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M.B.A.(Hotel Management &Tourism) DEGREE EXAMINATION – 2012 (FIRST YEAR) (PAPER-I) 110. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT December) Maximum: 75 Marks (Time: 3 Hours SECTION-A Answer any FIVE Questions (5×3=15) All questions carry equal marks 1. Define Management. 2. What are the main objectives of decision making? 3. Define Administration. 4. What do you mean by scientific management? 5. What do you mean by policies in the context of management? 6. What are the uses of charts and manuals? 7. Define authority. 8. What do you mean by motivation? 9. What is span of control? 10 Define MBO. . SECTION-B Answer any THREE Questions (3×10=30) All questions carry equal marks 11 Discuss the functions and qualities of a good supervisor. . 12 What is co- ordination? Explain the needs of it in an organisation? . 13 Discuss the barriers of effective communication. . 14 Differentiate line authority from staff authority. . 15 Discuss the benefits of a sound organisational structure. .

SECTION-C Answer any ONE Question (1×15=15) 16 Differentiate operational planning and strategic planning with suitable examples. . 2 17 Write brief note on Maslow’s theory of motivation. .

SECTION-D (Compulsory) (1×15=15) 18 Discuss Henry Fayol’s principles of Management. . ------