Duns Tew Parish Council

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Duns Tew Parish Council

Duns Tew Parish Council Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 11 July2013 at 7.30 pm.

13.41 Present: - Cllr C McBean (Chair), Cllr P Gregory, Cllr R Stranks and Cllr P Giorgi, In attendance: Mrs. H Skaar (Clerk)

13.42 Apologies for absence were accepted from Cllr F Gilje, Cllr S Keeping, Cllr J Scotchbrook, District Cllr Kerford- Byrnes,

13.43 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Requests for Dispensation - None.

13.44 Minutes of the last meetings held on 9 May were RESOLVED as a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.

13.45 Finance Accounts for payment H Skaar –June pay, Expense & travel 000889 £236.71 HMRC-June Tax 000890 £45.00 H Skaar July Pay & Expenses dated 01.08. 13 000891 £209.55 HMRC – May Tax dated 01.08.13 000892 £44.80 JRB Enterprise – Dog Bin 000893 £193.20 Jonathan Scotchbrook – Wood etc for Playground 000894 £9.91 New World Sports – Football Nets - 000895 £372.00 M. Probbitts – Grass mowing 000896 £300.00 P.Gregory – Travel expenses OLCC AGM 000897 £9.00 Account paid in advance OALC - Training for Clerk 000888 £42.00 Signed by Cllrs Scotchbrook and Stranks as per Financial Regulation 6.4 It was RESOLVED to make payments as listed above and the cheques were signed by Cllrs Gregory and Stranks

Income – £ 600.20 Grass Cutting Grant OCC

Quarterly Financial Report & Review – This was accepted by the Council. No observations were raised. Village Hall Grant – It was RESOLVED that the Council would support the Village Hall Committees application for a grant from Virador to repair the dry stone wall and that a cheque for the contribution of £306 could be issued by the Clerk when required Internal Audit Report – This was circulated to the Council, no recommendations or observations have been made. New Bank Mandate – Further signatures are required for the new mandate. These were obtained from Cllr.Giorgi and Stranks. The Clerk will obtain signature from Cllrs. Gilje, Keeping and Scotchbrook as soon as possible. Action Clerk

13.46 Public Participation – none

13.47 Clerk’s Report Required Action Result Cypress In garden of Clerk emailed Cllr. No Response Highclere Fatemian to enquire if any assistance available from OCC. 1 Chair’s initials………………………… Entrance to Blue Clerk emailed Highways have advised Mr. Williams that they will repair the unsafe areas Barn Farm Highways on the road but will not repair the drive as this is his responsibility. The damage to the verges is not sufficient to require attention. New Dog Bin for west Clerk has ordered dog Dog Bin Delivered to Cllr Scotchbrook end of bin village

13.48 Correspondence

Parish Online - May Newsletter Emailed to all Rural Services Network – Weekly News Digest 13.05.13 Emailed to all Oxford Wood Fuel Programme - News Emailed to all CDC – Community Governance Review Consultation Emailed to all. OPFA – Networking Events June 2013l Emailed to Cllr Scotchbrook cc rest of Council. NALC – Putting Communities First Conferences Emailed to all OCC Highways - Changes to subsidised Bus Services Banbury & Bicester Emailed to P Weston for inclusion on Web Site Rural Services Network - Weekly News Digest 20.05.13 Emailed to all Smiths of Bletchington – Annual Sand Extraction Emailed to all and published on Web Site and in Newsletter OALC – AGM Invite 1st July Emailed to all. Cllrs Gregory & Stranks to attend OALC – Data Protection & FOI Training September Emailed to all ORCC – Affordable Rural Housing Conference 13 06 13 Emailed to all CDC – Parish Updates ads Parish Liaison Meeting 12.06.13 Emailed to all. Cllr McBean to attend if possible PSMA – PSMA Events 2013 Emailed to all NALC – Chairman’s update on meeting with DCLG Minister Emailed to all SLCC – Branch Meeting 18.06.13 Emailed to all Rural Services Network – Rural Vulnerability Survey Transport Emailed to all Rural Services Network - Weekly News Digest 28.05.13 Emailed to all OCC - Supporting Community Transport Newsletter Emailed to all ORCC – News Bulletin June 2013 Emailed to all Rural Services Network - Weekly News Digest 04.06.13 Emailed to all Rural Services Network – Rural Opportunities Bulletin June 13 Emailed to all OALC – Members Update May 13 Emailed to all Zurich – Local Council Advisory Service Seminars. Banbury 22nd October Emailed to all Tony Baldry – Neighbourhood Planning Funding Emailed to all ROSPA Playsafety - 4 week notification of Inspection Emailed to Cllr Scotchbrook Rural Services Network - Weekly News Digest 10.06.13 Emailed to all Parish Online – mapping updates Emailed to all Navigus Planning – Journal of Local Planning Issue 11 Emailed to all TVER – Summer Newsletter Emailed to all OCC – Parish Transport Representative Meeting Emailed to all Rural Services Network – Rural Vulnerability Survey Fuel Poverty Emailed to all Rural Services Network - Weekly News Digest 17.06.13 Emailed to all OCC – Winter Preparation 13/14 Emailed to all PSMA – June Newsletter Emailed to all Rural Service Network – Weekly News Digest 24.06.13 Emailed to all OCC Highways – Closure Middle Barton Road 28th July Emailed to all and web site OCC Emergency Operations – Community Resilience Survey Emailed to Cllr. Giorgi cc rest of Council NALC – Putting Communities First Conference Emailed to all. Rural Service Network – Weekly News Digest 01.07.13 Emailed to all OCC Highways – Temporary Closure Middle Aston Lane 05,07.13 Emailed to all & web site 2 Chair’s initials………………………… Parish Online – Newsletter Emailed to all. Rural Services Network – Rural Opportunities Bulletin July 2013 Emailed to all

