driver training instructor, fleet of Cobalts. Domain name on back window of car. On-line training boomed. Moving billboard window art. Use link to LetsGoSoaring.org.

Vice Chairmen Committee Assignments – Accepted as presented by the Chair.

Date and Place of Fall SSA Board Meeting It is proposed that the fall 2011 SSA Board meeting be held at Kitty Hawk, NC, on October 21- 24, 2011 in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of Soaring celebration. It was voted to hold the meeting in North Carolina. A date now should be set. By concensus:

Friday, October 21, 2011, 8 am at Kitty Hawk finish by 2 pm. Specific location to be announced by CAO Layton.

Other Competent Business

RTCA Report – BS Smith CANS – NAA – RTCA – EnViron Comm – all attended by BS Smith. Using GNSS – GPS for altitude records above 50,000k feet msl. Brian Utley about altitude on NAA for protocol on GNSS instead of baros. Swedish balloonist team for high alt, and Utley and BS Smith on FAI people and Ian Strahan and CANS and GFAC committee. For all flight claims above 50k msl it must and only will be GPS verified. Won’t take a 2/3 vote to implement. One mm pressure change is TOO big a resolution in change of recording for corrections and resolution. Final approval for Sporting Code will occur in 2012 Feb/Mar. Will there be sunspot activity to disrupt? Must verify. As new systems, they could also be permitted.

Private Pilot Towing for Compensation - Umphres Article to appear in Soaring and on home page by Umphres to describe new FAA interpretation. SSA Foundation Trustee Nominees - Penn Smith seeks persons to work on the Foundation, and seeks a nomination for a new Trustee fron our membership. Adjournment Compton moves, Black-Nixon seconds to adjourn at 12:04 p.m. Motion carries.

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