Sacred Heart Parish

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Sacred Heart Parish

Sacred Heart Parish “A Tithing Parish” Dover, New Jersey

WELCOME………… Daily Scriptures & To all our visitors this weekend. Eucharists Easter Decorating Many hands are needed to prepare and decorate our Church for the March 13-20, 2016

Highest, Holiest days of Church Year. Flowers will arrive early Saturday, March

th Palm Sunday of the Passion of 26 . Decorating will commence shortly following. Please come, help to make The Lord our Church the most beautiful in our Diocese. Questions? Please call 973-366- Lk 19:28-40; Is 50: 4-7; Phil 2: 6-11; Lk 0060 and ask for Carolyn Friel. 22:14—23: 1-49

5:00 pm (vigil): Joseph McCusker Chrism Mass 8:00 am Andy Gall All are invited to attend the Chrism Mass on Monday of Holy Week, March 10:00 am For the People 21, 2016. The procession begins at 6:45 p.m. at St. Philip the Apostle Church, Clifton. 11:30 pm Nicholas Lukas During this Mass, the priests, deacons and representatives of the entire diocesan 7:00 pm Christine M. Yosh community gather around their Bishop, who blesses the Holy Oils for use in the coming year. Whenever the Holy Oils are used in the diocese, the ministry of the Bishop who MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK consecrated them is symbolically present. (So that all priests may attend our Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 Monday Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 am. No 7:00 pm Mass.) 8:30 am Andy Gall TIME CHANGE FOR THIS WEEK Holy Week Confession Schedule TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Our Lenten “Welcome Home” Confession initiative was a great 8:30 am Mary Ellen Minahan success. There will, however, be two last chances for Confession on Holy Week: WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Tuesday, March 22nd from 7:00–8:30 pm Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 Wednesday, March 23rd from 3:00 – 4:00 pm 8:30 am Louis Mizzoni CONFESSIONS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED ON HOLY SATURDAY! HOLY THURSDAY Ex 12:1-8, 11-14;1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Our Parish’s Holy Door 7:00 pm Priests & People of Sacred Our Holy Door faces Bergen Street and now has a new wood sign on it. Now Heart and Holy Rosary that it is getting nicer, it will be easier to walk around the corner to enter and gain the (Bilingual) graces from Fr. Brendan’s Rosary for you each and every day! Allow God’s mercy to enter and transform you! FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (GOOD FRIDAY) Is 52:13—53:12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn Income Tax Statements 18:1—19:42 If you wish a statement of your 2015 Collection donations, please contact the 3:00 pm Passion & Death of our Parish Offices 973-366-0060. Lord in English 7:00 pm Passion & Death of our Sight & Sound Theatres “Samson” Lord in Spanish Mrs. Lydia Regelski, Our Bereavement Ministry Committee Chairman, is hosting a trip to the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster PA on Friday, May 6, (Departing 10:45 HOLY SATURDAY am from the Rockaway Mass lot #36 &38.) The show begins at 2:45 pm. After the show, Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a; Gn 22:1-18 the bus will transport you to a wonderful dinner in PA at 6:00 pm. The cost of the trip is or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ex 14:15— $120.00 per person (non-refundable). This includes: the bus; the show; meal and a tip 15:1; Is 54:5-14;Is 55:1-11; Bar 3:9-15, for the bus driver. Money is due ASAP, but no later than March 1st due to seating 32−4:4; Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28;Rom 6:3- arrangements. Seats are limited…first come, first served. Interested? Call Lydia at 11; Lk 24: 1-12 973-328-7058. Please come and see another great show with us! 8:14 pm For the People of the parish Memorial Candles for This Week EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Sanctuary Candle: Stella Parochniak rq. Kathy Gratacos “God’s Plan for Giving.....Tithing A Way of Life” Acts 10:34a, 37-43;Col 3: 1-4; Jn 20: Divine Mercy Candle: Joseph Benedict rq. Wife, Gloria 1-9 Sacred Heart of JesusCollection Candle: totalDominic for MarchCicchetti 13, rq. 2016 The Rosica Family 8:00 am EASTER MASS $6,386.63 10:00 am EASTER MASS Last Year’s total at this time: 11:30 am EASTER MASS $6,624.35 NO 7:00 PM MASS ON EASTER

