Harrison Symphony Orchestra
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Harrison Symphony Orchestra String Syllabus 2010-2011
What You Need to Succeed Instruments should be wiped clean of any rosin after each playing. Bows should be kept in good working order by loosening the hair before storing the instrument. Bows will need to have a full set of bow hair, and will need rehairing from time to time. Instrument bridges should be checked for straightness every day. All violinists and violists must have a quality shoulder rest, and cellists and bassists must have a rock stop. All string players must also own their own rosin. Use only quality brands such as Hill, Bernardel, or Moytra Gold (violin, viola, and cello) or Pop’s (bass). Strings should be replaced every six months (violin and viola) and every year (cello and bass).
Preferred brands of strings:
Violin: Pirastro Evah Pirazzi, Tomastik Dominant (A, D, G), or Westminster (E)
Viola: Pirastro Obbligato, Larsen, Jargar, or Tomastik Dominant
Cello: Larsen (A or D), Jargar, Tomastik Spirocore (G or C), or Tomastik Dominant
Bass: D’Addario Helicore, Pirastro Permanent
Seating: We are All “First Chair” Players Seating Auditions - sign up for your time: Violin – Sept 1, Viola/Cello/Bass – Sept 2 Save earlier times for shuttle bus riders Auditions will be unaccompanied You will perform the 2010-2011 FOA All-State Scales, Etude, and Excerpt for your grade level Seating will determine principal stands, placement into Chamber Strings and Philharmonic, and the division of violins (1st and 2nd)
OK, One More Time: Seating will not be by rank order. Last chair WILL NOT be the lowest score from the seating auditions. Except for principal stands, all seating will rotate by concert.
Technique Will Set You Free! Learn your SES!
All-State Excerpts – perform at seating audition Sept 1 or 2
Audition for All-State – need $25 and forms this Friday!
You have learned the etudes, why not audition? (15 pts extra credit!)
Attend one or both free All-State clinic in Orlando Sept 11
All-County Etude – perform at All-County Auditions Date & Location TBA Scale Chart – Each week you will perform a scale and arpeggio (up to 3 sharps and flats) with a drone. Arpeggio will be required along with the scale Scale will be graded pass/fail – you can retake your scale as many times as you need. Solos – Solo and Ensemble is again early this year – November 13 Participation is required. Ensembles need to be string quartets and you can pick your own ensemble members. Ensembles will rehearse afterschool on Thursday from 2:30-3:30 I need titles by the beginning of October. All solos and ensembles will participate in a “Mock Solo & Ensemble” week of Nov 1.
Playing Tests are Simply Opportunities for Growth and Development!
Performance evaluations will be given once every 9 weeks.
Complete class evaluation and return for a grade.
Jury System – solo must be on the appropriate FOA class list.
Private Lessons are the Key to Success!
Adjunct instruction form due first week of school
Extra help = Private lessons
Save the Date!
Monday – HSO Rehearsal 2:30-4:00
Tuesday – Philharmonic 2:30-4:15
Wednesday – Chamber Strings 2:30-4:00
Thursday – Chamber Music Practice & Sectionals 2:30-3:30
Have Pride in our Facility!