On the road in Umbria with Francis of Assisi

Cycling Routes

Route 1 Citerna - Pietralunga Start: Citerna Difficulty: Hard Arrival: Pietralunga Altitude difference: 900 metres Total length: 46,3 km Surface: sealed-dirt Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The route starts at the little town of Citerna, then goes through the old part of Città di Castello, reaching Pietralunga after 46,3 kilometres. It is probably one of the most difficult routes along the whole journey due to its length and the 900 metre difference in height. The most difficult stretch is the climb to Pieve de’ Saddi, where the gradient can be more than 10%. Less fit cyclists will have to save their energy and make the best use of their gears, but they will be rewarded with the beautiful scenery at the top of the hill. Just past km 31,5, after the steepest part of the climb, there is a stretch of 6 kms of dirt road which is quite rough around Pieve de’ Saddi. People riding racing bikes who wish to avoid this dirt road can go straight ahead at km 24,1 to Pietralunga, instead of turning right to Pieve de’ Saddi. After a rather steep climb, they will reach Pietralunga along sealed road in about 25 km.

Route 2 Pietralunga - Gubbio Start: Pietralunga Difficulty: Medium Arrival: Gubbio (Roman Amphitheatre) Altitude difference: 450 metres Total length: 26,8 km Surface: sealed Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The journey along Saint Francis' Way continues from the centre of Pietralunga, a placid town on a hilltop surrounded by untouched woodlands. This itinerary is quite short and has only two difficult stretches. The first of these is a steady 3 km climb just out of Pietralunga , without any particularly steep grades. The second is a very steep climb of less than a kilometre that ends at km 12. The rest of the route is along secondary sealed roads without any traffic, through woods where silence and nature are the main protagonists. The only part where it is necessary to be careful is where the route crosses over the SS219 highway (km 15), which is always very busy. Past the crossroad, it goes along quiet roads where Gubbio can be seen in the distance, dominated by Mount Ingino and the church of Sant'Ubaldo. Following the signposts indicating the centre, the route finishes at the Amphitheatre, which is just outside the town walls.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]

Route 3 Gubbio - Perugia Start: Gubbio (Roman Amphitheatre) Difficulty: Hard Arrival: Perugia Altitude difference: 1.100 metres Total length: 64,8 km Surface: sealed Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The third route follows the Sentiero Francescano della Pace (Franciscan Path of Peace) for quite a long way. It reaches Perugia after nearly 65 km, passing over the steep saddle of Valico di Mengara (km 16,8) and up the climb to the capital city of Umbria, for a total altitude difference of 1.100 metres. This itinerary is for cyclists in very good physical condition who know how to dose their energy so that they can complete the last climb along the way. The route can be divided into two legs, with a rest at Valfabbrica. It starts at the church of the “Vittorina”, where, according to tradition, Saint Francis encountered the wolf, and leaves Gubbio following indications for the Sentiero Francescano della Pace. It proceeds to the Abbazia di Vallingegno, the solitary castle of Biscina, the villages of Valfabbrica and Pianello, Ripa e Civitella d’Arna, then leaves the Chiascio valley to reach the outskirts of Perugia. After crossing the Tiber river at Ponte Valleceppi (km 51,9), it climbs up to the city along Via Eugubina. Here it is necessary to look out for the traffic and the signs indicating the centre, many of which are one way. The route ends in Piazza IV Novembre after going to the Sanctuary of Monte Ripido.

Route 4 Perugia - Assisi Start: Perugia (Piazza IV Novembre) Difficulty: medium - easy Arrival: Assisi (Piazza del Municipio) Altitude difference : 360 metri Total length: 29,5 km Surface: asfalto Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The fourth route goes from Perugia to Assisi, the town of Francis. Being rather short and easy, it provides an opportunity for regaining strength after the fatigue of the previous routes. The only thing to be careful about is the traffic, both on leaving the city of Perugia and at Santa Maria degli Angeli, where the road goes up to Assisi. After the climb to Civitella d’Arna, past the small villages of Sant’Egidio, Bastiola and Bastia, the route arrives at Santa Maria degli Angeli (km 25) , where the much loved Porziuncola can be seen inside the the Basilica. From here the climb to the centre of Assisi starts, where the itinerary ends. At least a day should be spent in Assisi to see the known and lesser known streets and places where Francesco lived. The fittest cyclists can continue their journey up the Subasio mountain to the Eremo delle Carceri (Hermitage). This is a pretty destination that has beautiful views over the valley below, but there are quite a few kilometres of steep climbs with a gradient of more than 10%, making it suitable only for really fit cyclists .

