Mark Twain Union Elementary School District s1

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Mark Twain Union Elementary School District s1

Mark Twain Union Elementary School District

School Volunteer Handbook

Board Approved 08.8.13 Revised 11.14.13 Updated Badger Boosters/Copper PTC Officers 08.20.14 Revised (TB): 05.21.15 Revised (new principal and added BP AR 1240): 11.17.16 Revised 06.08.17 (add pg #, time limit, social media posting, BP 4030 & 4119.11 removed Parent Org members , add Tobacco Fee School) Definitions

School Site:

A visitor is defined as an individual who, with school district authorization, attends a student performance, special event, festival, Open House, Back-to-School event, sports event, athletic competition, etc. A visitor may either be accompanied or unaccompanied by school district staff. Designated school district administrative personnel are to make this determination. A visitor is not required to sign a registry for an after school event. During school hours visitors must sign in at the office.

A guest is defined as an individual who, with school district approval, assists students, schools, or staff on a non-regular basis or who individually observes a classroom or activity. A guest may also assist with educational programs or with special events on an occasional or infrequent basis. A guest is required to immediately report his or her presence at the school office. A guest is required to sign the guest registry in the school office.

A volunteer is defined as an individual who, with school district authorization, voluntarily assists school district, schools, educational programs, or students on a regular and ongoing basis (At least twice a month). A volunteer is required to complete a Volunteer Application which includes a copy of current driver’s license, a state and/or federal background check completed prior to rendering service. A volunteer is required to check in the office & sign in the guest registry.

Field Trips:

Chaperone is defined as an individual who, with school district approval, accompanies students on a field trip and is assigned to supervise a group of students. Chaperones are requested to not bring other children to the field trip if planning to assist with student supervision. A chaperone is required to complete a Volunteer Application and have a state and/or federal background check completed prior to attending the field trip.

Driving Chaperone is defined as an individual who, with school district approval, goes through a process to be allowed to drive students in a car to school field trips or sports events. A Driving Chaperone is required to complete a Volunteer Application and have a state and/or federal background check completed prior to driving for the field trip. A Driving Chaperone also must pass a DMV check and provide proof of adequate insurance in order to transport students. A driver chaperone must provide a current copy of driver’s license and declaration page from insurance provider.

Page 2 of 18 Getting Started

1. Read this Handbook and sign the Acknowledgement Form.

2. Complete the School Volunteer Application Form and return it with the Acknowledgement Form to the school office.

3. The District office will submit the request to CCOE. You will call to make an appointment with the Calaveras County Office of Education for a Livescan. (CCOE 185 S. Main St. Angels Camp 209-736-6000)

4. Complete the Livescan process within 30 days of completion of application and request. (If not completed the application will be destroyed and the process will need to be completed again.

Please note, if you  Have been convicted of any sex offense  Have been convicted of a crime against a minor  Are required to register as a sex offender  Have been convicted of any other felony in the last five years

You will not be permitted to serve as a volunteer in the District.

5. Submit to and complete E 4112.4 – Adult Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Questionnaire. If the Risk Assessment deems it necessary for a TB test, the District will reimburse for the cost of the skin test or a portion of the chest x-ray at the amount charged by the Calaveras County Health Department.

6. Contact the school office to begin your volunteer service.


We want to welcome you to MTUESD and help you make the most of your volunteer experience. There are so many different ways to participate at MTUESD; we hope this handbook will help guide you. As a volunteer; you are an important part of our school community. When you become a volunteer, your work takes on special significance -- though you are not part of the staff, you share their responsibilities while working with students. When you volunteer at Mark Twain, you help . . .

 your child  other children  teachers  administrators  the community.

Page 3 of 18 Building a Strong Volunteer Community

MTUESD has a strong tradition of parent involvement. Because volunteers are such an integral part of Mark Twain, it is important to keep our standards high. It is important for all volunteers to remember the following: * Be responsible and safe -- always put children first. * Respect confidentiality. Students and staff have a right to privacy. * Be professional & dress appropriately * Communicate any concerns or issues to school as needed * Share your positive experience with others and encourage new volunteers.