*************************** This Week in Our Parish March TUESDAY – March 22 Weekly Reflections 11:30 pm Leisure Club Meeting - “HIS WORD TODAY” by Rev. William J. Reilly Rectory Basement WEDNESDAY – March 23 6:00 pm Youth Choir – Church 7:00 pm Adult Choir – Church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 7:30 pm Bible Study – Rectory Basement March 20, 2016 HOLY THURSDAY- March 24 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper - “Go into the village straight ahead of you. Church Upon entering it you will find an ass tied there Good FRIDAY – March 24 which no one has yet ridden. Untie it and lead it 3:00 pm Passion & Death of Our Lord - Church back. If anyone should ask you, ‘why are you untying the beast’ say, ‘the Master has need of it.’ SATURDAY –March 26 They departed on their errand and found things 8:14 pm Easter Vigil in English - Church just as he had said.” EASTER SUNDAY – March 27 8:45 am No Religious Ed. this weekend Saint Luke sets the scene for us to join Jesus and His followers in their entry to the holy city. Triumph

will soon turn to tragedy. The crowd of greeters will quickly depart, and others will take their place. Holy Parish & Community Bulletin Board: Week is upon us. Baptism Prep. Class We can begin these solemn days, remembering what transpired in Jerusalem. We can approach the Passover meal, observe the washing of the disciples’ The great sacrament of feet, and the giving of the gift of the Eucharist. We join Baptism makes us a child of God, the disciples in the garden of olives, see the betrayal, welcomes us into the Kingdom of hear the denial and the unjust arrest. We will walk the Heaven and enables us to avoid dusty streets to the hill of Calvary, listen to His final evil, among other things. What a words, and quietly leave the guarded tomb. great gift. In order to partake of this Sacrament a parent must be a parishioner and attend a preparation class. The events of Holy Week really ask much more Class is offered once a month and registration is required of us. We read and listen, we are moved to compassion. to take the class. Please call the office at 973-366-0060 or But as we walk this week, discover others who are Alice McKeever at 973-663-0201 or e-mail suffering in a similar way. Consider refugees and [email protected] to register. displaced persons, hear their cry. Consider families of those incarcerated and support their pain. The streets of Adoration Jerusalem are the halls of a hospital for the terminally ill, On the First Friday of each month, where the Christ continues to suffer today. The passion from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, the Youth Group will be of Christ crosses the centuries and is revealed for our hold an hour Adoration, Praise and Worship consideration today. session in Church. Our next “Adoration” will be held Friday, April 1st at 6:30 pm. Please join us! The Sacred Heart Youth Ministry meetings are held every Friday at 6:00 pm in the Youth ministry News Youth Recreational Center. THE FOLLOWING IS SHARE’S UPCOMING JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE OF MERCY SCHEDULE: St. Cecilia Parish is sponsoring a pilgrimage, May March 17-18 (Wednesday-Thursday), to the National Shrine of 25 Church Cleaning w/ Pizza- Church 6:00 – 9:00 pm Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and the April National Shrine of the North American MartyrsCHRISTMAS in DECORATIONS Auriesville,It Newhas beenYork. the The custom pilgrimage here isat hosted Sacred by Heart the SaintParish to memorialize 1 Adoration loved ones@6:00 at pm- Christmas Church, timefollowed through a by Board Games-Youth Room Monicadonation Guild toward and isthe open flowers to all and with greenery a cost of that approximately decorate our Church during this holy season. A list of all intentions will $200 per person. Details regarding departure, schedule of 8 Soccer – Gym 6:00 pm -9:00 pm be available at Christmas. We ask that your intention be printed15 below. Dodgeball & Hockey – Gym – 6:00-9:00pm devotions, hotel information, etc. will be forthcoming. We 22 Sky Zone (Indoor Trampoline) $20.00 – anticipateIN MEMORY a full bus OF/SPECIAL for this religious INTENTION journey during OF: the Carpool from Youth Room to Pine Brook Holy Year of Mercy. For reservations call Pat Zayac at 29 Laser Tag w/Pizza – Gym – 6:00 – 9:00 pm DONATED BY: 973-625-4572.

PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7 You're invited to Isaiah describes an individual who had been taught by God to reach out to others. He also describes this individual's willingness to be beaten and spit upon, secure that with God's participate in CRS Rice help, he will not be disgraced. Bowl! Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 Paul discusses how Jesus did not declare equality with God, PALM SUNDAY HUNGERING TO BUILD but took on human form. He humbled himself enough to accept dying on the cross. God in turn exalted him and wants COMMUNITY us to respect Jesus' name and worship him. We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters Jerusalem, a community he knew Gospel: Luke 22:14—23:56 well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us to prayerfully enter into our Luke gives a detailed account of Jesus' last supper with the own communities, to find those who are hungry and apostles, where Jesus tells them he will soon suffer in thirsty, those who need our help. How does our Lenten fulfillment of God's will. Then Jesus prayed that he might be journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our spared if it suited God's will. After Judas betrayed Jesus, he daily was arrested. Although Pilate did not think Jesus was guilty of lives? Visit for more. a crime, he gave in to the will of the people, and sentenced Jesus to death on a cross. Then Jesus was crucified and his body laid in a new tomb. CORNER OF MERCY Let’s look at a few more Corporal Works of Mercy Fr. Brendan speaks to us on "Jesus’ Corporal Work of Mercy No. 7 Two Words from the Cross" at Holy Hour. Bury the Dead Part 2 One of the Words of Jesus from the Cross: “This “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his day you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Said to the robber saints.” Psalm 116:15 crucified next to Jesus.) Mother Olga Yaqob writes in this last corporal work of mercy chapter, that, although she and you and I That Mercy is remarkable! Here is a robber, a are not physically at Calvary, through the works of murderer, violent…he had reviled Jesus, too, but mercy, we are led by the Lord to his Calvary. We something touched one of the robbers. encounter the pierced hearts of many people. We touch many of the wounds and we hold His dead body by This robber hanging next to Jesus is the only one caring for the wounded and burying the dead. For who calls Jesus “Jesus” without a title: Jesus, remember Mother Yaqob this was especially true in her war torn me when you come into Paradise. This man got a plenary homeland, Iraq. Through the four wars in her country, indulgence because we know he went right to Heaven! she met Jesus in the sick she visited, in serving the elderly, caring for prisoners and bringing food to the This reminds us that His mercy comes to us any homeless. Her most painful work was burying the dead time, even if I get frustrated and frazzled. Jesus says, “I – those abandoned in the streets, those dying of forgive you. Just come to me — come!” This mercy is diseases and those left to die in underground prisons. always available, but this year especially, and not only for She turned to the Blessed Mother for help and felt her the whole world (yes, we should ask for mercy for the presence, strength and comfort as she buried the many whole world!), but for me! ME! bodies. Sr. Marie Veritas quotes Jesus words: “This is the will of my Father: that everyone who sees the Son Let us learn then from this Word: believe in the and believes in Him should have eternal life; and I will Mercy of Jesus that came from the Cross on which He died. raise him to life on the last day”(John 6:40) She states, “There is nothing, absolutely nothing beyond the love Knights of Columbus Phone Recycle and mercy of Jesus, and He wants the whole you— “My name is Paul Wood, Chairman of the including your eyes, nose, ears …hair….to be Intellectual Disabilities Fundraising for the Knights of transformed, purified and glorified with him forever in Columbus Lafayette Council 514, which is active in your heaven”. Have you ever thought of that tremendous parish. I would like to inform the parishioners of Sacred love and delight He has in and for us. Let those words Heart that we collect used cell phones and smart phones to resonate within you the next time you are called to do support our efforts. If you can help, please call 973-727- this act of mercy. 3430. ” Thank you. If you have been touched by these insights into the corporal works of mercy and want to share your thoughts, please email to [email protected]. Blessings.. How Can We Serve You? Cómo Podemos Servirles? Name/Nombre




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- Please cut out this form and place it in the collection or Rectory mail slot. - Favor de cortar este formulario y ponerlo en la colecta o el buzón de la Rectoria.

For all those who have recently died: Virginia Shukailo

For those who are ill: Dominick Bella; Lucy Black; Mario C.; Maureen Coleman; Frank Disanza; John Dodge; Robert & Margaret Esposito;(baby) Vito Farrace;Peggy Frazer; S.A. Jerome; Roseanne Jones; Kelly; For the Laba Family; Rusty McKenna; Solange Menna; Lucia Pintos; Sondra Poolas; RAE; Betty Ruiz; Holy Thursday: (Mass of The Lord’s Supper) Catherine Ruiz; Samantha Saltarelli; 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Travis Savoy; Dr. Anthony Scillia; Carole Seabert; Denise Sloan; Margarita Suarez;Mel Swayze; Corey Good Friday: (The Lord’s Passion) Tracy; Bill Wiggins; Jordan Yaros; 3:00 pm in English, Kathy Yermal; Santiago Zapata 7:00 pm in Spanish

Holy Saturday: (Easter Vigil) 8:14 pm in English (Don’t forget to bring Your Bells for the Vigil) Easter Sunday: (The Resurrection of the Lord) – 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30 am

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