Trustees - General Service Board

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Trustees - General Service Board



Appendix A

Trustees - General Service Board

Appendix B

Chronology of Development of AAWS Board

Appendix C

Grapevine History

Appendix D

Chairmen of the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous

Appendix E

General Service board - Estimates of Membership in Years Relevant to Important Dates in the Growth of Alcoholics Anonymous. Appendix A

TRUSTEES - GENERAL SERVICE BOARD August 20, 1995 Numbers & Year of Increase Year Class A Class E Comments 1938 3 The Alcoholic Foundation was established. There were perhaps 100 members. Dr. Bob was one of the alcoholics. The other one got drunk and had to be replaced. 1939 4 3

1943 5 4

1949 8 7 Bill Wilson was a Trustee for 1 year. 1954 The name Alcoholic Foundation was changed to the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous. Inc. 1961 Of the 7 Class B Trustees 4 were "in town" and 3 were "area". 1962 10 9 At this time of the 9 Class B Trustees 4 were "in town" and 5 were "area". An election process was initiated which has continued ever since. It was applied to the Regional Trustees in the U.S.A. 1966 7 14 After much discussion over many years, the ratio of non- alcoholics to alcoholics was changed to more alcoholics than non-alcoholics. Numbers were increased from 19 to 21. 1968 A Regional Trustee for Eastern Canada, Roly Davidson, was elected. 1969 Reference made for 1st time to "General Service Trustee-at- Large". 1974 Reference made to "General Service Trustee - U.S./Canada". 1975 The Forums were started by Dr. Jack Norris. the Chairman of the Board. The purpose was to make AA members more familiar with what takes place at the Conference and the HQ The Trustees and members of the Staff would be introduced to the members It would be an improvement in communications. 1978 Advisory Actions "General Service Trustee - U.S/ Canada" changed to "Trustee-at-Large" 1993 Chair of the Board to serve for 4 years. Class A's to serve for 2 terms of 3 Years.


Class A Trustees John N Chappel, M.D. W.J. (Jim) Estelle, Jr. Gary A. Glynn Elaine M. Johnson, Ph.D. Arthur L. Knight, Jr. Robert O. Miller Peter Roach

Class B Trustees Peter Brock General Service Trustee William Bungay Regional Trustee Eastern Canada Gerry Flegel Regional Trustee Western Canada Gay Garner Regional Trustee South East U.S.A. Michel Girard Trustee-at-Large Canada Les Leuthaeuser Reqional Trustee West Central U.S.A. Michael McPherson General Service Trustee Raul A. Marin Regional Trustee South West U.S.A. Larry Nelson Trustee-at-Large U.S.A. Fran Polek General Service Trustee Julian Rhinehart Regional Trustee Pacific U.S.A. MaryJane Roy Regional Trustee North East U.S.A. Jane Murphy Schulberg General Service Trustee Donald Weaver Regional Trustee East Central U.S.A.

Chairperson W.J. (Jim) Estelle Jr. First Vice Chairperson John N. Chapoel. M.D. Second Vice Chairperson Elaine M. Johnson, Ph.D. Treasurer Gary Glynn Secretary Gerry Flegel Assistant Treasurer Donald Meurer Assistant Secretary Pat Rosenstiel Appendix B

Aug . 20, 1995 CHRONOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF AAWS BOARD In the beginning the needs of the office were handled by a general service committee loosely comprised of the staff and interested AA members headed by Bill Wilson.

1939 - was known as Works Publishing and was not incorporated.

1940 - Works Publishing, Inc. - 3 Directors.

1942 - Formation of Stock Corporation, - not less than 3 Directors and not morn than 5.

1951 - Hank Greime became first paid manager. Had been a volunteer.

1953 - Works Publishing Inc. became A.A. Publishing Inc.

1955 - 5 Directors

1959 - A.A. Publishing Inc. became A.A. World Services Inc.

1962 - Herb Morse became manager on a 2/3 time basis.

1962 - Certificates of Incorporation of AAWS

1968 - Robert Hitchins hired as a General Manager on a 2/3 time basis as of December, 1968 to succeed Herb Morse who retired March 1968.

1969 - recommended that Robert Hitchins' job be made a fulltime job.

1971 - approved the Directors' terms of service be increased to four Years.

1972 - Amendment to bylaws to provide for a Chairman of the Board of Directors. It would be a new position and would be in addition to current officers President, First Vice President, Second vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

1974 - Robert Pearson replaced Bob Hitchins as General Manager, September 1974 and President of AAWS as of May 1977.

1975 - Increased number of Directors from seven to nine and that the two additional ones be Class B, out of town Trustees. 1975 -- Rescheduled four of the monthly meetings to coincide with the regular quarterly meetings of the General Service Board.

1976 - Held eight versus twelve AAWS meetings annually on a trial basis for the balance of 1976 ( September thru December ) .

1976 - On December _ 1976 agreed to revert to the former schedule of twelve meetings a year.

1977 - Recommended that Chairmanship of Board be limited to one Year

1977 - Recommenced that out of town, Class B Trustees serve a term of two years

1977 - Bob Hitchins retired in December.

1984 – John Bragg began his employment as General Manager.