Commitment - Once you become a volunteer others depend on you. * Try to pick what is manageable and interesting to you volunteer in the areas of your strengths and talents * Be prepared. Communicate with teachers and coordinators ahead of time.  Be on time. If you can’t make it, let someone know.

Safety - Act as a good role model for the children. * Always sign in and out at the school office. * It is important for staff to know that you are in the building and it makes it easier to locate you in an emergency. * Always wear a “Visitor” badge. * As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones while in the school building. * Complete your handbook form and bring to the office. * Always follow the correct fire safety procedures:  there is no talking during fire drills;  when in a classroom, follow the teacher out of the building and stay with the class; when not in a classroom, quietly exit the building and remain at a safe distance until notified that it is safe to return. * If you are taking food into school, please check with the class teacher or school nurse because some food may be inappropriate for children with food allergies.


To make sure that students, staff and families feel comfortable, we all need to respect each other’s privacy. Volunteers must be especially careful to honor confidentiality. Breaching confidentiality can be hurtful to children, their families and the staff. It can also harm the good reputation our volunteer parents have earned over the years.

To help, here are some sample issues that can arise.

“ Wasn’t it cute when John . . .” No matter how innocent, cute, funny or charming a classroom event may be, it is not okay to repeat stories about students. What happens in the classroom stays in the classroom.

Page 4 of 18 When parents ask you questions . . . Many parents are tempted to ask you about how their children behave at school. This is especially likely if you are friends outside school. It is not okay to put volunteers in this awkward position. Don’t ask! Don’t tell! If parents do have concerns, encourage them to talk to the class teacher.

When you see or overhear something . . . As a volunteer, you might see or hear things from staff or students which they would not want to have repeated outside the school. What happens in the classroom (or the hall, or the gym) stays at school.

If you have concerns about something you see or hear, please talk to the class teacher or Principal if appropriate.

When students tell you about their family, pet, vacation, etc. . . . As students become comfortable working with you, they might decide to share something personal. You need to keep this information private, even if you know the child and their family outside of school.

When you have a concern . . . If a student tells you something that causes you concern, tell the classroom teacher. If you observe something that troubles you, tell the classroom teacher. The teacher is in the best position to deal with the issue appropriately.

When you see a post on Social Media….Many parents are tempted to post or comment regarding an incident involving a student. Please refrain from such postings or comments. Volunteers must be especially careful to honor confidentiality. Breaching confidentiality can be hurtful to children, their families and the staff. It can also harm the good reputation our volunteer parents have earned over the years.

Approach - Be professional and be positive!

 Strive to give each child the best you can and know that other Mark Twain volunteers do the same when working with your child.  Respect each child as an individual.  Respect your co-workers and all school employees.  If working in your child’s classroom, try not to single them out for attention as this may make them uncomfortable.  Don’t distract teachers while they are teaching. If you have questions wait until there is an appropriate moment.  Honor your commitments and be on time.  Find ways to be positive and notice things that are working well  Try to make any criticism constructive.  Remember your time and energy is helping to make Mark Twain a great place to learn


Volunteer skills, interests and time commitments vary we hope you will be able to find something that you will enjoy doing.

Classroom opportunities: Some teachers may like to have volunteers help in their Page 5 of 18 classroom or on field trips. If a teacher has volunteer opportunities they are often discussed at Back to School Night, but new projects can arise throughout the year. If you are interested in getting involved, a great idea is to send your teacher a note.

School-wide opportunities: MTUESD has many programs geared at enriching student experience outside the classroom. Volunteers might want to join the Parent club at each site to learn of other ways to help. Be sure to check out the range of opportunities, so you can find the perfect match for you.

Sharing Knowledge, Tips and Ideas

Although MTUESD has many special traditions, new ideas arise each year. To make the best of both, we encourage volunteers to share their insights with one another, with staff, School Site Council and the parents clubs at each site. If you see a better way to do something, don’t be shy to come forward. Names and contact details can be found in the School District website. Similarly, if you have a great experience from another school, share your ideas about a potentially great fundraiser or exciting school- wide project.

