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OFFICE ADDRESS: HOME ADDRESS: Department of Sociology 547 Juniper St. Whitman College Walla Walla, WA 99362 Walla Walla, WA 99362 509 529-8588 509 527-5122 email: [email protected] FAX: 509 527-5026
CURRENT POSITION: Deburgh Chair of Social Sciences; Professor of Sociology, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA.
Areas: Social Theory, Stratification and Inequality, Media and Society, Sociology of Culture, Social Control, Sociology of the Body
Ph.D. Sociology, Colorado State University (1986) Dissertation: The Bhopal Tragedy M.A. Sociology, Colorado State University (1977) Thesis: Fact and Value in Theories of Alienation B.S. Sociology, Colorado State University (1972)
Visiting Assistant to Professor, Department of Sociology, Whitman College (1987-present. Tenured and promoted to associate professor in 1992, professor 2000).
Instructor, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (Principles of Sociology) (1985-87).
Instructor, Office of Continuing Education, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (Principles of Sociology) (1986-87).
Research Associate, Hazards Assessment Lab, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Work on various U.S. Department of Energy related projects, development of computerized library retrieval system (1985-86).
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University (Assistance in Introduction to Sociology, Social Problems, Sociology of Sport) (1984- 85).
1 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University (U.S. Department of Agriculture study of rural growth and development in Colorado and Oregon and U.S. Department of Energy projects). Research Assistant on organizational cooperation and conflict in the delivery of agricultural services: funded by Department of Agriculture and Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station (1984-85).
Principles of Sociology Complex Organizations Contemporary Theory Class, Status, and Power Technology, Environment, and Society Postmodern Society and History of Social Theory Culture Seminar: Michel Foucault Social Problems Hazards and Disasters Body and Society Sociology of Everyday Life Film and Society
I have also taught regularly in Whitman College's Freshman Core (Antiquity and Modernity, Origins of Modernism), coordinated our Senior Current Issues Seminar and participated in our department's Senior Thesis Program .
Race, Class, and Gender Social Control Social Change and Development Mass Media and Communication Symbolic Interaction and Ethnomethodology
The Deburgh Chair of Social Sciences (2006) Chair, Division of Social Sciences and Education (2007-2010) Paul Garrett Fellowship for Teaching and Research Excellence (1995) USAID grant to study Bhopal chemical accident (1984) U.S. Department of Agriculture and Energy grants to study rural development in Colorado and Oregon (1985-1987) Cambridge University Fellowship Program Grant (1982)
1996 The Simulation of Surveillance: Hyper-Control in Telematic Societies. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press. (Japanese edition: Akeo Tabata, 1998)
1989 The Bhopal Tragedy: Language, Logic, and Politics in the Production of a Hazard. Boulder and London: Westview Press.
Articles and book chapters:
2 2012 “Digital Resisto(e)rs.” Reprinted in The Critical Digital Studies Reader 2nd Ed.. Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. University of Toronto Press (forthcoming).
2012 “Surface Control and Rhythmic Gesture.” Theory and Event (forthcoming).
2011 “Simulation and Post-Panopticism.” Routledge International Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Edited by David Lyon (27-54).
2010 “Digital Resisto(e)rs.” CTheory.
2009 “Control Societies and the Production of Affect.” Proceedings of the Institute of Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, Summer 2009, pp. 47-62.
2009 "Deleuze and Machines: A Politics of Technology", Pp. 1-26 in Deleuze and Technology, edited by David Savat and Mark Poster. University of Edinburg Press.
2008 "Empire of the Living Dead." Mortality 13:2 (May): 187-200.
2008 “Distraction and Digital Culture.” Reprinted in The CTheory Reader. Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. University of Toronto Press: 417-436.
2007 "Coils of a Serpent: Haptic Space and Control Societies." CTheory (
2007 “Surveillance and its Simulation,” The Surveillance Studies Reader, edited by Sean Hier and Joshua Greenberg. Open University Press: 27-54.
2006 “Surveillance Assemblages and Lines of Flight.” In Theorizing Surveillance. Edited by David Lyon. Willan Publishing : 97-122
2006 "Welcome to the Society of Control: The Simulation of Surveillance Revisited" in The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility, ed. by Kevin Hagerty. University of Toronto Press: 55-79.
2005 “Distraction and Digital Culture.” In Life in the Wires. Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. Pp. 443-460. Victoria, Canada: CTheory Books.
2003 "Four and More Types of Smoothing Machine," Thesis Eleven 73: 42-69.
2003 "Hyperfacticity and Fatal Strategies." Science Fiction Studies 30 (2): 178-9.
