Annual Report 2016
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Proud Annual General Meeting
If you have any queries about this report or would like a copy in an alternative format, please contact [email protected] Annual report 2016 Annual report 2016
Foreword: Steven Heyward – PCS Proud Secretary Across a variety of mediums such as the news, social media sites and personal testimonies, I can point you to incidents of prejudice, hatred and intolerance because of someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. There are also a number of incidents relating to other protected characteristics such as race, religion and belief, disability and more.
It is also saddening is that, in addition to incidents of prejudice by individuals or specific groups, Governments around the world still criminalise homosexuality which carries penalties including prison and death.
On a daily basis, employers and colleagues of PCS Proud members may make jokes about sexuality or gender identity, they may also talk inappropriately about important issues such as HIV and AIDS. There are countless members that have told me that they have reminded managers that not all gay people like Kylie Minogue’s music and that they should not make assumptions about pro-nouns or mock someone’s gender identity.
In all of the above there is one key thing that PCS Proud can do. We can continue to tell people about our campaigns, we can dispel myths and we can challenge injustice. Whether it is mobilising your branch to get active in a local issue or providing training to members in the region, we have an important role to play in ensuring LGBT rights remain on the union’s agenda.
This report seeks to tell you what PCS Proud as a group has been up to over the course of the last year but, more importantly, it will hopefully encourage you to become more involved in the work of Proud.
On a personal note, I would like to thank every single member that has undertaken work on behalf of Proud this year. From phoning High Commissions of Commonwealth countries that kill gay people to carrying PCS flags at pride events, you have been the driving force of our activity this last year and, I’m sure you’ll agree, it has been a rather successful one.
On behalf of the National Committee I would like to extend my thanks to Carl Banks, Norina O’Hare, Pam Cole who have recently left PCS. Their work has been instrumental in our ability to organise and co-ordinate on equality issues.
Ste Heyward
PCS Proud Secretary
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Introduction: Clare Bat-Or and Richard Jones (Chair and Vice Chair)
I will begin by inviting all our Members to attend our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 12th March 2016 at PCS Regional Office, New Oxford House, 16 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5UG, Commencing at 2pm.
This is your meeting. You determine the policies and activities of the group. Come along, have your say, and hear what your reps have been doing over the last year and how you can get more involved with Proud and PCS.
We hope to have a guest speaker, details of which I cannot as yet confirm. Unfortunately, due to enforced financial cutbacks, there will not be refreshments available. That said there is a small kitchen so we have access to a kettle so all is not lost!
The cost of travel and subsistence will be funded by the group to enable you to attend the AGM. We cannot fund overnight stays unless in exceptional or health circumstances and please contact us to discuss before any additional costs are incurred. Any overnights agreed are generally expected to be the night prior to the meeting, to break the travel and ensure you can attend the meeting.
Should you have any concerns or questions in respect of what can be funded by way of travel and subsistence please get in touch with Ste Heyward ([email protected]).
I send apologies to you all that I have been unavailable for much of this year and will not be standing for election at AGM as Chair. Thank you for your hard work and support as members and reps.
Clare Bat-Or - Proud Chair
This year has seen another challenging year for PCS, Proud and our members. It has not been a year without successes, but the continued attack on our ability to organise from Government changes to facilities time arrangements, check off arrangements (leading to a generally successful campaign to convert to direct debit for membership subscriptions) and the culling of our public services have led to PCS members not only being attacked in terms and conditions but actually cut from the pay roll. The election result in May 2015will only make a difficult relationship with our employers harder. Their continued attempts to attack our trade union democracy needs to be challenged and we need to ensure that we continue to make every vote count, every one of our voices be heard, be taken into account.
This report will provide a detailed update on work the group has undertaken over the year and rep’s reports will refer to the work that they have undertaken in their English region, National/Devolved region and Equality group, thank you to them for their work and support for members. But I would like to particularly thank the work of Steve Heyward as Secretary and my fellow Organisers, Dorion Griffiths and Al Robinson (who had to step back from TU work during the year) for their invaluable support to me while Clare Bat-Or has been away from the Chair’s role after her operation earlier this year.
Richard Jones – Proud Vice Chair
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Prides PCS Proud members have been, as always, enthusiastic about supporting prides that are run by the community, for the community. Proud members made their views clear about London Pride allowing the UK Independence Party to join the parade.
PCS Proud were invited to Portsmouth Pride, a community event that was run to raise awareness of LGBT issues in Portsmouth. In addition to this we are pleased to continue to support UK Black Pride which is a celebration and tackles the important issue of under-representation within the LGBT community.
