HHP Departmental Summary 2009-2010

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HHP Departmental Summary 2009-2010

ASCRC HHP Departmental Summary –2009-2010

I Course Changes

Course PROPOSED CHANGE Justification #/Title UG HHP 492: Program Add new course to the The ability to develop health Planning in Community Health Community Health option. related programs is one of the seven essential job skills of community health educators. The addition of this course will ensure that students graduating from our program will be proficient in program planning. UG HHP 435-Certification Add new course to the Exercise This course will be required for Preparation Science Option our Applied Exercise Physiology Track. Many of our students will need to become certified by either the National Strength and Conditioning Association or the American College of Sports Medicine. In order to facilitate certification success, we feel that it is necessary to have this course as a way to present material not covered in other classes and which does not fit into other classes. UG HHP 417-Fundamentals of Add new course to the Exercise This course will be required for Coaching Science Option our Applied Exercise Physiology Track. Many of our graduates in both exercise physiology and health enhancement will be active in athletic coaching either as their full employment or as a portion of their employment. We have periodically taught a course titled “coaching clinic”, but with our reorganization of the exercise science tracks, this course will be a required course for students in the Applied Track. No other course is available to prepare coaches. HHP 364-Athletic Training Change from 1 credit to By making the course repeatable, Techniques repeatability 1-3 (R=3) credits level 2 and 3 athletic training students will be able to receive academic compensation for the time they devote to their summer and wintersession experiences. II Program Changes

Exercise Science option 1. Divide the Exercise Science 1. These changes are proposed Option into two tracks which to best serve the diverse would be titled “Exercise needs of our students in Science-Applied” and exercise science which “Exercise Science-Pre- currently include pre-PT, professional.” The core pre-med and other medical classes for both tracks will professions as well as remain similar to the current students who are preparing “Exercise Science Option” for job placement directly with small changes to better out of their undergraduate meet the needs of students. work. A level 1 program form was completed to cover these changes. Additionally, two new courses are proposed (points 2 And 3 below).

2. New Course: UG HHP 417 2. Many of our graduates in – Fundamentals of Coaching both exercise physiology and health enhancement will be active in athletic coaching either as their full employment or as a portion of their employment. We have periodically taught a course titled “coaching clinic”, but with our reorganization of the exercise science tracks, this course will be a required course for students in the applied line. No other course is available to prepare coaches.

3. New course: UG HHP 435- 3. It is important for many of Certification Preparation our students to sit for one or both of these certifications. While much of the material is covered in other courses there are a number of topics that are not well covered and which do not fit well into other courses. Additionally, the material is taught over the course of 4 years and recommendations from the national organizations and our experience is that students need an intensive study period to prepare for these exams. 4. For the Pre-Professional 4. All of these changes reflect Exercise Science Track we general requirements of would make the following graduate and professional changes from current ex sci: programs and are designed  Drop HHP 184 (Personal to help our students be Health)  Require HHP 482 more competitive.  Require PHYS 112/114  Require BIOC 380  Replace HHP 499 with a choice of either HHP 498 or HHP 499  Change requirement of 6 upper division science credits from “3 must be HHP” to allowing all 6 to be elective.  Change math requirement to M 151 (precalc).  Reduce additional science credit requirement from 11 to 6 due to other increased credit requirements.

5. For the Applied Exercise Science Track we would 5. All of these changes reflect make the following changes. general requirements of  Drop HHP 483 and 484 graduate and professional  Add HHP 465 programs and are designed  Drop HHP 499  Add HHP 498 to help our students be  Add HHP 417 (new class) more competitive.  Add HHP 435 (new class)  Add HHP 217 – Professional Activities for Majors (1 cr)  Change requirement of 6 UD science cr electives with 3 in HHP to: 3 upper division science credit electives (no HHP requirement  Add MIS 100s  Add MIS 265 Community Health option 1. Move HHP 377/378 and 1. Community Health is not HHP 483/484 from required solely focused on physical courses to elective in- health and fitness. By department courses. moving these courses to elective status, students with an interest in mental, emotional, social or spiritual dimensions of health will have the option of taking courses related to those interests.

2. Move HHP 370/371 and 2. HHP 415 focuses on the HHP 415 from elective to important connection required in-department between mind and spirit and courses. an individual’s physical health. Knowledge of this connection and the opportunity to apply that knowledge when planning health related programs in HHP 370 and 371 is becoming increasing important in the field of community health education.

3. Add UG HHP 492 as a 3. One of the key professional required in-department skills of community health course. educators is program planning. HHP 492 is a new course that will solely focus on the development of program planning skills.

4. Move ANTH 201, ANTH 4. The field of community 444 and SW 423, from health is a holistic one. The elective courses to required addition of ANTH 201 courses. ANTH 444 and SW 423 as required courses will provide students with a broad perspective of the effects of addiction, sexuality and culture on the physical, emotional and social aspects of health.

5. Drop SCI 350 and BIOL 121 5. EVST 225 focuses on the from the curriculum and environment as it relates to move EVST 225 from an community and is more elective to a required out of applicable to students in the department course. community health option than ecology (BIOL 121) or environmental science for education majors (SCI 350).

6. Drop CAPP 171 6. The content of CS171 is no longer applicable to the Community Health curriculum; most students are already proficient with computers and the essential skills are imbedded within specific HHP courses.

7. Drop WRIT 101 7. WRIT 101 is a general education requirement and therefore it is not necessary to list it a second time under courses required for the Community Health option. Health Enhancement Option 1. Drop HHP 361 1. The content and skills taught in HHP 361 are covered in several other HHP and C&I courses that are required for students in the Health Enhancement option.

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