Evaluation of the After School STEM Program

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Evaluation of the After School STEM Program

Evaluation of the After School STEM Program


Brooks Elementary School, School District 204

Spring 2015

Prepared By

Dr. Jane Davis, DVM, MS

Aurora University

May 15, 2015 In the spring semester of 2015, Aurora University’s Institute for Collaboration developed a three unit After School Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Program which was implemented at Brooks Elementary School which is part of School District 204. Each unit consisted of four lessons, delivered one day a week over the course of four weeks.


Each unit was prepared using Aurora University faculty, area teachers, and community partners consisting of area industries and nonprofit organizations with an expertise in STEM education. These units are a part of the curriculum for the John C. Dunham STEM Partnership School at Aurora University, which serves students in grades 3-8. These collaboratively developed units are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, the Common Core Standards in Mathematics, and best practices in inquiry-based learning. The units are also based on the supply chain process involved in manufacturing, which has broad implications throughout the STEM fields.


The lessons were presented by a team consisting of an Aurora University faculty member, a professional educator from District 204, and Aurora University undergraduate students. Sixty students from Brooks were impacted by the instruction; the groups consisted of twenty-two students in Grade 3, nineteen students in grade 4, and nineteen students in grade 5. These students were enrolled in the course by their parents and a fee was charged. Attendance was consistent throughout the course of the program. There was enthusiasm and support for the experiences from both the students and their families.


Evaluation consisted of both quantitative and qualitative data. In each unit, students were asked before and after the unit if they liked mathematics and science, if they wanted to take another after school class in mathematics and science, and what type of career they were interested in. To measure gains in content knowledge, students were asked several questions on the most important themes from each unit. Students were presented this material as “questionnaires” and told there was no grade given for the evaluation. This was done to reduce test anxiety and to maintain the enjoyable and “safe” learning environment. Results of these content questions were evaluated using a paired T test.


Third graders were given enriched curriculum based in Structure and Function called “Pass It Down”. This unit explored how both animals and products are similar from generation to generation. The students were asked to describe the difference between acquired and inherited traits in humans and discussed how traits are passed from generation to generation. This knowledge was extrapolated to different products and students learned that products evolve over time according to consumer demands, needs, and the availability of natural resources. Children described the purpose of specific traits in products, learned to display data appropriately, and designed and created a car with specific traits. Pre and post data was collected from twenty two students. Statistically significant gains in content knowledge were recorded with a highly significant p value < 0.0001 (See graph 1) Most students came to the program with a strong interest in mathematics and sciences (Twenty of twenty- two). Consistently 17 of the twenty two want to take another STEM class after school. When comparing the students’ responses to the question “What would you like to be when you grow up?” the students’ answers were widely divergent, but if they changed their answer over the course of the unit, they changed to a STEM oriented career.

Graph 1


Fourth grade curriculum was focused on Matter and Energy called “Ride the Wave”. Students explored the properties of waves, and how different components of waves can be measured. They made telephones to explore sound waves, and learned how sound is perceived by the human ear. They were shown how hearing devices are designed, including current technology and future challenges. This lesson was augmented by a presentation by a hearing impaired child in the class, which gave it a great touch of the real world application of the products. Students also learned how frequency and pitch apply to musical instruments, and how heat transmission interacts with the properties of different materials. Highly statistically significant gains in content knowledge were again recorded with a p value of < 0.0003 (See graph 2) Students in fourth grade came with a strong interest in the STEM fields and enjoyed mathematics and science classes. Fifteen of the nineteen expressed a desire to have a STEM related career when they grow up.

Graph 2


The fifth graders’ curriculum focused on Forces and Motion called “May the Force Be with You”. Students learned the basic concepts and vocabulary dealing with forces and motion and the different types of simple machines. The lessons included a visit by a firefighter who identified some of the simple machines all around us. Students also built catapults and were challenged to build a machine to support the claim that machines help humans every day by reducing the amount of effort it takes to make an object move. The culminating experience was building complex machines using K’nex. Once again statistically significant content knowledge increases were noted with a P value of 0.003 (See graph 3). This group was somewhat stronger in their pretest knowledge than the younger children. As evidenced by the questionnaire, the strong interest in STEM field careers in sixteen of the nineteen children and enjoyment of math and science classes by fifteen out of nineteen students was unchanged throughout the experience.

Graph 3


Undergraduate Aurora University Student Leaders felt adequately prepared for their position, and they enjoyed working with Aurora University faculty and school district teachers. They felt the communication between the faculty, teacher, and themselves was well managed. Some felt they were more aware of the commitment and preparation necessary to be a successful educator upon finishing the program. Both their knowledge of and interest in STEM content increased, and they felt their ability to deliver the STEM content in a relevant way to the students also increased. The college student and elementary student interaction was very positive, especially with the last two Student Leaders.

The Aurora University faculty and the Student Leaders were grateful to have a school district teacher on the team who could provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences and classroom management techniques. The content knowledge provided by the Aurora University faculty and the curriculum materials was very helpful. The connection between the student leaders and the faculty from Aurora University was also beneficial. Faculty also had the opportunity to get to know undergraduates outside of the classroom, and mentor them in workplace and instructional skills.

Not surprisingly, the hands on design and build experiences had the most impact. The catapult and car building were high impact because they also involved collaboration and design iteration, and a touch of competition, too.

The practicing educator noted that “one female student in 5th grade was able to shine during STEM. In her regular classroom, she does not stand out as being motivated. However, in STEM, she answered questions confidently, and gave suggestions to other students that were taken into consideration by her peers”. This illustrates how a “safe” exploratory environment can foster growth outside of the normal classroom.


Based on survey responses and a focus group, instructors and student leaders agreed that the scheduled time was too long for the elementary aged children and at least one half hour less program time would be better after a long day at school.

In planning for future collaborations, it would be helpful to have an orientation session at the beginning of the program for Aurora faculty, the teachers, and the student leaders. It would also be helpful to have a single place where all the lesson plans, curriculum documents, and other materials could be found. This could be done within a Moodle shell or google docs where everyone could upload and download the information. The wave unit in particular needs more support.

The interest and engagement level of the student leaders is an essential component in this program. When two new student leaders replaced the first two, the new student leaders’ enthusiasm and commitment helped take the experience to another level for the elementary children.


An Aurora University faculty member worked with a school district teacher and student leaders to implement curriculum units from the John C Dunham STEM Partnership school with sixty elementary student s at Brooks Elementary School in District 204.The collaboration of Aurora University and the Brooks Elementary School Parent Teacher Association STEM Group to bring an after school STEM experience to these students was beneficial to the partners and students. Significant content knowledge was gained in every grade level program. Students maintained an interest in the STEM fields and learned more about STEM careers. Aurora University student leaders increased both their STEM content knowledge and their knowledge of STEM education. Successful activities and experiences have been noted, and suggestions for improvement have also been documented. It is hoped that this will lead to more partnerships between the entities in the future, and more opportunities for students to explore the STEM fields.

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