WISE English 12 Syllabus

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WISE English 12 Syllabus

Course title: English 11

Course Description: Students in this course will read and analyze the relationship among American history and literature. Students will explore the various literary movements , analyze characteristics of literary works from the movements, and differentiate among characters in each. Readings will include short stories, poetry, plays, fiction and nonfiction literature. Informational texts will provide a study of vocabulary, composition and style. Instructor will guide students through the writing process. This course addresses the Virginia Standards of Learning for English 11. Course Prerequisites: The prerequisite for this course is successful completion of tenth grade English.

Major Objectives or Topics: Know and apply elements of English structure, including vocabulary, grammar and usage; identify and understand various elements of literature in context with historical and cultural periods; recognize literary themes that are reflective of American history and culture; read and understand poetic elements of classic poems; apply writing process to produce clear and effective written drafts in a variety of forms.

Materials: Computer, internet access and 2 novels from the American literature list

Assignment Overview:  Persuasive Research paper  Genre project  Expository and technical writing  Literary Analysis paper

Grading Procedures: Each lesson will be graded based upon skill mastery. Students will be asked to revise work until it meets the minimum requirements outlined by the grading rubric on each lesson. Submission Policy: Students are to complete course lessons in orders. Each day a student may post either two new lessons, or 2 revisions, or a lesson and a revision in each course. Unless permission to work on more than two lessons has been granted by the teacher, students should only work on two lessons at a time. Once a lesson is graded, students may move on to the next lesson

Communication: Students may communicate with their teacher using the Teachermail. On the Student Desk, students will find links to Guidance, Technical Help, and Transcripts.

Lessons: Lesson 1: Point of View Lesson 2: Words: Homonyms, Homophones, Synonyms, and Antonyms Lesson 3: Apostrophe o' Omission Lesson 4: Sentences Lesson 5: Grammar Review Lesson 6: Recognizing Persuasive Language Lesson 7: Evaluating Sources Lesson 8: Writing Step by Step Lesson 9: Organizing facts and writing a thesis Lesson 10: Introductions Lesson 11: Organizing a Persuasive Essay Lesson 12: Persuasive Essay Lesson 13: Practice SOL Writing Test Lesson 14: Letters and Applications Lesson 15: Speech Evaluation Lesson 16: Am Lit Genres Lesson 17: Edgar Allen Poe Lesson 18: Emily Dickinson Lesson 19: Reading Comprehension Lesson 20: Dramatic Conventions

Lesson Objectives

Lesson Lesson Title Student will: Number Lesson Point of View: . Evaluate use of bias in media 1 New Lesson . Practice using three types of point-of- view . Evaluate how point-of-view affects context Lesson Words: . Recognize commonly misused or 2: Homonyms, misspelled words Homophones, . Identify words that are commonly used and replace Synonyms, . Locate word roots Antonyms . Determine meaning of common idioms . Differentiate between synonyms and antonyms using contextual clues

Lesson Apostrophe o' . Analyze and identify the particular use 3 Omission and meaning of apostrophes in different words. . Use correct punctuation with an emphasis on apostrophes . Use paragraphs for main ideas/topics Lesson Sentences . Analyze sentence structure 4: .Distinguish between complete sentences and sentence fragments . Recognize and correct errors in sentence structure (e.g., parallelism; redundancy; misplaced modifiers; subordination).

Lesson Grammar . Review grammar lessons 5 Review . Correct grammatical errors

Lesson Recognizing . Demonstrate the ability to read, listen to 6 Persuasive and view a variety of increasingly complex Language print and non-print informational texts . Analyze speeches . Evaluate persuasive language . Explore debating techniques . Locate and evaluate evidence . Read a variety of opinions, materials, and information to draw conclusions

Lesson Evaluating . Use the Internet to find information 7 Sources . Distinguish between reliable sources and unreliable sources . Evaluate various sources of information . Read a variety of opinions, materials, and information to draw conclusions . Cite sources using MLA format

Lesson Writing: Step by . Review the writing process 8 Step . Use brainstorming and graphic organizers to generate ideas and narrow topics . Apply information gathering techniques . Use note-taking skills . Use outlines to organize information . Identify reliable vs. unreliable source material

Lesson Organizing facts 9: and writing a .Develop a position for writing thesis . Use pre-writing strategies to generate topics and plan approaches to writing . Develop a clearly worded and correctly placed thesis statement . Write professional papers . Practice composing oral presentations

Lesson Introductions 10: . Use proper format to compose introductory paragraphs . Employ writing strategies to address specific audiences . Use reliable sources to gather information

Lesson Organizing a . Use research to create outline. 11: Persuasive . Cite Sources according to MLA format essay . Recognize the parts of an essay . Use various media to explain methods of persuasion . Use all steps of the writing process Lesson Persuasive . Use research skills to gather information 12: Essay . Gather information from reliable sources . Revise writing to improve quality of grammar, sentence variety and organization. . Cite sources according to MLA guidelines . Narrow choices for a topic . Develop a clearly worded and correctly placed thesis statement . Support thesis with relevant details . Develop a composition that addresses the assigned topic

Lesson Practice SOL . Brainstorm several ideas for topics 13: Test: Writing . Plan a method of organizing work . Narrow choices for a topic . Develop a clearly worded and correctly placed thesis statement . Support thesis with relevant details . Write organized paper in response to writing prompt . Lesson Letters and . Read and evaluate informational 14: Applications materials . Compose business letters using proper format . Use reading strategies necessary for various reading purposes Lesson Speech . Evaluate speaking techniques 15: Evaluation . Analyze the accuracy of the information presented . Practice and master listening, speaking and viewing by using a variety of techniques

Lesson Am Lit Genres . Compare and contrast literary styles 16: according to genre. . Identify characteristics of American Literature

. Read independently, with emphasis on American literature Lesson Edgar Allen . Read stories and analyze author’s 17 Poe craft . Describe how the use of language and literary techniques demonstrate author’s purpose and style . Analyze use of poetic devices . Analyze and research historical, cultural and biographical influences of literary works

Lesson Emily . Read a variety of poems and analyze 18 Dickinson author’s craft . Describe how the use of figurative language and literary techniques demonstrate an author’s purpose and style . Recognize various elements of poetry . Identify themes of American poetry . Analyze and research historical, cultural and biographical influences of literary works . Identify imagery and explain how it is used to enhance the reader’s experience

Lesson Reading . Compare and contrast a variety of 19 Comprehension writing from different time periods, and genres. . Use context clues to determine meaning.

Lesson Dramatic . Define dramatic elements 20 Conventions . Read dramatic selections and analyze use of conventions such as asides and soliloquies . Discuss the differences between of drama performed on stage versus written plays

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