Gis & Gps Lp

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Gis & Gps Lp

Course Title: Logistics, Planning, and Management Systems

Lesson Title: GIS and GPS in Logistics Planning

TEKS Addressed in Lesson: 130.403

(10) The student uses information technology tools to access, manage, and create information. The student is expected to:

(D) use or explain the benefits of Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems hardware and applications;

Lesson Objective: After completing this lesson the student will be able to:

Explain GIS and GPS and the benefits those technologies have on Logistics, Planning, and Management.

Tools and Equipment

 Computer

 GIS and GPS in Logistics Planning PowerPoint presentation (PPT)

 GIS and GPS in Logistics Planning student notes (WS)

Key Terms / Vocabulary

 Global Positioning System (GPS) – a satellite network used to determine a geographic location on the earth’s surface

 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – a system used to store, analyze, and graphically display tabular data that has a spatial component

 Layer – digital representation of a geographic feature (ex. soil type, drainage, etc…)

 Altitude – height above sea level

 Latitude – measurement of a location’s distance north or south of the equator

 Longitude – measurement of a location’s distance east or west of the Prime Meridian

Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set Nissan has announced that it will have a self-driving car by 2020, Google has said it will do so by 2018. Students will discuss with their neighbor the technologies that have made this a future possibility. The teacher will facilitate a class discussion over this topic being sure to address (GPS receivers, internal navigation, laser rangefinders, radar, video, etc…)

Teaching Plan and Strategy / Presentation of New Material

1. The teacher will provide the student with background knowledge of GPS and GIS. (See PowerPoint presentation) 2. The student will fill in notes as information is presented. (See student notes WS)

Activity/Application/ Student Engagement /Laboratory

Students will be tasked with investigating one of the following topics (transportation, emergency response, military, urban planning, and supply chain management) with regards to how GPS and GIS are utilized and the benefits those technologies have in the logistics, planning, and management industry.

Once students have researched their topic, they will meet up with other students who had the same topic as them. They will then compile the information they collected on their topic in a poster format, being sure to include the roles GPS and GIS have in their topic and how GPS and GIS benefits their topic. Students will then be tasked with presenting their information to the class.

Evaluation / Summary

Students will be evaluated on their poster and explanation that is presented to the class.

Poster/Presentation Rubric

POOR GOOD EXCEPTIONAL Required Elements Incomplete, Minimal Complete, Some effort Complete, obvious effort shown shown effort shown Writing Presentation Sloppy or illegible, poor Legible, adequate use Very legible, great use use of space of space of space Quality of Language Little or no original Some original language All language is original language Examples Incomplete or no Some concepts without Every concept has an examples shown examples example Speaking Presentation Refusal to present Presents information Presents information but pace is too fast and pacing is on point

References/Additional Materials / Extended Learning Opportunities/ Enrichment

Explain how GIS and GPS are powerful business tools for managing logistics and transportation.

College & Career Readiness Standard I Writing A2

II Reading A2, A3, B1

III Speaking A2, B2, B3

IV Listening B1, B3

V Research A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2

I Nature of Science C1, D1

III Foundation Skills B1, B3, B4, C1, D1, D2

I Social Studies A1

I Cross-Disciplinary A1, D1, D4, E1, E2, F1, F2

II Cross-Disciplinary A2, A4, A5, A6, C4, C5, C6, E1, E4

©Texas Education Agency, 2015

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