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Wayne State University

Wayne State University Faculty Professional Record

Sherylyn Briller Date Prepared:April 11, 2000 Department of Anthropology Date Revised: March 9, 2012 3055 Faculty Administration Building [email protected] 313-993-4069

Department/College: Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts & Science Present Rank: Associate Professor Faculty Associate: a) WSU Institute of Gerontology, Graduate Research Training Faculty for Predoctoral Training Program in Aging and Urban Health b) WSU Interdisciplinary Center to Advance Palliative Care Excellence Date of Appointment: August, 2000 Citizenship: USA


B.A. (Sociology & Anthropology) Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota (1989) M.A. (Anthropology) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1992) Center on Aging & Health Graduate Certificate in Gerontology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1993) Ph.D. (Anthropology) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (2000)


 American Anthropological Association  Association for Anthropology and Gerontology Education  Gerontological Society of America  Society for Applied Anthropology  The Mongolia Society  Michigan Hospice and Palliative Care Organization  National Association of Practicing Anthropologists  Society for Medical Anthropology


 Fellow, Society For Applied Anthropology (2007-2012)  President, Association for Anthropology & Gerontology Education (2009-2010)  Elected Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (2008)  WSU Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005)  WSU Academy of Scholars, Liberal Arts Junior Faculty Scholar Award (2004)

1 HONORS/AWARDS continued

 National Institute on Aging/Brookdale Foundation Summer Institute on Aging Research. Selected as one of forty Ph.D. and M.D. researchers from a nation-wide pool to participate in a seven day intensive seminar retreat for those identified with potential for a highly productive independent research career in aging. National Institutes of Health (2001)


Courses Taught at Wayne State

Introduction to Anthropology 2100 (2 times), undergrad Undergraduate Research in Detroit 3600 (1 time) undergrad Research Methods 5210 (8 times), undergrad / grad Culture, Health & Illness (team taught) 5400 (4 times), undergrad / grad Community Engagement Practicum 5420 (3 times) undergrad/grad Applied Anthropology 5700 (8 times), undergrad / grad Anthropology of Aging 5410/ 7630 (2 times), undergrad/grad International Health 6700 (4 times), grad Health Ethnographies Seminar 7630 (2 times), grad End-of-Life Issues 7510 (1 time) undergrad / grad Medical Anthropology Graduate Seminar I 7680 (3 times), grad Medical Anthropology Graduate Seminar II 7690 (4 times), grad

Guest Lectures in Classes

1* “Conducting Anthropological Research for Clients”. WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Capstone Seminar, Winter 2012 2* “Designing Anthropology Careers”. WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Capstone Seminar, Winter 2008-2012 3* “Anthropological Issues in Studying Death & Dying”. End-of-Life Issues, WSU Interdisciplinary Course. Fall 2001-2009; Winter, 2012 4* “Medical Anthropology”. WSU Anthropology Undergraduate Capstone Seminar, Winter, 2000-2010. 5* “Designing Social Science Careers” Anthropology & Sociology Student Organization Seminar, University of Michigan Dearborn, Winter, 2008 6* “Anthropological Perspective on Bioethics Issues”. Social Science & Bioethics Seminar at Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics, Loyola University, Fall, 2005. 7* “Overview of Field of Anthropology for WSU Library and Information Science Graduate Students”. Social Sciences Information Services & Resources Course, Winter 2001-2002. 8* “Ethical Issues in Medical Anthropology”. Ethics in Anthropology,

2 Winter, 2000.


Current Research & Grants

Sankar, A., Principal Investigator (Myers, T. and Briller, S., Luborsky, M., Investigators) Venue-based Testing: Fish Consumption along the Saginaw and Detroit Rivers Funded by Michigan Department of Health ($46,275) May, 2011 – August, 2012 (Year 1 research completed; Year 2 research design and budget under review)

Briller, S.H. Faculty Teaching Travel Grant for Teaching and Learning Conferences and Presentations Funded by Wayne State University Office of Teaching and Learning ($1,200) March, 2012

Empowering Long Term Care Communities For Culture Change: A Pilot Study Currently seeking funding opportunities for extending pilot project (Pilot data collected: 2011; Data Analysis; related writing projects ongoing)

Briller, S.H. Practicing Detroit Anthropology: An Integrated Research and Learning Experience for Undergraduates Submitted to Wayne State University Undergraduate Learning Community Initiative Competition ($10,200) Submitted January, 2012; under review.