2002 "Simveillance and (De)stratification" in Surveillance: City, State, World: A Reader (NewYork: Routledge : 22-56)
2001 “Baudrillard, Virtual Systems and the End of the Social." Pp. 158-177 in Masters of Modern Thought: Jean Baudrillard. Edited by Mike Gane. London: Sage Publications.
3 2000 "Distraction and Social Control." CTheory: A Journal of Technology and Culture.
2000 "Smoothing Machines and the Constitution of Society." Cultural Studies 14(2): 269- 295.
2000 "Simmel in Cyberspace: Strangeness and Distance in Postmodern Communications." Space and Culture 4/5: 23-46.
1999 "Cyberspace as the Subsocial." Virtual Criminology.
1999 "Line of Flight, Line of Death." CulturalTurn.
1998 "Sense and Segmentarity: Some Markers of a Deleuzian-Guattarian Sociology." Sociological Theory 16(1): 52-74.
1996 "Reply to Van den Berg." Contemporary Sociology. Summer: 331.
1994 "Baudrillard, Time, and the End" in Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, ed. by Douglas Kellner (Oxford: Blackwell): 313-333.
1993 "The Postmodern Once More." Sociological Theory 11(2): 212-213.
1992 "Postmodernism One Last Time: A Comment on Seidman, et al." Sociological Theory 10(2): 241-243.
1991 "Discipline and Deterrence: Rethinking Foucault on the Question of Power in Contemporary Society." The Social Science Journal 28 (3): 325-346.
1991 "Daedalethics." Revised and republished in Retort, Vol. 1, No. 1. Originally published in Colorado Review 14 (2): 69-80, 1987.
1990 "Closing Down the Social: Baudrillard's Challenge to Contemporary Sociology." Sociological Theory 8 (1), Spring: 1-16.
1988 "Bringing Social Theory to Hazards Research: Conditions and Consequences of the Mitigation of Environmental Hazards." Sociological Perspectives 31(2): 147-168.
1987 "Sociology in the Absence of the Social: The Significance of Baudrillard for Contemporary Social Thought." Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (3): 227-242.
1987 "Reply to Denzin: Postmodern Social Theory." Sociological Theory 5 (Fall): 206- 209
1987 with Philip Turetzky, "Daedalethics." Colorado Review 14(2): 69-80.
4 1987 "Evaluating Chemical Hazards in the Aftermath of the Bhopal Tragedy." The International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 5(3): 223-241.
1986 "Toward an Artistic Sociology." Humanity and Society 10 (August): 319-339.
1985 (with Dennis S. Mileti and John Sorenson). "Process and Uncertainty in Evacuation." Publication TM-9692. Oak Ridge Tennessee: U.S.Department of Energy.
Reviews, Interviews, Miscellaneous:
2009 Review of Mobilities by John Urry. Surveillance and Society (forthcoming)
2006 Review of Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy by Manuel Delanda. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies.
2003 Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Interview with David Cayley for the show Ideas, one hour segment of a ten part series on surveillance (aired February 2004).
1997 "Cyberspace as the Subsocial." ASA Theory Newsletter.
1997 Review of The Guattari Reader, ed. by Gary Genesko. For the Left 20:3 (Spring).
1996 Interview with The Thing Magazine (New York). Electronic webzine:
1991 Review of Cool Memories by Jean Baudrillard. Philosophy and Literature (15:1): 155-157.
Currently in progress:
- Control Surfaces. A book length manuscript on changes in control technologies in the context of digital information and networks. Anticipated completion, summer 2012.
- “Simulation and Post-Panopticism.” Invited chapter for the International Handbook of surveillance Studies, ed. By David Lyon (Routledge 2011, forthcoming)
- “Digital Resiste/ors.” Revision of paper for CTheory Critical Digital Workshop to be published in forthcoming Critical Digital Studies Reader (U of Toronto Press).
- “The disappearance, death and rebirth of the precarious history of a file-sharing website.”
- Smoothing Machines: The Technology of the Surface. Book manuscript in progress. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Guattari, this book examines the history of smoothing technologies in their material, social, and cultural application.
Invited Presentations:
5 2009 CTheory Critical Digital Workshop, University of Victoria. Organized by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker (June).
2008 Keynote Speaker. Institute of Advanced Studies, Lancaster University. Lancaster United Kingdom. Conference on Globalization, Mobility and Security (May)
2008 Crossroads 2008. Association of Cultural Studies, Panel on Control Societies. Kingston, Jamaica (July).
2005 Plenary Speaker: Theorizing Surveillance Conference, Queen’s College, Kingston Ontario.
2003 Invited Speaker, Symposium on the New Politics of Surveillance, Vancouver, B.C. April
2002 Visiting Scholar, St. Mary's University, Halifax Nova Scotia.
2002 Invited speaker, Future Matters Conference, City College of New York.
2001 Invited Speaker, "Hazards Theory Since Bhopal," sponsored by University of Colorado Hazards Research Center, Boulder.