PCS Proud’s Scotland reps attended Pride Edinburgh in June, sending message and photos via Twitter in solidarity with anit austerity rally taking place in Glasgow. We also attended Pride Glasgow in August with best turnout of members in recent years as we marched as part of TU block, led by STUC LGBT banner.
Proud in Parliament? Politicians are continuously in the media for things such as savage cuts to public services, expenses scandals, re-shuffles and more. However, PCS Proud members were certainly not silent when they were asking prospective parliamentary candidates to support the PCS Proud LGBT Charter. We would like to thank members for being active in holding politicians to account.
PCS Proud has also written to the Foreign Secretary on a number of occasions regarding the UKs relationship with countries that have appalling histories of LGBT rights. Whilst Mr Hammond MP is yet to reply, we are confident that we have made our views known.
Page 4 Annual report 2016 We have also contacted the High Commissions of other countries in the Commonwealth that have LGBT laws that see people die or be imprisoned for being who they are.
We also placed pressure on the Government when a trans female prisoner was placed in a male prison. We were #ProudTo be part of a campaign that saw results in the transferring of the prisoner to a ‘gender appropriate’ prison.
Trades Union Congress, Scottish Trades Union Congress and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. PCS, as always, had a fantastic intervention at the TUC and STUC LGBT conferences. Our motion, calling for a ‘charter mark’ for employers that have a good attitude, good policies and positive actions towards LGBT workers, was remitted so that the committee could discuss ways in which something like this could be implemented in future.
We spoke on many motions on trans rights, the abhorrent far right’s involvement in Pride, the Stonewall Equality Index and other motions.
At the STUC conference PCS delegates successfully moved motions on the charter mark as well as the Smith Commission and making contributions to other motions and debates.
The TUC LGBT Conference was held during the National Gallery dispute. We successfully raised over £500 in fighting fund donations so that the National Gallery Workers would be supported during the dispute.
PCS continues to be represented on TUC, STUC and ICTU committees where we have an active voice and continue to push the agenda of PCS members.
Civil Service LGBT issues PCS continues to raise issues with initiatives such as the Positive Action Pathway. The fact that the employer does not have enough statistics on LGBT workers is not, to PCS, a good enough excuse for the continued under-representation of LGBT members.
Page 5 Annual report 2016 In the Planning Inspectorate, PCS proud reps have raised issues of LGBT Phobia with the Chief Executive and management board who are proposing to take action to address a culture of LGBT Phobia.
Scotland reps met with reps in the Procurator Fiscal office (part of the Public Sector group) to discuss creation of Trans Awareness guidance along with Equality Network and Police Scotland.
PCS Proud continues to be part of the Equality Co-ordinating Committee at PCS which seeks to address equality issues in the union’s bargaining agenda.
Transgender Day of Remembrance PCS Proud would like to take this opportunity to honour those trans people who have lost their lives, or suffered prejudice and hatred because of their gender identity. Reps around the country represented PCS Proud members at lots of Trans Day of Remembrance events.
Bi-Visibility Day PCS Proud continues to work with members to dispel the myths that Bisexual people are greedy or undecided. Members of Proud took to social media and workplace events to show our support and encourage people to talk more openly about bisexuality and issues that bisexual people may face, including a huge amount of invisibility in the LGBT community. PCS Proud will continue to work to bring bi-issues to the fore.
Marriage Equality Despite same sex couples being able to ‘Civilly’ marry in England, Wales and Scotland, the same cannot be said for those in Northern Ireland. Tribute must be paid to David Halliday and Gareth Lee for continuing to support Proud members by being active, on PCS’ behalf in marriage equality campaigns.
One notable key point about the continued campaign in Northern Ireland is that PCS Proud reps and members ensured that the Rainbow Flag flew from Customs House in Belfast during Belfast Pride.
MOVING FORWARD There is a lot of prejudice and division around the world but gains have been made in furthering LGBT rights. The only reason that gains have been made is because people have stood together and fought for better treatment.
There needs to be a continued campaign that pushes the principles of the PCS LGBT Charter. From politicians to the Civil Service to the Commonwealth, it is the responsibility of every member of the LGBT community to stand up for each other and oppose all forms of hatred.
Page 6 Annual report 2016 Whatever the case may be, it is important that you are #ProudTo fight for LGBT rights.
Steven Heyward
On behalf of the PCS Proud National Committee
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