As President of Henshaw Associates, Mr

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As President of Henshaw Associates, Mr


As President of EnviroForensics, Mr. Henshaw serves as client manager and technical manager on numerous high profile and complex projects involving soil and groundwater quality impacts and hazardous waste handling and management practices. He provides technical direction and supervises a staff of geologists, engineers, hydrogeologists and scientists on projects associated with site characterization, remedial design, remedial implementation, system operation, facility management, document management, and litigation support.

Mr. Henshaw has over 20 years of experience, specializing in asset management, legal and forensic support, regulatory compliance, soil and ground water investigations, the design and operation of remediation systems, human health and ecological risk assessments, and insurance coverage. He has experience in a variety of geological settings including alluvial deposits, fractured bedrock, glacial outwash, wetlands, and landslides. Mr. Henshaw has also conducted extensive work in environmentally sensitive areas inhabited with endangered species.

He has managed several hundred projects including landfills, solvent and petroleum refineries, foundries, metal plating shops, food processors, dry cleaners, wood treating facilities, chemical distribution facilities, and aerospace and high tech manufacturing facilities, industrial and manufacturers, computer manufacturers, and transporters.

Mr. Henshaw=s expertise includes a strong knowledge of industrial operations, past and current industry practices and procedures, and a hands-on, practical understanding of the fate and transport of chemicals in soil and ground water. He has worked as a testifying expert on behalf of innocent landowners and facility operators at several sites impacted by past industrial activities and continues to provide technical and litigation support on RCRA and CERCLA cost recovery matters.

EDUCATION: Post Graduate Studies: Environmental Engineering, Oregon Graduate Institute, 1987 B.S. in Geology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 1984. Professional Geologist: California, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona

EXPERIENCE: President – EnviroForensics 1996-Present Vice President - Harza Engineering, 1993-1996 Director of Remedial Operations - Romic Chemical Corporation, 1989-1993 Project Manager/Hydrogeologist - Emcon Associates, 1984-1989 Hydrogeologist - Oregon Department of Water Resources, 1983-1984

REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Site Characterization / Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Hazardous Waste Management Facility (Confidential), California. Project Director and client manager responsible for completion of a RCRA Facility Investigation and Corrective Measures Study, under a 3008h Order, of the 14-acre solvent recycling facility. The RFI and CMS were conducted in a manner that minimized disruption of production activities and capital outlay.

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Implemented a program that utilized existing facility resources and expertise to construct remedial systems and collect specific investigatory data. In depth understanding of the facility operations and corporate philosophy enabled the development of a unique strategic plan that greatly reduced project costs.

Pneumo-Abex Aerospace Co., Oxnard, California. Project Director responsible for overall project strategy, regulatory negotiations and evaluation and implementation of investigation and remedial measures at this former aerospace manufacturing facility. The site activities were conducted under an Administrative Order and a lawsuit. This project required evaluation of past operating history, retrofitting and optimizing existing remediation system, implementing in situ remedial alternatives, and providing litigation support. Our services were directly responsible for savings of several millions of dollars and provided the client with strict cost control and project management measures.

Fuller-O’Brien Paints, San Francisco, California. Project manager for a soil and groundwater investigation at a paint manufacturing facility, under a RCRA 3008h Order. The facility operations dated back to the late 1800’s. The project involved the evaluation of past facility operations, closure of surface impoundments and SWMUs, remediation of lead and SVOC impacted soil and evaluation of ecological risks to sensitive wetland and bay margin environments. Innovative regulatory approach utilized the CAMU policy to stabilize impacted soils and save the client nearly a million dollars in remedial costs.

Remco Hydraulics, Willits, California. Project director responsible for implementing project strategy and conducting regulatory interface of soil and ground water investigation and remediation activities at the former pneumatic cylinder manufacturing and chrome plating facility. This NCP compliant RI/FS required implementation of Interim Remedial Measures, the development of an RI/FS workplan and the implementation of the approved workplan within a defined set of financial resources. We were successful in controlling the monthly costs to accommodate all of the required goals. The project involved intense legal issues, including citizen suits.

