Unit 1 Test: Geography, Its Nature and Perspectives

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Unit 1 Test: Geography, Its Nature and Perspectives

Unit 1 Test: Geography, Its Nature and Perspectives NAME: TOTAL POINTS /43 Multiple Choices /33 1. Map “A” at the back of this test is an example of (map in Rubenstein p 31) a. Globalization b. Transnational corporations c. Economic distribution d. Global distribution 2. The spread of influenza would most likely be associated with which form of diffusion? a. Expansion b. Hierarchical c. Relocation d. Contagious e. Stimulus 3. Newspaper delivery areas are an example of which type of region? a. Formal b. Functional c. Statistical d. Graphical e. Vernacular 4. Who first coined the term geography? a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Eratosthenes d. Zheng He e. Socrates 5. What geographical feature usually distinguishes time zones? a. 5 degrees of latitude b. 5 degrees of longitude c. 15 degrees of latitude d. 15 degrees of longitude e. 30 degrees latitude 6. The prime meridian is what degree of longitude? a. 0 degrees b. 45 degrees c. 90 degrees d. 120 degrees e. 180 degrees 7. The linking of places by common traits or characteristics is defined as a. Place b. Location c. Region d. Area e. Zone 8. What type of map has all lines of latitude and longitude meeting at right angles, creating much distortion at both of the Polar Regions? a. Mercator projection b. Robinson projection c. Molleweide projection d. Azimuthal projection e. Goodes-Homsoline projection 9. What geographical approach suggests that humans possess the ability to dominate their environment rather than that they are defined by the environment? a. Animistic approach b. Temperate approach c. Environmental determinist approach d. Socioecology approach e. Possibilist approach 10. What is the term for the phenomenon that the farther a feature moves from a hearth, the less dominant it is? a. Central Place b. Concentric circle c. Regional analysis d. Distance decay e. Sequent occupancy 11. If an area has objects in it that are tightly arranged, it is said to be what? a. Dense b. Clustered c. Dispersed d. Scattered e. Regionalized 12. Environmental determinism was replaced by which approach to geography in the late 20th century a. Distribution approach b. Hierarchical approach c. Stimulus approach d. Vernacular approach e. Possibilist approach 13. Which type of map would have the largest scale? a. World map b. Continent map c. Country map d. Regional map e. City map 14. At what degree of latitude is the North Pole? a. 0 degrees north b. 0 degrees south c. 45 degrees north d. 90 degrees north e. 90 degrees south 15. Which term refers to the physical character of a location? a. Situation b. Site c. Relative location d. Absolute location e. Place 16. What is another name for a meridian? a. Parallel b. Longitude c. Latitude d. Poles (North and South) e. Equator 17. The azimuthal map best reflects what class of map projection? a. Conic b. Cylindrical c. Oval d. Planar e. Mercator 18. 1:100,000 is an example of what type of scale? a. Word b. Line statement c. Fractional d. Small scale e. Large scale 19. Who is the explorer who may have discovered the United States almost 75 years before Christopher Columbus saw the New World? a. Zheng He b. Ponce de Leon c. Magellen d. Plato e. Marco Polo 20. What are maps called that keep shapes intact but distort area? a. Conformal b. Equal area c. Azimuthal d. Mollweide e. Relative 21. What is the difference between GPS and GIS? a. GPS uses GIS data b. GIS uses GPS data to determine location c. GPS is the layering of data whereas GIS is the gathering of data d. GIS is the layering of data whereas GPS is the gathering of data e. GPS correlates with GIS, but GIS does not correlate with GPS 22. Images from a satellite or aerial photos from a plane are both examples of a. Geographic information systems b. Map generalization c. Projection d. Global positioning systems e. Remote sensing 23. A region in which the people share one more more cultural traits. a. Functional region b. Perceptual region c. Formal region d. Political region e. Cultural region 24. A combination of cultural traits is a a. Complex culture b. Cultural hearth c. Barrier to diffusion d. Culture region e. Cultural complex 25. Hip-hop culture has spread fro city to city to worldwide in a process of ______diffusion a. Expansion b. Contagious c. Stimulus d. Hierarchical e. Cultural 26. Latitude and longitude will give you the ______location of a place. a. Relative b. Cultural c. Reference d. Situation e. Absolute 27. All geographers, human or physical, are interested in the ______of a phenomenon a. Spatial distribution b. Absolute location c. Diffusion d. Temporal patterns e. Origin 28. A set of processes that are increasing interactions and interdependence without regard to country borders. a. Spatial diffusion b. Pandemics c. Globalization d. Distance decay e. Accessibility 29. Which of the following is NOT one of the FIVE THEMES of geography? a. Location b. People c. Human-environment d. Region e. Movement 30. In what ways are the disciplines of geography and history related? a. They are equally focused on temporal-spatial phenomena b. They are equally focused on spatial-temporal phenomena c. Within both disciplines, there is consensus on research methodologies d. There is significant overlap in their subject matter e. The intellectual cores of both are defined by perspectives rather than subject matter 31. “From Mannheim road, go west on North Ave till you get to 5th Ave, then north about ¾ of a mile; it’s right next to the water tower.” This is an example of a. Relative location b. Absolute location c. The use of a GPS d. A mental map e. Geocoaching 32. Different Native American populations in the Southwest evolved different forms of economy, some becoming pastoralists, others sedentary farmers, others hunter-gatherers. This can be explained by which geographic concept? a. Possiblism b. Environmental determinism c. Natural isotherms d. Expansion diffusion e. Distance decay 33. Why are you not likely to find an all-beef Big Mac at the McDonalds restaurants in India? a. Chicken is much cheaper to raise in India b. Most of the people are Hindus who believe cows are sacred c. After the last outbreak of Mad Cow disease, all the cows were slaughtered d. All of the people of India are vegetarians e. Lamb is the preferred red meat in South Asia

Free Response Questions Be sure to answer fully!!! /10 (5/Q)

34. Africa has the highest infant mortality rates and birth rates in the world, while Europe has the lowest infant mortality rates and birth rates. Describe how both the environmental determinist and possiblist approaches would explain those facts. a. Define the environmental determinist and possiblist approaches to geography b. Describe the differences between the two approaches in explaining the infant mortality and birth rate statistics between Europe and Africa.


35. Look at the 4 images (A, B, C) at the end of this test and write which type of diffusion each one represents and give a real life example for each. (helper: contagious, hierarchical, stimulus, expansion, relocation)

A: Contagious Diffusion: Clothing style, piece of technology, idea like jihads etc (Answers may vary) B: Expansion Diffusion: Recipee like fondu, religious idea like jihads, music style like hip- hop etc C: Relocation Diffusion: language, food D: Hierarchical Diffusion: Headquarters making decisions for factories in periphery ctries, clothing style etc Map “A” for question #1

Diffusion images for question 35 A B C


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