Cyngor Sir Powys County Council s1

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Cyngor Sir Powys County Council s1



Position Title: Clerical / Admin Administration Level 3 (Generic) (No Staff)

Position Number: SMD0069

30 hours, Fixed term Maternity Cover until 26/10/18

Division/Section: Schools

Location/ Work Base: Mount Street Nursery & Infants School

Grade: Grade 5 Point 18 to Point 20 £18,070 to £19,430 per annum pro rata £9.3662 to £10.0711 per hour

Accountable to: Headteacher & Governing Body

Accountable for: None

Main Purpose of Post:

Under the overall direction of the SMT, provide support for administrative, financial and organisational processes within the school and assist with the planning and development of support services for teaching staff and pupils. Supervises a small team of clerical / administrative staff. (Where appropriate) Has some budgetary responsibility.

Principal Responsibilities:

Responsibility for others: The post has some impact on the well-being of individuals or groups (i.e. physical, mental, social, health and safety)

Responsibility for staff: The post has no or limited direct responsibility for supervising other staff though may be expected to demonstrate tasks or advise/guide new employees, work experience or trainees.

Responsibility for financial resources: The post has direct responsibility for and is accountable for handling cash, processing cheques, invoices or equivalent and is accountable for a small budget Responsibility for physical resources: The post has some direct responsibility for physical resources, involving the careful, accurate, confidential and secure handling and processing of information


 Produce routine and non-routine correspondence  Produce and update school documents  Attend and participate in regular meetings, training and other learning activities  Contribute to the planning, development and organisation of support services, systems, procedures and policies  Manage confidential and sensitive correspondence and information  Manage manual and computerised records and information systems  Analyse and evaluate data/information and produce reports/information/data as required  Produce and submit returns to the LA and outside bodies  Provide personal, administrative and organisational support to SMT and GB  Monitor and manage resources within an agreed budget and undertake audits as required  Assist with procurement and sponsorship  Assist with marketing and promotion of the school  Manage the administration of facilities including use of school premises  Assist with the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the school's delegated budget and manage expenditure within an agreed budget


 Educated to at least GCSE/GCE level (or equivalent) in English, Welsh if required and Maths at grades A*-C  Hold a recognised and relevant qualification at NVQ3 (or equivalent) or have evidence of equivalent knowledge and experience  Good knowledge of ICT packages, including Microsoft and LA data management and financial systems  Working knowledge of relevant policies/codes of practice and awareness of relevant legislation  Broad understanding of recent education legislation and school practice  Have sound staff supervision and management skills  Able to exercise initiative and independent action  Be pro-active in offering ideas and contribute to whole school developments  Have good organisational skills  Have good communication skills and be able to present information verbally and in writing to others  Able to relate well to children, young people and adults  Be able to stay calm and (on occasions) deal with aggressive visitors Because of the nature of the work involved, the post you are applying for is covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013) - This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check, this position is classed as regulated activity under the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and will be subject to a check to the list of those people barred from working with children.

Welsh Language Competency Level Information

Able to pronounce Welsh personal and place-names correctly, and can give/ respond to basic greetings on the telephone or in person.

Health & Safety Requirements

To co-operate with their employer and follow health and safety advice and instructions

Equal Opportunities

To abide by the principles and practice of equality of opportunity as laid down in the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy

Closing date: 20/10/17 Shortlisting Date: 25/10/17 Interview Date: 10/11/17 CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL


Teitl y Swydd: Clerc / Gweinyddwr - Lefel 3 (Generig) (Dim staff)

Rhif y Swydd: SMD0069

30 awr, Cyfnod penodol dros Gyfnod Mamolaeth tan 26/10/18

Is-adran/Uned: Ysgolion

Lleoliad/Canolfan Waith: Ysgol Feithrin a Babanod Mount Street

Graddfa: Graddfa 5 Pwynt 18 i Bwynt 20 £18,070 i £19,430 y flwyddyn ar gyfartaledd £9.3662 i £10.0711 yr awr

Yn atebol i: Pennaeth a’r Corff Llywodraethu

Yn gyfrifol am: Neb

Prif Ddiben y Swydd:

Dan gyfarwyddyd cyffredinol yr Uwch Dîm Rheoli, cefnogi prosesau gweinyddol, ariannol a threfniadaethol yn yr ysgol a chynorthwyo i gynllunio a datblygu gwasanaethau cefnogi i staff addysgu a disgyblion. Goruchwylio tîm bach o staff clercyddol / gweinyddol. (Lle y bo'n briodol) Rhywfaint o gyfrifoldeb cyllidebol.

Prif Gyfrifoldebau:

Cyfrifoldeb am eraill: Mae’r swydd yn cael peth effaith ar les unigolion neu grwpiau (h.y. corfforol, meddyliol, cymdeithasol, iechyd a diogelwch).

Cyfrifoldeb am staff: Prin yw cyfrifoldeb uniongyrchol y swydd am oruchwylio staff eraill, os o gwbl, er gall fod disgwyl i ddeiliad y swydd arddangos tasgau neu gynghori/tywys cyflogeion newydd, pobl ar brofiad gwaith neu bobl dan hyfforddiant.