Conference Presentations:
2012 “Control Surface and Rhythmic Gesture.” Kafeng Deleuze International Conference. Kaifeng China, June.
2011 “Deleuze to Sun Ra and Back: Rhythm and Affect in Philosophy and Music.” 4th Annual Deleuze Studies Conference. Copenhagen, July.
2010 “Control, Affect, Resistance.” 3rd Annual Deleuze Studies Conference. Session on Artistic Rhythms. Organizer and Presenter. Amsterdam, July.
2010 “The Crisis of the Disciplines and New Models of Social Control.” Association of Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference. Hong Kong, June.
2009 “Social Networking, Resistance and Control.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August.
2008 “Haptic Control and Subjectivity.” Pacific Sociological Association, Portland OR.
2007 "Deleuze on Societies of Control." American Sociological Association, New York.
2007 "Haptic Surveillance." Pacific Sociological Association, Portland.
2005 “Surveillance and Resistance.” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia.
2005 “Note on Deleuze’s ‘Society of Control’” Pacific Sociological Association, Portland.
6 2004 “Empire of the Living Dead.” Pacific Sociological Association. San Francisco.
2003 "Deleuze, Guattari, and the problem of Stratification." Hawaii International Conference of the Social Sciences, Honolulu, June.
2003 "The Abstract Machine." Conference on Technology and the Work of Gilles Deleuze. Sponsored by St. Lawrence University.
2003 "Welcome to the Society of Control." Conference on the Politics of Surveillance and Visibility. Green College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, April.
2002 "Smoothing Machines and Societies of Control." Pacific Sociological Association conference in Vancouver, B.C., April 3, 2002.
2001 "Four Types of Smoothing Machine." Pacific Sociological Association. San Francisco (Organizer and presenter)
2000 "The Culture of Distraction." American Sociological Association. August, Washington, D.C.
2000 "Distraction and Digital Culture." Pacific Sociological Association. March, San Diego.
1999 "Smoothing Machines and the Constitution of the Social." Pacific Sociological Association. Portland, OR. (Co-author Jennifer Bean)
1998 "Line of Flight, Line of Death." American Sociological Association. August, San Francisco.
1998 "Cyberspace as the Sub-social." Pacific Sociology Association. April, San Francisco
1998 Organizer, Student Ethnography Rountable. Pacific Sociological Association. April, San Francisco.
1997 "Sense and Segmentarity: Deleuze, Guattari, and Sociology." American Sociological Association meetings, Toronto (August).
1997 "Computerization, Virtual Environments and Work." Invited presentation, Social Science Computing Association meetings, Whitman College (June)
1997 Presenter and presider. "Deleuze and Sociology" Pacific Sociological Association meetings, San Diego, April.
1996 "Simmel in Cyberspace: Strangeness and Distance in Postmodern Communications." American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, August.
7 1996 Discussant. "The Writings of Patricia Clough." American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, August.
1995 "Virtual Systems and the Thesis of the End of the Social." 2nd International Conference of Theory, Culture and Society, Berlin, August.
1995 Organizer and presider, section on Information Technology, Western Social Science Association, Oakland, April. Presenter, "Simulation Technology: Space, Time, and Agency."
1995 "Teaching Sociology at an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Institution in the 21st Century." Pacific sociological Association, San Francisco, April.
1994 "Sex, Simulation, and Surveillance." Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Los Angeles, August.
1994 "Theoretical Principles of Simulation and Surveillance." Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, April.
1993 "Simulation, Surveillance and Cyborg Work." Society for the Study of Social Problems, Miami, August.
1992 "Georges Bataille Between Fascism and Terror." 10th Anniversary Conference of Theory, Culture, and Society , Seven Springs, PA.
1992 "Sensors, Jammers and the Military Simulacrum." Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO.
1992 "Social Control in the 90s: Surveillance and Its Simulation." Western Social Science Meetings, Denver CO.
1991 "Discipline and Deterrence: Rethinking Foucault on the Question of Power." Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Irvine CA.
1990 Moderator, Roundtable on Teaching Sociological Theory to Undergraduates. Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Spokane.
1990 "Closing Down the Social: Baudrillard's Challenge to Contemporary Sociology." Presented at the annual Western Social Science Association meetings in Portland, theory section, April 26.
1989 "(Anti)Modernity, (Counter)Enlightenment, and the Exhaustion of Opposition." Presented at conference on Jean Baudrillard (Communication and the Disappearance of Art and Politics): University of Montana, May 12.