Ongoing School Improvement

The role of School Site Council is to help advise our Principal in the creation of Single Plan for Student Achievement. Volunteers can provide valuable feedback in this process. All volunteers are welcome to attend School Site Council meetings and learn more about the process. These meetings are listed in the school newsletter.


Clean up: After you have finished any activity within the school, it is important to tidy up afterwards. For obvious reasons scissors, glue guns etc. should not be left lying around. Classrooms and other public areas should be left clean and tidy.

Parking: Unfortunately, the school does not have a huge amount of space for parking. If you park at the school, please park in a designated parking spot.

Available Resources

For School Information:

Paul Gehres, Principal Mark Twain Karen Vail, Principal Copperopolis Julia Tidball, Superintendent Mark Twain Union Elementary School District

Parent Organizations

The Mark Twain Badger Boosters and Copperopolis PTC Club support school programs through their volunteer efforts and fundraising activities. Please contact an officer of either

Page 6 of 18 the Badger Boosters or Copperopolis PTC if you are interested in becoming a member.

NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT The Governing Board is determined to provide district employees, interns, volunteers, and job applicants a safe, positive environment where they are assured of full and equal employment access and opportunities, protection from harassment or intimidation, and freedom from any fear of reprisal or retribution for asserting their employment rights in accordance with law. This policy shall apply to all district employees and, to the extent required by law, to interns, volunteers, and job applicants. (BP 4030)

SEXUAL HARASSMENT The Governing Board prohibits sexual harassment of district employees. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against district employees or other persons who complain, testify, or otherwise participate in the complaint process established pursuant to this policy and accompanying administrative regulation. This policy shall apply to all district employees and, when applicable, to interns, volunteers, and job applicants. (BP 4119.11)

TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOLS The Governing Board recognizes that smoking and other uses of tobacco and nicotine products constitute a serious public health hazard and are inconsistent with district goals to provide a healthy environment for students and staff.

The Board prohibits smoking and/or the use of tobacco products at any time in district-owned or leased buildings, on district property, and in district vehicles. (Health and Safety Code 104420, 104559) These prohibitions apply to all employees, students, and visitors at any school-sponsored instructional program, activity, or athletic event held on or off district property. Any written joint use agreement governing community use of district facilities or grounds shall include notice of the district's tobacco-free schools policy and consequences for violations of the policy.

Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco, or plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or form, and includes the use of an electronic smoking device that creates aerosol or vapor or of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking. (Business and Professions Code 22950.5; Education Code 48901)

Page 7 of 18 Community Relations BP 1240(a)


The Governing Board recognizes that volunteer assistance in schools can enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, and contribute to school safety while strengthening the schools' relationships with the community. The Board encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge, and abilities with students.

(cf. 1000 - Concepts and Roles) (cf. 1700 - Relations Between Private Industry and the Schools) (cf. 4127/4227/4327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches) (cf. 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) (cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities) (cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs)

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement a plan for recruiting, screening, and placing volunteers, including strategies for reaching underrepresented groups of parents/guardians and community members. He/she may also recruit community members to serve as mentors to students and/or make appropriate referrals to community organizations.

(cf. 1020 - Youth Services) (cf. 1400 - Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies and the Schools)

The Board prohibits harassment of any volunteer on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran status. (Government Code 12940)

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

As appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall provide volunteers with information about school goals, programs, and practices and an orientation or other training related to their specific responsibilities. Employees who supervise volunteers shall ensure that volunteers are assigned meaningful responsibilities that utilize their skills and expertise and maximize their contribution to the educational program.

Volunteer work shall be limited to those projects that do not replace the normal duties of classified staff. The Board nevertheless encourages volunteers to work on short-term projects to the extent that they enhance the classroom or school and comply with employee negotiated agreements.

(cf. 4141/4241 - Collective Bargaining Agreement)

The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures for determining whether volunteers possess the qualifications, if any, required by law and administrative regulation for the types of duties they will perform.

