MT368, Continuous Games Begun
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MT369, Continuous games 1
MT369, Part 6 Continuous games on the unit square, begun Notation. Some of this is non-standard. IX denotes the unit interval 0 x 1 and IY the interval 0 y 1 . The unit square written is the square IX IY in the X – Y plane: I will write u to mean that u is a point in the square. The interior of ( written ) is the set of points 0 < x < 1 and 0 < y < 1 . A continuous game on the unit square is played by 2 persons A and B . A secretly chooses a number x IX and B secretly chooses a number y IY . Then they reveal their choices, and A wins an amount z from B where z is some predetermined function of x and y . The payoff function is written P( x , y ) and is usually called the payoff kernel . The traditional example is Example. A duel . A and B each have a pistol with one bullet. At time t = 0 they face each other & start walking towards each other. If nobody gets shot, they meet at time t = 1. If A fires at time t=x , he hits B (payoff 1) with probability x . Likewise if B fires at time t=y he hits B (payoff 1) with probability y . A player who is hit cannot then shoot. If neither is hit, or if both hit, the payoff is 0 . There are 2 versions of this: 1. With silencers. Neither player knows if the other has fired unless he is hit. 2. No silencers. If A shoots first & misses, then B can wait until t = 1. Ex. Find the payoff functions under the 2 rules. Done in class.
Definition. A point ( u , v ) is a saddle point if P( x , v ) P( u , v ) P ( u , y ) (5.1) for all other x IX and y IY . If so, then ( u , v ) are optimum strategies for A and B . Note that this is not the normal definition of a S.P . Normally P has a SP if P has a local max in any direction and a local min in any other direction, but in Game Theory P must have local max in the X direction and min in the Y direction. Hence Theorem. Let P be twice differentiable for all points in with a saddle point at ( u , v ) . Then either u = 0 and P/x < 0 or u = 1 and P/x > 0 or P/x = 0 and 2P/x2 0 and similarly for y with < and > signs switched.
1 Example: P = xy – x/3 – y/2 has a SP at ( ½ , /3 ) Example: P = xy + x + y . SP at ( 1 , 0 ) .
Given the function P we try to solve the game as follows: first look for a SP in . If that fails, we may need to look at the boundaries of : there are 4 sides and 4 corners. If that fails, we must try to find a solution in mixed strategies, once we have decided what a mixed strategy is. MT369, Continuous games 2
5.2 Distributions Definition. A mixed strategy for A is a decision by A to choose numbers x from IX by some random process according to a selected probability distribution ( , say) . (examples) Definition. A probability distribution ( P.D. for short) is an increasing function on IX such that (0) = 0 and (1) = 1 . Given a random process that produces numbers x in IX , the distribution function of that process is given by prob( x ) . For the moment, assume that is differentiable. Then the density function of is d/dx . A value of x is active if d/dx > 0 and non-active if d/dx = 0 . The support or spectrum of is the set of active values of x . A distribution might be discontinuous. For example if A decided to choose the exact value x = ¼ with prob. ½ , then the corresponding jumps up by ½ at that point. is a step point of if jumps in this way. Because it can only have simple jumps. All the step points are active also. So when A is playing a mixed strategy, he first chooses the function . Then each time the game is played, he chooses x according to that distribution. Imagine as mapping IX into IZ . The easiest way for A to choose numbers x according to the distribution is: first choose IZ (all numbers equally likely) and then x = sup{ u IX: (u) } . (examples) Suppose that A has chosen a strategy represented by the dist. ( a map from IX into IZ ) and B chooses to play y . What is A's expected payoff? If IX was a finite set, then the expected payoff would be EP( y )= Prob( x = a ) P ( a , y ) a IX (5.2) Since IX is actually a slice of the real line, we must replace this sum by an integral. Now for any given , the probability that a random x is actually equal to is 0 . So we must replace Prob( x = ) by the probability that x + x . This prob. is equal to ( x ) . If is differentiable, this is approximately x'() . So 1 EP(q , y )= P ( x , y ) dq dx (5.3) x=0 dx If jumps by an amount at x = , that means that A chooses the exact value x = with probability . Then we must modify the RHS of (5.3) by adding a term P( , x ) ; and we need one such term for each step point. Then the integral on the RHS of (5.2) has to be replaced by: 1 EP( y ,q )= P ( x , y )dq dy + P ( a , y ) dq ( a ) x=0 dy (5.4) step points x=a
1 We write this mixture of sum and integral thus: EP( y ,q )= P ( x , y ) d q . (5.5) x=0 Definition. Let be a distribution on IX and u(x) a function defined on IX . If A chooses 1 points in IX with P.D. , then the mean value of u is written u= u( x ) dq , interpreted as x=0 follows: 1 1 u= u( x ) dq = u ( x )dq dx + u ( a ) dq ( a ) 蝌x=0 x = 0 dx (5.6) step points x=a So (5.6) means that we integrate when is smooth and sum where it jumps. MT369, Continuous games 3
Now suppose that A chooses strategy and B chooses . For each y the expected payoff is given by (5.5). Then the overall mean payoff will be got by a 2nd integrate-or-sum operation: 1 1 EP(q , f )= P ( x , y ) d q d f (5.7) 蝌y=0 x = 0
Definition. Let and be a pair of strategies for the two players A , B , respectively. Then * and * are an equilibrium pair of strategies if EP(l , f *)# EP ( q *, f *) EP ( q *, m ) (5.8) for every other strategy for A and for B . Neither player can improve her payoff by deviating. Ville’s Theorem. (not proved, beyond scope) Let P( x , y ) be continuous on . Then the corresponding game has a solution in mixed strategies; that is, there exist equilibrium strategies and as defined above.
