Residential Street Improvement Program Sternberg Crescent Wanniassa Stage 2

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Residential Street Improvement Program Sternberg Crescent Wanniassa Stage 2

Residential Street Improvement Program Sternberg Crescent, Wanniassa Stage 2 community consultation results

1.0 Consultation Overview Stage 2 community consultation ran for ten weeks between 25 November 2013 and 31 January 2014. A total of 320 people participated in the consultation process, including surveys, emails and attendance at the information sessions. Please note that some people may have participated more than once.

Activity Summary

Table 1: Stage 2 Consultation Activities Activity Audience Nature Date Location Stakeholder Targeted Letters sent to 25 November 2013 Traditional mail letters/submiss stakeholders stakeholders ion capacity including advising of the Government process and and seeking Community submissions Councils ‘Drop in’ Residents Provide an Thursday 12 December, Erindale College information and the local opportunity to ask 4pm – 6pm Theatrette and session community for further Saturday 14 December, Foyer at McBryde information from 10am -12pm Crescent, technical Wednesday 18 December, Wanniassa specialists and 5pm – 7pm the project team or give feedback. Project information was available for viewing Survey (online Residents of Collect feedback Throughout consultation Website, letterbox and hard copy) Wanniassa on the proposed period dropped, and the improvements information broader through online session, Erindale, community survey, Time to Woden and Talk, and hard Tuggeranong copy surveys library Direct contact Residents Direct Throughout consultation AECOM email and the local discussions with period address and community community phone number members (notes taken via phone) and receiving of emails Stakeholder Letters Letters were sent to stakeholders advising them of the consultation process, inviting them to give feedback and giving them details about the information session. Stakeholders included Living Streets Canberra, NRMA Motoring and Services, Pedal Power, ACTION, ACT Emergency Services, Motorcycle Riders Association, Erindale College, Wanniassa School Junior and Senior Campus, St Mary MacKillop Catholic College, Trinity Christian College and Tuggeranong Community Council.

Webpage Information Project information was included on the ACT Government’s Time to Talk website along with a link to the online survey, contact information for feedback and details of the consultation.

Project Fact Sheet A project fact sheet was created that included the project background and an explanation of the public consultation and feedback mechanisms. This information was presented on an A3 (folded into A4) coloured sheet with map information on traffic calming options.

Survey A feedback survey was created to collect feedback, gauge community priority factors and capture comments. The questions gathered basic demographic information and prompted participants to provide general feedback on Sternberg Crescent and surrounding streets and the consultation process. Hard copies of the survey were letterbox dropped to residents in Wanniassa with a reply paid envelope to encourage increased numbers of responses. A link to the survey was placed on the Time to Talk website. Hard copies received were entered into the electronic system by AECOM staff.

Advertising The public consultation period was advertised through the ACT Government sponsored Community Noticeboard in the Canberra Times throughout the engagement. The advertisements promoted the consultation period and feedback mechanisms and directed people to the Time to Talk website to find more information.

Posters and Maps Posters and maps were provided at the information sessions which outlined details about the consultation, traffic speed, volume and crash data along Sternberg Crescent and surrounding streets, Google earth images for context and a preliminary overview of the feedback received to date from the community. These were in colour A0 and A1 size posters. The options were clearly evident. They were designed as a tool for technical specialists at the information session to discuss feedback ‘on the spot’.

Letterbox Drop A letterbox drop of the project fact sheet and hard copy survey was delivered to Wanniassa.

Media Coverage A media release outlined the project and accompanying consultation period.

Enquiry and Correspondence Management The mechanisms utilised to facilitate contact between the public and the project team included: Phone – a project team member’s phone number was provided on the consultation material so that interested individuals could raise questions and concerns. Email – the email address, [email protected] was provided to enable feedback via the Internet. Survey – the link to the feedback survey was provided on the Time to Talk webpage and within project advertisements to encourage completion of the survey. Information sessions – three information sessions were held at Erindale College on the 12, 14 and 18 December 2013.

2.0 Feedback There were 276 surveys completed, 13 emails, no phone submissions, and 31 attended the information session. By combining the feedback mechanisms, a total of 320 people participated. Please note that some people may have participated more than once. Several themes emerged regarding the consultation feedback. Feedback has been grouped into themes for each feedback mechanism and is outlined in the following tables.

Information Session Feedback 31 people attended the 3 sessions held on 12, 14 and 18 December 2013. Table 1 highlights numbers of those that actively asked questions and wanted to be briefed at the sessions. A summary of feedback received from the session is outlined in Table 2.

Table 1: Stage 2 Dates and Numbers of Attendance for Sessions: RSI Study Attendance figures at Consultations Date Attendance 12 December 2013 12 14 December 2013 14 18 December 2013 (info session) 5 Total 31

Table 2: Stage 2 information session feedback Theme Community Feedback Option 1  This was preferred by the majority who attended the sessions over Option 2. Most people were aware of the extra costs of roundabouts but felt that these were a good solution.  Langdon Avenue/Sternberg Crescent roundabout was requested as a first priority, with comments referring to a death a few years ago.  People find it difficult to get out of McWhae Circuit.

