CS 6C FI Food Screens

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CS 6C FI Food Screens

MPSC WIC MIS System Detailed Functional Design Document CS 6c FI Food Screens

Revision Date: March 23, 2017

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CS 6c FI Food Screens MPSC, WIC, Data, System, Project

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Page 2 of 85 Document Revisions March 23, 2017 MPSC, WIC, Data, System, Project CS 6c FI Food Screens

Document Revisions

Revision Date Updated By Requested By Description of Revision 8/2/2013 Ciber Team MPSC Amendment 7 Updates 10/28/13 Ciber Team MPSC Clarifications and refinements related to Help Desk support 02/28/2014 Ciber Team MPSC Release 3.7 Updates 03/24/2014 Ciber Team Ciber Split CS6 into Common, FI and EBT volumes. 12/24/2014 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 4.1 Construction Clarification 6/8/2015 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 4.4 Updates 12/28/2015 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.3 Updates 10/24/2016 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.6 Updates 3/23/17 CDP Team MP User Group Cover page, header, and footer mods for new M&E contractor

March 23, 2017 Table of Contents Page 3 of 85 CS 6c FI Food Screens MPSC, WIC, Data, System, Project

Table of Contents

Page 4 of 85 Document Revisions March 23, 2017 MPSC, WIC, Data, System, Project CS 6c FI Food Screens

1 Introduction

The screens, functions, and algorithms that comprise the Foods node of the Clinic Services naviagation tree are divided into three Detailed Functional Design Documents. One reason for this division is the huge document that results when the information in the three separate documents is combined. A second, and more important reason, is to separate the FI-Only and EBT-Only business rules. Separating these rules by delivery method, rather than comingling them in a single document, will make it easier for a reader interested only in an FI installation or only in an EBT installation, to focus more clearly on their specific choice. “Delivery method” is determined by the value of system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod. The three Detailed Functional Design Documents that comprise the Foods node are:  CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices – This document describes the screens in the Foods node that are identical whether the delivery method is FI or EBT. It also includes appendices that describe functions that are used by both FI and EBT delivery methods for processing: o Appendix A: EBT Foods Screens Comparison o Appendix B: Automated Food Package Update Algorithm o Appendix C: Food Benefit Alert Algorithm o Appendix D: Benefit Calculation Rules o Appendix E: Proration Rules o Appendix F: Participant Profile Assignment Rules  CS 6b EBT Food Screens – This document describes all screens in the Foods node that have business rules that apply only when the delivery method is EBT (system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘EBT’). The document also includes all business rules for each component that are used equally whether the delivery method is FI or EBT. As a result, the common business rules are duplicated for components that appear in both the CS 6b EBT Food Screens and CS 6c FI Food Screens DFDDs. Designation for what rules apply to the various EBT Host implementations are explaine in the DFDD’s introduction.  CS 6c FI Food Screens – This document describes all screens in the Foods node that have business rules that apply only when the delivery method is FI (system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘FI’). The document also includes all business rules for each component that are used equally whether the delivery method is FI or EBT. As a result, the common business rules are duplicated for components that appear in both the CS 6b EBT Food Screens and CSc 6 FI Food Screens DFDDs. The FI-Only rules are described in the FI-Only Business Rules table and the comment business rules are described in the Common Business Rules table. FI-Only business rules are identified with “(FI Only)” at the beginning of the BR.

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2 Food Package

The Food Package screen allows the user to record prescription information related to special diet needs, record that specific foods are needed for a religious reason, and allows the prescription of food items. Historical Food Package screens are accessed by using the record selector.

2.1.1 Food Package Effective Date The Food Package Effective Date is the date the user wants this food package to first be available for issuance. For example, if the user wants the food package first available on 4/1/08, then they should set the effective date for 4/1/08. The default for the Food Package Effective Date is today’s date because it is expected that the date that a user is prescribing the Food Package is the first date that they want it available for issuance in most cases. This Food Package stays effective until a user makes another Food Package.

2.1.2 Formula/Medical Food Documentation Documentation related to a Formula/Medical Food or a food need related to a religious reason is captured on a pop-up off of this screen. For Medical Documentation, Rx Expiration Date, medical diagnosis, and a designated authority are required for any food package with food items that are designated as “Special Diet.” If state or local policy dictates, the paper prescription can be scanned into the system using the Scan Document function accessed from the File menu. For information on creating Formula/Medical Foods Documentation, see CS 6 Common Food Screens and Appendices. For more information on scanning documents, see CS 0 Clinic Services Overview.

2.1.3 Prescribing Foods for a Participant A user can create a single food package or multiple food packages. A food package defines the food benefits for a participant for an issuance period. Generally the user selects a food package from a list of model food packages. If something other than the model package is desired, the user tailors the package as desired. A food package must be validated before it can be used to issue food benefits. This validation process compares the food package to the food rules that have been entered into the system in the Food Management functional area. Food rules are associated with participant profiles. A food package that fails the verification process is marked “unverified” and can be saved in the database, but cannot be used to issue food benefits. For more information on Model Food Packages, Food Rules, and Participant Profiles see FM 1 Food Management Screens. Most participants have a single food package that is used for all issuance periods within the issuance cycle. For example: A child is prescribed the model food package C-30-60 months/2 gallons. This same package is used to produce food benefits until a new food package is created by the user or by the system when a milestone date is met. Multiple food packages can be created for a participant, each with a future Effective Date. Multiple food packages are often created for special diet needs where different formulas are prescribed for different issuance periods or when the user is trying to issue current issuance period benefits that may be less than what is desired in future issuance periods. For more information on Milestones, see FM 1 Food Management Screens.

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A verification process also occurs before Food Benefits are issued. During this process, the system checks to see if a participant reaches a Milestone age during the food issuance cycle. If yes, the system creates a new food package with the default food items for that participant profile. It is possible for the user to lock a food package so that the system continues a special diet food package rather than creating a new food package at defined milestones. (This may be used when the participant is receiving a specific food package because of a continued condition such as PKU or when the participant is not developmentally ready to progress to other foods along with their peers.)

2.1.4 Food Package Grid For FI states, the Food Package grid displays Food Items by Category and Item Description. There is one column for entering quantity for each FI that is to be printed. Not every FI has a quantity for every food item. Additionally, the user must assign if the food item is to be used in all months, odd, or even months. As part of the tailoring process, food items can be added or removed from the grid.

2.1.5 Direct Shipping Food A system parameter allows a state to choose whether to direct ship food items which are typically specialized formulas or medical foods. Direct shipping varies slightly from state to state, but it represents giving food to participants outside the normal process of redeeming food benefits at vendor stores. Direct shipping may be set up where the clinic stores and distributes these food items or it may be that the food is directly shipped to the participant from a manufacturer. This is based on contractual arrangements. Directly shipped items are issued (inside the system) but are not produced on food instruments (paper FIs). These foods are identified as candidates in the food management screens so that on the food package screen the user can check which foods are to be handled as directly shipped.

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2.1.6 Food Package Screen For FI states, the Food Package grid displays the Food Items by Category and Item Description. The item description is the print that appears on the printed paper FI. The grid allows the user to see how the foods are distributed across the paper FIs. As part of the tailoring process, food items can be added or removed from the grid. FIs can be added to the grid or removed from the grid. System parameters determine the maximum number of food items and food instruments that can in the grid. Food Package Screen (FI Only) NOTE: The food package displayed belongs to a three year old child. > Foods > Food Package with proration

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> Foods > Food Package with no proration

Control Description Effective Dates This is the date that a food package becomes effective to be used in the system to produce food benefits. The drop-down and spin control allow selection of historical food package data. When New is clicked, this date defaults to today’s date. It can be updated by the user. If another food package already exists for the participant with Food Package Date = today’s date, then the Food Package Effective Date must have an effective date other than today’s date entered by the user. The Effective Date is the first day that a food package can be used for issuance. Type Record Selector Contents Dates DB Column ParticipantRX.EffectiveBegDt New Clicking the New button creates a new Food Package record. The Food Package Effective Date is set to today’s date by default but can be updated. If a Food Package already exists with today’s date, the Food Package Effective Date of the new package must be changed by the user to a date in the future. If a new food package is created and there was an existing food package with a valid effective date, the previous package is given an end date of the day before the new package’s Effective Date. Type Command Button

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Control Description Hot Key Alt + N Edit Clicking the Edit button enables all fields on the Food Package screen for update. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + T Delete The Delete command button is used to delete the displayed Food Package. If the food package is deleted and there was a previous food package the end date is removed so that the previous package is now in effect. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + D End Date The date that a food package stops being effective. This food package can no longer be used to produce food benefits. This field is inquiry-only and not enabled for update. When a new food package is created the end date of the previous package is set to the day before the effective date of the new package. If the current food package is deleted then the previous food package end date is removed and the food package is once again the effective package. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column ParticipantRX.EffectiveEndDt Do Not Auto-Update This checkbox is used to lock a food package for use. If locked, future milestone based on automated food package selection is disabled (which in effect overrides the automated food package selection). This is based on matching against system defined participant profiles. Type Checkbox DB Column ParticipantRX.LockUseofPkgIn Additional participant profile information that is not available in Part Profile Info the participant header or on the food package screen is displayed above the Documentation link: 1. The WIC Formula level is displayed for Infants, Breastfeeding women, and Pregnant women with Question 4g = Yes on their most recent Nutrition Interview. 2. Multiples is displayed for Breastfeeding Women with more than one infant in the Infant(s) Born From This Pregnancy list of the most current pregnancy, Pregnant Women with a Multifetal gestation for the most recent pregnancy, and

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Control Description Pregnant Women with Question 4g = Yes on their most recent Nutrition Interview and two related infants with Breastfeeding Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl/No F Pkg, or Prim Excl/Comp. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes This is a display-only information message that identifies a food Food Package Status package as verified or not. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes Verify The Verify button is used to force the application to perform the verification process on the displayed Food Package. If no errors are detected, the Food Package Status message is changed to “Verified.” If errors are detected, a list of edits that failed is displayed and the Food Package Status message is changed to “Unverified.” A food package that is not verified may be saved to the database but cannot be used to issue food instruments. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + I Copy Clicking the Copy button creates a new Food Package by making a copy of the currently selected Food Package. The new food package’s Effective Date defaults to today’s date. The food package contents and all data recorded on the Food Package Documentation pop-up are copied that have not reached their Rx Expiration Date. The Doc ID is not copied forward from the previous package. Copy button copies all three View levels. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + Y Special Diet This checkbox is used to identify that a participant’s food package requires additional documentation. Usually this is formula or medical foods prescribed by an authorized prescribing authority. This checkbox is also used to record religious reasons for needing different foods. Type Checkbox

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Control Description DB Column ParticipantRX.SpecialDietIn Documentation Hyperlink to Food Package Documentation Pop-Up. See CS 7 Common Food Screens and Appencies for more information. Type Link Self-Reported This checkbox is used to identify a self-reported disease state or condition that necessitates a food package that is different than most participants of the same participant profile would receive. Type Checkbox Details This text box allows the user to briefly document details about the self-reported diet needs. More extensive detail could be documented in the participant’s care plan. Type Text Box Required Yes, if Self-Reported is marked Length 70 Validation Alphanumeric Display Only No Calculated No Model Food Package When New, Edit before a save, is clicked, this drop-down contains the list of pre-defined model food packages that are appropriate for the participant’s profile which includes: participant category, age, breastfeeding status, homeless status, multiples status, and special diet status. Type List Box Required No DB Column Not Stored Code ID ModelRx table lookup View - Full This radio button allows the user to select that the Food Package grid contains the food for a full issuance. This is the default view. Type Radio Button Required Yes, Full, 2/3 or 1/3 are required View – 2/3 This radio button allows the user to select that the Food Package grid contains the food for a 2/3 proration issuance. Type Radio Button Required Yes, Full, 2/3 or 1/3 are required View – 1/3 This radio button allows the user to select that the Food Package grid contains the food for a 1/3 proration issuance. Type Radio Button Required Yes, Full, 2/3 or 1/3 are required

