Spring Park Governors

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Spring Park Governors



Time: 6.30pm Name Governor Type Present Apologises of absence

Keith Robinson Chair (Appointed Governor) X

Les Jones (Appointed Governor) X

Sandra Beland Appointed Governor X

Martin Warner Parent Governor X

Lucy Campbell (HofS) Staff X

Joanne Miller Appointed Governor X

Associate Governors

Sarah Kennet Associate Governor X

Emma Robins Deputy Head X

Eileen Wray Deputy Head X


Julie Newman Company Clerk X

1. Apologies – Governors’ Formal Approval of Absence, Declarations of Interest

Governors accepted the apology from Les Jones.

No Declaration of Interest to be declared.

2 Minutes of the Last meeting 1st March 2016

The minutes of the Raising Achievements meeting held on 1st March 2016 were agreed as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair. Matters arising The Chair fed back progress on the actions. Action 1- Completed.

1 Action 2 – Chair to complete over the summer. Action 3 – Completed.

3. Progress towards school targets 2016

Governors had been given attainment and progress data for all years to review.

Update on SATs and Phonics results EYFS HofS said the Early Years Target of 70% hadn’t been achieved however there was an upward trend with a ‘good level of development’ increasing by 2% to 54.2%. Governors were pleased this was an upward trend.

HofS said to support this cohort’s attainment when they start Year 1 their Year 1 teacher is teaching them this half term so she can get to know the children and their capabilities.

HofS said there is a strong EYFS team in place for the Autumn term. Governors asked what the expected target is for next year. The HofS said she was looking to match the national target but needed to discuss this with the EYFS team before it was confirmed.

Year 1 Phonics 84% reached the expected level an increase of 7% from last year and 7% above last year’s national figure. Governors were pleased with these results.

Year 2 Governors were please the results for Year 2 were good despite a teacher moving to teach in Year 6. HofS said the good outcome was due to Tracey Beyzade who also trained Justyna Cross a Year 2 teacher. Governors acknowledged that outstanding teaching is key in attaining good results.

Year 3 – Governors were pleased with the results with children reaching a good level in maths and reading but slightly below in writing.

Year 4 – This Year group was, in Year 1 when the HofS first joined the academy. They have been learning the new curriculum for two years. Their expected standard is almost in line with National in reading, but below in maths and writing. When this cohort is in Year 5 they will be split into three classes allowing for more targeted teaching.

Year 5 – The percentage of pupils at the expected standard is well below expectation. Governors asked what the HofS was doing to improve the results. She said Year 6 teachers have now moved to teach Year 5. There had already been a parents meeting to share the Year 6 teachers’ expectations. It was pleasing that 21 parents attended against 8 parents

2 from last year.

All years will be given homework to complete in the summer holiday this will include: research, spellings and reading.

HofS said she would be monitoring teachers’ performance closely and underperforming teaching would be dealt with quickly.

HofS said when this cohort is in Year 6 they will have a strong team consisting of two Assistant Heads one leading in maths and one leading in literacy.

Year 6 Governors said the Year 6 SATs results were disappointing despite this year group having two outstanding teachers. The Chair referred governors to the statement by the Head of Profession for Statistics which said it was difficult to compare this year’s results with last year’s. HofS also said the tests were much harder than previous years. Governors recognised the results for last year were not comparable with this year and suggested for comparison data we look at results in similar schools.

The Chair said FA should have similar results to Woodside a new member to the Trust. HofS agreed and said she would be putting in place similar processes to Woodside for example she was going to restart individual lesson observations.

Governors were disappointed with the results but realise they needed to keep it in proportion. The chair said during governor visits governors had seen evidence that FA this was a good school and the SSR also supported this. Children’s books showed evidence that they were capable of good results but unfortunately this didn’t transfer to the SATs. The Chair said as governors they were also responsible for the poor results. The Chair said governors needed to continue to challenge and work with the HofS and the CEO to improve future SATs results. Governors said they were confident the HofS was on top of the situation and knew what needed to be done.

Governors asked about collaboration within the Trust. HofS said the CEO was driving collaboration. Math leaders were meeting to share ideas and good practice. Early Years were also working together on a number of initiatives.

HofS said the Trust CEO will be meeting with HofS’s every four weeks to discuss pupils who are not making expected progress and will be looking at what interventions are being put in place to rectify this.

Emma Robins said they were looking at buying in ‘coaching’ which would help achievement for all, over two years. Emma was researching if this was an initiative that could help FA improved achievement. Governors thought this would be a good initiative to invest in.

3 Preparing for SATs 2017 HofS said there was lots of work to be done and they were introducing ‘Booster Clubs’ after school, the PGL Yr 6 Trip would be moved to after the SATs in June and the Year 5 and 6 timetable will be changed so they had sufficient time in the morning session to complete a good piece of writing.

There was a discussion about how to encourage children to read as it was recognised this was a very important. There were lots of ideas to engage the children in reading and to make reading exciting including: book swapping, book week, checking on reading homework and rewarding children with a good reading record, inviting the Mighty Men of Valour to come in and focus on reading; premier league reading initiative and the reading volunteers from the local High School. Governors could come in to help during reading week. Governors offered to attend a reading assembly to encourage children to read. The next governors morning will include the reading assembly and governors will be part of the assembly talking about their favourite book.

Governors asked what the expected target is within the Trust and how FA compared. HofS said TSNA was the only academy in the Trust using the same method as us to measure progress and attainment so it was difficult to see how we compared. Eileen Wray said she was working closely with other academies to develop comparable data.

4. Update on attendance and punctuality

Attendance Attendance is 96.1%. It was 96.4% before this term however there were 18 cases of chicken pox. Governors thought this was a good level of attendance. HofS said unfortunately the EWO had resigned. They would need to replace the EWO. Punctuality HofS said there was an issue of Year 6 arriving late.

5. Planning for 2016/17 – thoughts on staffing and curriculum

Draft staffing structure HofS said she had created two new TA positions; the TAs would focus on behaviour which would allow teachers to focus on teaching rather than spending valuable time on behaviour issues.

Governors were given staffing structure including Leadership Roles and Responsibilities and teaching arrangements for September 2016. Governors approved the Staffing Structure for 2016/17. HofS said the transition morning had been very successful with good feedback. The Chair congratulated Eileen Wray on her promotion to Associate Head

4 and Emma Robins to Deputy Head. HofS said Tracey Beyzade, Adele Boisinger and Clare Dennis were now Phase Leaders.

6. Outcome of the Synaptic Trust SSR

Governors were given a copy of the SSR. HofS asked governors to email her if they had any questions on the SSR,

7. AOB

Ofsted Parent Questionnaire HofS said they had received 50 completed questionnaires. 90% had said the academy is well lead and managed. Governors asked the HofS to analyse the questionnaires for the September.

ACTION 1: HofS to produce a simple comparison with the last questionnaire. Chair to email the HoS a copy of the previous survey report.

The banner Governors discussed the promotional banner outside the academy as they thought this was a good way to promote FA and increase the roll. It was agreed the banner should have a quote from the Ofsted report.

The Chair reminded governors of the Governors Tea was on 21st September 4 to 4.30 to meet and greet all staff especially new ones.

6. Confidentiality

No business to be discussed.

7. Date of Next Meetings for Autumn Term

 Full Governors – Tuesday, 11th October 7pm  Governors Visit – Wednesday, 19th October  Raising Standards Committee – Thursday, 3rd November 6.30pm  Operations Committee – Tuesday, 24th November 6.30pm The Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.15.

Signed by Chair ……………………………………………… Date ……………………………


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