13.49 Parish Matters –  Community.- A) Neighbourhood Watch –Cllr. Giorgi reported that the Police had attended the fete and this had been very successful. However he was having difficulty recruiting local coordinators. It was RESOLVED to request each Councillor to identify a person in their ward willing to become a coordinator. The duties would be a) to receive and send out information, working closely with Cllr Giorgi and their ward Councillor b) to attend six monthly meetings with the police. Action Clerk

B) Emergency Plan – Cllr Giorgi has completed the annual survey for OCC.

 Services – A) Dog Bins – The new bin for the west end of the village has been delivered to Cllr Scotchbrook. Cllr Stranks and Cllr Scotchbrook will arrange to erect this in the next few weeks. Action Cllrs Stranks and Scotchbrook

B) White Gates - These have now been erected at all entrances to the village. The 30 mph sign on the right hand side of the Middle Barton Road is now obscured by foliage. It was RESOLVED that the clerk should contact Highways to request that the verges and foliage be cut back. Action Clerk

C) Waste Bin outside church -.Cllr Stranks reported that he had not heard from John Green about this. It was RESOLVED to purchase a new waste bin. The clerk to investigate costs and circulate for agreement and installation before the next meeting. Action Clerk

D) Best Kept Village Sign- The Clerk reported that the Village Hall Committee had agreed this could be hung or stored in the Hall. It was RESOLVED to organize a working party to remove the sign . Action Chair

E) Tree Maintenance North Aston Road – Some of the trees in North Aston Road are obscuring the visibility for residents and farmers exiting their drives. There is some confusion as to who is responsible for the maintenance. It was RESOLVED that Highways should be contacted regarding this. Action Clerk

F) Driveway & Verges Blue Barn Farm – See Clerks report. It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would write to Highways expressing dissatisfaction with the general condition of the verges in and around Duns Tew Parish. Action Chair

G) Winter Preparedness - It was RESOLVED to order another bag of salt for this winter. The salt from last year has not been used and will be made available to residents for personal use as required. The arrangements for this to be agreed at the next meeting.

 Communications – A) Welcome Pack – It was RESOLVED a) to agree and adopt the new Welcome Pack. The Council congratulated Cllr Keeping on the quality of the publication and thanked him for all his work in this area. b) to ask Duns Tew Events to organize an annual welcome party for new residents. Action Clerk

B) Web Site – The Chairman read out Councillor Keepings’ report. (Appendix 1) It was RESOLVED that a) An all-party communication sub-committee be set up

3 Chair’s initials………………………… b) The draft constitution for the web site as circulated is adopted. c) Facebook & Twitter should not be included on the web site

 Planning – A) Communal Assets – Cllr Gregory reported that he and the clerk were in the process of completing the forms for submission to Cherwell District Council. B) Quarry – Cllr McBean reported that Smiths were making very detailed investigations into the areas of concern raised by the residents. They are monitoring the dust levels and the traffic and would be responding shortly. Highways have not been responsive to the suggested routing changes.

