Product and Process Design Principles
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1. Page x. Last line. Should read: “Profitability Analysis-1.0.xls”
2. Page xv. Left column, line 4. Should read: “Composite-Curve (CI) Method”
3. Page xvii. Left column, line 11. Should read: “Analysis-1.0.xls, CD-17.8-1”
N N 0 1 4. Page 58. Eq. (2.21) should read: log Kow ni i 0.12ni i i1 i1 5. Page 59. Sentence above Group Contributions. Should read: “ …, it is minimized to reduce the drying time and the cost of heating utilities.”
5a. Page 59. In the table under Group Contributions, in the UHi column, the entries in rows 5-12 should be negative. N 6. Page 59. Last unnumbered equation. Should read: “ … ni HVi ” i1
7. Page 59. Line below three unnumbered equations. Should read: “where Tb0 = 204.2 K, Tm0 = 102.4 K, and …”
8. Page 59. Next line. Replace “maximizes” with “minimizes”.
9. Page 64. Under first SOLUTION, add CD-ROM icon.
9a. Page 78. In Figure 3.5, to the right of the Direct Chlorination box, it should read: 158,300.
10. Page 138. Figure 4.18. In Flash icon, replace “100C” with “100F”.
11. Page 139. Figure 4.20. Ditto.
12. Page 152. Line 2 from bottom. Replace “tPa” with “tPA”.
13. Page 154. Figure 4.27 (Continued). This figure should be in color.
14. Page 388. Line 8 above Figure 12.3. Replace “0.01” with “0.11”
15. Page 388. Line 1 above Figure 12.3. Replace “X{t}” with “X{}”.
16. Page 389. Line 1 below Figure 12.4. Replace “P{T}V{T}” with “P{}V{}”.
17. Page 401. Exercise 12.2. The equation should read:
1 0.025P{}V{} – 1.68 - 0.00085 F{t}dt 0
18. Page 459. Exercise 14.1, line 1. Replace “210” with “237”.
19. Page 459. Exercise 14.1, part a. Replace “420” with “474”.
20. Page 459. Exercise 14.1, part b. Replace “210” with “237”.
21. Page 498. Line 3 above Step 1. Replace “Stevens” with “Swift”.
22. Page 501. Table 16.16. Row 1, column 4. Replace “4.6” with “4.8”.
b A 23. Page 523. Eq. (16.44) should read: FM a . 100 24. Page 524. In Table 16.25, row labeled “Carbon steel/carbon steel”. Replace “1.00” in the second column with “0.00”.
25. Page 559. Table in middle of page. Under “Reformed gas centrifugal compressor”, the size should be “16,000 kW” – add a comma.
26. Page 614. Second column, line 7. Replace “2-day” with “1-day”
27. Page 615. Line 6 under Heat Exchangers, it should read: “Use steam”.
28. Page 615. Under Pumps, in three places, replace “pump-around” with “pump”
29. Page 615. Under Utilities, the Steam entry should read: “Steam. Use prices in Table 17.1”.
30. Page 648. Line 2, “3.5” should be “2.3”
31. Page 661. In the unnumbered table, first column, last row, it should read:
32. Page 788. Under Lee, P. L., it should read: 684, 702 (delete 685).
33. Page 791. Second column, line 1. It should read: Aspen IPE, 557, CD-16.7, CD- IPE-1 to 78 (delete CD-IPE Course Notes,)
34. Page 800. Second column, line 6 from the bottom. Replace “CA” with “CA”.
W. D. Seider J. D. Seader D. R. Lewin October 8, 2003
2 ERRATA – Part II
1. Page 385. Figure 12.1(d). Remove the stirrer in the left-hand figure only.
2. Page 391. Next to last line in unnumbered table. In total amount column, replace 37.09 with 33.03.
3. Page 391. Last line in unnumbered table. In water column, replace 0.0002 with 0.0836. In propylene glycol column, replace 0.9998 with 0.9164. In total amount column, replace 33.03 with 37.09.
4. Page 391. First line below unnumbered table. Replace 99.98 with 91.64.
5. Page 391. Second line below unnumbered table. Replace 33.03 with 37.09.
6. Page 426. Eq. (13.7). Replace – (minus sign) with = (equal sign).
7. Page 566. Table 17.1. First Column. The entries Utilities, Operations, Maintenance, and Operations overhead should be aligned under the entry, Feedstocks. They should not be indented. All subentries and sub-subentries should be shifted left also.