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Control Description FB Issuance FB Issuance displays the period of time for which food instruments are issued. Once changed, every food package displays this value. Type List Box Required Yes DB Column Participant.FIIssuanceCd Code ID FI Issuance Cd This code element is non-editable. The installed values are: 3 Months 2 Months 1 Month No Food Benefits 1st Day The First Day of Issuance is displayed. For Calendar states, this value is set to 1. For Rolling states, this value is set based on the first day the family receives issuance. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Food Package Name This is the name of the participants’ food package. Its name is usually either the model food package name or, if tailored, the word "Tailored" followed by the model food package name. Type Text Box Required NA Length 67 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column ParticipantRx.Name This is a label beside the food package name where the (Contract) or (Non-Contract) appears respectively to packages that have formulas in them. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA

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Control Description Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Add Food The Add Food command button allows the user to add a new Food Item to the Food Package Grid. A new empty row is added to the bottom of the Food Package Grid. The FI n and Total columns (FI Only) are initially blank. The Total column is set to zero. Type Command Button Hot Key None Remove The Remove Food command button is used to delete a Food Item from the Food Package Grid. Before clicking the Remove Food button, select the food item to be deleted by clicking the appropriate “food item” row label. Type Command Button Hot Key None Add FI The Add FI command button allows the user to add a new FI to (FI Only) the Food Package Grid. A new empty column is added to the Food Package Grid with the label “FI n”. The value of “n” in the label is the value of the highest FI n already in the grid plus 1. Type Command Button Hot Key None Remove FI The Remove FI command button is used to delete an FI from the (FI Only) Food Package Grid. Before clicking the Remove FI button, select the FI to be deleted by clicking the appropriate “FI n” column label. Type Command Button Hot Key None Food Package This is the food package data grid. Type Data Grid Category The Category list box contains a listing of all of the food categories. When an item is selected from this list it filters the values in the Item Description (FI only) list. Type List Box Required Yes DB Column FoodCategory.CategoryNr

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Control Description Code ID FoodCategory table look up (Display all category FoodCategory.CategoryNr and FoodCategory.Name in the drop-down where Food Package effective date is within the FoodCategory.EffectiveDt and FoodCategory.EndDt) (Mask of “99 XXXXX”) Item Description This field contains the description of each food item defined in a (FI Only) food package. The drop-down contains the list of all available, active foods. The user can customize a food package by choosing a different food item from the drop-down list. Type List Box Required Yes, at least one Food Item must exist in a Food Package DB Column ParticipantRX.SRx_ID Code ID (FI Only) ProdContainer table lookup (Display all ProdContainer.FIDc in the drop-down where current date is within the ProdContainer.EffectiveDt and ProdContainer.EndDt) FI n (FI Only) (FI Only) The FI n labels identify how many Food Instruments are in the Food Package. This is the number of paper FIs that are printed per month each time the Food Package is used to produce paper FIs. The “n” represents the FI Sequence Number of each individual FI. They are numbered sequentially, starting with 1. The FI n values in the Food Package Grid are created or updated when the user selects an item from the Model Food Package drop-down or uses the Add FI or Delete FI buttons.

The quantity for the food item for the food instrument is found in this column. Type Text Box Required (FI Only) Yes, at least one FI n must exist in a Food Package. Also, each FI n must have at least one Food Item. Length Integer 4 Validation Numeric Display Only No Calculated No DB Column ParticipantRX.SRx_ID

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Control Description Month This field contains whether the food benefit is for every month (All), even numbered months (Even) or odd numbered months (Odd). Type List Box Required Yes DB Column ParticipantRX.SRx_ID Code ID OddEven This code element is non-editable. The installed values are: All Odd Even Total (FI Only) The quantity of each food item that appears across the FIs. This is for informational purposes. Type Text Box Required NA Length 4 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column ParticipantRX.SRx_ID Doc ID This field contains a list of Documentation ID numbers. The user associates a Documentation ID (from the Food Package Documentation Pop-Up) with a specific food item as needed. Type List Box Required Yes, if the food item is from food Categories 31, 41, or 21 (non-contract). Code ID NA Direct A check box used to indicate that this food item is considered directly shipped (i.e., client does not need to redeem an FI at a vendor but rather the food is provided from the clinic shelf or directly shipped to them. The checkbox is enabled if the food item is marked as a direct ship candidate in the food management setup. Type Checkbox DB Column ParticipantRX.SRx_ID Comments The comment text box is supplied to give additional information regarding the current food package. Type Text Box

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Control Description Length 100 Required No Display Only No Calculated No DB Column ParticipantRx.Comment update of the food package or its food content records are displayed. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of ‘firstname lastname mm/dd/yyyy’ Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column ParticipantRx.ModifyStfpID + ParticipantRx.ModifyDt

FI-Only Business Rules Participant Header Rule and Navigation No FI-Only Business Rules

Food Package Selection/Naming Rules No FI-Only Business Rules

General Business Rules 1. (FI Only) Direct Ship food items are on their own FI (no auto-splitting) and it is the first FI in the package unless a CVV exists then it is the second FI in the package. 2. (FI Only) If System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = “FI” and Food.FormulaMixedFIs = “No”, any formula only FIs are the first FIs in the food package grid with the direct ship FIs being at the top. 3. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI” (FI states only), disable the Remove FI button if only one FI column is available. Note: this error does not occur for EBT states because the ability to Remove FI command button does not exist. 4. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI” (FI states only), enable the Remove FI button only when an FI column has been selected. 5. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI” (FI states only), for Total Column within the data grid, sum the quantities of the FIs for the row. 6. (FI Only) Model Food Package FI Distribution Algorithm: a. Each CVV food item is placed on its own check and they are the first FIs. b. Formula food items that are marked as Direct Ship candidates are placed on the next available FI. c. For states using proration, the remaining formula food items are distributed across the next set of available FIs depending on the value of the level’s (full, 2/3 or 1/3) Formula FI. d. Non-auto-split, non-CVV and non-formula food items are placed on the next available FI offset by the value of the Start FI. e. Auto-split, non-CVV and non-formula food items are distributed starting on the next available FI offset by the value of the Start FI. When it loops during auto-splitting, it re-starts on the same FI (as it started). 7. (FI Only) When a new item is added to a package, they are distributed on the FIs based on the Model Food Package FI Distribution Algorithm.

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FI-Only Business Rules 8. (FI Only) When a change rule occurs, any food changes are distributed on the FIs based on the Model Food Package FI Distribution Algorithm. 9. (FI Only) The Add FI button adds an FI only in the view that it currently displayed. 10. (FI Only) The Remove FI button removes the FI with its food quantities in the view that is currently being displayed. 11. (FI Only) For states using proration, the Remove FI button is disabled if the user points to a CVV FI in the 2/3 or 1/3 view.

Validation Rules (occur interactively with user in the Message tab) No FI-Only Business Rules

Verification Rules (occur with Verify button in the Food Benefits tab) 12. When a package is verified (i.e. user presses the Verify button), the following edits must be passed to be marked as verified. Note: If the effective date of the food package is in the future, the food package uses the profile attached to the food package. If the effective date of the food package is current date or earlier, the food package uses the current participant profile. Note: (FI Only) The food item in the following business rules is in the context of the container. Note: Some errors are displayed prior to verification but are also part of the verification algorithm. They are identified with an “*”. a. * (FI Only) Display an error message when all food item quantities are zero for one FI. Every FI in a food package must have at least one food item with a quantity greater than zero. b. (FI Only) Display an error message when the number of food items is greater than the system parameter FI.LinestoPrintOnFIMaxNumber. c. (FI Only) Display an error message if the number of FIs exceeds the system parameter FI.MaxNumberofParticipantFIsPerMonth. This error does not occur in EBT states because Add FI button is removed and the system parameter FI.MaxNumberofParticipantFIsPerMonth should be set to 1. d. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI” and the Food.MixedFormulaFIs system parameter is set to “No”, display an error message for each FI where a food from a food category that is marked as a Formula is found on the same FI with any other food items that have a quantity greater than zero, including any other food item marked as a Formula. There is one exception to this rule: the system shall allow one FI to contain up to two formula food items if one has Month = Even and the other has Month = Odd. e. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI”, display an error message for each FI where a food item has the direct checkbox checked and there are any other food items on the FI. Food items that are directly shipped must be isolated on their own FI(s). There is one exception to this rule: the system shall allow one FI to contain up to two formula food items if one has Month = Even and the other has Month = Odd. One or both of these formula food items may have Direct checked. f. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI”, display an error message for each FI where a food from a food category that is marked as a CVV is found on the same FI with any other food items that have a quantity greater than zero. g. (FI Only) If the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI”, display an error message for any FI where a food from a food category that is marked as a CVV is not found on the FI with a quantity of 1 and is the only food item. h. (FI Only) Package FI determines the number of FIs in context to whether Formula FIs are mixed or not. If they are not mixed, it is the number of FI for non-formula food. If they are mixed, then it is the number of FIs for all food.

Other Rules 13. (FI Only) CVV food items are the first in the package (unless Direct Ship FIs exist then

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FI-Only Business Rules

the CVV food item is second). 14. (FI Only) The number of FIs, the Food Items and Quantities, and their distribution across the FIs for a participant’s Food Package is described by data stored in the StateRx, StateFI, and SFIContents tables.

EBT Device Interface System (EDIS) Integration Business Rules No FI-Only Business Rules

Common Business Rules Participant Header Rule and Navigation 1. Display the Participant Sub-Header at the top of this screen. 2. When the Food Package screen is accessed from the Navigation Tree, run the Automated Food Package Update Algorithm against all Active and Pending participants. This algorithm is described in Appendix B of the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD. 3. If the participant has received current issuance AND the current date is prior to the last current issuance monthly period, then the participant’s attributes for the next issuance cycle are evaluated for upcoming participant profile changes due to aging. 4. If the participant has not received current issuance, then the participant’s attributes for the remainder of the current issuance cycle are evaluated for upcoming participant profile changes due to aging. 5. When the Food Package screen is accessed from the Navigation Tree and there is no existing food package for a participant, then the Automated Food Package Update Algorithm is not run against this participant.

Food Package Selection/Naming Rules 6. When New is clicked, the Model Food Package list contains all model packages associated with this participant’s participant profile (as defined in Food Management – Model Food Packages). 7. When New is clicked, if the participant’s current participant profile has a model package switch (defined in Food Management), then automatically select the model for display in the Model Food Package listbox. The system displays the contents of the package in the Food Package grid and it attempts to verify its contents. 8. If a food package has a non-contract formula in it, the label beside the Food Package name has ‘(Non-Contract)’ placed to it. If no non-contract formula and a food package has a contract formula in it, the label beside the Food Package name has ‘(Contract)’ placed to it. 9. Populate the Food Package Name with the value in the Model Food Package Selector when it is selected. This includes the appended value from the previous business rule. 10. Unless it already exists, append the value of “Tailored” to the front of the Food Package Name when the contents of the food package are different than the contents of the selected model food package. If no model food package was selected then the Food Package Name is set to "Tailored". If the first word is “Changed”, then remove this word (this indicated that the package was created by the Change Food Rule function). Now, because the package is being tailored by the user, then Tailored is reflected.

General Business Rules 11. If FI.AllowProrate = “No” hide View – 2/3 and View – 1/3 radio buttons. 12. If FI.AllowProrate = “No” do not allow user to uncheck the View – Full radio button.

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Common Business Rules

13. If FI.ProrateAllowed = “No” and the user selects a model food package and does not tailor the food package, then save any data related to 2/3 and 1/3 FI columns as they are if the food package complies with food rules. If it does not then save the data related to the 2/3 and 1/3 FI columns with the contents of the full package.