1985 - Sob Pearson resigned from HAWS Board effective at close of 1985 Conference. John Bragg replaced him as President of AAWS April 1985

1989 - April 1 Wayne Parks took over from John Bragg who resigned.

1991 - Aug. Wayne Parks resigned as General Manager.

1991 Aug. to March 1992 - General Manager's position filled by services Director, Tom Jasper .

1992 March - George Dorsev became General Manager.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Numbers of A.A.W.S Board Directors: 2 Regional Trustees 2 General Service Trustees 3 Non-Trustee Directors 1 General Manager 1 Staff Member 9 Total


Budget 1995 Sales income $9,335,800

Contributions income 3,825,000 Total Revenue $7,292.500 after mfg., royalties. Shipping, warehousing including contributions Total Operating Expenses $8,023,100 Operating Loss

Budgeted at $730,500 (Figures from Box 459 June - July, 1995 ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NAMES OF A .A .W .S . DIRECTORS Regional Trustee Gay Garner Regional Trustee Julian Rhinehart_ G.S. Trustee Peter Brock G.S. Trustee Michael McPherson Non-Trustee Director Jacques Filteau Non-Trustee Director Gerard Ouellette Non-Trustee Director Richard Roughton General Manager George Dorsey Staff Member Pat Rosenstiel


Chairperson Gay Garner President George Dorsey First Vice President Julian Rhinehart Second Vice President Pat Rosenstiel Treasurer Gerard Ouellette Secretary Joseph Dennan Appendix C


June 1944 Lois K.. Marty, Priscilla. Kay Abbott. Maeve 1,200 copies - 8 pages.15 each. 1.50 yrly Tabloid newsletter

Oct. 1945 Circulation - 3.000

March 1 3 , 1 9 4 6 1 s t C e r t i f i e d A r t i c l e s of Incorporation of the G.V. was issued. There were 8 Directors elected by holders of Class A Stock and 2 Directors elected by holders of Class B Stock. Class A was considered to be separate and independent from the General Service Office of A.A. They were able to elect 3 and thus were able to control the majority to ensure editorial autonomy. Class B was held by the Alcoholic Foundation. These 2 Directors were Trustees.

1946 The F.B.I. also had a name similar to Grapevine and there were problems which were resolved.

June 1947 The Preamble was placed in the G.V. It was written by Tom Y .

September 1948 The G.V. was changed in size to the pocket size. It remains this until today. The Serenity Prayer was introduced in the magazine.

The magazine contained the Steps, Traditions Serenity Prayer, Preamble, Letters, Humor, Articles by Members and for members.

1954 It was decided there had to be a 4;5 vote to elect officers. In effect, this gave control to the General Service Board and Conference since it required the approval of at least 1 Trustee_

1958 A new Certificate of Incorporation was introduced and a 7-member Board established.

1958 The word "honest" was removed from the Preamble before the word ''desire".

July 1962 Victor E. introduced. 1966 About Alcoholism introduced - grey pages.

July 1969 A 9-member Board for the GV was established.

1971 New Certificate of Incorporation for A.A. G.V. was issued. The stock organization was dissolved and a new membership corporation formed. The number of Directors was not specifically stated. The Certificate stated there could be 5 to 25 but the practice was 9.

1974 Box 1980 introduced.

1986 Board increased to 10

1991 The Grey Pages discontinued


Numbers of Directors on Board= 2 Regional Trustees 1 Class A Trustee 2 General Service Trustees 3 non-Trustee Directors 1 Grapevine Editor 1 Associate Grapevine Editor 10 Total XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Financial Data

Budget 1995 Gross Profit on Magazine $847,900

Gross Profit on other Publishing income 292,000 $1,139,900. Costs & expenses 1,329,900. Net loss budgeted at $109.700 (Figures from Box 459 June-July, 1995) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Magazine circulation

1993 1994

119,803 117,743 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Names or Grapevine Directors Jane Schulberg General Service Trustee Chuck Crist Non-Trustee Director John King Non-Alcoholic Trustee Les Leuthaeuser Regional Trustee Tom Maguire Non-Trustee Director Fran Polek General Service Trustee Ames Sweet Staff Member Francine Ward Non-Trustee Director Ann Warner Editor Donald Weaver Regional Trustee XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Chair Donald Weaver President Ann Warner Vice President Chuck Crist Treasurer Tom Maguire Secretarv Fran Pole; Ass't Treasurer Robert E. Scherer Ass't Secretary Naomi Strassberg AUGUST 24. 1995 Appendix D


1938-39 William Ruddell Died 1962

1939-40 Harry Brick

1940-41 Robert Shaw Died Sep. 1941

1941-51 Leonard Harrison Died Sep. 9. 1969

1951-5b Bernard Smith Died Auq. 1. 1970

1956-61 Leonard Harrison Died Sep. 9. 1969

1961-78 Dr. Jack Norris Died Jan. 13. 1989

1978-82 Milton Maxwell PhD Died Oct. 28, 1988

1982-88 Gordon Patrick

1988-93 Mike Alexander

1993- Jim Estelle August 22, 1995

Appendix E



Year World USA Canada

1935 2

1951 112,000 83,000 8,000

1962 176,000 110,000 13,000

1966 232,000 134,000 1,000

1975 503,000 288,000 43,000

1995 1,800,000 1,100,000 96,000

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