Kinetics of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Formation and Reduction During Denitrification
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Supplementary Information
Kinetics of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Formation and Reduction during
B.L. Read-Daily1, F. Sabba2, J.P. Pavissich3, R. Nerenberg2*
1Department of Engineering and Physics, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, 17022 USA
2College of Engineering and Science, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez , Avenida Padre Hurtado 750 Viña del Mar, Chile
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Science, University of Notre Dame, 156 Fitzpatrick Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA
*Corresponding author:
Robert Nerenberg, Phone: +1 574 631 4098; fax +1 574 631 9236; e-mail: [email protected]
The following are included as supporting information for this paper:
Number of pages: 9
Number of tables: 5
S1 Table S1. Model components
Variable Description Unit
-1 SS Acetate concentration mgCOD L
-1 SNO3- Nitrate concentration mgN L
-1 SNO2- Nitrite concentration mgN L
-1 SN2O Nitrous oxide concentration mgN L
-1 XH Active heterotrophic biomass concentration mgCOD L
S2 Table S2. Kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the model
Variable Description Unit
-1 -1 NO3- Maximum nitrate reduction rate gCOD gCOD d
-1 -1 NO2- Maximum nitrite reduction rate gCOD gCOD d
-1 -1 N2O Maximum nitrous oxide reduction rate gCOD gCOD d
-1 KNO3- SNO3 affinity constant for Nar mgN L
-1 KNO2- SNO2 affinity constant for Nir mgN L
-1 KN2O SN2O affinity constant for Nos mgN L
- -1 YNO3- Yield for heterotroph growth on NO3 gCOD gCOD
- -1 YNO2- Yield for heterotroph growth on NO2 gCOD gCOD
-1 YN2O Yield for heterotroph growth on N2O gCOD gCOD
-1 bH Decay coefficient d
S3 - - Table S3. Kinetic parameters for NO3 to NO2 reduction by mixed and pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria
NO3- YNO3- KNO3- Type of Bacteria NO3- Source d-1 gCOD gN-1 gN gCOD-1d-1 mgN L-1 Paracoccus 2.7 0.93 2.9 - This study pantotrophus Pan, Ni and Yuan, Mixed culture 0.47* 0.5* 0.94 0.025 (2013) Mixed culture 1.27* 0.67* 0.75 0.251 Ni et al., (2011) Hiatt and Grady, Mixed culture 0.552* 0.6* 0.92 0.2 (2008) Mixed culture - 0.67* - 0.5 Henze, (2000) Mixed culture - 0.65* - 0.5 Koch et al. (2000) Mixed culture - 0.67* - 0.5 Henze et al., (1999) Mixed culture - - 0.22 1.12 Wicht (1996) Wild, von Schulthess Mixed culture - - 1.14, 1.76 0.247, 0.713 and Gujer (1995) Wild, von Schulthess Mixed culture - - 1.27, 1.14 0.251, 0.247 and Gujer (1994) Gujer W. and Henze Mixed culture - 0.67 - - M. (1991) George Tchobanoglous and Mixed culture - - - 0.2 Franklin L Burton and Metcalf & Eddy, (1991) *calculated parameters
S4 - Table S4. Kinetic parameters for NO2 to N2O reduction by mixed and pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria
*calculated parameters
YNO2- NO2- KNO2- Type of NO2- -1 -1 -1 Source Bacteria d g COD gN gCOD mgN L gN-1 d-1 Paracoccus pantotrophus 0.93 0.65 1.4 - This study 0.625 Mixed culture * 0.5* 1.25 - Pan, Ni and Yuan (2013) Mixed culture 1.34* 0.67* 2* - Ni et al. (2011) Mixed culture - 0.6* - 0.2* Hiatt and Grady (2008)
Mixed culture - 0.5 - 0.5 Koch et al. (2000)
Mixed culture - - - 0.058 Henze et al. (1999) Mixed culture - - 0.18 0.23 Wicht (1996) Wild, von Schulthess and Gujer Mixed culture - - 1.16, 1.70 2.37, 3.50 (1995) von Schulthess, Wild and Gujer Mixed culture - - 1.34, 1.16 0.81, 2.37 (1994)
S5 Table S5. Kinetic parameters for N2O to N2 reduction by mixed and pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria
N2O YN2O N2O KN2O Type of Bacteria Source d-1 gCOD gN-1 gN gCOD-1 d-1 mgN L-1 Paracoccus pantotrophus 1.7 0.32 5.3 - This study
Mixed culture 2.36* 0.5* 4.73 0.35 Pan, Ni and Yuan (2013)
Mixed culture 3.22* 0.67* 2.41 Ni et al. (2011)
Mixed culture - 0.6* - 0.05* Hiatt and Grady (2008) Paracoccus denitrificans - 0.21-0.29 - - Strohm et al. (2007)
Pseudomonas stutzeri - 0.50 - - Strohm et al. (2007) 0.0028, (Holtan-Hartwig, Dorsch Mixed culture - - - 0.0112 and Bakken, 2000)
Mixed culture - - 0.88 0.035 Wicht (1996)
0.0095, Wild, von Schulthess and Mixed culture - - 3.02, 11.1 0.0262 Gujer (1995) 0.0052, von Schulthess, Wild and Mixed culture - - 3.21, 3.02 0.0095 Gujer (1994)
Alcaligenes faecalis - 1.14 - - Okereke (1993)
Pseudomonas stutzeri - 0.83 - - Okereke (1993) Paracoccus denitrificans - 0.62 - - Okereke (1993) Pseudomonas Okereke (1993) perfectomarinus - 0.45 - - Pseudomonas 1.37- denitrificans 2.57 0.8 - - Koike and Hattori (1975) *calculated parameters
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