14. If FI.ProrateAllowed = “No” and the user tailors a food package, if there is any FI column with no food, or there are no FI columns in 2/3, and 1/3 then change the data related to the 2/3 and 1/3 FI columns to be the same contents as the full package. Note: When FI.ProrateAllowed = “No”, the system does not allow the user to see and edit the 2/3 and 1/3 packages, but behind the scenes, the system continues to manage the contents of these packages. 15. End Date is set automatically when a new or copied food package overlaps one or more existing food packages. When a new or copied food package is created that overlaps the Food Package Effective Date of the current food package, the system automatically sets the current package’s End Date to the Food Package Effective Date of the new or copied food package minus 1 day. An exception is if the Food Package Effective Date already exists for the new or copied food package and has been issued against, then the current package’s End Date is set to the same date as its Effective Date. 16. Disable the Edit, Delete and Verify buttons when a food package has been used during any issuance of food benefits. 17. Display “Duplicate” message on the screen, if someone creates a food package at a connected clinic and another person creates a food package at a disconnected clinic, after synchronization, this participant would have two food packages with the same effective date. This is discovered during synchronization and the connected clinic package is marked as a duplicate. 18. Display a warning message when the Delete button is clicked. Click Yes on the dialog box to completely delete the selected food package data. Click No on the dialog box to cancel the delete function. 19. The Do Not Update, Special Diet, Self Reported (checkbox and text),Model Food Package, Add Food, Remove Food and Food Package grid columns Category, Subcategory or Item Description, Month, Doc ID, Direct and Comments columns are disabled in the 2/3 and 1/3 Views. This rule applies to all 3 levels (full, 2/3 and 1/3). These fields can only be updated while in Full View. 20. For food items from a category that is marked as CVV, the quantity columns are disabled in the 2/3 and 1/3 view. 21. When a new item is added to a package, the proration algorithm is used to determine the 2/3 and 1/3 amounts (see Appendix E of the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD for details). 22. Remove Food would remove the food item from every level (full, 2/3 and 1/3). 23. When a change rule occurs, any food changes would use the proration algorithm to determine the 2/3 and 1/3 amounts (see Appendix E of the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD for details). 24. Quantity changes can be made in any view and have no impact to the quantities of other views of the same food. 25. The View radio buttons are available when a package can only be displayed (either due to security or because it was issued against).

Validation Rules (occur interactively with user in the Message tab) 26. When validation errors occur, the View radio buttons are disabled. This reduces user confusion by having the user correct problems in the view before moving to a different level.

Verification Rules (occur with Verify button in the Food Benefits tab) 27. Verify button is enabled when no validation errors are found. 28. When a package is verified (i.e. user presses the Verify button), the following edits must be passed to be marked as verified. Note: If the effective date of the food package is in the future, the food package uses the profile attached to the food package. If the effective date of the food package is current date or earlier, the food package uses the current participant profile. Note: Some errors are displayed prior to verification but are also part of the verification algorithm. They are

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Common Business Rules identified with an “*”. a. * Display an error message if the package contains no food item lines. A package must contain at least one food item. b. * Display an error message when a food item line has zeroes for it total quantities for full, 2/3 and 1/3 views. Note: it is no error as long as a food item has a non-zero quantity in any view. Validation displays this message as a warning. c. * Display an error message if the package has a food item found more than once (duplicate) in a line. The exception is if the food item is found duplicated with one row having a Month value of ‘Odd’ and the other row having a Month value of ‘Even’ and that the food item is marked as “Allow Combine and Average’. This indicates a ‘combine and average’ food situation for verification against maximum food rules. d. Display an error message if the package contains a food item that is not active based its effective dates and end dates. e. *Display an error message when a food package for a non-special diet participant’s transition issuance period from infant to child has any food that is marked as Infant Food found in the same package as any food that is not marked as Infant Food. f. *Display an error message that Doc ID is required when the Special Diet checkbox is selected and the food package contains a food item whose category is marked as “Infant Formula Category”, “Exempt Infant Formula”, or “WIC Eligible Medical Food”. In the display of the message, reference Category 21, 31 and 41 because that will be more recognizable to users. f.i. If there are multiple formulas in one food package, then both rows require the Doc ID. g. Display an error message if any food from a food category that is marked as an Exempt Infant Formula or a WIC Eligible Medical and the Special Diet is unchecked. Note: This forces a user to declare the food package a special diet food package when a special formula is used and to gather documentation. h. Display an error message when any non-contract formula exists (food from a food category that is marked as Formula and whose effective rebate dates as compared to the food package effective date) and the Special Diet is unchecked. Note: This forces a user to declare the food package a special diet food package when a non-contract formula is used and to gather documentation. i. Display an error message if any food from a food subcategory does not have a food rule. This applies to the full, 2/3 and 1/3 levels. j. Calculate ‘Food Supplemental Start Date’ as the first day of first issuance period after the participant has turned six months of age. Calculate ‘Food Supplemental End Date’ as the first day of first issuance period after the participant has turned one year (12 months) of age. When the food is being issued to a participant inclusively between the ‘Food Supplemental Start Date’ and ‘Food Supplemental End Date’ and the food package contains only food items from food category’s that are marked as Infant Formula, Exempt Infant Formula or WEMF and the food package is marked Special Diet, add to the maximum allowance food rules the amount contained in either the system parameter, Food.InfantExtraOuncesExemptFormulaNoBF or Food.InfantExtraOuncesExemptFormulaPart BF, before verification. The parameter is based on infant breastfeeding leveling in their participant profile (infant ‘not breastfeeding’ or partial breastfeeding). k. Display an error message when a maximum food rule has been violated. This applies to the full, 2/3 and 1/3 levels. l. Display an error message if any duplicate effective date food packages that have not been issued against are found and the duplicate effective date is not today. Note: this allows food packages to be entered with ‘today’ as the effective date for multiple reissuance situations. m. Display an error if infant’s BF Description (InterviewInfant.BFActionCd) = Prim Excl/Comp and the infant’s package contains formula. n. If an infant’s current BF Description is Exclusively BF or Prim Excl with No Formula Package (latest InterviewInfant.BFActionCd = Excl BF or Prim Excl/No F Pkg) and there is available issuance based on the ‘Food Available Date’, enable the New and Edit buttons. The ‘Food Available Date’ is calculated as the first day of the first issuance period after the infant has turned six months of age. When the New button is pressed, the system automatically adjusts

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Common Business Rules the effective date of the food package to be the ’ Food Available Date’. Food availability (i.e. Model Food Packages) and validation are based on the infant being considered as a Prim Excl / Comp breastfeeding status. o. Display an error if a food item’s issuance amount is not 0 and it is less than the food item’s subcategory Issuance Minimum. If the issuance amount is 0, this means that the food item is not wanted at that particular level (full, 2/3 or 1/3). p. Display an error if a food item’s issuance amount is not a multiple of the food item’s subcategory Issuance Multiplier. If the food item’s subcategory Issuance Multiplier is not set (null), this edit is not executed. q. Display an error message if the package is using the ‘combine and average’ feature and the participant’s profile is not marked as “‘Allow C&A”. r. A food package may contain multiple foods whose total quantity together is applied to one rule. For example, a food package may have milk, powdered milk, canned milk, and cheese on it. The sum of their individual quantities, converted to a common denominator, is compared to the food rule for milk products. s. When a food rule is violated, the format of the error message is “The [food rule name] rule has been violated. The amount cannot be more than [maximum rule quantity] and it is [prescription quantity] in this food package.” Replace [food rule name] in the message with FoodRule.Name. Replace [maximum rule quantity] in the message with FoodRule.MaxConstraintNr. Replace [prescription quantity] in the message with the sum of the Total quantities of each food item that was applied against the rule, converted to their common denominators. 29. The unlabelled Food Package Status displays “Verified” with green font at the following times: a. A model food package is selected. b. User tried to verify the food package and it passed the verification. 30. The unlabelled Food Package Status displays “Unverified” with red font at the following times: a. No food package has been selected. b. A model food package is tailored. c. A previously verified food package is modified. d. User tried to verify the food package and it failed the verification. 31. If the food package cannot be verified, display the validation results on the FB Alerts tab in the information panel when a food rule has been violated. a. Indicate the Food Rule that has been violated. b. Indicate the maximum amount allowed for the food item or category and what the current quantity is in the food package. 32. The food package becomes unverified immediately, when any of the following changes are made on the screen: Effective Date, Special Diet, Self Reported, Model Food Package selected with Doc ID required, any column in the Food Package grid or food is added (via Add Food button).

Other Rules 33. Hide Direct column in grid for states that do not direct ship food items (system parameter System.DirectShipFoodItems set to “No”) 34. For infants and children <24 months of age, when the Food Package is verified, display a warning if there is no Nutrition Interview record (Infant Interview or Child Interview) with Record Date = Today’s Date. 35. Display an error if a food package has an effective date before current date. Note: this error only occurs when a user creates a new package or edits a historical package

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Common Business Rules

that has not been issued against. Once a package has been issued against, it cannot be edited. 36. If a food package effective date or special diet indicator is changed, this may cause a participant profile change. If so, then the model food package list is changed and the food grid is cleared if no default model food package has been defined for the new participant profile. If a default model food package has been defined for the new participant profile, then it is displayed in the food grid. 37. For display of the additional participant profile information, if the participant’s category is Pregnant when a new food package record is created, determine if Multifetal Gestation is indicated on the Pregnancy record. If it is, then display “Multiples.” 38. For display of the additional participant profile information, if the participant’s category is Infant when a new food package record is created, evaluate the Breastfeeding Description and the verified food packages, when applicable. a. If the Infant’s Breastfeeding Description is Excl BF, Prim Excl BF / No F Pkg, or Prim Excl / Comp, then the participant profile for BF is Full. Display “No WIC Formula.” The Infant is not receiving any formula from WIC. b. If the Infant’s Breastfeeding Description is Part BF, then the participant profile for BF is Partial. Next evaluate the amount of formula in the verified food package based on the WIC Formula Level table. b.i. If no formula is prescribed in the infant’s food package, then display “No WIC Formula.” b.ii. If the amount of formula is “Part In,” then display “Partial BF Within Range.” The formula amount in the Infant’s Food Package is within the range allowed for a partially breastfed infant for this age and the Breastfeeding mother can receive a greater food package than is allowed if the formula amount was greater than the designated range. b.iii. If the amount of formula is “Part Out,” then display “Partial BF Out of Range.” The formula amount in the Infant’s Food Package is greater than the designated range allowed for a partially breastfed infant for this age. The quantity of food that the Breastfeeding mother can receive is restricted based on this designation. b.iv. Calculate ‘Food Supplemental Start Date’ as the first day of first issuance period after the participant has turned six months of age. Calculate ‘Food Supplemental End Date’ as the first day of first issuance period after the participant has turned one year (12 months) of age. When the Rx Effective Date is between the ‘Food Supplemental Start Date’ and ‘Food Supplemental End Date’ and the food package contains only food items from food categories that are marked as Infant Formula, Exempt Infant Formula or WEMF and the food package is marked Special Diet, add to the maximum allowance food rules the amount contained in the system parameter, Food.InfantExtraOuncesFormulaPartBF, before verification. The parameter is based on the infant breastfeeding level in their participant profile (infant partial breastfeeding).use 4 months old as the age of the infant when calculating WIC Formula Level. c. If the Infant’s Breastfeeding Description is No Longer BF or Never BF, then

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Common Business Rules

the participant profile for BF is None. Display “Full Formula.” 39. For display of the additional participant profile information, if the participant’s category is Breastfeeding when a new food package record is created, evaluate all infants associated with the current pregnancy by their Breastfeeding Description and the verified food package that is effective for the first month of the issuance period for the mother. If multiple infants are associated with the BF woman for this pregnancy, base the display of the additional participant profile information on the infant that is breastfeeding the most. a. No infants are associated with the Breastfeeding woman Infant BF level WIC Formula Associated? Level to display N Full BF No WIC Formula

b. Only 1 infant associated with the Breastfeeding woman or if multiple infants, consider the infant that is breastfeeding the most Note – Infant has Food Package? = Yes, means that there is a verified food package for the infant that is effective for the first month of the issuance period for the mother.

