Sauk Rapids City Council s3

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Sauk Rapids City Council s3

REGULAR MEETING SAUK RAPIDS CITY COUNCIL SAUK RAPIDS GOVERNMENT CENTER, 250 Summit Ave N. Monday, February 27, 2017 6:00PM MINUTES 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Members present: Steve Heinen, Ellen Thronson, Nick Sauer, and Jason Ellering. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director,Terry Wotzka, City Engineer, Chad Staul, City Attorney, Pete Eckhoff, Public Works Director, Jack Kahlhamer, Finance Director, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator *Oath of Office: Swearing In of Jason Ellering as Councilperson Ross Olson, City Clerk, administered the oath of office for Jason Ellering. Councilperson Ellering was appointed to the Sauk Rapids City Council at the February 13th City Council meeting. 2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda Ross Olson requested to add Authorizing Detailed Estimated Fee for the Potential Undergrounding of Power Lines for the Second Avenue Reconstruction Project as agenda item 9-G. 3. Approve the Agenda Motion: Moved by Councilperson Heinen and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Approve Minutes A. 2-13-17 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Heinen to approve the 2-13- 17 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Receive and File NONE 6. Mayor’s Communication  Extra Mile Award—Mayor Hunstiger noted that information regarding the City’s Extra Mile Award has been placed on the City website. Mayor Hunstiger stated that the Extra Mile Award was created for the Mayor and City Council to have the opportunity to recognize those who are making a positive impact in the Sauk Rapids community. Mayor Hunstiger encouraged anyone who knows of someone deserving of this recognition to please contact him or City staff.

7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda Several residents from the 2nd Avenue North neighborhood addressed with the Council the safety concerns that they have. Due to safety issues/fear, the residents requested to remain anonymous. The 2nd Avenue North neighborhood discussed the ongoing issues that have been plaguing this neighborhood, which included:  The neighborhood voiced their frustration over the length of time that it is taking to get the Sauk Rapids Police Department staffed at full-capacity.  As a neighborhood, residents banned together to form a Neighborhood Watch, added extra outdoor lighting, and nothing seems to be working to prevent ongoing crimes in this neighborhood.

2-27-2017 Page 1  Some residents stated that they are living in fear in their own homes due to some of the recent crimes in their neighborhood.  Residents questioned what the City is going to do to help alleviate these issues.  Residents spoke of gun shots being fired in the direction of homes. Several bullets from gunshots actually struck a resident’s vehicle less than two weeks ago.  Residents discussed frequent calls being made to the Sauk Rapids Police Department

Mayor Hunstiger discussed how the calls to the Sauk Rapids Police Department are dispatched from Benton County out in Foley. Mayor Hunstiger encouraged the neighborhood to continue doing what they are doing in terms of calling the Police Department over these issues.

 It was noted that residents have witnessed people walking in their neighborhood with objects/ weapons that they feared would be used violently.  The residents spoke of a person being hit in the face/head with a weapon at a property in this neighborhood.

Mayor Hunstiger asked Ross Olson where things are at with hiring the new police officers. Ross Olson stated that the Police Department has interviews set up for March 9th in the hopes of filling the current vacancies in the Sauk Rapids Police Department. Olson said that the Police Department is taking the concerns addressed by the residents very seriously. Olson noted that the background check process for a police officer does unfortunately take a lengthy amount of time to properly complete.

Mayor Hunstiger said that they are looking to hire 3 Police Officers, which would bring the Department total from 13 to 16 Police Officers.

Mayor Hunstiger stated that he attended a conference for newly elected mayors this past weekend, and the inability for some police officer candidates to pass their background checks has become a common trend state-wide. Mayor Hunstiger noted that he also discussed the number of Police Officers that each city has with fellow mayors from across the State. Mayor Hunstiger said that the numbers fluctuated with some smaller cities having more Police Officers than Sauk Rapids and some larger cities having fewer. He noted that the City of Sauk Rapids is in a unique position because it has a very large city nearby.

Mayor Hunstiger requested that Ross Olson schedule a meeting with the Personnel and Finance Committee and the Police Chief to discuss these issues and look at ways of addressing the residents’ concerns. Mayor Hunstiger noted that the the City may need to look into the option of having some part- time help as well. He noted that the City has also been talking about doing a Reserve Police Officer program. Olson said that he would arrange for a meeting with the Police Chief and the Personnel and Finance Committee.