The opt. strategies are guaranteed to exist, but there is no known method to find them. There is one special case.
Definition. Let f(x) be a function defined on an interval I R . Then f is a convex function if f(a p+ (1 - a ) q )� a f ( p ) - (1 a ) f ( q ) (5.9) for all p , q I and all in the range 0 < < 1 . f is strictly convex if (5.9) holds with < in place of .
This means that if we take 2 points on the graph of f , namely ( p , f(p) ) and ( q , f(q) ) and join by a line, the graph of u sags below the line. If f is twice differentiable, then f convex implies that f " 0 in I . Roughly speaking: a convex function either goes downhill (getting flatter) , or uphill (getting steeper) or downhill then flat , then uphill . Examples: ex , ex , x2 1/x . Non-example: (x-1)(x-2)(x-3) (draw graph & observe bends). Definition. f(x) is (strictly ) concave if f(x) is (strict) convex . Non-standard notation: from a book on another subject: convex or concave makes it easier to remember which is which. Definition. A game P( x , y ) is convex if P( x , y ) is a strictly convex function of y for each fixed x IX . Note: non –symmetrical definition.
Theorem. (proof will be omitted unless there is time, in any case the proof is not examinable) Let f(x) be convex and bounded in an interval I : a x b . Then there exist numbers c and d such that a c d b and 1 if a < c then f(x) is strictly decreasing in [ a , c ] 2 if c < d then f(x) is constant ( = , say) in ( c , d ) . If c = d, put = f(c) . 3 if d < b then f(x) is strictly increasing in [ d , b ] and is the minimum value of f(x) in I . 4 If f is strict convex, then c = d i.e. the min at c is unique. MT369, Continuous games 4
Proof. (outline only, omitting the difficult parts). Let = min value of f in I and c and d the upper and lower bounds of points where f(x) = . Then f(c) = f(d) = . If c < x < d , then x = c + ( 1 )d for some . Then (5.9) says that f(x) . But = min value f(x) = for all x in ( c , d ) . This proves (2). But if f is strict convex, then (5.9) says that f(x) < , contradiction. Proves (4) . To prove (1). Let a p < q c , to prove that f(p) > f(q) . Since = min (f) and c = least x for which f = , f(p) > , say f(p) = . Now q = p + ( 1 )c for some . Then (5.9) says that f(q) f(p) Proves 1 . (3) is similar.
Definition. A game P( x , y ) is convex if P( x , y ) is a strictly convex function of y for each fixed x IX . Theorem. Assuming that optimum strategies exist, if P( x , y ) is convex then B has a unique opt. strategy which is a pure strategy. i.e. B should play y=u (fixed) every time. Proof. For each fixed x , P( x , y) is a strict-convex function of y . Let p < q < r be any 3 values of y in IY , say q = p + r . By (5.9): P( x , q ) < P( x , p ) + P( x , r ) P( x , p ) + P( x , r ) P( x , q ) > 0 (5.10) Now suppose that is an optimum strategy for A . Multiply (5.10) by d and integrate. Recall 1 that EP( , y ) P ( x , y ) d is the expected payoff to A if A plays and B x0 plays y . Applying this to (5.10) we get: P( , p ) + P( , r ) EP( , q ) > 0 EP( , q ) < P( , p ) + P( , r ) So the expected payoff EP( , y ) is a strictly convex function of y it has a unique minimum, say at y = u . Since this min. is unique, we have EP( , u ) < P( , y ) (5.11) for all y IY different from u . Since is opt. for A we have also EP( , u ) P( , u ) (5.12) where is any deviant strategy for A . But now A might have two opt strategies, say and . By the above argument, EP( , y ) is strict convex, it has a unique min, say at y = v . Required to prove that u = v . Suppose not. Since and y=v are a second pair of opt. strategies for A and B , they must satisfy the equivalent of (5.11) and (5.12) which are: EP( , v ) P( , v ) < P( , y ) (5.13, 5.14) where is any deviant strategy for A and y v. But now EP( , u ) < P( , v ) (by 5.11 with y = v ) P( , v ) ( 5.13 with < P( , u ) (5.14 with y = u ) EP( , u ) (5.12 with
So EP( , u ) < EP( , u ) Contradiction, so u = v .