Safeguarding Adults - Agenda 1

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Safeguarding Adults - Agenda 1

Safeguarding Adults - Agenda Strategy Meeting

Adult At Risk: Name: Date: Place: Chair:

1. Introductions

2. Apologies

3. Purpose of meeting or discussion

The purpose of the Strategy discussion or meeting is to plan a FORMAL ENQUIRY into the allegations to establish the facts and actions required to safeguard the individual or others. To include:-  sharing information about the safeguarding concern/allegation  consideration of the adult at risk's wishes and desired outcomes, and/or their best interests where they lack the mental capacity in relation to relevant decisions  agreement of how the adult at risk will be involved and included within the Formal Enquiry and any support they may require  assessment of the risk to the adult at risk or others, including children  agreement of an interim safeguarding plan  agreement that a Formal Enquiry rather than an Risk Management Response is the most appropriate and proportionate response.  planning a Formal Enquiry, coordinating the involvement of other organisations where required.

4. Confidentiality A reminder: All information shared at this meeting is strictly confidential. It should not be used for any purpose other than the protection or care of the adult(s) concerned. If any organisation wishes to use information given at this meeting for any other purpose, they must seek the explicit consent of the organisation that shared it.

5. Brief background information on adult(s) and the care setting (if appropriate) Pen picture, current circumstances, relevant info about support needs/ services received/ family relationships. From the person who knows the adult best, follow with additions from others. 6. Nature of concerns/ allegations Types of abuse alleged, any history, impact on adult From person/service who raised the safeguarding concern, followed by any concerns from others.

7. Views & wishes of adult (and/or advocate/family) The adult at risk should experience the safeguarding process as empowering and supportive. It is vital that the views, needs and desired outcomes of the adult at risk are central to the Strategy discussion/meeting. It may be appropriate to invite the adult at risk to a Strategy meeting or to part of it, to contribute their views and needs directly to the meeting. It is vital that decisions about safeguarding arrangements are made in partnership with the adult at risk. Consideration should be given to advocacy representation.

About what has happened, what they want to happen now, how they want to be involved in the process & the support they feel they need in order to be safe.

8. Adult’s decision making capacity Identify any concerns about the adult’s capacity to make the relevant decisions about their own safety? Is mental capacity being assumed/ has it been assessed / is assessment needed?

9. Any other relevant information Include actions already taken, or in past if history.

10. Assessment of risk to adult / others Aim at reaching a consensus. Focus on types of alleged abuse. Safeguarding risk assessment tool can be used to tease out the degree & likelihood of harm. Use MARAC risk indicator checklist for domestic abuse or the Safeguarding Adults Risk Assessment Tool.

11. Interim Safeguarding Plan Build on the immediate safeguarding plan - any further measures needed to reduce risk / support the adult(s) pending outcome of the enquiry & further risk assessment.

12. Need for ‘Hazard Warning’ on person alleged to have caused harm Hazard warning should only be used if: a) There is reasonable belief that the person presents a risk to the adult/ other adults at risk b) It is proportionate to the level of risk. You would usually only place a hazard warning on the person at this stage of the safeguarding process if there is already good evidence to believe that they are a risk.

13. Safeguarding Formal Enquiry Plan Identify whether a formal safeguarding enquiry or other action is needed If yes, the Formal Enquiry plan will need to:-  clearly define the concerns or allegations to be addressed within the enquiry  distinguish any elements that do not need to part of the Formal Enquiry under the safeguarding procedures, and the alternative process (if any) being followed  reflect the involvement, support and communication needs of the adult at risk  reflect the involvement, support and communication needs of the person or organisation alleged to have caused harm  provide, wherever practicable, for the person or organisation alleged to have caused harm to respond to allegations and the safeguarding enquiry findings concerning them in accordance with Section 7.5.7. The timing of such actions

 also needs to be considered, so that this does not prejudice any enquiry required or place any person at risk.  reflect how the risk to any party in undertaking the Formal Enquiry should be managed.  set provisional dates for completion of the Formal Enquiry report  set provisional dates for the Case Conference discussion/meeting

List the specific concerns/ allegations requiring formal enquiries. Record using the following format: a) Each type of alleged abuse should be stated (e.g. physical, sexual, emotional, financial, neglect, discriminatory or organisational) as a heading & numbered b) Under each heading the key incident(s) that make up the allegation should be summarised as numbered points If a particular allegation is to be addressed through an alternative process eg complaints investigation, record how this is being taken forward. Every action needs to be worded in away that is clear what is to be done and how it is completed Record an initial agreement on who should be interviewed (& by whom), what records are to be accessed (& by whom) Set up arrangements for communication between organisations involved and with the adult at risk/ their representatives and the person/organization alleged to have caused harm. Agree timescale for completion of Formal Enquiry report.

14. Any other actions How those not present will be informed of decisions. Confirm who needs a copy of the minutes.

15. Follow up meeting It is easier to set date while everyone is present. It can be changed later if necessary.

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