8. Page 572. Table 17.2. In the column headings, replace LLV with LHV.
$500 9. Page 596. First unnumbered equation. Preceding the term , replace – (1 0.1)6 (minus sign) with + (plus sign).
10. Page 611. Exercise 17.1. Above “Determine”, enter “Assume the costs of land, royalties, and startup are zero.”
W. D. Seider J. D. Seader D. R. Lewin June 21, 2004
1. Page 54. Third unnumbered equation in Section 1. Remove Tb from the right-hand side.
lnPc 2. Page 54. Third unnumbered equation in Section 2. It should read: h Tb r 1T br
3. Page 54. Last line. Replace kJ/mol with J/mol.
4. Page 55. Second table. Third column heading. It should read: cpl, cal/mol-K. Also, in the third column, line 2, replace 22.6 with 24.7.
5. Page 55. Line 5 above Example 2.4. After the first sentence, insert the sentence: v s “Note that the values of H and P are computed using experimental Tb (CCl2F2 = 244.2 K, CF3OH = 251.48 K, CH3Cl = 249.1 K) because the group contribution method is not sufficiently accurate.” Replace the next sentence with: “Note also that differences in Hv from those reported by Duvedi and Achenie (1996) are due to the differences in Tb and simplifications in the methods for estimating Svb.
6. Page 55. Second line from bottom. In fourth column, replace 3.97 with 3.84. Also, in the fifth column, replace 4.80 with 13.9.
7. Page 61. Exercise 2.4. Line 4. Replace “> 18.4 kJ/mol” with “< 32.2 cal/mol-K”
8. Page 61. Exercise 2.4. Line 6. Before “Hint: …”, insert the sentence: “Use the group contribution method in Section 1 of the solution to Example 2.3 to estimate Tb.
9. Page 177. Line 5 above Heuristic 12. Delete the sentence: “An example of this mode of crystallization is the production of pure silicon wafers from a melt consisting of SiO2.”
10. Page 652. Line 10 above Eq. (19.7). After “ … tw,” insert “rather than the 10 micron thickness shown in Figure 19.5a,”
11. Page 674. Exercise 19.5, first line. Before “Examine”, insert “a.”
12. Page 674. Excrcise 19.5, last line. Add: “b. Modify the design such that the urea concentration can be reduced to 30% of the initial concentration within 4 hr.
W. D. Seider J. D. Seader D. R. Lewin August 13, 2004
4 ERRATA – Part IV
1. Page 61. Exercise 2.5. Add a sentence: “For –CH=, use the group contributions for –CH2–.”
2. Page 94. Figure 3.16(c). In the block for the Endotoxin Removal Column, replace 157 L with 15.7 L.
3. Page 100. Table 3.7, first column. The entries fg and fo are interchanged.
4. Page 267. On line 4 and in the first terms of Eqs. (7.21), (7.22), and (7.23), replace n + 1 with n.
5. Page 371. Line 9. Replace HEN with MEN.
6. Page 503. Line 9. Replace 16.14 with 16.11.
7. Page 513. Line 9 below Figure 16.6. Replace 15.2 with 15.1.
8. Page 559. Exercise 16.4, line 6. Replace 23 trays with 25 trays.
W. D. Seider J. D. Seader D. R. Lewin September 1, 2005
1. Page 485. In Table 16.6, last row, second column. Replace 395 with 394.
2. Page 505. Under SOLUTION (to Example 16.5), line 6. It should read: CTPI = 1.18(10,200,000 + 510,000 + 510,000 + 1,710,000) = $15,257,000. On line 8, it should read: CTCI = 15,257,000 + 1,350,000 = $16,607,000. On line 9, the last sentence should read: This amounts to $3,009,000, giving a total capital investment of $19,616,000.
3. Page 615. Right-hand column. Under Materials, line 13. Insert the sentence: “To compute and display the heating values of all streams, follow the sequence: Data→Setup→Report Options→Property Sets and select HEAT-VAL.” Also, before ), at the end of line 14, insert the sentence: “It is also possible to estimate the heating value of the PURGE and FUEL streams using Table 17.2.”
W. D. Seider
J. D. Seader D. R. Lewin
5 December 11, 2006