Cyfrifoldeb am adnoddau ariannol: Mae gan y swydd gyfrifoldeb uniongyrchol am drin arian, prosesu sieciau, anfonebau neu bethau tebyg, ac mae’n atebol am hyn, ac mae’n atebol am gyllideb fechan. Cyfrifoldeb am adnoddau ffisegol: Mae gan y swydd rywfaint o gyfrifoldeb uniongyrchol am adnoddau ffisegol, gan gynnwys trin a phrosesu gwybodaeth mewn modd gofalus, cywir, cyfrinachol a diogel.


 Cynhyrchu gohebiaeth reolaidd ac afreolaidd.  Cynhyrchu a diweddaru dogfennau ysgol.  Mynychu cyfarfodydd rheolaidd, hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau dysgu eraill a chymryd rhan ynddynt.  Cyfrannu at gynllunio, datblygu a threfnu gwasanaethau cefnogi, systemau, gweithdrefnau a pholisïau.  Rheoli gwybodaeth a gohebiaeth gyfrinachol a sensitif.  Rheoli systemau gwybodaeth a chofnodion cyfrifiadurol a phapur.  Dadansoddi a gwerthuso data/gwybodaeth a chynhyrchu adroddiadau/ gwybodaeth/ data yn ôl y gofyn.  Cynhyrchu a chyflwyno ffurflenni i’r ALl a chyrff allanol.  Darparu cymorth personol, gweinyddol a threfniadaethol i’r Uwch Dîm Rheoli a’r Corff Llywodraethu.  Monitro a rheoli adnoddau mewn cyllideb y cytunwyd arni a chynnal archwiliadau yn ôl y gofyn.  Cynorthwyo gyda chaffael a noddi.  Cynorthwyo gyda marchnata a hyrwyddo’r ysgol.  Rheoli gwaith gweinyddu cyfleusterau gan gynnwys defnyddio safle’r ysgol.  Cynorthwyo gyda chynllunio, monitro a gwerthuso cyllideb ddirprwyedig yr ysgol a rheoli gwariant mewn cyllideb y cytunwyd arni.


 Addysg hyd at lefel TGAU/TAG o leiaf (neu gymhwyster cyfwerth) mewn Saesneg, Cymraeg, os yw’n ofynnol, a Mathemateg rhwng graddau A* ac C.  Cymhwyster perthnasol a chydnabyddedig ar lefel NVQ3 (neu gymhwyster cyfwerth) neu dystiolaeth o wybodaeth a phrofiad cyfwerth.  Gwybodaeth dda am becynnau TGCh, gan gynnwys Microsoft a systemau ariannol a rheoli data ALl.  Gwybodaeth waith am bolisïau/codau ymarfer perthnasol ac ymwybyddiaeth am ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol.  Dealltwriaeth fras am arfer ysgol a deddfwriaeth addysg ddiweddar.  Sgiliau rheoli a goruchwylio staff cadarn.  Gallu gwneud penderfyniadau ar ei liwt ei hun a gweithio’n annibynnol.  Bod yn rhagweithiol yn cynnig syniadau a chyfrannu at ddatblygiadau ysgol gyfan.  Sgiliau trefnu da.  Sgiliau cyfathrebu da a gallu cyflwyno gwybodaeth ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig i eraill.  Gallu uniaethu’n dda â phlant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion.  Gallu peidio â gwylltio ac (ar adegau) ymdopi ag ymwelwyr ymosodgar

Oherwydd natur y gwaith sydd ynghlwm â’r swydd, bydd y swydd rydych yn ymgeisio amdani yn dod o dan y Gorchymyn Deddf Adsefydlu Tramgwyddwyr 1974 (Eithriadau) 1975 (fel y’i diwygiwyd yn 2013) - Mae gan y swydd hon ofyniad am Wiriad Manylach y DBS. Mae’r swydd hon yn cael ei chyfri’n weithgaredd rheoleiddiedig dan Ddeddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006 fel y’i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf Diogelu Rhyddidau 2012, a bydd yn destun gwirio rhestr o’r bobl hynny sydd wedi’u gwahardd rhag gweithio gyda phlant.

Gwybodaeth am Lefel Cymhwysedd yn yr Iaith Gymraeg

Gallu ynganu enwau personol ac enwau lleoedd Cymraeg yn gywir, a rhoi ac ymateb i gyfarchion sylfaenol ar y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb.

Gofynion Iechyd a Diogelwch Cydweithio â'r cyflogwr a dilyn cyngor a chyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch

Cyfle Cyfartal a Swydd Ddisgrifiadau Cadw at egwyddorion ac arferion cyfle cyfartal fel y nodir hwy ym Mholisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Cyngor

Dyddiad Cau: 20/10/17 Dyddiad Creu Rhestr Fer: 25/10/17 Dyddiad Cyfweld: 10/11/17

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