Report #3

FIPP Activity Report Funded by the Basic Skills Initiative

Name Matt Cheung Date 11/9/09

FIPP Partner Jackie Freeman

Section #6232 English A

Activity /Strategy 32 Day Commitment Reflection

Category 4: Feedback and evaluation

Briefly describe the activity/strategy.

1. Introduction After completing the 32 day commitment, I wanted to make the students examine their own study techniques.

Set up & Supplies None.

Directions Administer the 32 day commitment, give students time to reflect on the process. Craft a writing prompt asking them to discuss their commitment, whether they finished it, and what would they change for next time.

2. Conclusion The reflections were very insightful and gave students a chance to reflect on how the study and whether what they do is effective or not.

What worked well? Everything went pretty well. Students responded to the prompt for the most part. Their reflections got them them to think about their actions and many of them were quite proud of themselves.

What would you change? I might make the page length clearer. Some students didn't write much. I think this assignment could be done periodically in journal entries and then have one cumulative final reflection later.

Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Yes, absolutely. The students were afforded the opportunity to be introspective and what they found out about themselves was quite revealing. Many of them felt proud at having accomplished a goal and those that didn't realized that they need to set more realistic goals in the future.

Please describe any student learning outcomes/changes that you observed after the implementation of the activity/strategy. This activity addresses ECC's core competencies three and four. The writing helps them communicate effectively in a written form and the prompt caused them to reassess their abilities as readers, often raising their self- esteem as well as helping them build more responsible behaviors into their lives.