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University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and Design Projects

Section 1 - Overview

The University of Minnesota has a Vendor Registration Program for Construction and Design (Architect, Engineer, and Consultant) Projects. The benefit of being a Registered Vendor is that only registered vendors will receive invitations to respond to Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Bids (RFBs) for construction-and-design-related projects. It is the vendor’s responsibility to read and understand all requirements in this application. The University may seek clarification, request additional information, or require documentation or other evidence supporting any statement made by the vendor. Registration will not be considered complete until steps 1 and 2 in Section 2, below, are complete.

For vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, or any other NON-Construction related firms, please sign up for the University’s MBid System to receive invitations to respond to those types of projects.

Section 2 - Registration Requirements

Step 1: Complete Attachments A through H (the “Application”) and e-mail the Application to Purchasing Services at [email protected].

Step 2: After the University determines an Application is complete and acceptable, the University will list the newly Registered Vendor’s name on the Purchasing Services website. Simply click the “List of Registered Vendors” located under the “Vendor Registration Program” dropdown. It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the website to determine that the registration is complete.

Section 3 – Questions & Inquires

Questions regarding registration requirements must be sent via e-mail to Purchasing Services at [email protected].

Section 4 – Submission

Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. Please note that it may take up to 4 weeks to process your Application.

Registration is a continuous, ongoing process, with applications being accepted at any time.

Vendors may opt out from registration at any time by written notice via e-mail to Purchasing Services at [email protected]. Upon receipt of the opt-out notice, the vendor’s name will be removed from the University’s list of Registered Vendors. After opting out, a vendor must re- apply to be returned to the list of Registered Vendors.

Section 5 – Application Updates

Vendors may update their vendor registration at any time by written notice via e-mail to Purchasing Services at [email protected] stating the specific changes.

Revised: 11-01-2016 University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment A – Vendor Profile Form

Section 1 – Vendor Information

Legal Name of Firm: State of Incorporation: DBA (if applicable): Street Address: City, State, ZIP: Phone Number: Fax Number: Website Address: Vendor E-mail:

Section 2 – Contact Information

All announcements regarding future RFPs or RFBs will be communicated via e-mail to the following contacts within your firm. You may list up to four contacts. It is the vendor’s responsibility to maintain this database. Send any changes, additions, or deletions of these contacts to Purchasing Services at [email protected] stating the specific changes.

Contact Name: Title: E-mail: Phone Number:

Contact Name: Title: E-mail: Phone Number:

Contact Name: Title: E-mail: Phone Number:

Contact Name: Title: E-mail: Phone Number: University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment B – Vendor Information Form

Section 1 – Service Regions

Please identify the University region(s) you are interested in working (Check ALL that apply):

Twin Cities Campus Duluth Campus Morris Campus Crookston Campus Austin / Rochester / Waseca Other Locations

Section 2 – Type of Business

a. Please identify your area of service (Check ALL that apply):

Construction Engineering Architecture Consulting

b. If your area of service is “Construction”, please identify what type of Contractor services you provide. As specific construction services are needed for University of Minnesota projects, advertisements may be limited to some or all of those providing the specific Construction services required. (Check ALL that apply):

General Contractor Waterproofing Contractor Asbestos Contractor Electrical Contractor Demolition / Excavating / Earthwork Building Technologies / Controls Contractor Contractor Elevator Contractor Low Voltage Contractor Masonry / Concrete Contractor Mechanical Contractor Fire Sprinkler / Suppression Masonry Restoration Contractor Millwork Contractor Roofing Contractor

c. If your area of service is “Architecture”, please identify what type of Architect services you provide. As specific Architect services are needed for University of Minnesota projects, advertisements may be limited to some or all of those providing the specific Architect services required. (Check ALL that apply):

Agriculture Design Landscape Design Educational Design Retail Design General Architecture Telecommunications Design Healthcare Design Urban Design Historic Preservation & Restoration Utility Design Interior Design d. If your area of service is “Engineering”, please identify what type of Engineer services you provide. As specific Engineer services are needed for University of Minnesota projects, advertisements may be limited to some or all of those providing the specific Engineer services required. (Check ALL that apply):