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected] Route 5 Assisi - Trevi Start: Assisi (Piazza del Municipio) Difficulty: Medium - Easy Arrival: Trevi Altitude difference: 360 metres Total length: 36,5 km Surface: sealed Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

From Assisi the route picks up the Cammino again, and proceeds south towards Trevi, along a road of medium difficulty that goes by Rivotorto, Spello and Foligno. The start is downhill, along the steep road that goes to the church of San Damiano then behind the Sanctuary at Rivotorto (km 4,9), where the Sacro Tugurio (Sacred Hovel) is housed. From here, the route goes along the plain to Spello, which is worth a deviation to visit, then to Foligno (km 19), whre Francis sold his father's cloth to help the lepers and the poor. It is necessary to be careful of the traffic in Foligno, Umbria's third town in size, although there is a cycling track in many places. From the centre of Foligno, the itinerary follows the signs for Sterpete and Casevecchie, until it reaches the banks of the river Teverone, where there is a walking and cycling track running along the river banks to just outside Trevi. At km 32,8, the only difficult stretch along the way begins, a climb through endless olive groves leading to the centre of Trevi, where there is a truly unforgettable view.

Route 6 Trevi - Monteluco Start. Trevi Difficulty: Hard Arrival: Monteluco Altitude difference: 800 metres Total length: 30 km Surface: sealed Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The route goes downhill from Trevi towards Spoleto. It is not particularly long, but it is rather difficult because of the climb at the end to Monteluco. At the end of the descent through the olive groves, be careful of the traffic when crossing the ex SS3 highway before continuing towards Spoleto. A few kilometres along the valley are the Temple and Springs at Clitunno, where the road turns left and starts to climb to the bottom of the Castle of Poreta. From here it continues to Spoleto via San Giacomo and enters the town through Porta Garibaldi. Spoleto, dominated by the Rocca Albornoziana (fortress) and the Ponte delle Torri (Tower bridge), is well worth a stop to see the old town and rest before tackling the climb to Monteluco. Past the intersection with the Via Flaminia at km23 (beware of the traffic), the route passes in front of the church of San Pietro e begins to climb. The ascent lasts 7 kilometres and is a steady climb with regular gradients around 5% and 7%. At a steady rate and using the right gears, even amateur cyclists can reach the peak and visit the sanctuary of Saint Francis, a place surrounded by ancient oak forests that is ideal for resting and meditiating.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected] Route 7 Monteluco - Scheggino Start: Monteluco Difficulty: medium – difficult Arrival: Scheggino Altitude difference : 460 metres Total length : 31 km Surface: asfalto Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The seventh itinerary is dominated by the climb to the Forca di Cerro pass which is the gateway for the Way of Saint Francis to the Valnerina (Nera valley). The route is short and the altitude differences are not impossible but the long climb to Forca di Cerro requires good physical condition. The start is at Monteluco and the first few kilometres go backwards along the last part of route 6. Once outside the centre of Spoleto, it turns towards Norcia e Cascia. The climb to Forca di Cerro begins at km 10. This is a long climb of about 9 km but it is at the start of the itinerary and is not particularly steep, making it suitable even for more amateur cyclists if the right gears are used. The pass is at km 19,3 . From here there are ample views of the mountains surrounding the Valnerina. The pleasant, wide descent is through the woods to the Abbey of San Felice, at km 26,8. From here, the route turns right along the Nera river valley to Scheggino. Beware of traffic on this road.

Route 8 Scheggino - Piediluco Start: Scheggino Difficulty: medium Arrival: Piediluco Altitude difference : 350 metres Total length: 31 km Surface: asfalto Suitable for: touring bikes, hybrids

The last leg of the journey is along the Nera river valley, then up towards Forca di Arrone and down to Piediluco.The itinerary is not very long and the only difficulty is the climb to Forca di Arrone, which should be done carefully as it is at the end of the journey, when fatigue takes its toll. The first 18 kilometres are on the flat, along the Valnerina road. Cyclists using hybrid bikes or MTB can avoid the traffic along the sealed road by using the dirt road on the other side of the river, which also goes to Arrone. At Arrone the route turns left and begins the 6 kilometre climb to Forca di Arrone, 509m a.s.l., which dominates the valley. After this last effort, there is an easy 6 kilometre run down to the shores of lake Piediluco, the last stop along the fascinating itineraries that have been suggested.

Sui passi di Francesco Regione Umbria - Servizio Turismo, Via M. Angeloni, 61 – 06124 Perugia – [email protected]