Completed Research

Meert, K.L., Thurston, C.S. Briller, S.H., Schim S.M.& Templin, T. The Needs of Bereaved Parents Funded by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [1RO3HD048487-01A2] ($166,081 Total Costs; $110,353 Direct Costs) June, 2008 – May, 2010

Ray, R.E., Principal Investigator (Briller, S - Researcher; Interdisciplinary Project of 8 WSU Faculty/GRA Teams) Nobody’s Burden: Historical and Critical Perspectives on Women’s Search for Social Security Funded by Wayne State University Research Enhancement Program for the Social Sciences and Humanities: Research on Women. ($41,480) June 1, 2007 – December, 2008.

3 Completed Research

Meert, K, Thurston, C. & Briller, S.H. & Schim, S.M. The Needs of Bereaved Parents Funded by Children’s Research Center of Michigan ($100,000) January 1, 2006 – April 1, 2008.

Schim S.M, Briller, S.H., Campbell, M & Zalenski, R. End of Life Communication and Cultural Contexts: Family Experiences in Critical Care Funded by Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State University College of Nursing Scholar Fund ($10,000) November 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003.

Briller, S.H. From Classroom to Community: An Examination of Career Beginnings of Funeral Service Professionals Funded by WSU Minority/Women Summer Grant Program ($4,000) May 1, 2002 to August 31, 2002

Briller, S.H. Education and Professional Socialization of Funeral Service Professionals Funded by Wayne State University Faculty Graduate Research Assistantship Competition ($12,775) August 1, 2001-August 1, 2002

Briller, S.H. Education and Professional Socialization of Funeral Service Professionals Funded by WSU College of Liberal Arts Research & Inquiry Grant (Course Release= $2,500) January 1, 2002- May 1, 2002

Briller, S.H. Old Age Security in an Insecure Time: Social and Economic Impact of Transition on Urban Old Age Pensioners in Mongolia Funded by International Research and Exchanges Board: Individual Advanced Research Opportunity Grant ($5,000) October 1, 1996- February 28, 1997

Briller, S.H. New Strategies for Herders: Economic Structure, Family Organization and Community Dynamics in Moost, Mongolia

4 Funded by Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Dissertation Grant ($12,000) May 1, 1995- March 30, 1996

Completed Research

Calkins, M.P., Principal Investigator (Briller, S.H., Project Director) Models of Care and Organizational Congruence Funded by National Institute on Aging: Small Business Innovation Research Grant, (I.D.E.A.S., Inc.) SBIR AG1524901A1, Phase I ($100,000) December 1, 1998-August 30, 1999

Other Group Funded Research

Wayne State University End of Life Interdisciplinary Project End-of-Life Issues: Legal and Ethical Discussions Funded by Wayne State University Humanities Center Grant ($1,500) May, 2004-May 2005

Wayne State University End of Life Interdisciplinary Project End-of-Life Issues: Interdisciplinary Discourses Funded by Wayne State University Humanities Center Grant ($1,500) May, 2003-May 2004

Wayne State University End of Life Interdisciplinary Project Religion, Spirituality and End-of-Life Issues Funded by Wayne State University Humanities Center Grant ($1,000) May, 2002-May 2003

Wayne State University End of Life Interdisciplinary Project Developing Curricula on the End-of-Life Funded by Wayne State University Educational Development Grant, (Total Grant $3,100, Briller salary $676) June, 2001-August, 2001

5 III. PUBLICATIONS (Total Number of Times Works Cited = 177)


1. Briller, S. and Goldmacher, A. (2009) Designing An Anthropological Career: Professional Development Exercises. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. 156 pgs. Cited by 1.

(First author of book taking a distinctive approach to developing an anthropological career trajectory; lead role in conceptualizing a series of thematically arranged professional development exercises)

2. Gelfand, D. E., Raspa, R., Briller, S.H. and Schim, S.M., eds. (2005) End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer. 217 pgs. Cited by 7.