Lincoln Properties, Ltd., Stockton, California. Project manager responsible for all field oversight activities associated with an NCP compliant RI/FS at a prominent shopping center where chlorinated solvents from dry cleaning operations impacted the soil and groundwater beneath the site. Our services included providing litigation support that resulted in a guaranteed remediation at no out of pocket cost to our client. Additionally, the litigation resulted in all oversight costs being repaid to our client. These oversight responsibilities included the review of comprehensive project plans, extensive monitoring of the fieldwork (most of which was completed during night-time hours) and the evaluation of project data and remedial activities.

Solvent Blending Facility, Newark, California. Project manager on a former chemical blending facility impacted with chlorinated solvents. Project has included site investigation, remedial design, and treatment system operation and maintenance. Our involvement has saved the client tens of thousands of dollars by implementing a low cost, low

Page 2 of 5 STEPHEN R. HENSHAW, R.G. (Continued) maintenance system that has efficiently reduced the chlorinated solvents in the soil and groundwater and brought them to asymptotic levels.

City of Lodi, Lodi, California. Worked as the client manager to the City Manager and City Attorney responsible for overall project deliverables, data collection, data synthesis and presentation, agency interactions, litigation support and community relations. Project involved determining the fate and transport of chlorinated solvents present in the City’s municipal supply well and pursuing the parties responsible for the cleanup. Responsibilities have included the identification of over 180 locations, with multiple historical owners and operators, that may have caused or contributed to the contamination, conducting the environmental investigation, and providing litigation support to the City of numerous matters.

Legal and Forensic Support and Asset Management

Contaminated Property Transactions, Locations throughout the United States. Client manager and project lead on numerous projects involving the purchase and sale of contaminated properties. EnviroForensics has represented both buyers and sellers to facilitate property transactions. Responsibilities have included developing cleanup costs and negotiating site remediation objectives with regulatory agencies, providing guaranteed cleanup financing, and maximizing the assets of environmentally impaired property. Many of the projects involved identifying historical owners and operators, and their insurers, working with legal counsel to conduct due diligence activities, conducting site investigation and cleanup activities, and conducting technical and fact finding research to develop project upside.

Global Insurance Recovery, National Program. Lead forensic and fact-finding expert on a global insurance litigation associated with eleven test cases from sites located across the United States. Project involved collecting information from all of the manufacturing facilities, evaluating the existing soil and ground water conditions, identifying significant spills and releases that impacted the environment, identifying key witnesses, reviewing depositions, and assisting counsel in the technical presentation of the case.

Innocent Landowners, Locations throughout United States. Lead technical and forensic expert on numerous contaminated properties that are owned by corporations, LLCs and LLPs that have not contributed to the environmental impact. The projects have involved evaluating the existing soil and groundwater conditions, the identification of responsible parties, collecting historical site information (e.g. waste handling practices, building plans, regulatory records), identifying key witnesses, and assisting legal counsel in building and supporting the technical merits of a case. The litigation would force the responsible parties to cleanup the site. These efforts maximize the value of the property while minimizing our clients out of pocket expenses and reducing their liability and exposure.

Waukesha Pump and Foundry, Waukesha, Wisconsin.

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Technical expert, providing litigation support on a former pump manufacturing facility that was historically part of a foundry. Site conditions include fill materials consisting of foundry sands and soil and groundwater impact from historical releases of solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons.

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Guntert & Zimmerman Shipyard, Stockton, California. Project director responsible for evaluating site conditions, negotiating with redevelopment and regulatory agencies, and preparing and evaluating remedial alternatives at a former shipyard. EnviroForensics characterized the soil and groundwater conditions at the site and successfully developed a plan to effectively remediate the site to standards acceptable to the interested parties.

