Fellow Coaches and Directors
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The 2016 Seminole Swing
September 8, 2016
Fellow Coaches and Directors,
Florida State University is proud to host the Seminole Swing in Tallahassee, Florida. While much of the country settles into the cool of autumn, you can be assured that Tallahassee will still boast the full heat of summer!
Please accept our invitation to attend Saturday and Sunday, October 8-9 where all 11 AFA-NIET will be hosted both days. Registration and further information for the tournament can be found at www.speechwire.com. We look forward to hosting a fun-filled, early-season tournament, that your team can enjoy.
Kevin Waters FSU Director of Forensics (386) 688-7539 | [email protected] IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES 1. Given the entry size and needs of the tournament it is possible that students from the host school will compete on both days. The host school will not be eligible for team sweepstakes awards on either Saturday or Sunday.
2. AFA Guidelines shall be used for all individual events unless noted below. NPDA guidelines shall be used for debate.
3. In an aim to shorten the length of the tournament day, Extemporaneous Speaking prep and delivery times are staggered fifteen (15) minutes apart from the start times of other Flight A events. Cross-entered students should plan accordingly. Note that cross-entered students WILL be moved up in the speaking order to streamline operations.
4. Impromptu Speaking prompts will be quotations in all rounds.
5. Individual events with at least fifty (50) entries will break to semifinals if scheduling and the number of available judges permit.
6. Students may triple-enter in any flight. Flights are subject to change based on numbers of entries and/or judge/room availability.
FLIGHT A: Extemporaneous Speaking, Informative Speaking, Communication Analysis, Prose Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Poetry Interpretation FLIGHT B: Impromptu Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, After Dinner Speaking, Program Oral Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation
[EXT] EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING For each round, contestants will select one of three topics on a current national, international, economic, or social issue/event. The contestant will have 30 minutes to prepare a 5-7 minute speech on the topic selected. Notes are permissible, but should be kept to a minimum. 7 minute maximum time limit.
[IMP] IMPROMPTU SPEAKING Contestants receive quotations from which to create an analytical speech. All contestants in the same section will receive the same topic stimulus. A total of 7 minutes may be divided between preparation and speaking. Contestants should speak at least 3 minutes.
[PER] PERSUASIVE SPEAKING Contestants deliver an original memorized speech to convince, move to action, or to inspire on an issue of significance. 8-10 minute time limit.
[INF] INFORMATIVE SPEAKING The contestant delivers a memorized original factual speech on a realistic subject to fulfill a general information need of the audience. Visual/auditory aids which supplement/reinforce the message are permitted. 8-10 minute time limit.
[CA] COMMUNICATION ANALYSIS Contestants deliver a memorized original critical analysis of any significant communication event. Any legitimate critical methodology is permissible, as long as it serves to open up the communication event for analysis. 8-10 minute time limit.
[ADS] AFTER DINNER SPEAKING Each contestant presents an original memorized speech with the purpose of making a serious point through the use of humor. The speech should reflect the spirit of a humorous, comedic speech, not a stand-up comedy routine. 8-10 minute time limit.
[PRO] PROSE INTERPRETATION The contestant presents a program of prose literature. Original introductory comments and transitional remarks are permitted. Programs may consist of single or multiple selections in 1st, 2nd or 3rd person. Plays are not permitted and manuscript is required. 8-10 minute time limit.
[DI] DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION Contestants present a cutting, which represents one or more characters from a play or plays of literary merit. This material may be drawn from stage, screen, or radio. Original introductory comments and/or transitions are permitted. Programs may consist of single or multiple selections. Manuscripts are required. 8-10 minute time limit.
[POE] POETRY INTERPRETATION The contestant presents a program of poetic literature. Original introductory comments and/or transitions are permitted. Programs may consist of single or multiple selections. Manuscripts are required. 8-10 minute time limit.
[POI] PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION A program of thematically linked selections of literary merit selected from at least 2 of the 3 genres of competitive interpretation (prose, poetry, drama). Nontraditional material may also be included. Original comments and/or transitions are permitted. Manuscripts are required. 8-10 minute time limit.
[DUO] DUO INTERPRETATION Contestants perform a cutting from a play or other material, humorous or serious, as presented by two individuals. This is not an acting event; thus, costumes, props, etc. are not permitted. Manuscript is required and focus should be offstage. 8-10 minute time limit.
One judge covers up to six (6) entries in individual events. All judges must have prior forensics experience as competitor or judge. TEAM SWEEPSTAKES AND QUADRATHON
Team Sweepstakes and Quadrathon points will be awarded for placing in final rounds: 1st Place – 12 points 2nd Place – 10 points 3rd Place – 8 points 4th Place – 7 points 5th Place – 5 points 6th Place – 3 points 7th Place or lower/all IE semifinalists – 1 point
Students entered in Quadrathon must enter a minimum of ANY FOUR EVENTS. Only the top 4 events will be counted toward the student’s point total. Ties will be broken via appropriate methods.
Please register through Speechwire.com before Monday, October 5th at 5 p.m. EST. Information about registration fees, judge fees, and drop deadline/penalties will be on Speechwire.
Many of you have attended tournaments on our campuses before. If you need directions, please let us know and we will send them under separate cover.
Registration will take place in the Bellamy Building. This building will not be open until 7 a.m. If you have plans to begin warm-ups before that time, you will not have access to the building until after 7 a.m. so please plan accordingly. Registration will begin at 7:30 in the lobby of Bellamy.
Tournament Schedule
7:30. – Registration for Individual Events, Bellamy Building 8 a.m. - Extemp Draw Rd 1 8:15 a.m. - Rd 1 INF, CA, PRO, DUO, POE 8:30 a.m. - Rd 1 EXT 9:45 a.m. - Rd 1 IMP, PER, ADS, POI, DI 11 a.m. - Extemp Draw Rd 2 11:15 a.m. - Rd 2 INF, CA, PRO, DUO, POE 11:30 a.m. - Rd 2 EXT 12:15 p.m. - Lunch Break 1:15 p.m. - Rd 2 IMP, PER, ADS, POI, DI 2:45 p.m. - Extemp Draw FINAL 3 p.m. - FINAL INF, CA, PRO, DUO, POE (Semis as necessary for events of 50+ slots) 3:15 p.m. - FINAL EXT 4:30 p.m. - FINAL IMP, PER, ADS, POI, DI ASAP - Awards