Pedestrian Safety  Pedestrian refuge or median on Sternberg Crescent, east of Ashley Drive requested.  More police presence requested.  More speed enforcement before engineering works Theme Community Feedback are conducted was requested.  Improve street lighting on Sternberg Crescent.

Roundabouts  Request for additional calming at corner of Wheeler Crescent and Sternberg Crescent – suggestions were for a mini roundabout.

Visibility Issues  Support for McBryde Crescent to be 50km/h all the way to Amsinck Street.  Remove trees near McWhae Circuit and Sternberg Crescent to improve sightline.

General  General support for traffic calming options proposed.

Survey Feedback 276 surveys were received. Feedback received from the surveys is outlined in Table 3. Table 3: Stage 2 survey feedback Question Community Feedback 1. What street and suburb do The top streets where respondents lived were Other you live in? (80.2%), Langdon Avenue (4.1%) and Sternberg Crescent (3.7%). The top suburbs were Wanniassa (96.4%) and Monash (1.1%). 2.Direct Do you Contact generally Submissions support the Yes (87.9%), No (5.9), Unsure (6.3%). proposed traffic calming measures on Sternberg Crescent and surrounding streets? 3. Which improvement option A majority of respondents supported Option 1 (66.9%), would you support for the with 19.7% supporting Option 2. Other responses were section of Sternberg Crescent Neither (11.2%) and Unsure (2.2%). between Langdon Avenue and Ashley Drive? 4. If you would like to suggest a 21 people responded to this question. The main concerns change to the proposed for Sternberg were traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, mini scheme, please name the street roundabout, and speed cushions. and treatment(s), and provide Key changes that are suggested by the community are (in your reason. no order): • Option 1 is preferred. There were comments that supported this option but discussed the validity of traffic lights but there was support for a solution to improve access/egress and safety at this intersection; and support for the roundabouts at Langdon Avenue and Ashley Drive. A mini roundabout was noted by a few community members as being a better option than traffic lights at Comrie Street. • Peak hour traffic lights suggested for the road congestion through Erindale Drive/Bugden Avenue/Sternberg Crescent • Pedestrian refuge near Wanniassa Junior School Campus, as well as near the Sternberg Crescent/Comrie Street intersection • Posted speed limit of 50km/h over full length of McBryde Crescent is generally supported • Speed cameras suggested as an alternative to speed cushions • Speed cushions suggested to be placed on Sternberg Crescent Changes that are generally not supported by a majority of the community: 1. Option 2 is generally not preferred 2. Traffic lights at Comrie Street 3. Speed cushions not favoured on main streets. “Mini roundabouts at all locations would be preferable as it allows for smooth traffic flows without the need for traffic lights which can create backlogs of traffic waiting for the lights to change to the appropriate signal” “I do not support traffic lights @ Comrie Street & Sternberg Crescent Traffic is only problematic here at Peak 5-7pm when Woollies & take-away/Restaurant area is busy - a roundabout would be better & work well in Non-Peak times” “A speed camera might be more effective, about 100m - 200m west of Erindale on Sternberg, and another in the vicinity of Wheeler Crescent.” There were 13 emails received during the consultation period. These are summarised in Table 5.

Table 5: Stage 2 direct contact submissions Community feedback  There needs to be more consideration given to traffic jams and need for crossings near the schools.  Concern over McWhae Circuit intersection and need to address egress issues there. Stage 2 Consultation Recommendations From this public consultation period support for Option 1 is clear. Outlined below are common issues that have become apparent, as well as recommendations for consideration in making further decisions and undertaking further consultation.

3.0 Conclusions In order for the community to be satisfied with this study the common concerns that were identified will need to be addressed. The table below highlights key issues identified and our recommendations regarding further actions, considerations or decisions. Table 6: Recommendations from Stage 2 consultation Key issue Conclusions Option 1  Option 1 being preferred, with mini roundabouts in favour over right turn lanes.  Review need for traffic lights at Comrie Street. Speed  Posted speed limit of 50km/h over full length of McBryde Crescent is generally supported.  Speed cushions not to be placed on Sternberg Crescent.  Improve speed limit sign posts upon entry to suburb.  Consider calming to reduce speeding on Fincham Crescent. Congestion  Consider calming to address issues of access at McWhae Circuit.  Peak hour traffic lights suggested for Erindale Drive/Bugden Avenue/Sternberg Crescent roundabout. Pedestrian Safety  Pedestrian refuge supported near Wanniassa Junior School Campus, as well as more requested near Erindale shops and Sternberg. Crescent/Comrie Street Traffic lights.  Improve street lighting on Sternberg Crescent.

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