Wynnum Central State School Site
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20 March 2015
Dear Sir/Madam
Wynnum Central State School site Expression of interest for the relocation or demolition of up to four timber buildings
Brisbane City Council is seeking expressions of interest for the potential relocation or demolition of up to four existing timber buildings (B to E) located at the former Wynnum Central State School site. Building A is not included in this expression of interest.
The four buildings were previously classrooms at the school and Council would like to offer the community an opportunity to reuse these buildings at another location or by salvaging the material from demolition works.
The expression of interest period will open on 20 March 2015 and will close on 10 April 2015. The successful tenderer will be responsible for the cost of the relocation or demolition works and obtaining any necessary approvals and permits. For further information about the terms and conditions of the expression of interest or to submit your interest, please visit Council’s website www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/tender.
If you have any questions about the relocation/demolition of the four timber buildings at the former Wynnum Central State School site, please call the project team on 1800 669 416 or email [email protected]. For information outside of business hours please call Council’s 24 hour contact centre on (07) 3403 8888.
Yours sincerely,
Sandrine Chauley Project Manager Expression of Interest (EOI) (Revision 2)
EOI title: Potential Removal or Demolition of 4 timber buildings at the former Wynnum Central State School
Part 1: Notice to Tenderers Brisbane City Council (Council) is seeking interest for the potential removal or demolition of up to 4 timber buildings, previously classrooms at the Wynnum Central State School, buildings B to E by the end of June 2015. Building A is not part of this Expression of Interest. The successful entity will be able to either reuse the four timber buildings at another location or salvage the material from the demolition.
Former Wynnum Central State School site
There is some asbestos throughout the four timber buildings noted in the asbestos register. The successful entity will be responsible for the removal and disposal of any asbestos by a licensed asbestos removalist according to the legislation.
Part 2: Contact Officer: The contact details for this EOI are as follows: Sandrine Chauley 07 3027 4554
Part 3 – If you are interested: If you are interested: Fill in the EOI response form; and Lodge your hard copy response via the physical tender box located on Level 1, Library and Customer Centre, 266 George Street, Brisbane by 10 April 2015 midday to confirm you are interested. (“EOI close date”). Part 4: Specifications/drawings The successful contractor will be responsible to get construction drawings and specifications for the works for Council’s approval. The works must also be carried out in accordance with any Council specifications.
Part 5: Terms and Conditions of Contract The successful contractor will be required to enter into a written agreement with Council. The draft Contract will be provided to the interested parties after the EOI close date.
Part 6: Council Supplied Information Council has made available the following information for your convenience only. Council gives no warranty or representation about the accuracy, completeness, currency, suitability or fitness for any purpose of the information and does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or costs suffered or incurred due to or arising out of the user’s use of or reliance on the following information: Asbestos register for site 260-621 : Former Wynnum Central State School site
Please request this document from the Council contact officer or [email protected]
Part 7: site visit There is a site inspection planned on Thursday 26 March 2015 at 2pm on site – access from Florence Street. Additional site inspection can be requested from the Council contact officer.
Part 8: Payment/Cost The requested works will be provided at no or limited cost to Council for the reuse of the material or the use of the relocated buildings. If there are some costs to Council, please indicate details in the Expression of Interest – Response Form, Schedule of items.
Part 9: Work arrangements Coordination The buildings B to E are closed to the public so there is no coordination required with potential users. There may be some coordination required with the construction contractor for building A, which is being upgraded this year. Working time Working time is during normal hours from 7am to 5pm. There may be an ability to work after hours –to be approved with Council prior to the works. Security/access Council will provide keys to access the building. Permits The successful contractor is responsible to organise and obtain all relevant permits and approval for the works – this includes building approval. No Development Approval is required for the works. Storage of equipment/material There will be options to store equipment/material on site – Location to be confirmed with Council.