Chemical Engineering Materials Testing Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Structural Engineering Environmental Engineering Traffic Engineering General Engineering e. If your area of service is “Consulting”, please identify what type of consulting services you provide. As specific Consulting services are needed for University of Minnesota projects, advertisements may be limited to some or all of those providing the specific Consulting services required (Check ALL that apply):

Accessibility Forensics Building Envelope General Consulting Building Technology Hazardous Materials Controls Lighting Construction Audit Moving & Relocation Construction Inspection/Testing Paving, Parking, Ramps Construction Management Plan Review Commissioning Planning and Programming Cost Estimating Project Management Environmental Roofing & Waterproofing Facility Programming & Management Soil Boring and Surveying University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment C – Agreement / Terms and Conditions Forms

Section 1 – University of Minnesota Contracts

In order to be registered and respond to any University RFP or RFB, vendors shall read, accept and abide by the applicable standard agreement(s) and terms and conditions. It is the vendor’s responsibility to read and understand these documents prior to submitting this Application. Upon the University’s selection of a Vendor in response to an RFP or RFB, the project specific contract will be sent to the Vendor for signature. The Vendor must sign this contract upon receipt. No exceptions, deviations, or negotiations to these standard Contract Documents shall be permitted.

The University reserves the right to revise its standard agreements and/or terms and conditions.

Current standard agreements and terms and conditions are found at:

Each RFP or RFB will specify which Contract Documents shall be utilized for a specific project.

Section 2 – University of Minnesota Contract Documents

a. All “Construction” vendors are required to read and agree to the following:

 AIA A201- 2007 General Conditions  E201 - Digital Data Protocol Exhibit  AIA A141- 2004 Owner Design-Builder  AIA A133- 2009 Construction Manager at Risk  OGC-SC690 Hazardous Materials Abatement Agreement  OGC-SC900 Construction Agreement

b. All “Design” vendors are required to read and agree to the following:

 AIA A201- 2007 General Conditions  E201 - Digital Data Protocol Exhibit  AIA B101- 2007 Owner Architect (Design)  AIA B102 – 2007 Owner Architect (Non-design and Pre-design Services) University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment D – Prevailing Wage Requirements (Construction Contractors ONLY)

Section 1 – Background

Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 177.41 to 177.44 and corresponding Minnesota Rules 5200.1000 to 5200.1120, Construction vendors that are awarded a project are subject to the prevailing wages as established by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. Specifically, all contractors and subcontractors must pay all laborers and mechanics the established prevailing wages for work performed under that contract. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in civil or criminal penalties.

Each contractor and subcontractor performing work on a project shall post on site the applicable prevailing wage rates and hourly basic rates of pay for the county or area within which the project is being performed, including the effective date of any changes thereof, in at least one conspicuous place for the information of the employees working on that project. The information posted shall include a breakdown of the contributions for health and welfare benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits and any other economic benefit required to be paid.

Upon request, each contractor and subcontractor shall furnish to the University copies of any or all certified payroll for a project. Each contractor and subcontractor must supply this information within 14 days of this request.

Section 2 – Checklist (Construction Firms responding no to the following will not be registered.)

Did you read and understand the University’s Prevailing Wage Yes No Requirements? University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment E – Insurance and Bonding Requirements

Section 1 – Background

In accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 574.26, Construction vendors that are awarded a project may be required to provide the University a performance bond equal to or greater than the project contract amount and an insurance certificate in accordance with the University’s then- current required limits of liability.

Design vendors that are awarded a project will be required to provide an insurance certificate in accordance with the University’s then-current required limits of liability.

Section 2 – Bonding Requirements (Construction Contractors ONLY)

If Minnesota Statutes Section 574.26 requires the awarded Construction vendor to furnish to the University a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond for a project, the Construction Vendor shall use University-approved and provided bond forms. The bonds shall be issued by a surety satisfactory to the University, licensed to issue bonds in the State of Minnesota, shall be rated by A.M. Best as A-minus or better, and listed in the current printing of the U.S. Treasury Department listing of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies." The amount of each bond shall be within the limit set by the Treasury Department as the net limit on any single risk for the surety. The RFP will specify if a bond will be required and will require the awarded Construction vendor to provide a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond.