Page 8 of 18 Volunteers shall act in accordance with district policies, regulations, and school rules. The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for investigating and resolving complaints regarding volunteers.

(cf. 3515.2 - Disruptions)

The Board encourages principals to develop a means for recognizing the contributions of each school's volunteers.

(cf. 1150 - Commendations and Awards)

The Superintendent or designee shall periodically report to the Board regarding the district's volunteer assistance program.

(cf. 0500 - Accountability)

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 8482-8484.6 After School Education and Safety program 8484.7-8484.9 21st Century Community Learning Center program 35021 Volunteer aides 35021.1 Automated records check 35021.3 Registry of volunteers for before/after school programs 44010 Sex offense; definition 44814-44815 Supervision of students during lunch and other nutrition periods 45125 Fingerprinting requirements 45125.01 Interagency agreements for criminal record information 45340-45349 Instructional aides 45360-45367 Teacher aides 48981 Parental notifications 49024 Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate 49406 Examination for tuberculosis GOVERNMENT CODE 3543.5 Prohibited interference with employees' rights 12940 Prohibited discrimination and harassment HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 1596.871 Fingerprints of individuals in contact with child day care facility clients LABOR CODE 1720.4 Public works; exclusion of volunteers from prevailing wage law 3352 Workers' compensation; definitions 3364.5 Authority to provide workers' compensation insurance for volunteers PENAL CODE 290 Registration of sex offenders 290.4 Information re: sex offenders 290.95 Disclosure by person required to register as sex offender 626.81 Sex offender; permission to volunteer at school CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 22

Legal Reference (continued)

Page 9 of 18 101170 Criminal record clearance 101216 Health screening, volunteers in child care centers UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 6319 Qualifications and duties of paraprofessionals, Title I programs PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD DECISIONS Whisman Elementary School District, (1991) PERB Decision No. 868

Management Resources: WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education, Parents/Family and Community: California Department of Justice, Megan's Law: California Parent Teacher Association: Commission on Teacher Credentialing:

Policy MARK TWAIN UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 05/21/2015 Angels Camp, California Community Relations AR 1240(a)


Page 10 of 18 Duties of Volunteers

The Superintendent or designee may assign volunteers to:

1. Assist certificated personnel in the performance of their duties, including in the supervision of students and in the performance of instructional tasks which, in the judgment of the certificated personnel to which the volunteer is assigned, may be performed by a person not licensed as a classroom teacher (Education Code 35021, 45343, 45344, 45349)

(cf. 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 5148.2 - Before/After School Programs)

2. Serve as nonteaching aides under the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel to perform noninstructional work which assists certificated personnel in the performance of teaching and administrative responsibilities (Education Code 35021)

3. Supervise students during lunch, breakfast, or other nutritional periods (Education Code 35021, 44814, 44815)

4. Work on short-term facilities projects pursuant to the section below entitled "Volunteer Facilities Projects"

5. Perform other duties in support of district or school operations as approved by the Superintendent or designee

(cf. 6163.1 - Library Media Centers)

Volunteers shall not be authorized to assign grades to students, and shall not be used to assist certificated staff in performing teaching or administrative responsibilities in place of regularly authorized classified employees who have been laid off. (Education Code 35021, 45344)

(cf. 4217.3 - Layoff/Rehire)

Basic Skills Proficiency Requirement Volunteers who supervise or provide instruction to students pursuant to Education Code 45349 shall submit evidence of basic skills proficiency to the Superintendent or designee. (Education Code 45344.5, 45349)

(cf. 4212 - Appointment and Conditions of Employment)

Criminal Background Check

Prior to assuming a volunteer position working with students in a district-sponsored student Page 11 of 18 activity program, a volunteer shall obtain fingerprint clearance through the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Education Code 49024)

(cf. 4112.5/4212.5/4312.5 - Criminal Background Check) (cf. 4127/4227/4327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches) (cf. 6145 - Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities) The Superintendent or designee shall determine which volunteer positions in the district are subject to the above requirement.

Registered Sex Offenders

The Superintendent or designee may require all volunteers to disclose whether they are a registered sex offender and/or to provide the district with sufficient information in order to allow verification of this status on the Department of Justice's Megan's Law web site.

