Wawne Parish Council Minutes of Meeting Held on Thursday 1St October 2009 at 7.Pm
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Wawne Parish Council Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 2nd Febraury 2017 at 7.pm
Those Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr S Appleyard (V Chair), Cllr Beaumont and Miss Gawthorpe Clerk to Parish Council, PCSO Bainton 3 Member of the public.
1 Apologies for Absence - Cllr Birch and Cllr Hutchinson 2 Declaration of Interest 3 Open Forum a) A Member of public expressed his concern about FOWSA and the car park at the school. Cllr Appleyard confirmed the P/Council’s position, which mirrors Government Guidelines, around support for Education and also reminded the meeting that the FOWSA application was for pupil support/activities. b) Members of the public gave a letter to the council about Wawne Meadows. Cllr Dickinson read the letter out. The couple want to build a wild life facility and a dwelling on the land. 4 Police Issues PCSO Bainton reported two crimes (burglary in an outbuilding, rotavator and generator taken – Ferry Road and Burglary at stables, 4 saddles taken – Meaux Road) in the parish and one ASBO, Parking/mud on carriageway/damage to grass verges. 5 Minutes of 5 th January 2017 Resolved: Correction no 10 on the minutes. Action: Cllr Appleyard to update and provide to the Chair 6 Matters Arising/Outstanding Issues a) Ongoing Action - Double Yellow lines: a. Inform the EYRC of acceptance of current proposal b. Wait to hear from ERYC about the yellow lines at the church. b) Ongoing Action – Planter: Cllr Hutchinson to make contact with the Waggons Public House to establish ownership of the access area with a view to siting a planter to highlight the village boundary. The official, EYRC, village boundary has moved and now starts at the Wawne sign on the 20mph speed warning post. c) Ongoing Action – Website: Cllr Hutchinson to complete the ‘History of Wawne’ page of the website. Cllr Hutchinson is going to complete over the winter. d) Ongoing Action – Mobile Library: Cllr Birch to raise the changes/impact to mobile library at the next ‘All Groups’ meeting e) Ongoing Action – Picnic Bench Cllr Appleyard is to get another price for the picnic bench at the play area. f) Ongoing Action – Oak Square The Clerk has contacted the ERYC regarding bollards on the island in order to protect the verge on the island. Awaiting a response g) Ongoing Action – Ferry Road The Clerk has contacted the ERYC regarding ‘Wawne Meadows’ which is a piece of land opposite Kenley House Farm on Ferry Road. Awaiting a response h) Ongoing Action – Damage to Verges The Clerk has contacted EYRC regarding damage to the verge being caused by contractors laying paving in a house at the start of Greens Lane. Awaiting a response i) Ongoing Action- Car Parking The Clerk is to contact PCSO Bainton regarding a parked car overlapping the pavement near the Post Office j) Closed Action – Dog Fouling The Clerk has contacted the Dog Warden and asked for patrols. The Dog Warden has also provided stickers which the handyman will apply throughout the village. k) Closed Action – Queens Garden Party The clerk has sent the nomination form to Cllr Beaumont. l) Ongoing Action- Barge The Clerk has contacted ERYC & Yorkshire Water about the ‘legality’ of the siting of the Barge along the river bank at the end of Green Lane. Awaiting a response 7 Finance: Resolved: All to be paid. (a) The village groups have asked for a donation from the parish council. Cllrs had a discussion. Resolved: To give FOWSA £1000, Wawne in Bloom £500, Church £1000 and Wawne Show £500. 8 Planning Decision: a) Erection of 2 dwellings following outline permission 13/03649/OUT (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be considered - Plot 1) - Land North Of 43 Meaux Road - Approved b) Erection of 2 dwellings following outline permission 13/03649/OUT (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be considered - Plot 2) - Land North Of 43 Meaux Road _ Approved (c) Variation of Conditions 4 (drainage) and 8 (approved plans) of planning permission ref. 15/01466/PLF for the erection of 2 dwellings - 37 Windham Crescent - Approved 9 Sapphire Jubilee The P/Council agreed the benefits of a Village event to celebrate the Sapphire Jubilee (65 years since the Queen’s coronation) but will wait until Cllr Birch is present to agree the details. 10 New Year Eve Party The P/Council agreed the benefits of a New Year’s Eve Dance but will wait until Cllr Birch is present to agree the details. Action: Clerk to establish such events are covered by P/Council insurance 11 Christmas A discussion was held and it agreed to remove all actions relating to the Christmas Celebration (lights with green netting, Toys etc.) and to form a sub-committee to deal with all such matters
Action: Cllr Dickinson agreed to look into the confusion surrounding the band/music for 8th December 2017 Christmas Festivities.
12 Traffic Regulation Order: No comment on the proposal 13 Correspondence:
(a) A quote from AMJO regarding the electric installation for the Christmas tree/lights was discussed
Resolved: To proceed with the checks/changes
Action: Clerk to inform AMJO
(b) The Festival Committee had written asking if the P/Council would like a table at this year’s event. The P/Council agreed the benefits of being at the event and agreed to accept. Resolved: To have a table at the event and inform the public of what we do and also ask for ideas Action: Clerk to inform Festival Committee Action: Cllr Appleyard to forward copies of information used/gathered at previous events to the Chair 14 Councillors' reports any items for future agenda: None 15 Issues for communications. No urgent issues were highlighted 16 Date and time of next meeting Next meeting is to be held at Wawne Village Hall, on Thursday 2nd March 2017
Chairs Signature and Date......
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