General Waste Products, Evansville, Indiana Project Director for the site investigation and cleanup of a former metal salvage yard contaminated with PCBs. The project involved the prospective purchase of the property by the City of Evansville for use as a park following site cleanup. EnviroForensics conducted an exhaustive search of the company records to locate historical insurance policies and identify parties responsible for the contamination. To date the historical insurance carriers have funded investigation and remedial activities with no out-of-pocket expenses to our client.

Numerous Dry Cleaners EnviroForensics has worked for dry cleaning businesses and property owners to investigate and remediate contaminated soil and groundwater and develop facts necessary in allocating project costs. Insurance carriers that provided historical insurance to the dry cleaners or property owners have funded many of the projects.

Jacksonville Ash Sites, Jacksonville, Florida Project Director and expert witness on a class action lawsuit for medical monitoring. Case involved the exposure of residences, workers, and students to concentrations of hazardous substances well above established background levels. The exposures were the result of contaminants generated during the incineration of waste and were in the form of ash and partially incinerated constituents from the stacks of the incinerators. EnviroForensics was responsible for providing litigation support that included collecting soil and ash samples from residential neighborhoods, evaluating available technical reports, discovering an analysis of the historical operations of the incinerators, and developing trial exhibits.

Responsible Party Searches, Various Matters Project Director on numerous investigations associated with identifying responsible parties that may have caused or contributed to environmental contamination. The investigations include identifying generators and transporters (companies, owners, and operators) that were likely to have used chemicals that are present in soils and groundwater at a specific location, or taken chemicals to specific locations or facilities for disposal. The investigations generally include, identifying responsible companies, identifying key employees, locating documents and evidence to support a litigation, evaluating technical documents associated with environmental investigations, researching corporate history and financial standings.

Cost Recovery and Allocation Assessments, Numerous Matters Project Director on numerous matters involving the recovery of investigation and cleanup costs caused by responsible parties. Involvement generally includes the development and analysis of responsibility and allocation.

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Resource Management

Spring and Well Interference Studies, Klamath Falls, Oregon Hydrogeologist responsible for evaluating interconnectivity of surface water springs and water wells. Conducted extensive aquifer tests, water usage assessments, recharge evaluations and analysis of geophysical logs to determine the source of the interference. Issue had significant importance pertaining to water rights standing and priorities.

Groundwater Decline Investigation, Central Oregon Hydrogeologist responsible for investigating groundwater declines in basalt aquifers heavily used by local and corporate agriculture. Studies included the long-term recording and gauging of groundwater levels in numerous wells across specific valleys, evaluating water usage and estimating evaporation, evapotranspiration, and acre yield produced. Study resulted in declaration of specific aquifers as critical and restricted future uses.

Geothermal Spring Observation Network, Oregon Hydrogeologist responsible for establishing the first geothermal well and spring observation network for the State of Oregon. Work included locating geothermal springs and wells, collecting analytical data, and establishing monitoring criteria for each station.

Spring Water Investigations, Indiana and Ohio Project Manager responsible for working with hydrogologists to identify new spring sites for use as bottled drinking water. Responsibilities included review analytical data, developing project costs, evaluating hydrogeology and recharge areas, collecting samples for chemical analysis and age dating, determining yields and impacts from pumping.

Solid Waste Assessments, Numerous Landfills Project Manager on numerous groundwater investigations associated with operation of solid waste landfills. Responsibilities included conducting site investigations, pump test analysis, leachate generation analysis and migration, and ecological assessments


ASet-up and Performance of Treatability Studies for VOC-Contaminated Ground Water@, presented at NWWA Petroleum Hydrocarbons Conference, Houston, Texas, 1990.

Lecturer of hydrology and environmental investigation/remediation courses at University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992-2000.

Lecturer on Insurance Coverage and Insurance Archeology at numerous conferences put on by International Fabricare.

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