(Major role in year-long editing of multidisciplinary book with contributions of 19 authors from 12 different fields)

3. Briller, S. Proffitt, M., Perez, K. and Calkins,.M.P. (2001) Understanding the Environment Through Aging Senses, Vol. 2. In M. P. Calkins, Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings (series). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press. 88 pgs.

(Key writing role in translating research findings into educational book series for long term care staff about supportive environments for persons with dementia)

4. Briller, S., Proffitt, M., Perez, K. and Calkins, M.P.(2001) Maximizing Cognitive and Functional Abilities, Vol. 3. In M. P. Calkins, Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings (series). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press. 224 pgs. Cited by 7.

(Key writing role in translating research findings into educational book series for long term care staff about supportive environments for persons with dementia)

5. Marsden, J.P, Briller, S., Calkins, M.P. and Proffitt, M. (2001) Enhancing Self and Sense of Home, Vol. 4. In M. P. Calkins, Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings (series). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press. 208 pgs. Cited by 1.

(Key writing role in translating research findings into educational book series for long term care staff about supportive environments for persons with dementia)

Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings ( Cited by 25 as a whole book series)

6 Monograph

1. Proffitt, M. and Briller, S. (2002) The Unit’s Edge: Exploring the Boundary Between Public and Private Domains in Residential Settings for Older Persons. Milwaukee, WI: University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Center for Architecture & Urban Planning Research Publishers. 159 pgs.

(Collaborated with an architectural researcher in producing a narrative and pictorial account of how residents in several continuing care retirement communities utilized the public spaces adjacent to their private living areas)

Book Chapters

1 Briller, S.H., Paul-Ward, A. & Whaley, M. (In Press) Long term care: Educating occupational therapists for transformative practice. In K. Barney and M. Perkinson, eds. Geriatric Occupational Therapy. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Sciences. (Forthcoming Fall, 2012; Final accepted manuscript, 35 pages).

(First author of multidisciplinary chapter on history of long term care and educating healthcare practitioners for contemporary practice)

2 Briller, S.H. & Durocher, M. (2011) What is held dear: Considering personhood and material culture for the Ambrose sisters in old age. In R.E. Ray and T. Calasanti, eds. Nobody’s Burden: Lessons on Old Age from the Great Depression. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (pgs. 197-221)

(First author of chapter in multidisciplinary volume based on archival research)

3 Gelfand, D. E., Raspa, R., Briller, S.H. and Schim, S.M. (2005) Introduction. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and S.M. Schim, S.M., eds. End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Contributed to writing introduction & description of book’s genesis)

4 Gelfand, D. E., Raspa, R., Briller, S.H. and Schim, S.M. (2005) The Model: Constructs, Story Domains and Levels. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and S.M. Schim, S.M., eds. End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Contributed material about culture and end-of-life for book’s framing chapter)

5 Schim, S.M., Gelfand. D.E., Briller, S.H., and Raspa. R. (2005) Stories of Avery: Living and Dying Well. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and Schim, S.M., eds. End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Authored anthropological response to an end-of-life case-study)

7 6. Meert, K.M., Harris, L., Canady, A., Briller, S.H. and Kabel, A. (2005) Stories of Malika: Defining A Person. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and S.M. Schim, S.M., eds. End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Authored anthropological response to an end-of-life case-study; mentored an anthropology doctoral student (Kabel) in also writing a response to same case)

7. Popkin, S.M., Briller, S.H., Cooney, G.A. and Raspa, R. (2005) Stories of Sonny: Tattoos and Tolerance. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and S.M. Schim, eds. End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Authored anthropological response to an end-of-life case-study)

8. Gelfand, D. E., Raspa, R., Briller, S.H. and Schim, S.M. (2005) Boundaries and Bridges. In D.E. Gelfand, R. Raspa, S.H. Briller, and S.M. Schim, S.M., eds. End- of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. New York: Springer.

(Authored anthropological response to an end-of-life case-study)

9. Briller, S. Vodka and Dumplings for New Year’s. (2002) In L. Waldridge & A. Sievert (ed), Personal Encounters in Anthropology: A Reader in Cultural Anthropology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishers. Pp. 85-89.

