Haviland Friends Church Administrative Team Minutes
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Haviland Friends Church Administrative Team Minutes February 8, 2010
Present: Robin Johnston, Stan Troyer, Joe Schoonover, Denny Ross, Jared Ross, Ryan Kendall, Chuck Townsend, Glenn Leppert, Lori Binford, Donnie Hinshaw and Willard Ferguson.
Not present: Marlieta Davis, Jeremie Frazier, Christy Jacks, DeWayne Bryan, Josiah Williams, and KC Lingafelter
Joe Schoonover opened the meeting with prayer.
The Minutes for January 11, 2010 were approved with corrections.
The Financial Report: • Lori Binford walked the team through the financial report pointing out that there was $9423.47 cash on hand. • Some insurance payments have been added to the improvement fund (line 314) • Lori reported that she had moved the funds from the sale of the parsonage in Dodge City to the African Mission Trip fund and partially to the Van fund. • The income and expense report showed the income ($22,767.37) very close to the budget amount for the period ($22,839.41). • Because of a late arriving bill the Kansas Gas amount for $1400 will come out of the next month. • The initial fee for the webpage has been paid. There will be a cost of $20 per month to maintain it. There has been much interest in the site.
Willard Ferguson: • The EFM offering for relief in Haiti came to $62,000. This will be dispersed through Eastern Region. The amount does not include funds raised by Eastern Region. • The Design Your Impact seminar has been scheduled for April 11, the Sunday after Easter. Members of the Administrative Team should be involved. • Objectives for the Outreach committee are being formulated. These will not overlap with the funeral committee.
Stan Troyer: Stan reported an air purifier would be installed to help counter the fumes still present from the carpet.
Ryan Kendall: • A printed report from KC Lingafelter was perused. • KC asked about providing child-care for funerals. The team suggested this be delegated to the nursery committee or for a funeral child-care team be created. KC will seek college help for the funeral coming up this Saturday. • KC would like to add a skate night as a part of the Wednesday evening program. This would be a one-time event to provide time for parents and children to interact together. • Josiah Williams submitted a printed report. • He reported a new series that is going well. A Sr. High group has been moved from Sunday morning to an evening and has picked up additional students and interest. • There were 50 + at the Super Bowl party with 10 or so being new. • February 27 there will be a quiz meet at Haviland. That is also the day for the Phil Wickham concert. March 5-7 is a youth conference in St. Louis. During Spring Break the youth will go to Mexico. • The van promotion will take place after the Mexico trip. • Josiah’s report ended with a personal note of gratitude for the support and care provided by the church.
The Role of the Elders: Donnie reported that DeWayne Bryan has worked on guidelines for the Elders based on the elder qualifications in Titus. After discussion the team determined to meet at 5:30 Monday, February 15 to work these into a document to be used. The meeting will begin with pizza. Discussion centered on the role of the elders, whether they needed to meet with the administrative team or in a separate meeting. Beginning in March this schedule will be tried: 6:30 all elders meet together; 7:00 the regular committee meetings; 8:00 the administrative team including any interested elders.
Donnie Hinshaw: Donnie presented a written report.
Joe Schoonover closed the meeting with an open time of prayer. Called Meeting of the Administrative Team February 15, 2010
Present: Robin Johnston, Stan Troyer, DeWayne Bryan, Denny Ross, Donnie Hinshaw, Joe Schoonover, Jeremie Frazier, Marlieta Davis, Willard Ferguson, Ryan Kendall, Jared Ross, Chuck Townsend, and Glenn Leppert.
The administrative team met at 5:30pm (pizza and salad were supplied) to discuss the role of the elders and the relationship of the elders and the administrative team. Discussion centered on whether there should be two bodies, elders, and administrators, or only one body with both groups joined. If two separate entities what would the proper nomenclature be for the heads of the administrative units now called elders? Furthermore where should some specific ministries such as small groups be placed?
The discussion led to a decision to refer to the administrative team as the ministry team and the elders as the spiritual life team. What are now known as elders of areas under the ministry team were fist proposed as coordinators, but then the term director was considered and was chosen for those over the whole ministry area. Areas under the ministry needing separate coordination will be under coordinators. Thus within the ministry team will be the areas of outreach, education, stewardship, and worship with each termed a ministry and each in the hands of a director. Likewise the elders will be known as the spiritual life ministry with the leadership designated a director.
The elders will meet separately from the various ministries but are also invited to sit in on with the ministry team when they meet.
Thus the overall picture looks like this:
Spiritual Life Team Concerned for the overall spiritual life of the body; under a spiritual life director; meet on their own but invited to meet also with the ministry team. Ministry Team Concerned with the working out of ministry within the body; coordinates the ministry areas of outreach, education, stewardship, and worship; each ministry area under a ministry director and coordinators as needed to assure proper functioning of the ministry area.