1989 Moderator and Presenter, Sociological Theory Section, Western Social Science Association Meetings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 28. "Critical Notes on the Use of Strategy in Reconstructive Research."
8 1989 "The Jazz Avant-Garde: 1960 to the Present." Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Reno, April 3, popular culture section.
1988 "Baudrillard and the Death of the Social." Presented at the Pacific Sociological Association (Las Vegas), critical theory section.
1987 "Evaluating Chemical Hazards in the Aftermath of the Bhopal Tragedy." Roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (Chicago).
1987 Organizer, Presider, and Presenter, Critical Theory section, at Pacific Sociological Association meetings, Eugene, Oregon. "Virtual Encounters: Habermas and the Research Subject."
1986 "Artistic Sociology." Presented at the annual meeting of Pacific Sociological Association, March 10, 1986, Denver, Colorado (this paper an earlier form of article appearing in Humanity and Society).
1986 "Unacknowledged Conditions and Unanticipated Consequences of Hazards Mitigation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, April 25, Reno, Nevada.
History of Technology; Surveillance and Simulation Technologies; Hazards Evaluation Research and Environmental Policy; French Social Theory; Critical Theory; Contemporary Culture and Mass Media; Body and Media.
Editorial Board, CTheory Association for Cultural Studies Deleuze Studies American Sociological Association Pacific Sociological Association Western Social Science Association Natural Hazards Research Laboratory, University of Colorado Institute of Advanced Research, Lancaster University
Reviewer (within the last two years) for:
Sociological Theory C-Theory Cambridge University Press University of Toronto Press University of Edinburg Press Routledge
9 MIT Press
Chair, Division of Social Sciences and Education, Whitman College (2007-2010) ASID Committee, Whitman College (2007-2010) Whitman Budget Advisory Committee (2007-2010) Personnel Committee, Whitman College (2004-present) Chair, Sociology Department, Whitman College (2002-present) Division 1 representative, Whitman Undergraduate Conference (2003) Whitman Information Literacy Program (January 2004) AITAG Committee (2002-2004) Baker Faculty Center Committee (2002) Board of Review, Whitman College (1999-2002) (elected) Undergraduate Conference Committee (2000-2001) Chair, Department of Sociology, Whitman College (1989-1992, 1995-1999) Library Committee, Whitman College (1997-2000) Penrose Addition Committee, Whitman College (1998-99) Environmental Studies Committee (1998-2000) Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, Whitman College (1998-2001) Faculty Representative, Presidential Search Committee, Whitman College (1993) (elected) Academic Instructional Technology Advisory Group (1994-1997) Chair, Domestic Off-Campus Study Program, Whitman College (1995-1996, continuing member 1996- ) Social Work Advisor, Whitman College (1995-1996) Personnel Committee, Whitman College (1994) (elected) General Studies Committee, Whitman College (1994-1997) (elected) Chair, Board of Review, Whitman College (term 1990-1993) (elected). Academic Council, Whitman College (term 1990-1993, 1999-2002). Faculty Committee on Fringe Benefits, Whitman College (1989-1990, 1995-1998) (elected). Co-sponsor, Gender Studies Minor Program, Whitman College (1993). Co-sponsor, Environmental Studies Major, Whitman College (1993) Coordinator, Freshman Core Program (Modernism), Whitman College (1990-1991). Co-coordinator, Critical Theory Group, Whitman College (1989) Coordinator, Cinema Arts Program, Whitman College (1987-1990, 1993-present). Committee on Aid to Scholarship and Instruction, Whitman College (1988-1989) (elected). Colorado State University, coordinator, politics and film series (1986). Department of Sociology, Colorado State University Graduate Affairs Committee (1976, 1984). Board Member, High Plains Arts Association, Fort Collins, Colorado (1983-1985). Task Force Member, Council of Governments Task Force on the Aging for Larimer and Weld Counties (1980-1982)
Numerous benefit performances for community projects (I worked as a professional jazz musician for a number of years and continue to perform in a variety of
10 contexts at school and in the community). I am a member of the Walla Walla Blues Society and participate in its instruments for kids program.
Mark Poster Arthur Kroker Department of History Department of Communications University of California at Irvine University of Victoria Irvine, CA 96202 Victoria, Canada
Dennis S. Mileti, Chair Douglas Kellner Department of Sociology Department of Philosophy University of Colorado University of Texas Boulder, CO 80305 Austin, TX 78712-1180
Patricia Clough Stephen Pfohl Department of Sociology Department of Sociology City University of New York Boston College New York, NY 10022 Boston, MA
Steven Seidman Keith Farrington Department of Sociology Department of Sociology State University of New York at Albany Whitman College Albany, New York 12222 Walla Walla, WA 99362
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