10. Briller, S. (2001) Mongolia. In M. Ember & C.R. Ember, eds. Countries and Their Cultures. New York: Macmillan Reference USA. Pp. 1498-1505.

Peer Reviewed Articles

1. Briller, S.H., Schim, S.M, Thurston, C.S. & Meert, K.L. (In Press) Conceptual and design issues in instrument development for research with bereaved parents. Omega: The Journal of Death& Dying. 65(2) (Forthcoming Fall 2012:Refereed]

(First author of this paper; conceptualized topic; major writing role)

2. Meert, K.L, Schim, S.M, Briller, S.H. Parental bereavement needs in the pediatric intensive care unit: Review of available measures Journal of Palliative Medicine. 14(8): 951-964. [Refereed]

(Reviewed literature on available measures; writing role)

3. Briller, S.H. and Sankar, A., Eds. (2011) Introduction to Special Theme Issue on Ritual, Meaning and Late Life. Generations: Journal of American Society on Aging. 35(3): 6-11. [Refereed]

8 Guest-edited a special theme issue on ritual, meaning and late life for Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging. This issue contains 12 articles on this theme.

4. Perkinson, M.A. and Briller, S.H. (2009) Connecting the anthropology of aging and occupational therapy/occupational science: Interdisciplinary perspectives on patterns and meanings of daily occupation. Anthropology and Aging Quarterly. 30(2): 25-28. [Refereed]

Guest-edited a special issue of Anthropology and Aging Quarterly with a colleague (Dr. M. Perkinson, St. Louis University) on the relationship of anthropology, gerontology and occupational therapy/occupational science disciplines and co-authored the introduction to this special issue.

5. Meert, K.L., Briller, S.H., Schim, S.M., Thurston, C.S. & Kabel, A. (2009) Examining the Needs of Bereaved Parents in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU): A Qualitative Study. Death Studies. 33(8): 712-740 [Refereed] Cited by 3.

(Guided research team in theoretically employing a cultural construction model for viewing the PICU as a particular death context and writing about it using this approach. Supervised qualitative data analysis; major writing role)

6. Briller, S.H., Meert, K.L., Schim, S.M., Thurston, C.S.& Kabel, A. (2008) Implementing a Triangulation Protocol in Bereavement Research: A Methodological Discussion. Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying. 57 (3): 245-260 [Refereed] Cited by 3.

(Designed triangulation protocol; supervised qualitative data analysis, conceptualized article; major writing role; mentored my former GRA (Kabel) who participated in data analysis and is an author on this article)

7. Meert, K.L., Briller, S.H., Schim, S.M. & Thurston, C.S. (2008) Exploring Environmental Needs of Parents At the Time of A Child’s Death In Pediatric Intensive Care. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 9 (6): 623-628 [Refereed] Cited by 14.

(Supervised qualitative data analysis; major writing role)

8. Briller, S.H. and Kabel, A. (2008) The Making of Ritual Specialists: What Cultural Anthropologists Can Contribute to the Education of Funeral Service Professionals. Practicing Anthropology. 30 (1): 45-49 [Refereed]

(Conceptualized paper, major writing role, mentored my former GRA (Kabel) who co-authored this article)

9 9. Briller, S.H., Schim, S.M., Meert, K.L., and Thurston, C. (2007-2008) Special Considerations in Conducting Bereavement Focus Groups. Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying. 56 (3): 255-271 [Refereed] Cited by 5.

(Conceptualized paper; major writing role)

10. Schim, S.M., Briller, S.H, Thurston, C.S., Meert, K.L. (2007) Life as Death Scholars. Death Studies. 31(2): 165-172. [Refereed] Cited by 4.

(Writing/editing role)

11. Meert, K., Thurston, C., Briller, S. (2005) Spiritual Needs of Bereaved Parents. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 6 (4): 420-427. [Refereed] Cited by 72.

