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NHS National Services Scotland

Guidance for using the eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008

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Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Background of the eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008

3. Definition of the Service Categories

4. The Firms

5. Instructions for Response

6. Evaluation Criteria

7. Appendix 1 – Firm Contacts

8. Appendix 2 – Day Rates

9. Appendix 3 – Generic ITT for Mini-Tender Competitions

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1.0 Introduction

This document gives guidance for using the eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008. It describes the background of the Framework, defines each of the five Service Categories, and lists the Firms in each Service Category and their contact details. Instructions for running a Mini-Tender Process including a generic Invitation to Tender (ITT) for Mini-Tender Competitions and suggested evaluation process are within this guidance.

All these details, Terms and Conditions and related documents to this Framework can be found on the internet at or contact NISG Business Advisory Group directly using the contact details on the website. The Business Advisory Group can assist you with any parts of the process of utilising this contract.

2.0 Background of the eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008

The eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008 is an additional route for your procurement process. Purchasers should follow their local Standing Financial Intrstructions (SFIs) before choosing a procurement route. For further advice please contact National Services Scotland Procurement Advisory Group. It is also not mandatory to use this Framework to procure consultancy services for eHealth. All other routes in line with local SFIs and The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2006 are still open to purchasers. Thresholds…

The advantages of using a Framework Agreement is that the Terms and Conditions have already been agreed with the Firms in each Service Category. In procuring this Framework Agreement NSS has carried out a competition in accordance with EU Directives and The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The evaluation criteria used in procuring the services of the Firms means that the most economically advantageous tenders, taking into account price, quality, capacity and track record were chosen to provide value for money choices from the market. Using this Framework agreement can help reduce resource effort and can therefore be less costly than other routes as the contracts are more easily put in place and procurement best practice is being followed by sticking to the instructions of this guidance.

The eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008 can be used by public contracting authorities in Scotland whose main activities are in Health and where a requirement fits one of the five Service Categories described below. This limits its use to NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Scottish Government Health Department.

The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (“NSS”) undertook a procurement for a range of Consultancy Services on behalf of itself, the Scottish Government Health Department and all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (collectively hereafter referred to as “Participating Authorites”). NSS established a multi-supplier framework on the basis of Terms and Conditions of the Framework Agreement which was signed by all Firms on 18 August 2008.

Ver 1.0 Page 3 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts Parties to the Framework Agreement compete for packages of work required by Participating Authorities through mini competitions and the process for undertaking mini competitions (“Mini Tender Process”) is as detailed in the Section 5 of this document and Schedule Part 2 to the Terms and Conditions of the Framework Agreement . Participating Authorities shall determine which Service Category(ies) are required for any particular project which they intend to undertake and any Tenderers in that Service Category will be invited to bid pursuant to the Mini Tender Process.

The eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008 will run from August 2008 for four (4) years.

3.0 Definition of the Service Categories

The Framework Agreement identifies five categories of Consultancy Services:

Service Category 1 - General Consultancy General consultancy and contractor services, business and IT related including the provision of project managers and strategic services. This section will also contain change related and benefit realisation services.

Service Category 2 - ICT Technical, Project and Consultancy Services Information and communications technical consultancy services

Service Category 3 - Research and Market Intelligence General Business and IT related Research and Market Intelligence Services.

Service Category 4 - Financial and Procurement advice General financial, procurement and contractual consultancy services, business and IT related.

Service Category 5 - Training/Service Transfer. Training and skills transfer services, business and IT related.

4.0 The Firms

Contact details for all the Firms are contained in Appendix 1. Below is a list of the Firms in each Service Category and email addresses for sending an ITT for Mini- Tender Competition [the email lists can be cut and paste into Outlook]

Service Category 1 – General Consultancy

Atos Origin Alliance [email protected]; Capgemini UK plc [email protected]; Deloitte MCS Ltd [email protected] ; Frontline Consultants [email protected]; Methods Consulting Ltd [email protected] ; PA Consulting Group [email protected]; Tribal Consulting [email protected] ;

Ver 1.0 Page 4 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts Service Category 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Consultancy Services

Capgemini UK plc [email protected]; Deloitte MCS Ltd [email protected] ; HealthSystems Consultants Limited [email protected] ; Logica UK Ltd [email protected] ; Mott MacDonald [email protected]; Perot Systems [email protected] ; PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP [email protected] ; [email protected];