Section 3– Insurance Requirements

The University requires awarded firms to maintain insurance coverage of the types and in the amounts set forth in the Contract Documents, which are available at Project specific insurance requirements may vary. Variations, if any, shall be stated in the RFP or RFB.

Section 4 – Checklist (Firms responding no to the following will not be registered.)

For all firms: Did you read and understand the University’s Yes No insurance requirements?

If your area of service is “Construction”, please answer the question below.

When awarded a project, will your firm be able to meet the Yes No necessary University Bonding Requirements? University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment F – Targeted Group Business Policy

Section 1 – Background

The University, through its Office for Business and Community Economic Development (OBCED), supports the development of small, diverse businesses through varying programs ( This initiative focuses on businesses certifiably owned and operated by women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. See the OBCED web site above for the University’s definition of a Targeted Group Business.

Information regarding the TGB policy can be found at:

Vendors must read and understand this policy and shall satisfy its requirements on an individual project-by-project basis.

Section 2 – Checklist

Vendors must answer all of the questions below.

Is your firm certified as a Target Group Business in Minnesota? Yes No Does your firm meet the definition of a Targeted Group Business? Yes No

(Firms responding no to the following will not be registered.)

Did you read and understand the University’s TGB Policy? Yes No University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment G – Safety Guidelines (For Construction Contractors ONLY)

Section 1 – Background

At the University, the personal safety, health and environmental stewardship of our faculty, employees, contractors, students and visitors is of utmost importance. Contractors and sub- contractors performing work for the University are expected to meet or exceed applicable safety, health and environmental federal, state, local, and University laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules, directives, procedures, and orders and the requirements of the University of Minnesota Construction Standards (

Before selecting a Contractor, the University will evaluate the Construction vendor’s health and safety programs and previous safety performance. From time to time, potential Construction vendors will be asked to complete (generally on a yearly basis) a Safety Questionnaire which will provide information regarding their established safety and health programs, training provided to their employees, accident records and any regulatory enforcement action that has been taken. If not otherwise provided, potential Construction vendors will be required to provide the safety information as part of their response to an RFP or RFB. The University will score the requested and submitted Safety Questionnaire and award points during the potential Construction vendor evaluation process based on the information provided. The Construction vendor’s safety score will be effective throughout the duration set forth by the University. Only those firms with a Safety Score of 5.0 of greater will be awarded projects on competitive Request for Proposals/Bids. It is the Construction vendor’s responsibility to make sure that their firm has a valid safety score prior to or at the time of submitting a response to an RFP or RFB.

Information on preparing and submitting a Safety Questionnaire can be found in the “Contractor Safety Program,” which is available on-line at

Section 2 – Checklist (Construction Firms responding no to the following will not be registered.)

Vendors must answer all of the questions below.

Did you read and understand this Attachment G, which is the Yes No University’s Safety Guidelines? University of Minnesota Application to Participate in Vendor Registration Program for Construction and A&E Projects Attachment H – Signature and Certification Form

I swear (or affirm) that:

1. I am a partner in the firm (if the firm is a partnership) or an officer or employee of the firm having authority to sign on its behalf (if the firm is a corporation).

2. I have carefully examined and understand all instructions, requirements, specifications, contracts, and terms and conditions within this Application.

3. My firm is currently registered to do business in the State of Minnesota.

4. My firm is not currently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or disqualified from working with any federal, state, or other public agency.

5. I can provide, upon request by the University, documentation affirming the firm’s financial stability and adequacy of its accounting system.

6. My firm will comply with the University’s policies with regard to equal employment opportunity, and with all applicable federal, state and local laws, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference, disability, family or marital status, veteran status, or receipt of welfare.

7. My firm is aware of, is fully informed about, and is in full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances.

8. All statements, information, and representations prepared and submitted in response to this Vendor Registration Program are current, complete, true, and accurate. I understand that willful falsification of information may result in debarment or suspension as provided under applicable law.

9. I accept and shall be bound by and comply with the University’s applicable standard agreement and term and conditions identified in Attachment C without any exceptions, deviations, or modifications.


Signature: Printed Name: Title: Firm Name: E-mail: Phone Number: Date:

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