(Supervised qualitative data analysis; writing role)

12. Doorenbos, A., Briller, S. and Chapleski, E. (2003) Weaving Cultural Context into an Interdisciplinary End of Life Curriculum. Educational Gerontology. 29 (5): 405-416 [Refereed] Cited by 11.

(Contributed to conceptualizing article, write-up of anthropological contribution to interdisciplinary end-of-life course; mentored former doctoral student (Doorenbos) who is the first author of this article)

13. Marsden, J., Calkins, M. Briller, S. (2003) Educating Long Term Care Staff about Therapeutic Environments. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. 20 (10): 68-74 (Refereed)

(Contributed to conceptualizing article, data collection & analysis; writing role

14. Briller, S. and M. Calkins (2000) Defining Place-based Models of Care: Conceptualizing Care Settings As Home, Resort or Hospital. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly. 1 (1): 15-21. [Refereed, Invited] Cited by 11.

(Data collection; data analysis; major writing role)

15. Briller, S. (1997) Out in the Cold: Mongolia Grapples with its First Generation of Street Children. Natural History. 106(6): 24-32. [Refereed, Invited] Cited by 1.

10 16. Gombeski, W., Briller, S., Fishleder, A. Bat-Cirjak, E., Rothner, D., Secic, M. (1997) Marketing Impact of Health Education Programs. Journal of Hospital Marketing. 11(2): 91-103. [Refereed]

(Data collection and analysis; writing role)

17. Briller, S. (1997) Pensions Are What Feed Us: The Impact of the Changing Value of Old Age Pensions in Mongolia. Association for Anthropology & Gerontology Newsletter (Summer 1997) [Refereed, Invited]

18. Bendycki, N and Briller, S. (1996) Getting Closer to the Customer: Healthcare Marketing. Practicing Anthropology 18(2): 26-29. [Refereed]

(Co-authored article with my supervisor who was an anthropologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Assisted in conducting study profiled and writing of the article)

Book Reviews

1. Briller, S.H. (2008) (Book Review of …and a time to die: How American Hospitals Shape the End of Life). Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 22(2): 193-195. [Refereed]

2. Briller, S.H. (2007) (Book Review of Women in Anthropology: Autobiographical Narratives and Social History. Anthropology and Aging Quarterly. 28(3): 82-83 [Refereed]

3. Briller, S.H. (2006) (Book Review of Handling Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide). Anthropology and Aging Quarterly. 27(3):28. [Refereed]

4. Briller, S.H. (2005) (Book Review of Nobody’s Home: Confessions of A Nursing Aide. Anthropology of Work Review. 25(3-4) [Refereed]

5. Briller, S.H. (2005) (Book Review of Poverty Reduction in Mongolia). The Journal of Asian Studies. 64(1): 188-189. [Refereed, Invited]

6. Briller, S.H. (2002) (Book Review of Negotiating A Good Death: Euthanasia in the Netherlands). Canadian Journal of Aging. 21(2): 321-322. [Refereed, Invited]

7. Briller, S.H. (1998) (Book Review of Population Policies, Socioeconomic Development and Population Dynamics in Mongolia). Mongolian Studies. 21: 100-102. [Refereed, Invited]

8. Briller, S.H. (1997) (Book Review of Poverty and the Transition to a Market Economy in Mongolia.) Mongolian Studies. 20: 153-157. [Refereed, Invited]

11 Other Published Writings

1. Khanna, SK, Romero-Daza, N, Briller, S.H. and Bennett, L.A. (2009) Promoting Applied Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion. Position Paper Written for the Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropologists. (Electronic publication) https://www.aaanet.org/resources/departments/upload/Applied_Scholarship_Tenu re_Promotion.pdf (12pages)

2. Briller, S.H. (2009) Long Term Care. In V. Strang, ed, What Anthropologists Do. New York: Berg Publishers. Pp. 122-123.

3. Briller, S.H. and Goldmacher. (2010) A. Envisioning and Re-envisioning an Anthropology Career Over Time. National Association for the Practice of Anthropology e-Newsletter. Pp. 5-6.

4. Briller, S.H. (2000) Whom can I count on today?: Contextualizing the balance of family and government old age support for rural pensioners in Mongolia. UMI Dissertation Services. 308 pgs. (Doctoral Dissertation) Cited by 2.

