Name: Honors World History- Mr. Snead Athens Academy- Fall 2007

Study Guide: The Greeks Part II


Cosmology Philosophy Thales Pythagoras Leucippus Sophists Socrates Artete Plato Aristotle Theory of Forms/Ideals The Republic Doric Order Ionic Order Corinthian Order Tragedy Comedy Sophocles Euripides Herodotus Thucydides Aristophanes Hellenism Macedonia Philip II Alexander the Great Seleucus Ptolemy Alexandria Lysimachus Skepticism Stoicism Epicurianisnism Euclid Erastothenes Archimedas Mythology Chorus The Allegory of the Cave


1. Explain the transition from myth to reality experienced by the Greeks. 2. What were the main differences between religious thoughts/ideology of the Greeks and the Hellenistic age? 3. Why did Philosophy emerge in Greece? Why contributions did Socrates, Plato,, and Aristotle make in this field? 4. What was the purpose of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave? Do you feel that he was successful? Explain your answer. 5. Discuss the use of symbolism in Plato’s Allegory. 6. Explain the difference in the treatment of men, women, children, and slaves in Greek society. 7. Be able to identify the main parts of a Greek temple. How does Greek architecture influence the western world today? 8. Describe the emergence of the Greek Theater. How was drama presented in the days of the ancient Greeks? How does it differ from today’s productions? 9. Be able to identify and explain the major movement of Greek paints as seen through pottery. 10. Name the three main types of Greek pottery and explain the uses. 11. Be able to identify and explain the differences between Greek sculptures from the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic period. 12. What allowed for the rise of Macedonia? 13. How did the conquest of Greek city-states by the Macedonians change the world? 14. What made Alexander the Great such an effective leader? 15. Was Alexander the Great the world’s first “superstar?” 16. How did the Hellenistic world in some ways mirror the modern world?