16 May 2001




LOZBENKO, Leonid Rue du Marché 30 Deputy Secretary General B-1210 Bruxelles World Customs Organization Tel: 0032 2 209 9408 Fax: 0032 2 209 9292 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.wcoomd.org GURUNLIAN, Jean Avenue de la Paix Director CH – 1211 Geneva Services Infrastructure for Development and Tel: (0041 22) 907 5544 Trade Efficiency Division Fax: (0041 22) 907 0052 UNCTAD E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.unctad.org ORTHLIEB, Maxence Avenue de la Paix Economic Affairs Officer CH – 1211 Geneva Services Infrastructure for Development and Tel: (0041 22) 907 2001 Trade Efficiency Division Fax: (0041 22) 907 0052 UNCTAD E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.unctad.org KALIL, Peter M. 1300 New York Avenue, N.W. Chief Washington, DC 20577 Integration, Trade and Hemispheric Issues Tel: (202) 623-2554 Division Fax: (202) 623-2169 Integration Dept. E-mail: [email protected] Inter-American Development Bank WILSON, John S. 1818 H Street, NW Lead Economist Washington, DC 20433, United States Development Research Group Tel: 202-473-2065 World Bank Fax: 202-522-1159 E-mail: [email protected] www.worldbank.org WALSH, James T. 700 19th Street, N.W. Senior Economist Washington, DC 20431 Tax Coordination Division United States International Monetary Fund Tel: 202-623-6394 Fax: 202-623-8171 E-mail: [email protected] SESSION 2

MIKURIYA, Kunio 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Director Tokyo 100-8940 International Affairs and Research Division Japan Customs and Tariff Bureau Tel: 0081-3-3581-2852 Japan Fax: 0081-3-5251-2175 E-mail: [email protected] CLARKE, John Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 170 Coordinator B-1040 Bruxelles WTO Affairs Tel: 0032 2 299-01-64 WTO Division, DG Trade Fax: 0032 2 229-09-00 European Commission E-Mail: [email protected]

ROB VAN KUIK, J. Korte Voorhout 7 P.O.Box 20201 Tax and Customs Administration 2500 EE Den Haag Ministry of Finance The Netherlands Netherlands Tel: 0031 70 342-82-67 Fax: 0031 70 342 79 38 E-Mail: [email protected] LINSCOTT, Mark 1-3 Avenue de la Paix Attache 1202 Geneva Office of the United States Trade Tel: (41-22) 749-5332 Representative Fax: (41-22) 749-5308

CLAYPOLE, William A. Director Strategic International and Domestic Partnerships Division Canada Customs and Revenue Agency TRUDEL, Pierre Manager Training and Technical Assistance Origin and Valuation Policy Division Canada Customs and Revenue Agency SESSION 3

CAHIT SOYSAL, H. Hükümet Meydani Ulus, ANKARA Director General of Turkish Customs Tel: (0312) 311 30 04 -.311 28 77 Fax: (0312) 311 13 45 E.mail: [email protected]

AKIN AKÖN Anafartalor Cad.No.6 Kat.14 Expert Ulus-Ankara, Turkey E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Basbakanbik Gümrüt Müst.

JEREOS, Georges M. Port of Manila Building, Room 305 Deputy Commissioner Port Area Customs Assessment and Operations Manila Coordinating Group Tel: 527 9473 Philippines Customs Fax: 527 4602

GUTIERREZ OSSIO, José E. Tel: 00 59 12 406 220 Director Fax: 00 59 12 406 340 Reform and Modernization Program E-mail:[email protected] Bolivia Customs

WAFA Mahmoud P.O. Box (926429) Amman (11110) Jordan National Project Director Tel: 462 3186 Ext: 2453 ASYCUDA Project Mobile: 079-580516 Jordanian Customs Department Fax: 4610697 E.Mail: [email protected] MOLLA, Mobarak A. National Board of Revenue National Board of Revenue Segun Bagicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh Tel: 880 2 831 6048 or 880 2 811 8799 Fax: 880 2 831 61 43 E-mail: [email protected] DIAGNE, Ibrahima Trade Point Senegal Director of Marketing and International Km G5 Route de Rufisque Cooperation Tel: 0221 639 3091 Ministry of Commerce E-mail: [email protected] Senegal SESSION 4

SOTO, Ronald Saborio Mission Permanente de Costa Rica ante la Ambassador Organización Mundial del Comercio Costa Rica Rue de Lausanne 145, CH – 1202 Geneva Tel. (0041 22) 715 00 90 Fax: (0041 22) 715 00 99 E-mail: [email protected] OLIVER, Julian 3 Rue Joseph II Director General 1000 Bruxelles International Express Carriers Conference Tel: 0032 2 230 99 86 (Direct) (IECC) Tel: 0032 2 230 47 14 (Switch) Fax: 0032 2 230 99 19 E-mail: [email protected] PRESTI, Sue 6309 Beachway Drive Executive Director Falls Church, Virginia 22044 Air Couriers Conference of America Tel: 703 998 7121 Fax: 703 998 7123 E-mail: [email protected] BOOHENE-OSAFO, Comfort PO Box 68 Deputy Commission for Research and Accra Monitoring of Customs Excise & Preventive Tel: 662935 (Direct) Service Tel: 666 841-5 Ext. 40111 GHANA Mobile: 024-31 62 76 MOFFETT, Michael J. Amaane House-Motorway Ext. General Manager P.O. Box C2212 Cantonments Gateway Services Ltd. (GSL) Accra-Ghana Tel: 00233 21 7012012-5 Fax: 00233 21 506826 E-mail: [email protected] WELCH, Ms. Sue 2 Main Street Chief Executive Officer Gloucester MA 01930 CrossStreetTrade, Inc. US Tel: 1-978-281-3723 Fax: 1-978-281-0673 E-Mail: [email protected]

OSUMI, Noriyoshi Yamato Seimei Building 11F Executive Manager 1-1-7 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku NTT Communications Corporation Tokyo 100-0011 Japan Japan Tel: 0081 3 3504 2503 Fax: 0081 3 3504 2487 E-mail: [email protected]