Modern Studies Assignment Write up Friday 24Th Feb 9:05 AM 10:05 AM
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Modern Studies Assignment Write up Friday 24th Feb 9:05 AM – 10:05 AM
Describe, in detail, the ways in which citizens in the world power you have studied can participate in politics. (6)
Citizens in America can participate in politics by protesting about something they disagree with. In the hope that it will reverse or alter a government deicssion. This means that they might gather in large numbers to show that there is a support for their view. For example recently in the USA fast food workers have held protests outside MCDonalds in the hope that the govt will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour – known as the fight for 15. They also protested against President Trump’s short lived travel ban against people travelling from 7 mainly Muslim countries.
They can also take part in politics by voting for people to represent them at different levels, federal, state and local. People can vote depending on the policies they want to see implemented. For example many people voted for Trump in 2016 because they approved of his policy to build a wall between USA and Mexico – they hoped by voting for him, this would become a reality. At state level you can also vote for senators and governors, at local level you can vote for mayor and dogcatcher.
Citizens participate in politics by stand for election as president. To do you need to be American and over 35 years old. This will let you influence politics because you can alter foreign policy and domestic policy. For example Hiliary Clinton stood for presidency in 2016. Describe, in detail, the role of two government institutions in the world power you have studied. (6)
Congress is the legislative branch, it’s role is to debate and pass laws which have been put into Congress. For example the American recovery and reinvestment act 2009 to improve the economy. They also control the budget and in 2013 there was the 16 day govt shut down when they refused to pass a budget. Only congress can put America into war.
The executive branch is led by the President, it’s role is to implement laws passed by congress. For example it has been recently implementing Obamcare. The president is able to issue executive orders such as Trump banning…….7…. muslim. The executive also suggests laws to congress. The president is head of the armed forces. for ex – Obamam - Osama
The judicial branch is the Supreme court and it’s role is make sure that laws that congress pass do not break the US constitution. For example it has recently ruled that same sex marriage is allowed in all 50 states, and has overruled Trump’s travel ban (7..) saying that is was unconstitutional. Describe, in detail the type of government which exists in the world power you have studied. (6)
In America there is a Federal government – this government covers all 50 states and is headed by a president elected for 4 years.
there are 3 branches of government these are Executive, Judicial and Legislative. The executive suggests laws to the legislative branch known as congress who then discuss and pass laws, before the supereme court check they are constinutional and it passes to the exectuve, the president to implement them. E.G Obamacare
In America power is split between 3 branches – this is known as checks and balances to stop one branch having too much power. For example Supreme court recently checked the powers of the president by saying his travel ban was uncosntistuuonal. Only congress can declare war yet it is the president who controls the troops. Explain, in detail , why some consider your world power to be democratic. (8)
America is democratic because people can vote for people to represent them at federal, state and local level. (1) elections are held freely and regulary. This means they can try to elect people with similar views as them in the hope they will introduce policies which they approve of. (1). For example Trump Wall
Propositions/ Mayors State.
They also can Prostest ( See above)
It is democratic in the USA because there is a choice of political parties when it comes to voting. THIS MEANS IT IS DEMOCRATIC because all views can be represented. The two main parties are republican and democrats but there are also the green,…
Explain, in detail, why some people consider your world power not to be very democratic. (8)
America is not fully democratic because some people face legal impediemtns which prevents them from voting. (1) THIS MEANS THEY CAN’T HAVE A SAY IN DECISION MAKERS – YET THEY HAVE TO OBEY THE LAWS THESE PEOLE MAKE meaning it is undemocratic (1). In particular prisoners or ex felons in Florida are unable to vote which is 3/5 million. (1)Also in some states they require voter ID to be able to vote meaning poorer people without ID such as driving licenses are unable to cast their vote. This occurs in texas amongst others.(1)
It is less democratic because there is not really a wide choice of political parties. Although there are many parties in the USA President only come from the 2 rich parties – the republicans and the democracts. It is always a 2 man race. This makes it less democratic because the views of less mainstream voters are never given a chance to ahieve political power and influence.
It is not democratic because….Freedom of the press is reduced. (See sheet)