BF Infant has Food BF level WIC Formula Level Descriptio Food Package has n from Package? formula? Infant’s Interview No N NA Full BF No WIC Formula Interview No Y N Full BF No WIC Formula Interview No Y Y Part BF Based on quantity of Interview formula, see WIC Formula Level panel Never BF N NA No BF Full Formula Never BF Y N No BF Full Formula Never BF Y Y No BF Full Formula No Longer N NA No BF Full Formula BF No Longer Y N No BF Full Formula BF No Longer Y Y No BF Full Formula BF Part BF N NA Part BF Based on quantity of formula, see WIC

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Common Business Rules BF Infant has Food BF level WIC Formula Level Descriptio Food Package has n from Package? formula? Infant’s Interview Formula Level panel Part BF Y N Part BF Based on quantity of formula, see WIC Formula Level panel Part BF Y Y Part BF Based on quantity of formula, see WIC Formula Level panel Prim N NA Full BF No WIC Formula Excl/Comp Prim Y N Full BF No WIC Formula Excl/Comp Prim N NA Full BF No WIC Formula Excl/No F Pkg Prim Y N Full BF No WIC Formula Excl/No F Pkg Excl BF N NA Full BF No WIC Formula Excl BF Y N Full BF No WIC Formula

c. If all infants have a BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BF, then the Participant Profile BF level for the Infant(s) is “None” and the Infant(s) is considered “Full Formula” i. If the BF woman is >= 6 months post-partum, then display warning message “This woman is no longer eligible to receive food benefits. Terminate using a future termination date.” 40. If there are multiple infants associated with the BF woman for this pregnancy and the participant profile BF level is “Full” for all infants, then the participant profile for Multiples can be used for this woman. Display “No WIC Formula – Multiples.” 41. For display of the additional participant profile information, if the participant’s category is Pregnant when a new food package record is created, evaluate the most recent pregnancy Nutrition Interview. If InterviewPregnant.ExclusiveBFIn is Yes and two or more related infants have Breastfeeding Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl/No F Pkg, or Prim Excl/Comp, display “Exclusively Breastfeeding - Multiples”. If InterviewPregnant.ExclusiveBFIn is Yes and there is only one related infant with Breastfeeding Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl/No F Pkg, or Prim Excl/Comp, display “Exclusively Breastfeeding”. If InterviewPregnant.ExclusiveBFIn is Yes and two or more related infants have Breastfeeding Description = Part BF, evaluate the infant’s breastfeeding level and if both are In Range, display “Exclusively Breastfeeding”. If InterviewPregnant.ExclusiveBFIn is Yes Pregnancy.MultifetalIn is Yes and two or more related infants have Breastfeeding Description = Part BF, evaluate the infant’s breastfeeding level and if both are In Range, display “Exclusively Breastfeeding - Multiples”. 42. For display of the additional participant profile information when the participant’s category is Breastfeeding

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Common Business Rules when a new food package record is created and two or more related infants have Breastfeeding Description = Part BF, evaluate the infant’s breastfeeding levels. If both infants are In Range, display “Breastfeeding Multiples In Range”. Note: For the purpose of selecting a model food package and applying food rules, the participant’s profile is Breastfeeding, not Breastfeeding Multiples. 43. The Copy button has the same security as the New button. If a user has permission to create a new food package, then the user has access to the Copy button. 44. Disable all buttons on the Food Package panel when user is using the view of Show Hidden Members. 45. A user may select the same documentation ID number for multiple food items. 46. When the formula amount in the infant’s package is calculated, a decimal value (Prepared Size and Units per container) could result. The WIC formula level is a maximum, so if the amount turns out to be 234.34, this would be rounded up to the next whole number of ounces to 235. Therefore 234.34 would exceed a maximum with a top level of 234. 47. If there is more than one form of formula used in a food package, determine the reconstituted values of all formulas and add together. Compare this total against the “Concentrate” form for the right age of infant in the WIC formula levels table. 48. For display of historical food packages, use the participant profile ID (Pro_ID) to determine the WIC formula level at the time the food package was created for all participants except infants. For infants, the WIC formula level is determined by the contents of the food package. 49. Display an error when the user attempts to delete a food package or edit a food package that has been previously used to issue food benefits. Do not delete the food package or save the edited food package. 50. Display a warning message if the participant’s current WIC status is Terminated, Wait List, Disqualified, Ineligible, or Pending. 51. When the user saves a participant’s Food Package, represented by the data in the Food Package grid on this screen, check the State-wide Rx tables to find an exact match. If an exact match can be found, that food package’s StateFI.SRx_ID goes into ParticipantRX.SRx_ID. If an exact match cannot be found, create data in StateRx, StateFI, and SFIContents to describe the participant’s food package and then store the resulting StateFI.SRx_ID value in ParticipantRX.SRx_ID. 52. Updating a participant profile attribute for a participant may make an existing current or future food package invalid for issuance.

EBT Device Interface System (EDIS) Integration Business Rules No FI-Only Business Rules

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3 Returned Formula

The Returned Formula screen is used to record any formula that is returned to the clinic by a participant (i.e. infant participant is not able to use a particular formula). This usually occurs with a request for the participant’s food package to be changed and benefits reissued which must be for the current issuance period. The benefit calculation for the reissuance of formula for the current issuance period takes the quantity of returned formula into account.

Returned Formula Screen (FI Only) > Foods > Returned Formula

Control Description Add Row Clicking the Add Row command button creates a new row in the (FI Only) data grid allowing the user to enter information about a returned formula. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + A Remove Row Clicking the Remove Row command button removes the selected row from the data grid. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + R Returned Formula This data grid is used to capture the occurrence of returned formula for the participant.

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Control Description Type Data Grid Display Yes Return Date This is the date that the formula was returned by the client to the clinic. Type Date Picker Required Yes Display Only No Calculated No DB Column ReturnedFormula.ReturnDt

Issuance Period This is the current issuance period of the participant. It is expressed as the FDTU (First Date To Use) date to LDTU (Last Date To Use) date. This is used to determine which food item was returned in order to calculate any credits during the re- issuance process.

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of ‘mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy’ Display Only Yes Calculated No ReturnedFormula.FirstUseDt DB Column ReturnedFormula.LastUseDt Formula Returned This is the formula item that was returned. (FI Only) Type List Box Required Yes, Mask of ’99 999 xxxxxx’ where 99 is Category Number, 999 is Subcategory Number and xxxxx is Container Description

Initial Display of 25 DB Column ReturnedFormula.PCon_ID Code ID ProdContainer table lookup for formula foods (category indicator) based on the Current Issuance Period found in the Issuance Period control.

Quantity This is the quantity of the returned formula. This quantity must be entered in the context of the unit of measurement of the prescribed food.

Type Text Box Required Yes

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Control Description Length Integer 3 Validation Numeric, Mask of ZZ9 Cannot be zero. Display Only No Calculated No DB Column ReturnedFormula.Quantity

Staff Member This is the staff member who is documenting the returned formula.

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA, Initial Display of 12 Validation NA, Mask of First Name, Last Name Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column ReturnedFormula.Stfp_ID

FI-Only Business Rules Participant Header Rule No FI-Only Business Rules

General Business Rules 1. (FI Only) When the Add Row is pressed, display an error if the participant has no formula items for the issuance period. 2. (FI Only) Display an error message if the quantity returned is greater than the amount available for the selected Formula Returned item.

Common Business Rules Participant Header Rule 1. Display the Participant Sub-Header at the top of this screen.

General Business Rules 2. When a row is added to the data grid, the Return Date is automatically populated with the current date. The user may change the Return Date. 3. When a row is added to the data grid, the issuance period is automatically populated with the current issuance period. 4. When a row is added to the data grid, the Staff Member name is automatically populated with the name of the staff member currently logged into the computer. 5. Display an error message if the Return Date is not within the Issuance Period dates (inclusive). 6. Historically (saved) data in the row is display only. Historical rows are those from the previous issuance period. 7. Display a warning message if the participant’s current WIC status is Terminated, Wait

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Common Business Rules List, Disqualified, Ineligible, or Pending.

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4 Issuance Summary

The Issuance Summary screen is where staff can review all active participants within a family to know the issuance summary for each active participant for the current and three upcoming months. Each economic unit is listed separately on the screen. A legend helps the user understand the symbols used in the summary. The summary includes the following information about participants’ food benefits:  The participant has a food package that is prescribed for the issuance month, but the food package has not been issued (it is available for issuance),  The participant’s food benefits have been issued for the issuance month.  The participant has no food benefits available to be issued in the issuance month. This could be because no food package has been prescribed or because the foods are not yet available for issuance. Examples of this include a totally breastfed infant or a participant that is not issued food benefits. Additionally, any participant that will reach the end of their certification period and has no future dated certification would be designated as food benefits not available for subsequent months.

Issuance Summary Screen (FI Only) > Foods > Issuance Summary

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Control Description Economic Unit A read-only data grid which displays an economic unit and the list of active participants in the grid. Each economic unit in the family is displayed. Type Read Only Data Grid Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column IncomeFamily.Description EBTCard.IncF_ID

Participants Each active participant within the economic unit is listed in the grid.

Type Text Box Required NA Length Concatenate name fields and display first 25 characters Validation Mask of Firstname + MiddleName + LastNName + LastNameSuffix Display Only Yes Calculated No FamilyMember.FirstName, FamilyMember.MiddleName, DB Column FamilyMember.LastName, FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix and WIC Status =Active

CED This is the latest Certification End Date on record for the active participant.

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column Certification.EndDt

(1 ) active participant in the economic unit. – Food Package description Type Text Box Required NA Length 15

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Control Description Validation Header, Mask of “First 3 characters of month” yy Ex: Jan yy Description, Mask begins with “**” for food packages that are prescribed, not issued, available for issuance. Mask shows as much of the food package name as space allows. Display Only Yes Calculated No FI.LastUseDt (FI Only) DB Column ParticipantRX.Name

– Food issuance month plus 1 month). Package description> Type Text Box Required NA Length 15 Validation Header, Mask of “First 3 characters of month” yy Ex: Jan yy Description, Mask begins with “**” for food packages that are prescribed, not issued, available for issuance. Mask shows as much of the food package name as space allows. Display Only Yes Calculated No FI.LastUseDt (FI Only) DB Column ParticipantRX.Name

– Food Package issuance month plus 2 months). description Type Text Box Required NA Length 15

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Control Description Validation Header, Mask of “First 3 characters of month” yy Ex: Jan yy Description, Mask begins with “**” for food packages that are prescribed, not issued, available for issuance. Mask shows as much of the food package name as space allows. Display Only Yes Calculated No FI.LastUseDt (FI Only) DB Column ParticipantRX.Name

– Food Package issuance month plus 3 months). description Type Text Box Required NA Length 15 Validation Header, Mask of “First 3 characters of month” yy Ex: Jan yy Description, Mask begins with “**” for food packages that are prescribed, not issued, available for issuance. Mask shows as much of the food package name as space allows. Display Only Yes Calculated No FI.LastUseDt (FI Only) DB Column ParticipantRX.Name

Legend – ** = Food Food Package prescribed, but not issued is represented by Package prescribed, double asterisks “**” in the text box. This indicates that for the not issued, but issuance month of the text box, a food package is prescribed available for issuance (available for issuance), but it has not yet been issued to the participant.