Media Citation

1. Briller, S.H. and Schim, S.M. (2009). Contemplating death in a dying city. Radio interview hosted by H.B. Love for Senior Solutions, WGPR 107.5 FM. Original Broadcast, 10:00 am, Saturday, October 31. Detroit, MI.

Publications Under Review

1. Meert, KL, Templin, T, Michelson, KN, Morrison, WE, Hackbarth, R., Custer, JR, Schim, SM, Briller, SH & Thurston, CS. The bereaved parent needs assessment: A new instrument to assess the needs of parents whose children died in the pediatric intensive care unit. (Under review for publication in Critical Care Medicine, 26 manuscript pages).

12 Selected Papers Read/Posters Presented in Past Five Years (2006-2011)

Invited and /or Refereed Internationally or Nationally


“Working across boundaries: Organizational and medical anthropologists inside a long term care community”. Paper presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings in Baltimore, MD on March 31, 2012.

“Practicing Detroit Anthropology: Developing an Undergraduate Learning Community” Paper presented with Ms. Alexandra Albert at Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings in Baltimore, MD on March 29, 2012.


“The Changing Face of Anthropology: What It Means for Anthropological Careers and for Departments.” Paper Presented in Invited Roundtable Session at American Anthropological Association in Montreal, Canada on November 19, 2011.

“Putting Anthropology to Work: A Lifecourse Approach to Your Career”. Workshop Presented for National Association of Practicing Anthropologists at American Anthropological Association Meeting in Montreal, Canada on November 17, 2011.

“Teaching Applied Medical Anthropology in Detroit: Educating a New Generation of Urban Health Researchers and Practitioners.” Paper presented with Dr. A. Sankar at Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings in Seattle, WA on April 2, 2011.


“Interlocutor discussion with Dr. Anne Basting, author of Forget Memory: Creating Better Lives for People with Dementia. Co-organized and moderated special event with Dr. J. Sokoovsky, University of South Florida – St. Petersburg for Association of Anthropology and Gerontology Education at American Anthropological Association Meeting in New Orleans, LA on November 19, 2010.

“Putting Anthropology to Work: A Lifecourse Approach to Your Career”. Workshop Presented for National Association of Practicing Anthropologists at American Anthropological Association Meeting in New Orleans, LA on November 18, 2010.

“Evaluating Applied, Practicing and Public Interest Anthropology: Reflections on Tenure and Promotion Guidelines”. Invited Roundtable Session at American Anthropological Association Meeting in New Orleans, LA on November 18, 2010.

13 2009

“Envisioning Anthropology Careers Using a Life Course Perspective: Valuable Lessons Learned from Detroit”. Paper Presented at American Anthropological Association Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on December 5, 2009.

This paper was presented in a session I co-organized with Amy Goldmacher, PhDc (Wayne State University) entitled The Ends of an Era in Detroit: Refiguring Anthropological Research and Training in a 21st Century Post Industrial Urban Context. The session was co-sponsored by the National Association of Practicing Anthropologists and the Central States Anthropological Association.

“Creating Anthropological Curriculum Vitas and Resumes” Presented invited workshop for National Association of Student Anthropologists at American Anthropological Association Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on December 5, 2009.

“Moving Towards “Good Death”: Anthropological Research on Parental Bereavement in Hospital Settings. Paper presented at Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity, An International Conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology at Yale University on September 25, 2009.

“Contemplating End-of-Life Transitions: New Possibilities for Interdisciplinary Conversations” Paper presented at Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity, An International Conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology at Yale University on September 27, 2009.

This paper was presented in a session I co-organized with Dr. Amy Paul Ward, Florida International University entitled Disciplinary Intersections of Medical Anthropology, Occupational Therapy and Disability Studies for Understanding Life Transitions.

“Implementing A Triangulation Protocol in Bereavement Research: A Methodological Discussion” Paper presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting in Santa Fe, NM on March 19, 2009.


“Engaging Students in Designing Anthropological Careers: Creating a Series of Professional Development Exercises” Paper Presented at American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Francisco, CA on November 19, 2008.

