Chairman S Planning Guide s2

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Chairman S Planning Guide s2


Alexandria 2 Virginia 45 Chapter Name Chapter # State Name State #

Jeff B . Charter Night 2004 Chairman’s Name Project Name

(street address deleted) Management Development Chairman’s Mailing Address CPG Category

(# deleted) (# deleted) Stacy H., Management Vice President Business Phone Home Phone Supervising Chapter Officer


1. Primary Purpose (What Is The One Reason You Want To Successfully Run This Project?)

The primary purpose for this event is to celebrate the 64th Anniversary of the Alexandria Jaycees Charter.

2. Give a brief description of the proposed project and background information. Follow this with a listing of the specific and measurable goals to be accomplished by this project.

The Alexandria Jaycees were chartered in May 1940, and this May the chapter will observe its 64th Anniversary. In order to celebrate another successful year, the Jaycees will hold their annual charter night banquet on Saturday May 15. The event will feature a banquet dinner, presentations of various awards including Life Memberships, a Presidential Address, and finally will conclude with music and dancing. As usual, the dress code will be formal, with black tie optional. Alcoholic beverages will not be included in the ticket price, but a cash bar will be available for those members who wish to have drinks. In order to maximize attendance, we will send invitations not just to current Alexandria Jaycees members, but also to Life Members, Members of the Keymen Club, and various Virginia Jaycees Officers and members of other chapters in the Northern Virginia Region.

Goal #1 To have at least 50 paid attendees at the event. Goal #2 To have at least 7 paid attendees who are not current members or life members of the Alexandria Jaycees. (This could include members of other chapters or of the Keymen Club). Goal #3 To involve a minimum of 3 new Jaycees in the project. (Joined under President Auerswald). Goal #4 To limit dinner time, speeches, and award presentations so that at least two hours is available for music, dancing, and general socialization. Goal #5 To gain publicity in at least one media venue other than the Alexandria Jaycees Newsletter.

3. What Are The Specific Manpower Assignments? (Show Names And Duties)

Ms. Alicia A. Ms. A. oversees all projects conducted by the chapter. President, Alexandria Jaycees (phone # deleted) (street address deleted) [email protected]

Charter Night 2004 Final Chairman’s Planning Guide Page 1 Ms. Stacy H. Charter Night falls under the jurisdiction of the Management Vice President, Management Portfolio and accordingly, Ms. H. shall provide general (phone # deleted) oversight and liaison with the Executive Board. (street address deleted) [email protected]

Mr. Jeff B. As Project Chairperson, Mr. B. shall plan the project and run it Chairperson successfully, utilizing as much competent help from fellow (phone # deleted) Jaycees as possible. (street address deleted) [email protected]

Ms. Lori T. Committee members will assist the chairperson with banquet Committee Member related tasks, including but not limited to, the following: (phone # deleted) (street address deleted) . Liaison with Hotel / Contract Matters (email address deleted) . Selection of Disc Jockey . Distribution of Invitations . Publicity (External and Internal) Ms. Karen K. . Development of Program for the Evening Committee Member . Purchase of Miscellaneous Supplies, Favors, Gifts . Day of Event Logistics (Set-Up, Final Inspection) Mr. Larry R. . Telephone Calls Committee Member

4. What Specific Materials, Supplies And Resources Will Be Required?

Invitations and Postage - $100 Decorations & Program - $100 Slide Show - $100 Disc Jockey - $500 Full Service Banquet (Food, Room) - $2,000 (Includes Bartender but does not include alcoholic beverages)

5. Describe The Potential Problems And Solutions To Successfully Complete This Project.

Problem 1: Poor Attendance. Solution 1: Advertise the event heavily and send invitations well in advance. Use the telephone to contact members and request their presence. Have the State Director and the Metro Liaison to promote the event to other chapters.

Problem 2: Cost Overruns. Solution 2: Evaluate everything carefully and make no guarantees on head counts. Negotiate a firm, fixed- price contract (based on a range of attendance) with the hotel that does not contain escalator clauses and hidden charges for microphones, audio-visual services, etc.

Problem 3: Not enough time to dance, speeches and presentations go too long. Solution 3: Develop a program with timelines. Build “padding” into the program for the inevitable delays and gaps. If a speaker goes too long, have someone in the back of the room give the speaker a discreet signal.

Problem 4: Low attendance due to conflicting events that weekend. Solution 4: Promote the event as much as possibly. At some point, however, we have to accept the fact that there is no perfect date for this event, at least not in the month of May. It is a busy month with the State Convention

Charter Night 2004 Final Chairman’s Planning Guide Page 2 6. Complete A Proposed Budget Indicating All Anticipated Revenue And Expenses.