Gloria Truax , 131 17th Street Court, stated that she moved from the Twin Cities to Sauk Rapids a couple of years ago. Truax stated that it is important for the residents that the standards for the City of Sauk Rapids are kept high. She thanked the Mayor and City Council for all that they do. Truax said that she feels like she is in heaven living in Sauk Rapids compared to where she used to live.

 A resident from the 2nd Avenue North neighborhood mentioned that Sauk Rapids-Rice School District stopping open enrollment might prevent some of the issues that the neighborhood is dealing with. This resident also mentioned that instead of spending money on building new schools for the City of St. Cloud residents, the money would be better spent providing police officers and cleaning up the City of Sauk Rapids.

2-27-2017 Page 2 Mayor Hunstiger noted that the open enrollment and referendum issue would be better addressed at a Sauk Rapids-Rice School Board meeting as the City Council does not have control over those issues.

 Residents voiced concern over how the alleyways in their neighborhood are being used by people who do not live in their neighborhood and have no business being in the alley. The residents questioned what the process is to close the alleys to public access along 2nd Avenue North.

Ross Olson said that there is a process of vacating an alleyway, but that in order to do so you have to be able to prove that the alleyways are not being used by the public as this is a public roadway.

Chad Staul agreed with Olson that there isn’t a simple solution to vacating alleys and that this was a complex issue that needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis.

 Residents noted that they are very appreciative of the Sauk Rapids Police Department and they are not in any way taking away from what the Police Officers do for the City by being here tonight.  Residents discussed a problem house in the 2nd Avenue North neighborhood that is not being maintained at all. There is trash all over the outside of the property. It was noted that this property has vehicles coming and going from it constantly with many of the vehicles staying at the property for less than five minutes at a time. Several calls were made to the Police Chief regarding these vehicles and the suspicious activity taking place at this property.  Residents stated that their property values have decreased in this neighborhood because nobody wants to buy a house in a crime infested neighborhood next to unkept houses.

Mayor Hunstiger talked about the City’s recent attempts to clean up problem properties and the maintenance code that was established by the City Council. He asked City staff whether or not the property being discussed tonight is on the City’s radar. Todd Schultz stated that letters regarding the condition of the property in question have been sent, but the City has not heard anything in response to the letters from the property owner.

Schultz noted that one of the struggles that the Building Official has as it pertains to problem properties is that unless it is an unlicensed rental there is not much that can be done from a building code stance or even a Department of Health stance, which is challenging. Schultz said that he did hear earlier today that it does sound like it was discovered over the weekend that this property was indeed an unlicensed rental. Schultz said that from what he has heard, the Building Official did post a “No Entry” sign on the door of this property over the weekend and the Building Official has been working with the Police Department on this issue.  Residents discussed how their cars have been vandalized and property has been stolen from them.  Residents voiced concern about the loud vehicles and whether or not the City’s noise ordinance is enforced.

Councilperson Sauer empathized with the residents regarding the fear/safety issues being expressed tonight. He stated that he can relate as he deals with many of these same issues where he lives. Councilperson Sauer noted that he has heard gunshots coming from neighboring City of St. Cloud very close to where he lives. He said that he definitely takes the residents’ concerns very seriously.

 Residents stated that the crime rate along 2nd Avenue North has risen since the Sauk Rapids Police Department moved from the downtown into the new Government Center. Residents said that more police presence is needed in their neighborhood.

2-27-2017 Page 3  The residents shared suggestions that they as a neighborhood came up with to attempt to combat some of the issues that they are seeing, which included housing a Police Officer at the Sauk Rapids Fire Department.  Residents questioned if anyone has been caught from the thefts in this neighborhood.

Mayor Hunstiger noted that Sergeant Brent Bukowski from the Sauk Rapids Police Department just entered the Council Chambers. Mayor Hunstinger asked if Bukowski could provide an update to the residents as it pertains to 2nd Avenue North.

Brent Bukowski, Sauk Rapids Police Sergeant, stated that while out on duty tonight, he received a call from the Sauk Rapids Police Detective, Dan Falk, who said that there were some questions being raised at tonight’s City Council meeting regarding the 700 block of 2nd Avenue North. Sergeant Bukowski said that the Sauk Rapids Police Department took a call over a week ago Friday night/early Saturday morning that there had been shots fired on the 700 block of 2nd Avenue North. The Sauk Rapids Police Department responded but the supsect had already fled. Bukowski noted that the Police Department recovered shell casings and an investigation followed. He stated that several Police Officers helped with the investigation who all did a terrifc job. A stolen hand gun that appeared to match the shell casings found at the scene where the shots were fired a few days earlier was discovered at a different residence belonging to a person who frequented this property and this person was taken into custody. A search warrant for the property on the 700 block of 2nd Avenue North was obtained and three people were taken into Police custody over incidents that occurred at this property.One of the supsects was living at the property. The other person who had been living at the property does not appear to have been tied to the crimes that took place, but was just using this as a cheap place in which to live while he attempted to rebuild his life.