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No

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Control Description ParticipantRX.EffectiveBegDt (FI Only) DB Column FI.CreateDate (FI Only)

FI-Only Business Rules General Business Rules No FI-Only Business Rules

Common Business Rules General Business Rules 1. Perform the Food Benefit Alert Rules when the Issuance Summary Screen is accessed. The Food Benefit Alert Rules are described in Appendix C of the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD. If any of these alert conditions are true, then make the affected issuance month (and subsequent months) a blank text box. a. A participant has a WIC status other than Active. b. The issuance month is beyond the participant’s categorical eligibility end date. Certification.CategoricalEligibilityEndDt c. The issuance month is beyond the participant’s certification end date. (Consider future dated certifications too.) Certification.CertificationEndDt d. The issuance month is more than one month’s worth of food benefits for a participant that is Active through a pre-certification. ParticipantStatus.WIC StatusCd = A, Application.ApplicationTypeCd = PRE e. The issuance month is more than one month’s worth of benefits for a participant that is Active through a provisional certification. ParticipantStatus.WICStatusCd = A, Application.ApplicationTypeCd = PROV f. A participant has an unverified food package for the issuance month. g. No food packages have been prescribed for the issuance month. h. A participant has “Do not allow Food Benefits” marked on the Participant Violations screen for the issuance month. ParticipantBenefitRestriction.NoFoodIn = 1 i. No participant profile or model food packages are defined for a milestone that is reached in an issuance month. j. Participant FB Issuance is set to No Food Benefits. Participant.FIIssuanceCd = NOFB 2. Display all economic units (IncomeFamily records) that have active WIC participants in them. Repeat the controls for each economic unit as needed. 3. Display the legend under the last economic unit table on the screen. 4. Allow the screen to become scrollable if there is not enough room to display all economic units and legend. 5. Display food package description proceeded with double asterisks if food benefits have been prescribed, but not issued to the participant for the issuance month. 6. If food package description had the word “Tailored”, truncate this to “T”.

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Common Business Rules 7. Display only the food package description if food benefits have been issued to the participant for the issuance month. 8. Display a blank text box if the participant is not eligible for food benefits in an issuance month. 9. If more than one food package was available during the issuance month, then display the package that was most recently printed (past issuance) or the package that would be printed at the time of display. 10. If food package description has the word “Changed”, truncate this to “C”. 11. Sort Economic Units alphabetically. 12. Sort participants within an Economic Unit from oldest to youngest. If participants have the same date of birth, then sort those participant’s names alphabetically.

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5 Food Benefits

The Food Benefits screen is where participants have their benefits managed (issued, reissued, voided, etc.) for the delivery of benefits utilizing paper food instruments (FIs). This screen and the associated pop-ups found in this section are available in the system when the System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod system parameter is set to “FI”. The Food Benefits screen is where paper FIs for participants are issued and otherwise managed in the event they are lost, stolen, damaged, need reissued, etc. When the user comes to this screen, they can print new paper FIs, reissue a previous food package, reissue a current food package or Void FIs. Additionally, the user can view detailed information about paper FIs. The Food Benefits screen consists of multiple views which facilitate the various functions necessary for issuing and managing paper FIs. Each is discussed in the following sections. Views are changed by either clicking on radio buttons or selecting from a drop-down list box. A tree structure is used to graphically illustrate participant, issuance, food instrument, and food item information. The views are at the family level. All paper food instruments that the family is eligible for are printed together when the Print command button is clicked. Any proration is also accommodated for automatically when the user goes to the Food Benefits screen.

5.1 Food Benefits The Food Benefits screen allows the display of all paper FI information within a single screen. The top portion of the screen controls the printing options, the screen views, actions that can be taken with the paper FIs and proration overriding. There are two primary views, Issuance or Participant that determine the hierarchical tree structure. Each level of the tree structure can be collapsed or expanded to show the information that the user needs at that point in time. Additionally, the Expand to See selector can be used to expand or collapse the tree to that particular level. In the Issuance View, the paper FI information is presented in a hierarchical tree structure with issuance as the top level with issuance period presented as the top level. Participants are listed under Issuance Periods. Issuance information is displayed in sequence from newest to oldest issuance month. In the Participant View, the endorser is displayed at the top of the grid. The paper FI information is presented in a hierarchical tree structure with participants as the top level. Each participant within a family is displayed in sequence from the oldest participant to the youngest participant. The main panel displays all non-archived paper FIs. This information includes all paper FIs non-issued, issued, reissued, or voided.

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Issuance View – New Issuance for child and infant before FIs are printed (Issuance View) > Foods > Food Benefits

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Issuance View – New Issuance After paper FIs have been printed (Issuance View) > Foods > Food Benefits

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Issuance View – New Issuance After paper FIs have been printed (Participant View)

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Participant View – Re-issuance – System detects package change and presents screen. User voids appropriate FIs and selects appropriate FIs from new package for printing. > Foods > Food Benefits

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Participant View – Re-issuance – After printing of reissued FIs.

Participant View – After reprint of two FIs. > Foods > Food Benefits

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Control Description

Printing Options - When coming to the FI screen, the Print button is enabled if Print there are paper FIs that can be printed. Paper FIs that are ready for issuance display a sequence number preceded by a checkbox. The checkbox is automatically checked by the system to indicate that the paper FI is available for printing. The user can uncheck any paper FI that should not be printed. When the Print button is clicked, a Family Save occurs prior to the print. The Print button attempts to process all paper FIs that are due for every participant in a family. It determines the set of potential paper FIs that could be printed based on each participant's FB Issuance code, the Participation Period, their certification effective date, and any paper FIs they have already received. FI numbers are assigned for each paper FI. The FI numbers are saved in the database. When the save is completed, the FI detail is updated and the assigned numbers are displayed in the tree structure instead of the FI sequence number. Printing is not done until a successful save has been completed. The paper FIs identified with check marks in the tree structure are printed. If the check box is not checked for a paper FI, then it is not printed.

The Print button also invokes the signature capture for the receipt of the food instruments after the save. See Signature Capture Pop-Up – FI Issuance. When Mailed is selected, the signature capture is not invoked. It is assumed that no endorser is available for signature so No signature is automatically date time stamped and marked with the No Signature Capture Reason “Mailed”. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + P

Printing Options – This link allows the reprinting of a paper FI. It invokes the Reprint Reprint FI Pop-Up allowing the user to choose which FIs to reprint while voiding the FI that is being reprinted.

Type Link Printing Options - The Mailed checkbox is used to indicate that the paper FIs will be Mailed (or were) mailed to the participant rather than picked up by the participant at the clinic. Type Check Box Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.MailedIn Printing Options - This represents the reason that the paper FIs were mailed rather Reason than physically given to the participants. Type List Box

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Control Description Required Yes, when the Mailed check box is checked. DB Column FI.CheckMailedRsnCd Code ID Mail Reason

Screen View – Selecting the Issuance radio button causes the main panel view Issuance View of the Food Benefits screen to be Issuance based. Issuance is at the top level of the tree structure. The levels within the tree structure include: issuance period, participant name, food instrument, and food items.

Type Radio Button Required No DB Column Not Stored

Screen View – Selecting the Participant radio button causes the main panel view Participant View of the Food Benefits screen to be Participant based. The levels within the tree structure include: participant name, issuance period, food instruments, and food items.

Type Radio Button Required No DB Column Not Stored Screen View – Expand This list box provides the ability to expand or collapse to see to See various levels of data. Default to FI. The user may select a different view. Type List Box Required Yes DB Column Not Stored Code ID FI Level to See This code element is non-editable. The installed values are: Issuance Participant Food Package FI Food Item

Void This link allows the user to Void specific paper FIs. It invokes the Void FIs Pop-Up.

Type Link

Mail This radio button allows the user to mark specific paper FIs as mailed or change them from mailed to not mailed. It invokes the Mail FIs Pop-Up.

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Control Description Type Link New Issuance - This field is automatically selected by the system if the system is Prorated set to use proration for new issuance. This information is only relevant for current benefit period. If selected, the information in the main panel is re-presented to the user to show the paper FIs for the proration amount of foods allowed for the current benefit period. Type Radio Button DB Column Not Stored New Issuance - Selecting the New Issuance - Override Proration radio button Override Proration overrides the calculation of proration for new issuance. The override must be done prior to clicking on the Print button. If selected, the information in the main panel is re-presented to the user to show the paper FIs for the full amount of foods allowed for the current benefit period. Type Radio Button DB Column Not Stored New Issuance - An Override Reason must be given when New Issuance - Override Reason Override Proration is selected. Type List Box Required Yes, when New Issuance - Override Proration is checked. DB Column FI.ProrationOverrideCd Code ID Proration Override Re-Issuance - Current This field is automatically selected by the system if the system is set to use Current based re-issuance. Only foods that are being re-issuance are verified using proration based on current date within the current benefit period. If selected, the information in the main panel is re-presented to the user to show the proration level for re-issued paper FIs for the current benefit period. Type Radio Button DB Column Not Stored Re-Issuance – Original Selecting the Original radio button overrides the calculation of proration for any re-issued food. Only foods found that are being re-issuance are verified using proration based on original level of issuance for the current benefit period. The override must be done prior to clicking on the Print button. If selected, the information in the main panel is re-presented to the user to show the proration level for re-issued paper FIs for the current benefit period.

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Control Description Type Radio Button DB Column Not Stored Re-Issuance – Original An Original Reason must be given for overriding when Re- Reason Issuance - Original is selected. Type List Box Required Yes, when Re-Issuance - Original is checked. DB Column FI.ProrationOverrideCd Code ID Reissue Proration Override Issuance The tree view displays the family FIs in issuance order. The (Issuance View) levels within the Issuance View are Issuance Period, Participant, FI, and Food Items. Each level can be expanded or collapsed by using the +/- signs of the tree structure. Type Tree view Display Yes Issuance The tree view displays the participants in age order. The levels (Participant View) within the Participant View are Participant, Issuance Period, FI, and Food Items. Each level can be expanded or collapsed by using the +/- signs of the tree structure. Type Tree view Display Yes This contains the issuance period sorted from most recent to oldest. Type Tree view Level Issuance view – 1st Participant view – 2nd Format mm/dd/yyyy (FDTU date) – mm/dd/yyyy (LDTU date) DB Column FI.FirstUseDt FI.LastUseDt This contains the participant within the economic unit. Hyperlink to the Participant Detail Pop-Up, allowing the user to view the details about the participant. Type Tree view Level Issuance view – 2nd Participant view - 1st Format First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

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Control Description DB Column FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName The check box at the FI level of the tree view can be checked to allow the paper FI to be printed or unchecked to not print. Before a paper FI is printed, the FI sequence number is seen in the tree view. After the paper FI is printed, the actual FI number is displayed. On an issued FI, it is a hyperlink to the FI Detail Pop-Up, allowing the user to view the details about the issued FI. Type Tree view Level 3rd Format Numeric DB Column FI.FI_Nr This contains the food items related to the participant. The food package name is shown above the food items. For issuances that have occurred, it is the issued food items (based on the food package at the time of issuance). For issuances that are in process, it is potential food items (based on the food packages available at the time of processing). Type Tree view Level 4th Format Food Items (Constant) DB Column ProdContainer.FIDc

FI-Only Business Rules Screen Display Rules 1. (FI Only) When expanded, the Food Items displays the makeup of the foods on that particular paper FI. When a food item has an optional food container, this optional food container is displayed on the same line starting with the word ‘or’. The format is “9 xxx” where ‘9’ is the optional food container’s Equivalent Quantity times the quantity of the original food item (rounded to a whole number) and ‘xxx’ is the description of the optional food container. 2. (FI Only) Display all non-archived paper FIs for the participant. (This includes all paper FIs non-issued, issued, reissued, or voided.) 3. (FI Only) Issuance view: a. 1st level – Issuance period b. 2nd level – Participant name c. 3rd level – If a state is using proration, then display in parenthesis what proration has occurred for a 2/3 or 1/3 package. d. 4th level – Check box with sequence number (for FIs that have not yet been printed) or FI number (for FIs that have been issued). If the FI is marked as

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FI-Only Business Rules direct ship, append ‘(Direct Ship)’ behind the FI number. The expansion of this level shows the food contents of what appears on that particular food instrument. 4. The Print button, the Reprint link, and the Void link are all controlled by a security task that is separate from the panel security. Only users with execute security for the separate security task are allowed to use the Print button, the Reprint link, and the Void link.