REVENUE Amount Appropriation from Chapter $1,050 50 Paid Guests @ $35/Guest $1,750 Total Revenue $2,800

EXPENSES Full Service Banquet (Includes bartender, microphone, screen) $2,000 . 50 Paid Meals @ $27.50/head = $1,375.00 . 5 Free Meals (State, Region) @ $27.50/head = $137.50 . Service Charge (20%) on 55 meals ($1512.50 * 20%) = $302.50 . Tax (10%) on 55 meals ($1512.50 * 10%) = $151.25 . Contingency = $33.75 Disc Jockey $500 Postage and Invitations $100 Decorations and Program Book $100 Slide Show $100 Total Expenses $2,800

7. List The Specific Steps To Bring This Project To A Successful Completion Showing Planned Dates For Each Step.

Date (2004) Action March 8 Present CPG to Board of Directors. March 15 Finalize arrangements with hotel (latest date), sign contract, submit $500 deposit. March 15 Finalize committee members. March 16 Send information to webmaster for publicity on chapter website. March 16 Send message across list serve. March 20 Submit article for April newsletter. March 22 Promote event at Chapter Meeting, circulate preliminary interest sheet. March 30 Send message across list serve. March 31 Secure disc jockey. Once contract is signed, fax to hotel. April 3 Send out invitations. (Chapter Members, Life Members, Keymen, State Officers, etc.) April 5-9 Conduct first wave of telephone calls. April 13 Send message across list serve. April 15 Status check with Hotel liaison - ensure everything is on track, no surprises. April 20 Send message across list serve. April 20 Submit article for May newsletter. April 26 Promote event at Chapter Meeting. April 27 Send message across list serve. May 3-7 Conduct second wave of phone calls. Persons who have already RSVP’d will get a reminder call. Persons who have not yet RSVP’s will get a request call. May 4 Send message across list serve. May 8 Print and assemble programs. May 8 Acquire decorations. May 11 Send message across list serve. May 12 9:00 AM, Telephone hotel with final numbers and confirm that all systems are go. May 13 Send e-mail message to all confirmed attendees with a reminder. If e-mail is unknown place a phone call to provide a reminder. May 15 Conduct event; arrive 2 hours early for logistics and set-up. June 14 Present final CPG to Board of Directors.

Charter Night 2004 Final Chairman’s Planning Guide Page 3 8. Record Any Revisions to the Original Plan.

No major revisions were required.

9. What Changes or Recommendations do you Have for a Future Chairman?

 Personal Phone Calls. The project chair (Chairman of the Board) should make telephone calls to older life members requesting their presence at the event. There were several who were non-committal until they received a personal phone call from the Chairman of the Board

 Marketing of Event. Several newer members flat-out stated that they did not want to attend this event because they did not have a date, thought it was similar to a high-school prom, etc. This is a gross misconception on their part. We need to make it clear to everybody that the Primary Purpose of Charter Night is to celebrate the anniversary of the Alexandria Jaycees and present awards. It is not primarily a social or entertainment event.

10. Give Specific and Measurable Results For Each Goal Established. Describe The Impact of The This Project on The Chapter, Individual Members and the Community. Evaluate Your Primary Purpose. Restate Your Primary Purpose and Describe Just How Well The Project Met It. Then Restate Each ff Your Goals And Evaluate Them Here.

Review of Primary Purpose and Goals

Primary The primary purpose for this event is to celebrate the 64th Anniversary of the Alexandria Jaycees Purpose Charter. Primary Achieved - A successful celebration was held and a good time was had by all. Result Goal #1 To have at least 50 paid attendees at the event. Result #1 Not Achieved. We had 42 paid attendees. Goal #2 To have at least 7 paid attendees who are not current members or life members of the Alexandria Jaycees. (This could include members of other chapters or of the Keymen Club). Result #2 Not Achieved. There was only five such individuals in attendance. However, the State President and the NOVA Regional Director did attend as complimentary guests. Goal #3 To involve a minimum of 3 new Jaycees in the project. (Joined under President A.). Result #3 Not Achieved. Only two were in attendance. Goal #4 To limit dinner time, speeches, and award presentations so that at least two hours is available for music, dancing, and general socialization. Result #4 Achieved. Speeches were completed at 9:55 PM, which allowed dancing to take place between 10:00 PM and Midnight. Goal #5 To gain publicity in at least one media venue other than the Alexandria Jaycees Newsletter. Result #5 Not Achieved. No such publicity was attained.

Financial Assessment: A Statement of Budgeted Expenses vs. Actual Expenses is provided below.

Budgeted Actual Amount Amount

REVENUE Appropriation from Chapter $ 1,050.00 $ 1,005.64 50 Paid Guests @ $35/Guest $ 1,750.00 $ 1,470.00 Total Revenue $ 2,800.00 $ 2,475.64

EXPENSES Hotel $ 2,000.00 $ 1,725.90 DJ $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Postage, Decorations, Slide Show $ 300.00 $ 249.74 Total Expenses $ 2,800.00 $ 2,475.64

The project used $44.36 less than was appropriated by the Board of Directors.

Charter Night 2004 Final Chairman’s Planning Guide Page 4

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