“Creating Anthropological Curriculum Vitas and Resumes” Presented invited workshop for National Association of Student Anthropologists at American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Francisco, CA on November 20, 2008.

14 2008 continued

“Exploring Opportunities for Anthropologists to Cross-Train for Occupational Therapy Research and Teaching Careers” Paper presented with Jayne Yatczak at Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting in Memphis, TN on March 29, 2008.

“Exchanging Knowledge through A Visitors’ Program” Panel presentation sponsored by Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology (COPAA) programs. Invited panelist presenting on planning initiative for structuring the new COPAA sponsored visiting fellows program. Panel presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting in Memphis, TN on March 26, 2008.

“Tenure and Promotion for Applied Anthropologists: Planning for and Experiencing the ‘T and P’ Process. Invited panelist on next in a series of annual COPAA panels about the promotion and tenure process for applied anthropologists. Panel presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting in Memphis, TN on March 28, 2008.


“Aging and Activity: Patterns and Meanings of Daily Occupation” Co-organized a session with Margaret Perkinson (Saint Louis University). Session Presented at American Anthropological Association Meeting in Washington, DC on December 2, 2007.

“Tenure and Promotion for Applied Anthropologists: Continuing the Discussion” Co- organized a session with Nancy Romero Diaz (USF) and Sunil Khanna (Oregon State) featuring a panel of deans and chairs of applied anthropology departments discussing evaluation criteria for tenure and promotion. Session Presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting in Tampa, FL on March 30, 2007.

Presentations At Other Universities/Regional Forums

“Working Across the Life Course: Envisioning Careers for Liberal Arts Majors” Presentation given at Carleton College on April 27, 2010.

“Careers in Medical Anthropology” Presentation given at ‘Careers in Anthropology Conference’ at University of Toledo on April 18, 2009.

“Anthropology of Aging: Taking A Life Course Perspective” Special Invited Lecture for Women’s History Month to be presented at University of Texas at San Antonio on March 30, 2009.

“Diversity Issues in Working with Seniors” Presentation given for Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs of Catholic Social Services of Wayne County on July 22, 2008.

15 Presentations At Other Universities/Regional Forums continued

“The Body is Always Cultural” Paper presented at “Bodies in Question: Contexts and Controversies: A Multidisciplinary Panel on ‘Our Body: The Universe Within’ Exhibit.” Detroit Science Center, February 16, 2007.

Presentations At Wayne State University

“A Tale of Two Rivers: Biomonitoring of Persistent Toxic Substances in Michigan Urban Fish Eaters” Lecture in Gordon L. Grosscup Museum of Anthropology Series on Explorations in the Field: Recent Faculty Research, March 19, 2012

“Three Good Rules to Live By on the Tenure-Track”. Panelist for “Achieving Promotion and Tenure at WSU: Policies and Advice”, Wayne State University Professional and Academic Development Seminar Series, February 11, 2011

“Contemplating Death in a Dying City”. Presentation given with Dr. S Schim at Wayne State University Humanities Center Fall Symposium on Representation of Health and Disease in the City, November 6, 2009.

“Thoughts on Conducting Interdisciplinary End-of-Life Research” Panelist for ‘Teamwork and Collaboration: Overcoming Barriers to Interdisciplinary Research’, Wayne State University Professional and Academic Development Seminar Series, January 23, 2009

“Qualitative Methods in End-of-Life and Palliative Care Research” Lecture presented at Wayne State Center to Advance Palliative Care Excellence Research Conference, September 26, 2008


Service to Academic Discipline

National Committee Membership

 Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology (COPAA)

Invited representative of national committee (COPAA) to American Anthropological Association panel charged with establishing tenure and promotion guidelines for the evaluation of applied, practicing and public anthropology scholars. (2008-2012)

 Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology (COPAA) Visitors’ Fellowship Program. (2008-Present)

Member of national committee charged with planning and implementing the COPAA Visitors’ Fellowship Program to develop short term exchanges of experts for anthropology programs in this national network.

 National Association of Practicing Anthropologists (NAPA) Occupational Therapy & Occupational Science Special Interest Group. (2008-Present)

Member of national committee developing education and collaborative practice initiatives between anthropologists and occupational therapists.