Print (Issue And Reissue) Rules 5. (FI Only) If there is no MICR printer assigned, when the Print button or the Reprint link is pressed, display an error message 'Printing stopped due to no MICR printer assigned. Please assign using the File menu's Change MICR Printer function and retry'. 6. (FI Only) Print all available family FIs together, from oldest participant to youngest. 7. (FI Only) Number and print the selected FIs in the following order: a. Within family, oldest to youngest participants b. Within a participant, most current to future months c. Within month, in FI Sequence numbers 8. (FI Only) Disable the Print button when no paper FIs can be printed (none are checked). 9. (FI Only) Any FI that has a direct ship food item is not printed (system saves issuance records and assigns an FI number). 10. If an infant’s current BF Description is Exclusively BF or Prim Excl with No Formula Package (latest InterviewInfant.BFActionCd = Excl BF or Prim Excl/No F Pkg) and there is available issuance based on the ‘Food Available Date’, validation is based on the infant being considered as a Prim Excl / Comp breastfeeding status. The ‘Food Available Date’ is calculated as the first day of the first issuance period after the infant has turned six months of age. a. If the FDTU of the issuance period is greater than the computed ‘Food Available Date’, allow issuance of complimentary foods even though the infant’s BF Description is still exclusively breastfeeding. b. If the current date is equal to or after the ‘Food Available Date’, display the error/warning message “Infant’s BF description must be updated for food to be issued at this time” and do not issue benefits for the issuance period.

Reprinting Rules 11. (FI Only) Disable the Reprint link if there are no issued FI without redemption activity present for the current or future issuance periods. 12. (FI Only) When an FI has been reprinted, it replaces the original FI in the tree structure. The original FI is displayed behind the reprinted FI number using the format ‘(Reprint of nnnnn)’ where nnnnn is the original FI number.

Reissuance Rules 13. (FI Only) The system automatically detects when a food package change occurs within any issuance period (current or future) for already issued FIs. When this occurs, the system displays the screen allowing for the user to proceed with re-issuing if food

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FI-Only Business Rules rules are passed. 14. (FI Only) When the Print button is pressed, the system validates for each issuance period where re-issuance occurs, the food contents against the food rules to ensure that no over-issuance occurs. It considers previously issued FIs, voided FIs, returned formula and selected FIs for issuing/printing. 15. (FI Only) During the issuance period where a non-special diet participant’s first birthday occurs, per FNS regulations, the participant is allowed to either have infant based or child based food. A food package verification business rule ensures that the initial issuance is either infant based or child based (cannot be intermixed). During reissuance, intermixing during this issuance period must be prevented whether it is current or a future period. If a wholesale change is desired then every FI must be returned and voided. Therefore the business rule for this is “Display an error if any non-voided FIs contains food of a different type than the food that is about to be re- issued (intermixing between infant based or child based food is not allowed).” 16. (FI Only) During reissuance of the current issuance period, check for the time the previous issuance or reissuance occurred. If the previous non-voided issuance or reissuance occurred less than 60 minutes ago and the user who created the issuance or reissuance is different than the user currently trying to print new checks, display this error message “Cannot Save the Following FIs. Other checks were already created and printed” and list the FI numbers that could not be saved. Do not write any FI data to the database. This edit is intended to prevent two users from unintentionally updating the same participant’s food package and issuing benefits at the same time.

Mailed Rules 17. (FI Only) When the Mailed check box is marked, the system automatically marks all paper FIs for the upcoming food issuance period as “Mailed”. 18. (FI Only) If a paper FI is marked as “Mailed”, print this label on the screen “[ Mailed ]” after the FI number on the Food Benefits screen. 19. (FI Only) It is also possible to indicate “Mailed” after the printing. This is done by clicking on the Mail link which displays the Mail FIs Pop-Up where the user can mark previously printed FIs as mailed.

Void Rules 20. (FI Only) Selecting the Void link allows the user to Void specific paper FIs. When the user selects the Void link, the system checks to see what paper FIs could be voided. An eligible paper FI for void is one that has been issued and is not already marked as a void, not redeemed, not marked as lost or stolen, and not past the last date to use.

Appointment Kept Rules 21. (FI Only) When the family is saved and paper FIs are printed (not mailed), if there are any appointments for this family for the current day that have a “Scheduled” or “Arrived” status, the system marks the appointment as Seen. Note: Staff may manually update the appointment status by going to the actual appointment and making an update.

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FI-Only Business Rules

Participant Move Rules 22. (FI Only) When participants move to another family, the issuance history must move with them. (This includes the issuance periods, food items, and FI detail information).

Other Rules 23. (FI Only) For FIs that have formula on them, set on the FI table whether they are a Formula Only FI or a Mixed FI. This is needed for the Formula Rebate batch process (used to calculate rebates for a number of system functions). 24. (FI Only) For FIs that come from a food package that has Mixed FIs, set the FI table whether they are from a Mixed FI or Non-Mixed FI package. This is needed for the Formula Rebate batch process (used to calculate rebates for a number of system functions). 25. (FI Only) FI.ProrationOverrideCd is mapped to New Issuance – Override Reason and Re-Issuance – Original Reason. The proper value must be determined on the stored FI records. 26. (FI Only) Between the time the Food Benefits panel is displayed and the user clicks Print, it is possible that another user has deleted a food package that is about to be used for issuance or reissuance. When the user clicks Print, ensure that all food packages that are being used to issue or reissue still exist. If one or more food packages are not found, display this error message and do not issue benefits: "Cannot save the following FIs because their Food Packages have been deleted by another user. Please refresh your data and print the FIs again."

Common Business Rules Screen Display Rules 1. Default to checking the checkboxes of all eligible participants and issuance periods. 2. The system performs the Food Benefit Alert Algorithm when the Food Benefits screen is accessed. See Appendix C of the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD for details. 3. The same business rules as found in the Food Package Verification Rules and Automated Food Package Update Algorithm (i.e. applying package changes due to a profile hitting a Change Rule) are applicable to this screen. The system performs the Benefit Calculation Rules and Proration Rules. See Appendix D: Benefit Calculation Rules and Appendix E: Proration Rules in the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD for details. 4. Display an error message when an existing food package contains a non-contract formula that becomes a contract formula during any of the new months of food issuance. This is based on effective rebate dates as compared to the FDTU of each the new month of issuance. 5. Display an error message if user tries to issue benefits and a Food Package Doc ID has been deleted for a Food Package that is marked for issuance. “One or more food rows were assigned to deleted Medical Documentation.” 6. If the family has a breastfeeding dyad, it is evaluated when the user comes onto the Food Benefits panel. a. If the infant that is breastfeeding the most has a verified food package with formula and the

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Common Business Rules amount of formula is considered “Partial BF Out of Range” a.i. And if the BF woman is > = 6 months post-partum, then display a warning message. “All infants are or . may not receive benefits for , year.” This stops mom from receiving food benefits. 7. The Prorate fields (in group box) are disabled if there is no new issuance food benefits that can be prorated. These fields are only available when ProrateAllowed = Yes and ProrateOverride = Yes. 8. When the Override Proration check box is checked, its Override Reason box becomes enabled and required. 9. When the Override Proration check box is unchecked, its Override Reason box is cleared of any data and disabled. 10. Display issuance information in sequence from newest to oldest issuance month. 11. Display participant information in sequence from oldest participant to youngest participant. 12. Participant view – Same as Issuance view except the 1st level and 2nd level are switched.

Print (Issue And Reissue) Rules 13. For infants and children <24 months old, display a warning message if there is no Nutrition Interview record (Infant Interview or Child Interview) with Record Date = Today’s date.

Reprinting Rules No Common Business Rules

Reissuance Rules 14. When the system determines that re-issuance is occuring: a. If system parameter FI.AllowProrate = ‘Yes’ and system parameter Food.ReissueProration is set to ‘ORIGINAL’ or if Re-Issuance - Original is selected, the system uses the food rule amount based on the original proration level (i.e. 1/3, 2/3 or Full). b. If system parameter FI.AllowProrate = ‘Yes’ and system parameter Food.ReissueProration is set to ‘CURRENT’ and Re-Issuance – Current is selected, the system uses the food rule amount based on the proration level (i.e. 1/3, 2/3 or Full) as calculated based on the date that the re- issuance is being done (See Appendix E: Proration Rules in the CS 6a Common Food Screens and Appendices DFDD for details). For example, if a participant received Full amounts but arrived on the 24th a month for reissuance, then 1/3 proration amounts would be used to determine the amount of reissued food allowed. When verification occurs, only foods found in the reissuance food package are verified against the food rules. This ensures that previously issued foods are not having any changes are not impacted by food rule violations. 15. When reissuing, use the same FDTU and LDTU for the issuance period that is being reissued.

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Common Business Rules Mailed Rules 16. Check the Mailed check box by default when any family member is identified as pre- certified. 17. Allow user to remove default checkmark from Mailed check box. 18. When the Mailed checkbox is checked, its Reason box becomes enabled and required. 19. When the Mailed checkbox is unchecked, its Reason box is cleared of any data and disabled. 20. A File-Save is required to save Mailing information.

Void Rules No Common Business Rules

Appointment Kept Rules No Common Business Rules

Participant Move Rules No Common Business Rules

Other Rules No Common Business Rules

New Issuance Proration Override Group Box Rules 21. The New Issuance group box is hidden if system parameter FI.ProrateAllowed = No. 22. The New Issuance group box is hidden if system parameters FI.ProrateAllowed = Yes and FI.ProrateOverride = No. 23. The New Issuance group box is visible if system parameters FI.ProrateAllowed = Yes and FI.ProrateOverride = Yes. 24. The New Issuance group box is enabled if system parameters FI.ProrateAllowed = Yes and FI.ProrateOverride = Yes and the Print button is enabled and at least one participant in the Economic Unit will receive new issuance for the current issuance period and the new issuance will be 2/3 or 1/3 prorated. 25. The New Issuance group box is disabled if system parameters FI.ProrateAllowed = Yes and FI.ProrateOverride = Yes and a. The Print button is disabled or b. No participants in the Economic Unit are being issued new benefits for the current issuance period or c. The system calculated issuance for the current issuance period is Full.

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5.1.1 Signature Capture – FI Issuance Pop-Up This signature capture is embedded into the process of issuing food instruments, either through a Print or Reprint of the food instruments. Each time that a family receives paper food instruments, a signature is required as part of the issuance process, unless, prior to printing them, the user identifies that the food instruments will be mailed. After the paper FIs are printed, the signature capture process is initiated. The first screen is an example of what is displayed on the signature pad display screen. The pop-up “Signature Capture to User” is displayed to the WIC system user so that they know what is on the signature pad display screen and then when a signature is captured, it can be reviewed here to determine if adequate or if another capture is required. For full details about this system component, see the Signature Capture section of the Clinic Services Overview DFDD.

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5.1.2 Paper FI Output (Static) The following information is printed on the paper FI by the application: Local Agency-Clinic number, Participant Name (First and Last), Family ID, bank account number, FI number, food items from the participant's food package, standard MICR line, First Date To Use, and Last Date to Use. Some of this information is pre-printed on the FI. All other data items are pre-printed on the check stock. Note: The not-to-exceed amount is not printed on the FI. Language: English only The printed paper FI is available in English only. Printed Paper FI Mockup

FI-Only Business Rules 1. (FI Only) The MICR line is comprised of the FI number, routing number, and the account number. 2. (FI Only) The account number value is found in the system parameter FI.BankAccountNumberPrintedOnCheck. 3. (FI Only) The routing number is controlled by a system parameter FI.BankRoutingNumberPrintedonCheck. 4. (FI Only) Print VOID across the face of the paper FI if the system parameter, System.RunSysteminTestMode is ‘Yes’. This protects the printing in a testing or training environment. 5. (FI Only) If an FI is a CVV FI, then print the values found in Food.CVVExtraLine1 and Food.CVVExtraLine2 in the next two available food item lines.