Part 10: Documentation to be provided by the successful party The successful contractor has to provide the following documentation before the start of the works on site: - Site specific Environmental Management Plan - Site specific Safety Management Plan - Site specific Traffic Management Plan - Site specific Quality Management Plan - Site specific Safe Work Method Statement for high risks activities The successful contractor has to provide the following documentation before the end of the works: - Asbestos removal, transport and disposal document from a registered contractor and hazardous waste disposal site. - All required Commissioning Certificates - Certificate of Classification
Part 11: Council Requirements
Re Council/Project Requirements f 1. Preference for all four timber buildings to be removed/demolished by the same entity. 2. Preference for all works (including any design and approval) to be funded by the successful entity 3. Preference for works to be complete by 30 June 2015. 4. Asbestos must be removed and disposed according to legislative requirements. 5. Construction works must comply with Legislative Requirements including work hours and noise limits; 6. Must have a construction safety plan so as to minimise risks to the public and workers. 7. All existing services must be capped/ terminated safely. 8. After the proposed works, the building footprint areas must be left levelled without creating drainage/ponding issues, cleared of debris and stumps & made safe. This applies to any other areas damaged during the works. 9. Preference for reinstatement of the site with topsoil and seeded grass after the proposed works. Project Constraints: 1. Asbestos is present throughout the buildings – the asbestos registers have been provided 2. The buildings have non compliances with the Disability Discrimination Act and the Building Code of Australia. 3 The whole site is a construction site with construction ongoing in building A. Access to buildings B to E will be controlled and works to buildings B to E will require some coordination with Building A contractor. Part 12: EOI Conditions
(a) Definitions – For the purposes of this EOI: a. “Council” means the Brisbane City Council, a body incorporated under the City of Brisbane Act 2010. b. “You” means a person, partnership or any other body (whether corporate or otherwise) who submits a response in accordance with this Expression of Interest. (b) Evaluation criteria - Council will evaluate responses based on responses to the questions in the EOI response form. (c) Inform Yourself – in submitting a response, You are deemed to have done so on the basis that You have: a. At Your own cost and expense, made all reasonable inquires (including inspections if required) to fully inform Yourself of all the risks, contingences and other matters which may impact on You and Your response; b. Not relied upon any representation made by the Council except where such representation is contained in or expressly made through this EOI process. (d) Council’s Discretion – by issuing this EOI, Council is under no obligation whatsoever to proceed to contract. Further, the Council may in its absolute discretion: a. vary, amend or cancel this EOI process at any time; b. apply any criteria it sees fit to the assessment of responses; c. shortlist, negotiate, interview, seek clarifications and/or modifications with all, some or none of the respondents; or d. negotiate directly to enter into a Contract; Where Council may make a decision, choice, election or finding (“decision”) during this EOI, each of those decisions will be made by Council in its sole and absolute discretion. (e) Media liaison- At all times up to and including: a. the award of contract; or b. the early termination of this EOI process; (whichever is the first to occur), Council will be solely responsible for all communications with all media in respect of the progress of this EOI. (f) Costs Borne by You All costs and expenses incurred by You in any way associated with the development, preparation and submission of the EOI response and any subsequent negotiations will be borne entirely by the You. (g) No obligation to enter into a Contract By issuing this EOI, Council is under no obligation (whether equitable or legal) to proceed either in whole or in part with the EOI. Council is not committed contractually or in any way to any person who may receive the EOI or submit a response. Expression of Interest (EOI) Response form (Revision 2)
EOI title: Potential Removal or Demolition of 4 timber buildings at the former Wynnum Central State School
Response Form
Ref Council/Project Requirements
1. Preference for all four timber buildings to be removed/demolished by the same entity.
2. Preference for all works (including any design and approval) to be funded by the successful entity
3. Preference for works to be complete by 30 June 2015.
4. Asbestos must be removed and disposed according to legislative requirements.
5. Construction works must comply with Legislative Requirements including work hours and noise limits;
6. Must have a construction safety plan so as to minimise risks to the public and workers.
7. All existing services must be capped/terminated safely.
8. After the proposed works, the building footprint areas must be left levelled without creating drainage/ponding issues, cleared of debris and stumps & made safe. This applies to any other areas damaged during the works.
9. Preference for reinstatement of the site with topsoil and seeded grass after the proposed works.
Project Constraints:
1. Asbestos is present throughout the buildings – the asbestos registers have been provided
2. The buildings have non compliances with the Disability Discrimination Act and the Building Code of Australia.
3 The whole site is a construction site with construction ongoing in building A. Access to buildings B to E will be controlled and works to buildings B to E will require some coordination with Building A contractor.
Details To complete Name of entity Entity type (i.e. company, trust, partnership, incorporated association) ABN and ACN Registered Address
Principal place of business Contact person (include name, job title, email and phone number) Tell us what you intend to do with Timber Building B: each of the four buildings (i.e. relocate or demolition). Please advise if you are Timber Building C: interested in some but not all four timber buildings. In that case, please specify which timber Timber Building D: buildings. Timber Building E:
Please advise your proposed Timber Building B: reinstatement for each timber Timber Building C: buildings. Timber Building D: Timber Building E: Tell us about your experience with experience with demolition or relocation of buildings: Do you have any references? If yes, please provide the contact details: Tell us about any benefits to the Timber Building B: community from your proposal Timber Building C: Timber Building D: Timber Building E: Can you remove/demolish the buildings by June 2015? Tell us about your proposed timings and methodology for all the required works (including design, approval, construction works and reinstatement): Do you have any of the following Relevant standards compliance and second or third party accreditations? Relevant quality policy and/or Management system plan? Relevant environment policy and/or Management system plan? Safe work method statements &/or specific health and safety instructions specific?
Schedule of items
Please advise any items and any costs that you are not prepared to take the responsibility for. Responsibility of the successful Amount $ party: Yes/No
Timber building B
Relevant Design and Approval
Works as described in your proposal
Asbestos removal/disposal
Safety/Environmental/Qualit y Documentation required by Council
Timber building C
Relevant Design and Approval
Works proposed
Asbestos removal/disposal
Safety/Environmental/Qualit y Documentation required by Council Reinstatement
Timber building D
Relevant Design and Approval
Works proposed
Asbestos removal/disposal
Safety/Environmental/Qualit y Documentation required by Council
Timber Building E
Relevant Design and Approval
Works proposed
Asbestos removal
Safety/Environmental/Qualit y Documentation required by Council