Tuberculosis Assessment/Examination

Upon initial volunteer assignment, a volunteer shall have on file with the school a certificate showing that he/she has submitted to a tuberculosis risk assessment and, if tuberculosis risk factors were identified, was examined and found to be free of infectious tuberculosis. (Education Code 49406)

(cf. 4112.4/4212.4/4312.4 - Health Examinations)

Volunteer Facilities Projects

All volunteer facilities projects shall have approximate start and completion dates and shall be approved by the principal in advance. Projects also shall be approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee if they involve the following types of work:

1. Alterations, additions, or repairs to buildings and grounds 2. Construction involving wall or roof penetration, drilling, or nailing 3. Structural modifications 4. Electrical, electronic, plumbing, or heating and cooling work 5. Painting 6. Installation of carpet, playground equipment, benches, sprinkler systems, marquees or signs 7. Paving 8. Tree planting, pruning, or removal

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that volunteers possess the appropriate license and/or have sufficient expertise required for the project. He/she shall also ensure that such projects comply with building and safety codes and other applicable laws and collective bargaining agreements. The district shall provide on-site assistance and supervision for such projects as necessary.

(cf. 3514 - Environmental Safety) (cf. 3514.1 - Hazardous Substances)

Page 12 of 18 (cf. 7140 - Architectural and Engineering Services)

CSBA: 12/2014

Regulation MARK TWAIN UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: 05/21/2015 Angels Camp, California Mark Twain Union Elementary School District

Volunteer Acknowledgement Form

Page 13 of 18 I have read this handbook, and understand my responsibilities as a school volunteer.

______Print Name

______Signature Date

*Please return completed form to the front office

Page 14 of 18 ****This page left blank intentionally****

E 4112.4(a) 4212.4 4312.4 Personnel


(To satisfy California Education Code Section 49406 and Health and Safety Code Sections 121525-121555) To be administered by a licensed health care provider (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, registered nurse)

Date of Risk Assessment:

Name:______Date of Birth:______

Best Contact Phone Number:(____)______

History of positive TB test or TB disease: Yes No

If yes, a symptom review and chest x-ray (If none performed in previous 6 months) should be performed at initial hire or volunteer service.

If no, continue with questions below.

If there is a “Yes” response to any of the questions 1-5 below, then a tuberculin skin test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) should be performed. A positive test should be followed by a chest x-ray, and if normal, treatment for TB infection considered. Risk Factors

1 One or more signs and symptoms of TB (prolonged cough, coughing up blood, fever, Yes No night sweats, weight loss, excessive fatigue) Note: A chest x-ray and/or sputum examination may be necessary to rule out infectious TB.

2 Close contact with someone with infectious TB disease Yes No

Birth in high TB-prevalence country (Any country other than the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 3 Yes No or a country in Western or Northern Europe.)

Travel to high TB-prevalence country for more than 1 month 4 (Any country other than the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Yes No or a country in Western or Northern Europe.) Current or former residence or work in a correctional facility, long-term 5 Yes No care facility, hospital, or homeless shelter. *Once a person has a documented positive test for TB infection that has been followed by an x-ray that was deemed free of infectious TB, the TB risk assessment is no longer required. Exhibit MARK TWAIN UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT version: 04/09/2015 Angels Camp, California ****This page left blank intentionally****


(To satisfy California Education Code Section 49406 and Health and Safety Code Sections 121525-121555)


To be signed by the licensed health care provider completing the risk assessment and/or examination

Date of Risk Assessment:

Name:______Date of Birth:______

The above named patient has submitted to a tuberculosis risk assessment.

The above named patient does not have tuberculosis risk factors.

The above named patient was identified to have tuberculosis risk factors.

The above named patient has been examined and determined to be free of infectious Tuberculosis.

______Health Care Provider Signature

______Please Print Health Care Provider Title

______Office Address: Street City State Zip

______Telephone Fax

Exhibit MARK TWAIN UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT version: 04/09/2015 Angels Camp, California

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