Service Category 3 – Research and Market Intelligence

Deloitte MCS Ltd [email protected] ; Gartner Consulting [email protected] ; [email protected]; Logica UK Ltd [email protected] ; Mott MacDonald [email protected]; Serco Ltd [email protected] ;

Service Category 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice

Atos Origin Alliance [email protected]; Best Practice Group PLC [email protected]; [email protected]; Capgemini UK plc [email protected]; Deloitte MCS Ltd [email protected] ; Logica UK Ltd [email protected] ; PA Consulting [email protected]; Tribal Consulting [email protected] ;

Service Category 5 – Training/Skills Transfer

Deloitte MCS Ltd [email protected] ; Frontline Consultants [email protected]; Logica [email protected] ; PA Consulting Group [email protected]; Tribal Consulting [email protected] ;

5.0 Instructions for Mini-Tender Competition

In the event that a Participating Authority wishes to receive Services, such Participating Authority shall invite all the Firms within the relevant Service Categories to bid to provide such Consultancy Services in the form of an Invitation to Tender for a Mini-Tender Competition. It is not possible to chose a short list of Firms from any Service Category or add any Firms to a Service Category.

A generic ITT is provided in Appendix 3 and can be adapted for any requirement. The ITT must be sent to all the Firms in the most relevant Service Category.

Ver 1.0 Page 5 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts The mini tender pack shall reference the Terms and Conditions of the Framework Agreement and shall inter alia provide the following information to Firms:-

The scope and extent of Consultancy Services to be provided, including timescales and reporting requirements;

Details of how the Participating Authority wishes pricing for provision of such Consultancy Services to be presented (e.g. fixed price, milestones, day rates etc.);

Timescales, format and address for receipt for submission of mini tenders in line with local financial instructions;

The mechanism and evaluation criteria which will be applied by the Participating Authority to select the winning mini tender. This shall be based on consideration of the following:-  Price  Cost effectiveness  Relevant technical skills and experience (including CVs of Firm staff)  Understanding of the Project Brief and ability to met the requirement  Ability to meet timescales required by Project

Those matters which will be considered by each Participating Authority to demonstrate the foregoing criteria in each Mini Tender and the weighting of these criteria will be determined as appropriate for each Project in each Mini Tender and advised to Firms by the relevant Participating Authority.

The Participating Authority shall in writing advise each Firm which submitted a tender in response to issue of the mini tender pack of the outcome of the Mini Tender Process, as soon as reasonably practicable after a decision in relation thereto has been made.

All these instructions should be the same for each of the Firms invited to the Mini- Tender Competition. Each Firm should be treated equally in the information they receive and the length of time they have to respond and any information requested by a Firm that is considered useful to all Firms should be shared as soon as it is identified.

6.0 Evaluation Criteria

The mechanism and evaluation approach which will be applied by the Participating Authority to select the winning mini tender shall be outlined in the ITT as well as the evaluation team selected and date for evaluation meeting. Suggested Evaluation Criteria are outlined in the Generic ITT in Appendix 3.

Following selection of a Firm pursuant to a Mini-Tender Competition such Firm and the relevant Participating Authority shall enter into a Call Off Contract pursuant to which the Consultancy Services shall be delivered as described in the Terms and Conditions of the Framework Agreement or if a Call Off Contract has previously been concluded between the Firm and the Participating Authority, conclude a CCN to such Call Off Contract in relation to the provision of the relevant Consultancy Services.

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7.0 Calling off a Contract

When using this contract a Call of contract needs to be agreed and signed by both parties prior to starting any work under this Framework Agreement. NISG Business Advisory Group can provide a call-off agreement to be used. Please use contact details on website.

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Appendix 1

Firm Contacts

Supplier Lots Atos Origin Alliance 1 – General Consulting Contact: Peta Walch 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice c/o Sarah Bazeley Atos Consulting Limited 4 Triton Square Regent’s Place London NW1 1HG Phone: 07733 312246 Mobile: 07733 312246 email: [email protected]

Best Practice Group PLC 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice Contact: Len Slawinski Oakcroft House 70 Albert Road West Bolton BL1 5HW Phone: 01270 811765 General Office: 0845 345 0130 Mobile: 07703 461014 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Capgemini UK plc 1 – General Consulting Contact: Kevan Turnbull 2 – ICT Technical, Project and 58 Robertson Street Consultancy Services Glasgow, G2 8DU 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice Phone: 0870 366 0338 Mobile: 0870 366 0338 Email: [email protected]

