Teacher: Sandy Wilson

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Teacher: Sandy Wilson

Spanish I 2015-2016 Teacher: Sandy Wilson

Welcome to my class! I am excited that you are one of my students and I am looking forward to a fun and productive year together. My job is to help you get some Spanish into your head, and your job is to work with me on doing that. We will do this with lots of class participation, homework, videos, quizzes and tests, games, and even a bit of cooking and singing. I want it to be a positive experience for you, learning a second language; let’s work toward that goal together. Indeed learning a second language is a wonderful gift that you can give yourself! And I promise to try to make it as painless as possible  ..... but do watch out for flying balls and other projectiles!!

Make sure to ask questions when you are confused or lost…if not, I will have no idea when you need extra help. Supplies: Three ring binder (required) with paper Six dividers… (vocab / notes / homework / quiz&test / handouts / reflections) Textbook: Expresate…. Classroom only

Class Goals/Expectations: You will be exposed to basic conversation building. We will concentrate on the present tense of verbs, conversation building with interrogatives, and commands. By the end of the year you will be familiar with daily life vocabulary, able to have short conversations, tell about yourself in moderate detail, and read basic passages. You will also learn about the Spanish speaking countries of Latin America, their cultures, people, geography, and even a bit about their history. A busy busy year is ahead!

Class Procedure and Grades: You are to arrive in class on time each day, prepared, and seated when the tardy bell rings. Each day will start with First Assignment, that you are to do while I am busy with attendance, passing out papers, etc. Unless directed otherwise you are to have with you each day your binder and writing utensils. Homework is to be done before class, and not at the beginning of or during class. Each class consists of conversations, drills, written work, and some reading. Class participation is expected of each student; the more you participate, the more you will learn! Homework will be given most every night; however, it will not be given over weekends or holidays. Homework is to be turned in on the day it is due. Late assignments will not be accepted. Should you be absent, you will have a period of one day for each day absent to make up homework, quizzes, and tests. Several quizzes will be given each week, and at times one each day. Tests are given at the end of each unit covered, approximately every two weeks. You will be given at least two days advance notice of any test …. I expect you to study! Performance events (skits, presentations, interviews, etc.) will also be used to evaluate student progress. Your grade is comprised of three parts: homework (33%), quizzes (33%) and tests (34%) All homework papers, quizzes and tests are returned to you, so you should be able to estimate your grade at any time. You are also encouraged to keep up with your grades and assignments on Infinite Campus. The main rule in my classroom: Treat each other with respect. (This is the basis for the “Shut up” rule - no saying shut up at any point or time to anyone.) Also the Standards of Behavior issued to all students in the handbook/agenda is to be followed in my classroom. I also do not want gum or food in my classroom….agua only!!!

Out of class policy:

I prefer that you not leave my classroom. It is my hope that you will use the servicios, telefono, visitar la enfermera, visitar a otros maestros, etc. during the class change or at lunch…especially so since our class time is so short. I will however allow each student eight excused passes out of my class… yes eight for all year….so use them wisely. Each student will receive a sheet of passes; you may use these whenever you wish. When they are gone however, they are gone. It is far more important for you to remain in the classroom!

Spanish money: When you score well on a test, win a game is class, or are seen doing a most wonderful deed, you will receive a few EUROS, counterfeit of course. When you have saved 200 euros you may buy your way out of a homework assignment. Save carefully!

Meeting Kentucky’s Core Content and Academic Expectations: As there is not a core content specifically for Spanish, we will reach into the other subject areas to touch on core content. In this class you will learn history as well as arts and humanities, practical living, and of course work on writing and reading comprehension. More specifically the acquisition of a second language is covered in the Academic Expectations. Goals on second language acquisition are for our students to recognize and understand the similarities and differences among languages, and also for them to be able to understand and communicate in a second language (2.27, 2.28). It is also a requirement for all students entering a Kentucky post- secondary program (college/university) to have a minimum of two years of a second language.

Stay in touch: My planning period is seventh period (2:25 to 3:15) …you are welcome to see me for help then, or before school or after school. You are also welcome to call me at night or early in the morning at home (cell: 606.269.7247)…especially if you need help with homework. I will also be glad to receive your texts for homework help. Parents, you too are welcome to call the school anytime or to stop in and see me; I welcome your phone calls and texts as well. Emails may be sent to me at [email protected] Parents, I want you to know how important you are to your son or daughter’s success, not only in my classroom, but in all. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me. Also you can keep up with your son or daughter’s progress in all their classes by accessing your student’s grades on our school’s Infinite Campus system. Another way to stay in touch is through www.remind.com ….you will need to register for this if you wish to receive reminders from me regarding homework, tests, and class activities. Both parents and students may register for this. More information is on the syllabus signature sheet.

Good luck this year, and have a great year! Spanish I is one of my favorite classes to teach, so I am excited to be teaching it again… but most of all I am excited that you are one of my students! I hope you are too! Remember tissues or pencils or hand sanitizer. Por favor….. Mrs. Sandy Wilson

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