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FI-Only Business Rules 6. (FI Only) If an FI is a CVV FI, then suppress the printing of the quantity. 7. (FI Only) When a food item has an optional food container, this optional food container is printed on the same line starting with the word ‘or’. The format is “9 xxx” where ‘9’ is the optional food container’s Equivalent Quantity times the quantity of the original food item (rounded to a whole number) and ‘xxx’ is the description of the optional food container. 8. (FI Only) Clinic ID = Local Agency-Clinic numbers. Display as Clinic ID: Z9-ZZZZ9. 9. (FI Only) Participant Name is a single field that includes the First Name and Last Name as space allows. Truncation of the name is done, if needed, so that the family identifier is not covered. 10. (FI Only) Label the family identifier as FID. Display as FID: ZZZZZZZZ9. 11. (FI Only) If an FI belongs to a participant with Category = Pregnant, Breastfeeding, or Not Breastfeeding, and the FI is a CVV FI, print the text in parameter FI.CertificationEndCheckMessage on the last line available for food items. Replace the variable in the parameter text with the Certification End Date of the participant that is furthest in the future, using the format mm/dd/yyyy. a. If a future Termination Effective Date exists with no Reinstate Date, substitute the future Termination Effective Date for the CED. b. If the last line of the FI contains a food item, do not replace the food item with the CED message. c. If the FI.CertificationEndCheckMessage parameter does not exist or it is blank, do not print the CED message. 12. (FI Only) If an FI belongs to a participant with Category = Infant or Child, print the text in parameter FI.CertificationEndCheckMessage on the last line available for food items. Replace the variable in the parameter text with the Certification End Date of the participant that is furthest in the future, using the format mm/dd/yyyy. a. If a future Termination Effective Date exists with no Reinstate Date, substitute the future Termination Effective Date for the CED. b. If the last line of the FI contains a food item, do not replace the food item with the CED message. c. If the FI.CertificationEndCheckMessage parameter does not exist or it is blank, do not print the CED message.

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules MPSC Check Printing Region Specifications The following print region specifications were developed by CIBER and presented to the states utilizing checks for the MPSC system on 3/13/2009. These specifications are intended to be used by the states for bidding on check stock. The specifications are defined in pixels.

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In Pixels Check Height = 365.5

Field From Left From Top * Font FI Number 615.0 5.0 "Tahoma", 11, Bold Account Number 465.0 20.0 "Tahoma", 10 First Date To Use **: 615.0 20.0 "Tahoma", 10 Last Date To Use ** 615.0 37.0 "Tahoma", 10 Agency Clinic Number 5.0 85.0 "Tahoma", 8, Bold Participant Name ** 120.0 85.0 "Tahoma", 8, Bold Family ID ** 420.0 85.0 "Tahoma", 8, Bold Foods 5.0 103.0 "Tahoma", 9 MICR Line *** 115.2 317.0 FontE13B

Notes * Add additional check height for each succeeding check (3 checks per page) ** Includes the Label (printing begins a left edge of this measurement) *** Left position for an 8 digit FI Number. For each digit differential, the starting position is adjusted by 12.1 pixels (i.e. 9 digit is adjusted to 113.1 pixels, 6 digits is adjusted to 139.6 pixels)

Note: The Solutran MICR Specification Sheet is shown below. The MICR line is build by as a continuous string. The FI number determines the starting position, always having the final digit in the 47th space. This is following by 4 spaces (special character, blank, blank, special character). This is followed by a 9 digit routing number. This is followed by 3 spaces (special character, blank, blank). This is followed by the account number (expected to be 6 digits) with a closing special character.

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5.1.3 FI Detail Pop-Up The FI Detail Pop-Up displays all of the data that relates to a selected paper FI. This information is accessed by clicking on a specific paper FI number on the Food Benefits panel. The user can see the paper FI number, Family ID, Participant Name, Endorser Name, Agency-Clinic ID and Person ID. This data is divided into groupings of General Information, Issuance Information, Redemption Information and FI Status.

Control Description General Information - The unique paper FI number. FI Number

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Control Description Type Text Box Required NA Length 8 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FI_Nr General Information - The participant’s Family ID. Family ID Type Text Box Required NA Length 9 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column BenefitFamily.FFFamilyID General Information - The participant’s current Endorser’s Name. Endorser Name Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of “firstname middlename lastname” Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn General Information - The FI’s local agency and clinic at the time of its issuance. LA ID/Clinic Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.Cln_ID General Information - The participant’s Person ID. Person ID Type Text Box Required NA Length 9

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Control Description Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.Part_ID General Information - The participant’s Name. Participant Name Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of “firstname middle name lastname suffix” Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FamilyMember.FirstName + FAmilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.NameSuffix Issuance Information The earliest date that a paper FI can be used to purchase foods. - First Date to Use For an original paper FI, this date is based on a system parameter. When paper FIs are reissued, the First Date to Use is controlled by another system parameter. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FirstUseDt Issuance Information The last date the paper FI can be used to purchase foods. - Last Date to Use

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.LastUseDt Issuance Information The Sequence Number of the paper FI. - FI Sequence Number Type Text Box

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Control Description Required NA Length 2 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FISeqNr Issuance Information The date the paper FI was created (printed). - Create Date Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.CreateDt Issuance Information The date the paper FI did or could expire. At time of issuance - Expiration Date from the system, this is set to the LDTU. For manual FIs, this is controlled based on the date the manual FIs is created plus a system parameter defined value (i.e. 90 days).

Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column FI.ExpirationDt Issuance Information The staff member’s User ID that issued the paper FI. For Manual – Staff Member FIs, this is the person who printed the paper FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column FI.Stfp_ID Issuance Information This indicates if proration was used at the time the paper FI was – Proration issued or not and if so, to what degree was the proration. Type Text Box Required NA

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Control Description Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column FI.ProrationCd Issuance Information This indicates an override reason for why proration was not used – Override Reason if it could have been at the time the paper FI was issued. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column FI.ProrationOverrideCd Issuance Information Indicates that the paper FI was mailed. This indicator may have - Mailed Indicator been set at the time of issuance or at a later time. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.CheckMailedRsnCd Issuance Information The reason the paper FI was mailed. - Mailed Reason Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.CheckMailedRsnCd Issuance Information This is the date that the FI was included in the bank extract - Bank Extract Date Issuance File. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No

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Control Description DB Column FI.BankExtractDt Issuance Information This indicates whether an FI was direct ship or not. – Direct Ship Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.DirectShipIn Redemption This is the date that the bank processing took place for the Information - redeemed paper FI. Redeemed Date Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.RedemptionDt Redemption This is the amount for which the paper FI was redeemed. Information - Redeemed Amount Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of $999.99 Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.RedemptionAmt Redemption The information about the Vendor that accepted the paper FI. Information - Vendor Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of Vendor ID Vendor Name Vendor Address

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Control Description Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.Vend_ID Redemption This is the date that the payment was rejected for the paper FI. Information - Rejected Date Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.BankRejectDt Redemption This is the amount of payment that was rejected for the paper Information - Rejected FI. Amount Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of $999.99 Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.BankRejectAmt Redemption The reason the paper FI was rejected during the bank Information - Rejected processing. If the paper FI is rejected more than once, only the Code most recent rejected code is displayed. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.BankRejectCd Redemption This indicates whether the vendor uses or participates in ACH Information – Vendor processing. Uses ACH Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA

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Control Description Display Only Yes Calculated Yes DB Column FI.Vend_ID FI Status - Reissued Indicates the paper FI was reissued to the Participant. This to Participant includes all types of reissuance. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.ReissuedFIIn FI Status - Reissued Indicates the paper FI was reissued to the Vendor. to Vendor Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.ReissuedToVendorIn FI Status - Original FI If reissued, the original number of the paper FI. Number Type Text Box Required NA Length 8 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.OriginalFINr FI Status - Rebate The date the paper FI was included in the rebate processing. Processed Date Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.RebateProcDt FI Status - Void Date If voided, the date the paper FI was voided.

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Control Description Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.VoidDt FI Status - Void Code If voided, the reason the paper FI was voided. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Close Clicking the Close button causes the FI Detail Pop-Up to close. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + C

FI-Only Business Rules 1. (FI-Only) Vendor Use ACH is set to Yes if the vendor has valid ACH information setup (i.e. routing number); otherwise, it is set to No. 2. (FI-Only) If an FI is a CVV FI, then append ‘-CVV’ behind the displayed FI Number. 3. (FI-Only) Issuance Information – Override Reason (FI.ProrationOverrideCd) is mapped to two codes: Proration Override and Reissue Proration Override. The English value is selected based on the Issuance Information – Reissued to Participant (FI.ReissuedFIIn).

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

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5.1.4 Reprint FI Pop-Up The Reprint FI Pop-Up is used to view all FIs available for Reprint. The user can select the individual FIs to reprint. When an FI is reprinted, a new number is assigned, signatures are captured and the FI is printed with the same food contents as the original FI.

Control Description FIs to Reprint The possible paper FIs which can be reprinted are listed in the data grid and are populated to the data grid by the system when the user selects a Reprint link By default, only paper FIs for current and future periods that have no redemption activity can be reprinted are displayed. Type Data Grid Length NA DB Column NA Participant Name The name of the selected participant. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of ‘firstname middlename lastname’ Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA

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Control Description Reprint This check box indicates that the specific paper FI is selected for Reprint. The user has the ability to select/unselect paper FIs from this pop-up. Type Check Box Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.ReissuedFIIn FI Number The FI Number of the original paper FI to be reprinted. Type Text Box Required NA Length 8 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA FDTU First Date To Use (FDTU) is the first day that the paper FI can be used to purchase WIC foods. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Void Code Void Code identifies the reason a Food Instrument was voided.

Type List Box Required Yes, if Reprint check box marked Length 4 DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Code ID FI Void Code This code element is editable but these installed values are non-editable: Lost Stolen Reissued FI

Select Here to Change At that time that a value is selected in this list box, it Void Codes of All automatically places that value in any row's Void Code list box Reprinted FIs where the Reprint checkbox is checked.

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Control Description Type List Box Required NA DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Code ID FI Void Code Same list as shown above in Void Code Print The Print command button invokes the Print process (Assign FI numbers, Signature Capture and Printing) and then closes the Reprint FIs Pop-Up. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + P Cancel The Close command button closes the Reprint FIs Pop-Up and returns the user to the Food Instruments main panel in the same view as previously displayed. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + C

FI-Only Business Rules 1. (FI Only) Sort the grid according to the sorting that was found on the Food Benefit screen at the time the Reprint was invoked. 2. (FI Only) Direct Ship FIs are not available for reprinting. 3. (FI Only) Do not allow the ‘Reissue FI’ value in the selectable list in the Void Code column. 4. (FI Only) When reprinting each FI, a new FI is generated that is tied back to the original FI with data populated as follows: a. Original FI Number – original FI number b. Copy from original FI – Clinic, Food Contents, Participant, Package, Expiration Date, FDTU, LDTU, Compliance Buy Indicator, Proration, Direct Ship and Cash Value Voucher values. c. Set Create Date to current date d. Set Reissued FI Indicator to True e. Set Mailed Indicator to False f. Set Bank so the FI is sent on the next bank issuance cycle Note: Original FI is updated with Void information. 5. (FI Only) Unchecked Reprint checkboxes cause the Void Code list box to be disabled. Checked Reprint checkboxes enable the Void Code list box and an error occurs if no value is selected in the Void Code list box. If a checked Reprint checkbox is unchecked, the value in the Void Code list box is removed and the list box becomes disabled. 6. (FI Only) Disable the Print button until a FI is checked to be reprinted.

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Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

5.1.5 Void FIs Pop-Up The Void FIs Pop-Up displays all paper FIs available for voiding and allows the user to enter void codes. Paper FIs are displayed in sequence with the most recent issue month first.