 Amenities – A) Play Area – In the absence of Cllr Scotchbrook the Chairman reported that the new goals had been installed. Discussion as to further improvements will be on the agenda for the next meeting B) Footpaths – The Clerk reported that Daisy Hill Management Company will be repairing the wall as soon as possible. The resurfacing can take place one this is done. C) Play Area Lease – The Clerk reported that Trevor Ray was keen to renew the lease for 25years. The current lease does not expire until August 2016. It was RESOLVED that the lease should be renewed or extended for 25 years. The clerk will investigate the best way to do this. Action Clerk

 Parish Council – A) Purchase of updated reference works – It was RESOLVED that the new edition of Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker £60 and the updated Clerks Manual (SLCC) £32.50 should be purchased.

13.50 Reports from Meetings – A) Parish Liaison Meeting – The Chairman reported that he was unable to attend this B) OALC AGM – Cllr Gregory reported that he attended this with Cllr Stranks. The bulk of the meeting was devoted to the roll out of faster broadband. OCC will be appointing the supplier shortly and in August a map will be published showing the areas which will be covered. . This will be implemented over a period of 2 years. However it is likely that rural areas will still not be included. It was suggested that if Duns Tew was not included the Council should consider raising the money to provide it. This will be discussed at the next meeting once the map has been issued.

13.51 County and District Councillors’ Report – None.

13.52 Reports from Sub-Committees and Working Groups Planning Sub-Committee Applications – None

Decisions – Reference Number 13/00398/F Mr. J Hilton-Johnson 1 Field Court, Duns Tew, Bicester OX25 6JR New Front Porch and single storey rear extensions Granted with Conditions

Reference Number 13/00492/LB. Mr. Michael Kelly Midsummer Cottage, 74 Main Street OX25 6JL Removal of staircase and cloakroom; fit new staircase and form cupboard under, new cloaks in study. Granted with Conditions

4 Chair’s initials………………………… Reference Number 13/00505/F Mr. David Webb The Beck, Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew OX25 6JH Single storey entrance porch to front. Conversion of loft space with new dormers to the rear, rooflights and windows in gable walls. Other internal alterations and minor alterations to the fenestrations. Granted with Conditions

Items for Discussion at the next meeting - Annual meetings which should be attended Broadband Supply The meeting closed at 9.00 pm Dates of next meeting – Thursday29th August 2013

Signed by Chairman…………………………………

5 Chair’s initials………………………… Appendix 1

We went live on schedule and, to date, have had 488 visits from 234 unique visitors. It is worthwhile bearing in mind we are a village of only 207 households. The number of page views is 4,844 - so people are browsing the site – approx. 10 page views per visit. Interestingly we saw a spike in visits in the week before the fete as people were looking for information.

We have a draft constitution – attached. This needs approval from the PC. I propose that, for the foreseeable future, we do not need a separate bank account for the website, and that Hilary should act as treasurer. We just need to ensure we can itemise all web costs.

Peter Weston is happy to manage web content, including uploading info for those clubs less sure on how to edit info on the site themselves. Peter Weston did compliment Peter Gregory on the fact that he had taken control of all aspects of uploading Planning info on the site himself.

Making people aware of the website’s existence:- i) we have a round-robin of 120 email addresses in the village. We propose to email them to ensure they are aware of the site and what it can be used for. We do not propose to regularly email this list as it will be considered spam. Deadline for this mailing – end July. ii) we propose to mail-drop every house in the village with a postcard telling them about the site, and offering help from Peter to show them in person how to log-on. I propose to print 500 copies so we can mail-drop twice and leave a few in the pub. For a small fee (say £5 per 50 delivered), I think we can persuade James Keeping, Charlie Scotchbrook, and Fodie’s children to play postman. There will be no design costs as Peter Weston and I will do it. I will aim to get print costs free, but would propose a budget of £50. iii) it’s important that the Duns Tew Newsletter and the website complement & support each other. The website can be used to provide ‘further info’ from articles or adverts in the newsletter. Peter is anxious not to be seen as usurping Sam Blakemore in any way. I wonder whether an “all party communication team meeting” could help here – Peter, Sam, John Scotchbrook, Fodie Gilje – and me? iv) facebook & Twitter – how into social media do we want to be? Generation Y expect instant gratification – something we are not able to provide. We either need to find a volunteer (need to control content) or accept that we don’t need, at this stage, to appeal to facebook or Twitter users. I propose the latter.

I would like to finish this update by proposing a vote of thanks to Peter Weston. He is doing an excellent job managing We have 111 pages live, Peter is keen to personally assist villagers get online, and is incredibly efficient at keeping the site current – note how quickly the fete photos went live.

6 Chair’s initials…………………………

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