Editorial Board Member Editorial board member for a book series published by Berghahn Books on Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations (2010-Present)

Book Reviews Editor Anthropology and Aging Quarterly: Publication of the Association for Anthropology and Gerontology Education (2005-Present)


Article Reviewer 9* Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying, manuscript reviewer (2009- Present) 10* The Gerontologist, manuscript reviewer (2008-Present) 11* Medical Anthropology Quarterly, manuscript reviewer (2006-Present) 12* Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, manuscript reviewer (1999- Present)

17 Book Proposal Reviewer 13* Broadview Press, Reviewer for Book Proposal (2002)

SERVICE continued

Conference Abstract Reviewer 14* Gerontological Society of America Conference Abstract Reviewer for Behavioral and Social Science Section (2001-Present)

Student Paper Award Reviewer 15* Margaret Clark Annual Award in Gerontology (1999-Present) International competition to select best graduate and best undergraduate paper in medical anthropology and/or gerontology, sponsored by the Association for Anthropology and Gerontology.

WSU University Service

16* Faculty Reviewer, Wayne State University Summer Dissertation Fellowship Committee (January, 2012) 17* Faculty Judge, WSU Graduate Student Exhibit (March, 2011) 18* Faculty Reviewer, Graduate Professional Scholarship Competition (March, 2011) 19* Wayne State University Center to Advance Palliative Care Excellence; Member of Research and Education Committees (2005-Present) 20* Wayne State University Interdisciplinary End-of- Life Project. (2000-2005) 21* Wayne State University President’s Commission on the Status of Women: Health Sciences Committee. (2000-02) 22* Dean’s Office of the Graduate School, work with GTA’s and micro-teaching presentations for Office of Teaching & Learning University-wide GTA orientation (2001; 2009)

WSU Departmental Service

23* Anthropology Undergraduate Director; Coordinator of Undergraduate Learning Community(2011-2012) 24* Anthropology Department Curriculum Committee, (Chair (2010-11; Committee Member 2002; 2008-2009) 25* Anthropology Undergraduate LC Faculty Mentor (2010-2012) 26* Anthropology Department Graduate Committee (2000; 2008-2011) 27* Anthropology Personnel & Salary Committee, Junior Faculty Member Representative (2004-2005); Senior Faculty Member (2009-2012)

18 28* Medical Anthropology Faculty Search Committee (2002-03; 2006-07; 2008) 29* Cultural Anthropology Search Committee (2010-2011) 30* Business Anthropology Faculty Search Committee (2003-2004; 2009- 2010) 31* Anthropology Department Budget Committee (2008) 32* Anthropology Department Student Funding Committee, Chair (2002- 2007) 33* Computer/E-curriculum Committee (2001-03) 34* House & Amenities Committee (2000-2001) Community Service 35* Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan (Outreach volunteer (2004- 2012) 36* Northwood Elementary School, Royal Oak, MI, Parent volunteer (2010- 2012) 37* Addams Early Childhood Center, Royal Oak, MI, Parent volunteer (2007- 2009) 38* Lincoln Early Childhood Center, Royal Oak, MI, Parent volunteer (2005- 2007) 39* Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Cleveland, OH Awards Judge in Behavioral Sciences Category for Premier International High School Science Fair (2003) 40* Carleton College, Northfield, MN, Alumni Admission Representative (2000-2003)

Professional Consulting

Roxbury Publishers, Los Angeles, CA Content consultant for website for Social Gerontology Today: An Introduction textbook by Elizabeth W. Markson. (2003)

Menorah Park Center for the Aging, Myers Research Institute, Cleveland, OH Consultant for qualitative research design on Vigil Dementia Care System project. (2002)

I.D.E.A.S. Inc. (Innovative Designs in Environments for an Aging Society), Cleveland, OH Consulted with nursing homes about creating more supportive programming and environments for residents with dementia. Consultations included environmental assessment and staff training components. (1995-2000)

Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH Consultant on project examining the impact of second opinion consultations on healthcare decision-making of patients with brain tumors. Designed a study for the neurosurgery department. (1995)

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