Deloitte MCS Ltd 1 – General Consulting Contact: Robert Wilson 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Saltire Court Consultancy Services 20 Castle Terrace 3 – Research & Market Intelligence Edinburgh, EH1 2DB 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice Phone: 0131 535 7438 5 – Training/Skills Transfer Mobile: 07831 357218 Email: [email protected]

Frontline Consultants 1 – General Consulting Contact: Bob Ironside 5 – Training/Skills Transfer Willow House Kestrel View Strathclyde Business Park Scotland, ML4 3PB Phone: 01698 464140 Mobile: 07967 732101

Ver 1.0 Page 8 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts Email: [email protected]

Gartner UK Limited 3 – Research & Market Intelligence Contact: Robert Longair Tamesis, The Glanty, Egham, Surrey. TW20 9AW Phone: 01784 268737 Mobile: 07720 805815 Email:[email protected] [email protected]

HealthSystems Consultants Limited 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Contact: Andrew Ruck Consultancy Services Pitbee House, Pitcaple, Aberdeenshire, AB515HJ Phone: 01467 681294 Mobile: 07739 362323 Email:[email protected]

Logica UK Ltd 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Contact: Tommy Cairns Consultancy Services Wallace House 3 – Research & Market Intelligence 1 Lochside Avenue 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice Edinburgh Park 5 – Training/Skills Transfer Edinburgh, EH12 9DJ Phone: 0131 527 8500 Mobile: 07808 509 438 Email: [email protected]

Methods Consulting Ltd 1 – General Consulting Contact: Alan Buffett 125 Shaftesbury Avenue London, WC2H 8AD Phone: 0207 240 1121 Mobile: 07766 026246 Email: [email protected]

Mott MacDonald 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Contact: Catherine MacKinnon Consultancy Services 1 Atlantic Quay 3 – Research & Market Intelligence Broomielaw Glasgow, G2 8JB Phone: 0141 222 9132 Mobile: 0797 4659246 Email: [email protected] ITT email: [email protected];

PA Consulting Group 1 – General Consulting Contact: Gordon McIntosh 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice

Ver 1.0 Page 9 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts 1 Cadogan Square 5 – Training/Skills Transfer 51 Cadogan Street Glasgow, G2 7HF Phone: 0141 241 6425 Mobile: 7887 540047 Email: [email protected]

Perot Systems 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Contact: Colin Henderson Consultancy Services 4 The Square Stockley Park Uxbridge, UB11 1ET Phone: 0207 892 1000 Mobile: 07824 609687 Email: [email protected]

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 2 – ICT Technical, Project and Contact: Mark Mazzucco Consultancy Services Kintyre House 209 West George Street Glasgow G2 2LW Phone: 0141 245 2285 Mobile: Mark: 07711 036197 Tom: 07725 070466 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Serco Consulting 3 – Research & Market Intelligence Contact: Andrew Prince 1st Floor, Palm Court 4 Heron Square Richmond, Surrey TW9 1EW Phone: 0208 939 1500 Mobile: 07778 649812 Email: [email protected]

Tribal Consulting 1 – General Consulting Contact: Gordon Shaw 4 – Financial & Procurement Advice Tribune Court 5 – Training/Skills Transfer 2 Roman Road Bearsden Glasgow, G61 2SW Phone: 0141 943 1800 Mobile: 07919 595016 Email: [email protected]

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Appendix 2

Day Rates

NISG can provide a day rate table for this contract. Please use contact details on website.

Ver 1.0 Page 11 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts Appendix 3

Generic ITT for Mini-Tender Competition

Invitation to Tender for the provision of Consultancy Services

[Requirement Name]

Mini-Tender eHealth Consultancy Framework 2008/[Service Category No] [Service Category Name]

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Table of Contents:

1. Summary

2. Background

3. Role

4. Responsibilities of the post

5. Response

6. Evaluation Criteria

7. Appendix 1 - Anti-Discrimination Legislation

8. Appendix 2 - Freedom of Information

9. Appendix 3 - Draft Project Plan

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8.0 Summary

[Brief description of the requirement]

9.0 Background

[Brief description of the background of the project/programme, which organisation is leading the work and the organisational arrangements that are in place and where this role fits]

10.0 Role

[Describe the role in further detail including:

 The role’s place in the project’s organisation structure (provide organisation chart if possible)  Details of line management/stakeholder relationships  Any line management or other responsibilities of the role  A timeframe for the length of the contract, if known  Any essential skills and qualifications required for the role  Any required previous experience (CV of individual suggested)

Some forms of request are listed below]

The [Role] will be accountable to the [ · ] for the delivery of its objectives in accordance with [ · ]

The prime objective of the brief is to [ · ]

This post is expected to start in [ · ] and will run until the end of the procurement phase which is now estimated to end in [ · ]. A draft project plan can be seen in Appendix 3.

