Drama Department Curriculum Share

Year 10

The courses and exam boards students follow:-

GCSE DRAMA OCR - 2016 Specification

Useful course materials / revision guides / study aids to support your child at home:-

GCSE DRAMA OCR – REVISION GUIDE (not released until Jan)

Students are assessed by:-

Component one – Internally assessed, externally moderated Component two – Recorded and assessed externally Component three – Written Exam

Homework help and advice available from:-

Teacher – Drama office – Sign up for coursework catch up and rehearsal schedules

Useful apps and website to support this stage of learning:-

BBC Bitesize for explorative strategies development - http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zbckjxs

National Theatre – Sign up to watch live performances from their theatre

My child is struggling – what can I do?

Talk to teacher and arrange to stay behind for intervention sessions and coursework catch up.

Watch alternative interpretations of text on YouTube.

Stay behind for rehearsals and ensure all group members are supporting practical work as well as experimenting with line learning techniques given to them from teacher.

My child loves this subject – what else can they do?

Join a Drama club/Youth Theatre outside of school such as – Footlights in Failsworth, North West Theatre Arts in Moston and MaD Theatre Company in Bury, Middleton and Moston.

Join in/audition for whole school performances/productions.

Assist with KS3 Drama clubs to gain directing and leadership experience. Go and see a live performance at a theatre with a range of theatres to choose from in Manchester City Centre – The Palace Theatre, Royal Exchange Theatre, Contact Theatre, Opera House, The Lowry etc.

The Drama Department recommend going to see/do:-

Hedda Gabler – The Lowry 31st October – 4th November 2017

Cabaret – The Lowry 7th November – 11th November 2017

Elf the Musical – The Lowry 24th November 2017 – 24th January 2018

Hairspray – The Opera House 26th March – 7th April 2018

War Horse 13th – The Lowry June – 30th June 2018

Half –Term planner 2017-18

Sept-Oct Oct-Dec Topics and texts Key Vocabulary / Topics and texts Key Vocabulary: studied: games to play: studied: Devising Naturalistic Stimuli Intro to Style and Non-Naturalistic Development for Stimulus Genre – Cross-Cutting Component One Performance Stanislavski and Thought Tracking and Portfolio Responding Brecht Still Image Evaluating Mime Analysis Drama Skills Portfolio Evaluation Constructive

Activities and ways to help at home: Activities and ways to help at home:

Google Brecht and Stanislavski and find out Discuss with parents a process you have what modern actors use their methods. gone through to get to something during Study their work through films. your lessons. Talking about the work will help the portfolio write up easier having discussed it.

Jan-Feb Feb-Mar

Topics and texts Key Vocabulary: Topics and texts Key Vocabulary: studied: studied:

Intro to Devising Intro to Devising Research Evaluation Drama Drama Stimuli Analysis (Component One) (Component One) Development Performance Portfolio Theory Improve Portfolio Theory Effect Experiment Audience Devising Explore Impact (Component 1 Exam) Devising (Component 1 Exam)

Activities and ways to help at home: Activities and ways to help at home: Research each stimuli explored during Continue writing diary of events in lesson to lessons. Search for alternative build up notes for portfolio evaluation. articles/videos/images etc. Keep diary of events in lesson.

Apr-May Jun-July

Topics and texts Key Vocabulary: Topics and texts Key Vocabulary: studied: studied:

Script Intro to ‘Exploring Script Characters a Play’– Characters Theatre Review – Storyline (Component Two) Storyline Exam Section B Theme Theme Genre Genre Method Method Contrast Contrast Status Status Performance Performance Review Review

Activities and ways to help at home: Activities and ways to help at home:

Read play at home and watch YouTube clips Create a mind map linking all characters of scenes to develop character together to gain deeper understanding of understanding. motive and relationships.