Bukowski said that through this investigation it was discovered that this was an unlicensed rental. After hearing this, the Sauk Rapids Police Department contacted Building Official, Jason Fleming, who after doing a walk through of the property posted it as unoccupiable. Due to the condition of the inside interior, the Building Official deemed the house in its current condition uninhabitable. Bukowski said that attempts to reach the property owner have been unsuccessful, but her two adult sons who once stayed at the house and who knew the people who had been renting the home have been cooperating with the Police Department.

Bukowski explained that currently nobody is allowed to occupy/enter the residence unless they are there to clean up the place or to make changes to the residence. He noted that the property is being actively patrolled by the Sauk Rapids Police Department.

Bukowski said that a lot of time was spent on this investigation. He said that while he cannot gurantee that all problems have been taken care of, he can say that the people identified as causing problems at this property have been taken in to custody.

Bukowski encouraged residents to continue to call the Police Department with any concerns that they may have.

Mayor Hunstiger said that knowing that the Building Official is now involved, he knows that this issue will be taken care of pertaining to this particular property.

Mayor Hunstiger thanked Sergeant Bukowski for the update. He also thanked the residents for coming in tonight to share their concerns.

8. Public Hearings 2-27-2017 Page 4 NONE

9. Consent Agenda A. Approve Bob Cross Pool Lift Station B. Authorize Staff to Purchase New Holiday Decorations C. Approve Appointment to Open Utility Maintenance Position D. Approve City Council Committee Assignments for 2017 E. Approve 2017 Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Licenses F. Decline Requests of Developer Regarding Turning View Estates Cul-de-sacs G. Authorize Detailed Estimate Fee for the Potential Undergrounding of Power Lines for the Sec- ond Avenue Reconstruction Project Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Heinen to approve agenda items 9A-9G. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Regular Agenda A. Tobacco 21 Presentation Mayor Hunstiger noted that Dr. Julie Anderson, medical doctor with CentraCare, is here tonight to present on “Tobacco 21”.

Dr. Anderson stated that she is here tonight to request that the City Council increase the age in which to legally purchase tobacco within City limits to 21. Anderson noted that 200 cities in the United States have implemented the Tobacco 21 policy, but the City of Sauk Rapids would be the first in the State of Minnesota. She said that she has provided a similar request to the St. Cloud City Council as well. California and Hawaii already implemented this policy statewide and 4 more states are looking into it. Anderson said that a 25-50% reduction has taken place with tobacco use in the cities and states where Tobacco 21 has been implemented.

Mayor Hunstiger asked Legal if this is something that the City can do. Chad Staul said that he would like to look further into this before rendering a legal opinion.

Mayor Hunstiger asked Ross Olson when the next St. Cloud Area Joint Cities meeting is and whether or not Dr. Anderson might be able to present to that group.

Ross Olson talked about the St. Cloud Area Joint Cities meetings and how the agendas are drafted. Olson said that it might be possible for Dr. Anderson to present to this group in the future.

Julie, Benton County Public Health, stated that Benton County has created a Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Julie said that one in twelve of the local youth are using tobacco. She noted that Benton County has much higher tobacco use than other counties in the State.

11. Other Staff Items  Community Booklet Distributed by Sauk Rapids Herald—Ross Olson stated that he recently met with staff from the Sauk Rapids Herald. Olson said that the Sauk Rapids Herald plans to put out a community booklet similar to what had been done by the Newsleader. Olson explained that the community booklet, which will be distributed in the Fall, will be done at no cost to the City and provided to every address. The intent of the publication is to establish an ad base. He said that the Sauk Rapids Herald plans to leave space in the booklet for City information as well.

 Final Plat at Pond View—Todd Schultz said that the Council will be asked at their next City Council meeting to approve the Final Plat at Pondview for 12-14 residential lots. Schultz said that this development is right across from the City’s Water Treatment Facility. He noted that there might be another development going in near this location as well. 2-27-2017 Page 5 12. Other Council Items and Communications NONE 13. Approve List of Bills and Claims Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Adjournment Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator

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