The Brain and Spinal Cord Comprise the Central Nervous System

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The Brain and Spinal Cord Comprise the Central Nervous System

Review Topics for Final Exam

Living Things, Chemistry, Cells and Membranes

Know the levels of organization of living things as well as the characteristics of Living things

Basic Chemistry – structure of an atom, atomic number, atomic mass, number of electrions, ions, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, polar molecules, properties of water that make it important to living things

Organic Chemistry – the function and structure of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids including monomers and polymers and the reactions that build them up and break them down

Cell Structure and function of the organelles and the cell theory

Properties of the cell memberane including ways of getting things across the membrane, and what cannot cross the membrane. Principles of diffusion and osmosis, as well as the concepts of what happens to cells in Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic solutions

Nervous system Know and understand what a Neuron is and it’s anatomy Know and understand what Neuroglial tissue is Know and understand an Action Potential and how it occurs Know and understand white matter of CNS vs. Gray matter Know and understand peripheral vs. central nervous system Know and understand Saltatory vs. standard conduction Know and understand synapses and neurotransmitters Know and understand the different parts of the autonomic nervous system including Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems and Dual Innervation

Know and understand the different parts of human brain and especially the cerebrum and what the corpus callosum is

Know and understand the parts of a Reflex arc as well as the anatomy of the spinal cord and the dorsal and ventral roots as well as the dorsal root ganglion

Circulatory System - Blood, Blood Vessels and the Heart

Know and Understand how to Trace Blood through the cardiovascular system from one part to another including where it’s oxygen rich and where it’s oxygen poor and all of the vessels, valves and chambers it passes through along the way. Know and understand the anatomy of and the differences between the various types of blood vessels, as well as the special features of cardiac muscle

Know and understand the principles of blood pressure including what the different numbers represent, as well as understanding Cardiac Output, Stroke Volume and Pulse Pressure

Know an understand the special features that allow for Venous Return with such low pressure

Know and understand the principles of an EKG

Know and understand the principles of pressure related to Capillary Mechanics

Know and understand the differences between the various types of Blood Cells

Know and understand the various Blood Constituents

Know and understand the principles of Blood Typing

Know the various Heart Diseases and Vascular Diseases we discussed

Systole vs. diastole vs. pulse pressure

Digestive System

Know and understand the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system as well as it’s function, and any special circulatory portals

Be able to trace food completely through the digestive system including what’s digested where and by what enzymes, as well as the accessory glands and their functions, and the control of the system

Know and understand the Basic Concepts of Nutrition as well as the concepts of the various eating disorders

Know the various digestive system disorders discussed

Respiratory System

Know and Understand how to Trace Air through from when it enters the body until the oxygen and CO2 are exchanged including what happens to it along the way.

Know and understand the processes of inspiration and expiration as well as internal respiration and external respiration including the differences between them

Know and understand the Anatomy and physiology of the human respiratory system including special features and where the control center is located and what other controls exist

Know and understand the different respiratory volumes Know and understand the development of lung cancer including factors that help prevent it as well as factors that are associated with an increased risk of it.

Know and understand the mechanics of breathing

Know and understand the diffusion of gasses from the air to the blood and the blood to the air

Know the various Respiratory Diseases we discussed.

Reproductive System

Anatomy of male and female reproductive systems Be able to trace the production of sperm from where it is first produced to where it exits the body including any accessory glands that add secretions along the way and what special conditions may need to be present

Know the anatomy of the sperm cell and the egg Know and understand oogenesis and spermatogenesis Be able to trace the production of eggs from where they are first produced to where they exit the body including where they get fertilized if it occurs

Know the role of the various hormones in the male and female reproductive systems

Know the various methods of Birth Contral, including their risks and effectiveness

Know and understand the ovarian and uterine cycles and the roles of the various hormones

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