Candidates should have a demonstrable track record of [ · ] work in an environment similar to the NHS.

11.0 Responsibilities of the role

 [List the key responsibilities of the role]

12.0 Response

You are invited to respond to this document with the following information [for example] :-

1. Tenderers must provide a Method Statement detailing how they intend to deliver the services required, including an understanding of the main issues to be addressed.

Ver 1.0 Page 14 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts 2. An estimate of the number of days work required to produce the deliverables.

3. The total cost of the work exclusive of any expenses, keeping in mind the maximum day rates that were quoted as part of the contract.

4. The CV of the individual who will undertake the work.

5. At least one Reference for similar work undertaken, detailing contact information (name and telephone number or email address) and a brief summary of the nature of the work. It is expected that the reference will be specific to the individual proposed.

You should also read Appendix 1 and Appendix 2

[ · ] paper copies of your response is required together with [ · ] electronic copy on CD in either Word or Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. Your response should be sent to:-

[Requirement Name] Tender Administrator National Procurement NHS National Services Scotland Gyle Square 1 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9EB to arrive by noon on [DD MM YYYY].

Your tender must be in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the contract awarded to appoint you to Service Category 1 – General Consultancy of the eHealth Consultancy Framework. Please note that on this occasion the “Participating Authority” as defined in the Terms and Conditions of that framework will be [Health Board/SG Dept name].

To assist with the completion of your response, you may contact [Contact Name, telephone number or e-mail address] for further information.

13.0 Evaluation Criteria

The mechanism and evaluation approach which will be applied by the Participating Authority to select the winning mini tender shall be based on consideration of the following:


2. Relevant technical skills and experience [ · ] %

3. Understanding of the Project and this type of work [ · ] %

Ver 1.0 Page 15 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts 4. Ability to meet timescales required by Project [ · ] %

[The weighting of these criteria will be determined as appropriate for each Project in each Mini Tender.]

Bidders may be invited to discuss their proposal as part of the Evaluation.

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Appendix 1

Anti-Discrimination Legislation a) It is your policy as an employer to comply with your statutory obligations under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (which applies in the UK) or equivalent legislation which applies in the countries in which your firm employs staff

b) You are required to comply with the following legislation that applies in the United Kingdom (or equivalent legislation in the countries in which you employ staff, whichever is applicable);

1) The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, as amended

2) The Equal Pay Act 1970

3) The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

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Appendix 2

Freedom Of Information

All information submitted to the Authority may need to be disclosed and/or published by the Authority. Without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the Authority may disclose information in compliance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, (the decisions of the Authority in the interpretation thereof shall be final and conclusive in any dispute, difference or question arising in respect of disclosure under its terms), any other law, or, as a consequence of judicial order, or order by any court or tribunal with the authority to order disclosure.

Further, the Authority may also disclose all information submitted to them to the Scottish or United Kingdom Parliament or any other department, office or agency of Her Majesty’s Government in Scotland or the United Kingdom, and their servants or agents. When disclosing such information to either the Scottish Parliament or the United Kingdom Parliament it is recognized and agreed by both parties that the Authority shall if they see fit disclose such information but are unable to impose any restriction upon the information that they provide to Members of the Scottish Parliament, or Members of the United Kingdom Parliament; such disclosure shall not be treated as a breach of this agreement.

Accordingly, if you consider that any of the information included in your bid is commercially confidential please identify it and explain (in broad terms) what harm might result from disclosure and/or publication. It should be remembered though, that, even where you have indicated that information is commercially sensitive, Scottish Ministers may disclose this information where they see fit. Receipt by the Authority of any material marked ‘confidential’ or equivalent should not be taken to mean that the Authority accept any duty of confidence by virtue of that marking. The Authority may publish, on the Scottish Executive website or other website, the names and contact details of companies who have been issued with an Invitation to Tender document.

Ver 1.0 Page 18 of 19 Printed: 5/4/18 Restricted - Contracts Appendix 3

Draft Project Plan

Milestone Date

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