Kindergarten Reading Syllabus
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Kindergarten Reading Syllabus First Nine week
I. Reading/K. Mitchell
II. Grading Scale: E – Excellent, G – Good, S – Satisfactory, N – Needs Reinforcement, U – Unsatisfactory
III. General Outline of Topics: Week 1: Introduce Reading Centers and Routines Week 2: Unit 1 Aa /aaa/ as in ant on an apple Week 3: Unit 2 Ee /eee/ as in eel on wheels Week 4: Unit 3 Hh /hhh/ as in horse in a house Week 5: Unit 4 Kk /kkk/ as in kid in a kayak Week 6: Unit 5 Mm /mmm/ as in monkey on a mountain Week 7: Unit 6 Rr /rrr/ as in rooster on a roof Week 8: Review all introduced letters Week 9: Unit 7 Ss /sss/ as in spider in the soup
IV. Make-Up Work Procedures: Work/Assessments will be given upon
student’s return.
V. Tutoring Schedule: Faulkner students will tutor based upon their
availability, computer tutorials, peers tutors, intervention time with teacher as
VI. Communication: Weekly Newsletter, Conferences upon request, Memos,
Morningview Elementary 260-1028, email – [email protected]
VII. Materials: Readwell Kit which includes visual aids, independent work,
magazines, and homework sheets. Additional materials include pencils,
crayons, scissors, glue.
VIII. Weblinks/Resources:;; Kindergarten Reading Syllabus Second Nine week
I. Reading/K. Mitchell
II. Grading Scale: E – Excellent, G – Good, S – Satisfactory, N – Needs Reinforcement, U – Unsatisfactory
III. General Outline of Topics: Week 1: Unit 8 Ww /www/ as in worm in a wagon Week 2: Unit 9 Zz /zzz/ as in zebra in the zoo Week 3: Review units 1-9 Week 4: Unit 10 Cc /kkk/ as in cow on a cab Week 5: Unit 11 Dd /ddd/ as in dog on a doghouse Week 6: Unit 12 Ii /iii/ as in insect in the ink Week 7: Unit 13 Jj /jjj/ as in jellybean in the jar Week 8: Unit 14 Nn /nnn/ as in nurse in the night Week 9: Unit 15 Pp /ppp/ as in policeman in the park
IV. Make-Up Work Procedures: Work/Assessments will be given upon
student’s return.
V. Tutoring Schedule: Faulkner students will tutor based upon their
availability, computer tutorials, peers tutors, intervention time with teacher as
VI. Communication: Weekly Newsletter, Conferences upon request, Memos,
Morningview Elementary 260-1028, email – [email protected]
VII. Materials: Readwell Kit which includes visual aids, independent work,
magazines, and homework sheets. Additional materials include pencils,
crayons, scissors, glue.
IX. VIII. Weblinks/Resources:;; Kindergarten Reading Syllabus Third Nine week
I. Reading/K. Mitchell
II. Grading Scale: E – Excellent, G – Good, S – Satisfactory, N – Needs Reinforcement, U – Unsatisfactory
III. General Outline of Topics: Week 1: Unit 16 Tt /ttt/ as in turtle on a tightrope Week 2: Unit 17 Vv /vvv/ as in violin in the van Week 3: Unit 18 Yy /yyy/ as in yak in the yard Week 4: Short Ee and Review Ee as in ed in the engine Week 5: Unit 19 Bb /bbb/ as in bee at the beach Week 6: Review all introduced letters Week 7: Unit 20 Ff /fff/ as in flower in the field Week 8: Unit 21 Gg /ggg/ as in goose in the grass Week 9: Unit 22 Ll /lll/ as in lobster in the lighthouse
IV. Make-Up Work Procedures: Work/Assessments will be given upon
student’s return.
V. Tutoring Schedule: Faulkner students will tutor based upon their
availability, computer tutorials, peers tutors, intervention time with teacher as
VI. Communication: Weekly Newsletter, Conferences upon request, Memos,
Morningview Elementary 260-1028, email – [email protected]
VII. Materials: Readwell Kit which includes visual aids, independent work,
magazines, and homework sheets. Additional materials include pencils,
crayons, scissors, glue.
X. VIII. Weblinks/Resources:;; Kindergarten Reading Syllabus Fourth Nine week
I. Reading/K. Mitchell
II. Grading Scale: E – Excellent, G – Good, S – Satisfactory, N – Needs Reinforcement, U – Unsatisfactory
III. General Outline of Topics: Week 1: Unit 23 Oo /ooo/ as in octopus in the office Week 2: Unit 24 Qq /qu/ as in quail on a quilt Week 3: Unit 25 Uu /uuu/ as in upside-down umbrella Week 4: Unit 26 Xx /xxx/ as in X on the x-ray Week 5: Review Units 1-26 Week 6: Vowel Review Week 7: Review all introduced letters Week 8: Review all introduced letters Week 9: Review all introduced letters
IV. Make-Up Work Procedures: Work/Assessments will be given upon
student’s return.
V. Tutoring Schedule: Faulkner students will tutor based upon their
availability, computer tutorials, peers tutors, intervention time with teacher as
VI. Communication: Weekly Newsletter, Conferences upon request, Memos,
Morningview Elementary 260-1028, email – [email protected]
VII. Materials: Readwell Kit which includes visual aids, independent work,
magazines, and homework sheets. Additional materials include pencils,
crayons, scissors, glue.
XI. VIII. Weblinks/Resources:;; I have read the Kindergarten Reading Syllabus for the
2012-2013 school year.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date