Facilitated Agenda Example Date Location, XXX

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Facilitated Agenda Example Date Location, XXX


WHAT WHEN HOW WHO MATERIALS/LAYOUT Registration 5:30P Registration table staffed by XXX. Individuals have Organization staff Registration Signs M- pre-registered – check off attendance, provide name John & Jane to coordinate Name tags 6:00P tags and gift bags. Attendee check-off M Gift bags Attendees will be pre-selected into round tables Display of seating chart/map (indicated on their name tags) of Table #s

Welcome 6:00P General session room set up in rounds of 8-10. Welcome slide show/clips will M- Numbered seating assignment. Host organization run while participants are 6:05P seating themselves, posters at M Welcome participants & provide context of the various places in room. event/screening- review why important/how Staff to time keep relevant, our common vision & goal, “If not now, Tables in rounds, numbered when? If not us, who?” to designate groups

Thank host organizations, any VIPs Discussion handouts on tables

Introduction to Raising of 6:05- Introduction of film, Raising of America project and Host organization America 6:15P why it’s important for our community M Staff to time keep Film clip (episode TBD) 6:15- Dim lights AV staff 6:40/ Clip shown on screen 7PM (time depen ds on episo de) Panel Discussion/Reaction 7:00P Panel discussion of local/state leaders: Panel members: Head table set for 3 with M-  Reactions to film XX table mics 7:20P  Overview of initiatives in the community XX M Moderator: XXX Small group discussions 7:20- Introduce table discussions (5 min): XXX Discussion handouts at tables 7:45P  Questions at table M  2-3 min to brainstorm then share info with table  Note takers at each table  Will report out

20 mins for table discussions Report-out 7:45- Opportunity for participants to share themes from Moderator: XXX Audience mics 7:55P discussions & opportunities for action M Wrap-up 7:55-  Thank you to participants XXXX Staff to collect discussion 8:00P  Immediate next steps or where to find forms; M additional resources information Hand out reports/tip sheets  Remind to leave discussion at door as people leave notes/commitment forms on table for staff to collect Adjourn 8:00P M

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