Control Description FIs to Void The possible FIs which could be voided are listed in the data grid and are populated to the data grid by the system when the user clicks on the Void hyperlink. Only FIs that could be voided are displayed. Type Data Grid Length NA DB Column NA Participant Name The name of the selected participant. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of ‘firstname middlename lastname’

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Control Description Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Void This check box indicates that the specific paper FI is selected to be voided. The user has the ability to select/unselect paper FIs from this pop-up. Type Check Box Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd FDTU First Date To Use (FDTU) is the first day that a paper FI can be used to purchase WIC foods. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Void Code Void Code identifies the reason a Food Instrument was voided. Type List Box Required Yes, if Void check box is marked Length NA DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Code ID FI Void Code This code element is editable but these installed values are non-editable: Lost Stolen Reissued FI Select Here to Change When a value is selected in this list box, the system Void Code of all automatically places that value in any row's Void Code list box Voidable Paper FIs where the Void checkbox is checked. Type List Box Required NA DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Code ID Same code as found in the Void Code control. Close The Close command button closes the Void Pop-Up and returns the user to the Food Instruments main panel in the same view as previously displayed.

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Control Description Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + C

FI-Only Business Rules 1. (FI Only) Set Void Date (not shown) to current date. 2. (FI Only) Sort the grid according to the sorting that was found on the Food Benefit screen at the time the Void was invoked. 3. (FI Only) Direct Ship FIs are available for voiding. 4. (FI Only) Unchecked Void checkboxes cause the Void Code list box to be disabled. Checked Void checkboxes enable the Void Code list box and an error occurs if no value is selected in the Void Code list box. If a checked Void checkbox is unchecked, the value in the Void Code list box is removed and the list box is disabled.

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

5.1.6 Mail FIs Pop-Up The Mail FIs Pop-Up displays all issued paper FIs from the current issuance period on (determined based on current date). Paper FIs are displayed in sequence with the most recent issue month first.

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Control Description FIs Mail FIs Pop-Up displays all the mailed status of all issued paper FIs from the issuance period on. Type Data Grid Participant Name The name of the selected participant. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of ‘firstname middlename lastname’ Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Mailed The mailed checkbox indicates whether a FI was marked as mailed or not. This checkbox may be checked (indicating that it was mailed) or unchecked (indicating that it was not mailed). Type Check Box Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd FI Number The FI Number of the paper FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length 8 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA FDTU First Date To Use (FDTU) is the first day that a paper FI can be used to purchase WIC foods. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column NA Reason This represents the reason that the paper FIs were mailed rather than physically given to the participants. Type List Box Required Yes, when the Mailed check box is checked.

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Control Description DB Column FI.CheckMailedRsnCd Code ID Mail Reason Close The Close command button closes the Void Pop-Up and returns the user to the Food Instruments main panel in the same view as previously displayed. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + C

FI-Only Business Rules 1. (FI Only)Sort the grid according to the sorting that was found on the Food Benefit screen at the time the Mail was invoked. 2. (FI Only)Unchecked Mailed checkboxes cause the Reason list box to be disabled. Checked Mailed checkboxes enable the Reason list box and an error occurs if no value is selected in the Reason list box. If a checked Mailed checkbox is unchecked, the value in the Reason list box is removed and the list box is disabled.

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

5.1.7 Signature Capture – Voiding Lost / Stolen FIs Pop-Up This signature capture is embedded into the process of voiding paper FIs. The signature capture process is initiated after the user clicks the Close button on the Void FIs Pop-Up. The first screen is an example of what is displayed on the signature pad display screen. The pop-up “Signature Capture to User” is displayed to the WIC system user so that they know what is on the signature pad display screen and then when a signature is captured, it can be reviewed here to determine if adequate or if another capture is required. For full details about this system component, see the Signature Capture section of the Clinic Services Overview DFDD.

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5.2 FI History The FI History screen is used to view existing paper FIs that are not archived and to view their details. In connected mode, archived paper FIs can be viewed by checking the Include Archive check box. The FI History screen displays history about the FDTU, redemption date and amount, whether or not reissued, a void reason and the original FI number. The screen displays FI information beginning with the most recent issuance month.

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> Foods > FI History

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Control Description Include Archive This checkbox determines what dates of FI data are displayed on the screen. This checkbox is unselected by default.

Note: This feature is disabled if the user is operating in disconnected mode. Type Check Box Display Only No Calculated No DB Column Not Stored All non-archived paper FIs and selected data about the paper FIs are listed in the data grid. If Include Archive is checked, then the grids list all paper FIs (archived and non-archived). Each participant has a separate grid. The grids are ordered by age of participant with the oldest participant showing at the top. Type Data Grid Length NA DB Column NA FI # The unique paper FI number. Type Text Box Required NA Length 8 Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FI_Nr FDTU The First Date to Use for the paper FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FirstUseDt Redeemed Date This is the date that the bank processing took place for a redeemed paper FI. Type Text Box

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Control Description Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of mm/dd/yyyy Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.RedemptionDt Redeemed Amt. This is the amount for which the paper FI was redeemed. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation Mask of $999.99 Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.RedemptionAmt Reissued ? Indicates if this FI is a reissued/reprinted FI. This includes Reprinted, Reissued to Participant and Reissued to Vendor. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.ReissuedFIIn Void Code If voided, the reason the paper FI was voided. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.VoidReasonCd Original FI # If an FI is a reprinted FI, this is the FI number of the Original paper FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No

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Control Description DB Column FI.FINr

Business Rules General Business Rules 1. (FI Only) Order individual grids by FDTU (most recent at top) and then by FI sequence number. 2. (FI Only) The system parameter, ClinicServices.NumberofDaysBeforeArchivingFIData, determines the amount of FI data that is displayed on the screen. a. When this check box is selected, all FI data for the Participant is included in the data grid display. b. When this checkbox is unselected, then the display of FI data is dependent on the days stated in the system parameter.

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

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6 Manual FI

Manual food instruments can be created and given to a participant when the system is unavailable. The Manual FIs are pre-printed with food items and FI Numbers. When issued to the participant, the staff person issuing the manual FI writes the Participant name, First Day to Use, and Last Day to Use on the FI. The Manual FI screen provides a method of entering information into the system about Manual FIs distributed when the system was not available. If a set of manual checks has been associated with the incorrect participant record, the manual food instrument numbers can be entered with the correct Person ID along with the First Day to Use, Last Day to Use, and clinic ID. This process removes the FIs from the originally incorrect participant record and adds them to the newly entered correct participant record.

> Foods > Manual FIs

Control Description Search Clicking the Search command button executes a search for all FIs identified in the FI Number(s) field. The FIs resulting from the search are populated into the Scrollable Panel on the bottom portion of the screen. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + S

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Control Description Assign Clicking the Assign button assigns the selected FIs to the participant. The Assign button remains disabled until required data is entered and at least 1 Manual FI is selected for assignment. Type Command Button Hot Key Alt + I FI Number(s) The unique, numeric identifier assigned to a Food Instrument, used as a search criteria. The FI Number selection field allows the user to key one individual FI Number, a series of FI Numbers separated by commas, or a range of FI Numbers. To select a range of Manual FIs, enter the lowest FI Number and the highest FI number separated by a hyphen. Type Text Box Required NA Length 75 Format The FI Number control accepts an 8-digit FI Number. Individual FI Number = 99999999 Series of individual FI Numbers = 99999999, 99999999, 99999999 Range of FI Numbers = 99999999 – 99999999 This alphanumeric field accepts the values 0 through 9, spaces, commas, and the hyphen. Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.FI_Nr Select Participant The select participant list box is used to select the participant to which the manual FIs should be assigned. Type List Box Required Yes Length NA DB Column FI.Part_ID Code ID FI table lookup First Date to Use The earliest date that a participant may use the Manual FI(s) at an authorized Vendor to purchase the WIC foods. Type Date Picker Required Yes Length 8 Validation Formatted date, MM/DD/YYYY Display Only No Calculated No

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Control Description DB Column FI.FirstUseDt Last Date to Use The last date that a participant may use the Manual FI(s) at an authorized Vendor to purchase the WIC foods. Type Date Picker Required Yes Length 8 Validation Formatted date, MM/DD/YYYY Display Only No Calculated No DB Column FI.LastUseDt Scrollable Panel This allows the user to scroll through FIs meeting the search criteria (i.e. FI Number(s) entered in the preceding field.) This panel displays the FI number, food description, food quantity, and the sequence of the FI as it is in the FI set. Subsequently the user selects the First Day to Use and Last Day to Use, then clicks the Update command button to add the Manual FIs to the participant’s record. Type Data Grid Length NA DB Column NA FI Number Checkbox FIs within the Scrollable Panel are selected by clicking the corresponding FI Number Checkbox. Checking an FI Number indicates that it was issued to the identified Participant and is valid between the First and Last Day to Use dates identified. Type Checkbox Required No DB Column NA FI Number Link The unique, numeric identifier assigned to a Manual FI. The displayed FI Number is a link that if clicked brings up the FI Detail screen. Type Link FI Sequence Number Each Manual FI for a participant within a Participation Period is numbered sequentially. The sequence numbers are sequential, starting with 1. The value of FI Seq # is directly related to the value of the fi_seq_nr of the participant's prescribed food package. Type Text Box Required NA Length Integer 1 Validation Numeric

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Control Description Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column FI.FISeqNr Quantity The quantity of the particular food item listed on the Manual FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column SFIContents.ItemQt Food Description The description of the particular food item listed on the Manual FI. Type Text Box Required NA Length NA Validation NA Display Only Yes Calculated No DB Column ProdContainer.FIDc

FI-Only Business Rules General Business Rules 1. (FI Only) The Assign button adds the Manual FI(s) selected in the scrollable panel to the participant’s record. If the Manual FI(s) selected were previously associated with another participant, they are removed from the originally incorrect participant record. 2. (FI Only) Display an error message if the First Date to Use (FDTU) field is empty or incomplete. 3. (FI Only) Display an error message if the Last Date to Use (LDTU) field is empty or incomplete. 4. (FI Only) Display an error message if system parameter, FI.FoodIssuanceCycle = Calendar and the LDTU is set to something other than the last day of the month. 5. (FI Only) Display an error message if an FI number has no Manual FIs matching the FI Number selection criteria; display a message indicating that the Manual FI Number(s) entered do not exist. 6. (FI Only) Display an error message if a number of less than 8 digits is used when searching for an FI Number. The user must enter at least the first 8 digits of the Manual FI Number. 7. (FI Only) Display an error message if the second FI number in a search range is less than the first FI number in the range, display a message. The user must select a range of FIs by entering the lowest Manual FI Number in the range first followed by the highest Manual FI Number in the range. Separate the two numbers with a

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FI-Only Business Rules hyphen. 8. (FI Only) Since Manual FI Numbers are done in sets (by Model Food Package), search results return complete sets. If a FI Number is within a set, the whole set of related FI Numbers is returned. 9. (FI Only) Display an error message if the range of Manual FI Numbers entered returns more than 2,000 result rows. 10. (FI Only) Display an error message if the Last Date to Use date occurs before the First Day to Use. 11. (FI Only) If the user attempts to select a participant from the Participants drop down list who is not certified, or who is certified but does not have a Food Package assigned, display an error message that the participant must be certified and have a food package assigned before a Manual FI can be associated with the participant. 12. (FI Only) Display red font text beside FI Number(s) text box if the entered FI number(s) is already assigned to a participant. “This FI Number is already assigned to a participant.” 13. (FI Only) If View is set to Show Hidden Members, then all participants (members with a WIC Status) are displayed in the Participant listbox. 14. (FI Only) If View is set to not Show Hidden Members, then only participants (members with a WIC Status) that are women or children < 5 years of age are displayed in the Participant Record selector. All participants with Termination Reason equal Deceased or No Longer in Family are excluded from the Participant record selector. 15. (FI Only) Participants appear in the listbox in age order, starting with the oldest. 16. (FI Only) Display an error if the user tries to access the FI Detail of an FI if the FI is already assigned to a participant that is not part of this family. 17. (FI Only) At initial screen entry (no search results), Disable Select Participant, First Day To Use and Last Day To Use. When successful search results are found, enable Select Participant, First Day To Use and Last Day To Use. 18. (FI Only) The Search button is disabled for users with read-only rights to this screen. 19. (FI Only) The following data fields are updated in the FI table upon assignment: Part _ID, FirstUseDt, and LastUseDt.

Common Business Rules No Common Business Rules

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