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Date Of Meeting: 22 July 2000
Attendance Name Representing Sector Phone Nr. Email(unclassified) CDR Lynne Gaudreau DON CIO Lead 703.607.5581 [email protected] Mel Rushing DON CIO Support 703.601.1986 [email protected] Bill Bramer NCIS Assessments 202.433.9092 [email protected] Brian Kelly HQMC/C4I DII/C3 703.604.7038 [email protected] Steve Anderson HQMC/I&L Public Works 703.695.8321 [email protected] LCDR Jim Pettigrew N633 Space 703.601.1217 [email protected] CAPT Al Efraimson NAVSPACE Space 540.653.6100 [email protected] Marilyn Overton NSC Space 540.653.6544 [email protected] CDR Lynne Title N643 DII/C3 703.601.1414 [email protected] CDR Jeff Friar N462 Public Works 703.601.1629 [email protected] LCDR Steve Bell N461 Public Works 703.601.1635 [email protected] CAPT Bob Lee N41B Log/Trans 703.604.9933 [email protected] Carl King MSC Transportation202.685.5506 [email protected] Russ Krause MSC Transportation202.685.5368 [email protected]
Sectors Not Represented: USN USMC
Personnel X X Health Affairs X N/A Logistics X ISR X Note: Financial and Navy ISR representatives reported in advance
1. Introductions/Roll Call
Welcome to new Team members:
o LCDR Jim Pettigrew N633 Space o LCDR Steve Bell N461 Public Works o CAPT Bob Lee N41B Logistics and Transportation o Russ Krause MSC Transportation 2. National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee Tabletop Exercise
Reporting – CDR Gaudreau and CDR Title Note: This is a short extract from CDR Title’s written summary, which she will share in whole when cleared by her organization.
The National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee (NSTISSC) sponsored a Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) tabletop exercise 16-17 June 2000. Exercise scenario was updated by Rand Corporation from a US-UK Y2K exercise they ran in 1998. There were more than 80 participants - several SES, many O5/O6 equivalents; including representatives from across the DOD and government spectrum, but no private industry reps. Methodology: parallel processing of 3-step exercise by six workgroups, with report-out to the whole by group moderators after each step. Scenario: Eastern European cyber attack on US utility network and air traffic control systems.
3. Report from OSD CIPIS Working Group Meeting of 21 June 2000
FY 00/01 Budget o FY01 baseline has been reduced, at the direction of ASD(C3I) to $31.45M. A breakout was not provided. An offset within the Physical Security budget has been identified. CIP Classification Manual o Will be released within the week. (Note: DON CIP WG members reported that the guide is viewable on the CIPIS website: DOD Directive 5160.54 Critical Infrastructure Protection o One non-concur remains. o LTCOL Neary does not plan to issue a re-coordination draft because the recommended changes were considered non-controversial. (The CIPIS Working Group requested that a re-coordination draft be released.) OSD Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer (CIAO) Council o Scheduled for 10 July o An agenda has not been developed o CDR Vetter may recommend slipping the meeting for lack of agenda and leadership commitment National Plan for Physical Infrastructure Protection o Companion to National Plan for Information Systems Protection o October release projected International Outreach – Host Nation Support o Deborah Corbett described OSD’s plan o Based on Y2K experience using same network o Objective to make CIP a CINC-pull program rather than the current OSD-push Defense Infrastructure Sector Assurance Plan Update o Integrated Plan (JPO-STC) . Progress being made . Input and extracts requested o Sector Reports . Space Extracts are almost completed . Transportation Classified extract with Sector CIAO . Logistics Still in coordination with the services No completion date Approximately 25% of sector characterization is completed. Effort on hold due to lack of contractor support . DII/C3 Version I with Sector CIAO – release date not specified Milestone completion dependent on resourcing Version II drafting has commenced . ISR Submitted . Financial Coordinating draft to be delivered 21 June . Health Affairs Submission within two weeks estimated . Personnel Version I with Sector CIAO Need service POCs identified . Public Works Submitted w/extracts 6/15
Sector Updates o Space . BG Campbell new CIAO . TDY funding for AO exhausted o Transportation . National Infrastructure Protection Center Transportation Conference 100 FBI agents attended Key asset data base “impossible to use” . Recommended inviting NIPC to brief CIPIS o Logistics . Requested an intelligence community assessment of the Defense Automated Addressing System Center . Speculated on whether another Tidewater (P1) type study would help generate greater support for CIP . Proposed meeting to discuss “Other Protection Activities” (CDR Vetter agreed to schedule within 3 weeks) o DII/C3 . Sector CIAO objective is to operationalize the DISAP. DISAP analysis will pinpoint what needs fixing first o ISR . A classified ASD(C3I) study of recent physical infrastructure failures affecting intelligence community operations reported a “scathing indictment” of technology management . NSTISSC Tabletop Exercise was “interesting and fun” leading to wide consensus that somebody needs to be put in charge of CIP at the national level . A cyber incident steering and working group is being considered . The ultimate objective of CIP is to determine the “minimum essential infrastructure” to maintain public operations o Financial . The Financial Management Council is being briefed by the Sector CIAO today . Ultimate objective of CIP is to determine the “minimum essential infrastructure” to maintain public operations o Health Affairs . BG Clinton is the CIAO . Requested report on PACNORWEST medical facilities . Services are being left alone because there are no resources to follow up o Personnel . Requested response from ASD(C3I) on comments to draft DODD 5160.54… wants authority to task written into the directive o Public Works . Sector CIAO is set . A senior level CIP briefing is scheduled for 5 July . Requested a substantive debrief on the sector aspects of PACNORWEST
DLA Host (Ms. Christine Gallo) Speaks o Expressed belief in the necessity for CIP and is confident of ultimate success o Offered DLA assistance where possible o Acknowledged the value of having the Navy’s CAPT Lee engaged in the effort
Discussion o PACNORWEST: A substantive update will be provided at the next CIPIS Workshop
4. DON Planning
SECNAVINST – Still in draft ALNAV – Still in draft DON CIO website – Up and operational at DON CIP Council o 9 June Memorandum for Distribution was distributed. (Agenda is attached to the forwarding email) Read ahead will be issued between 17 and 19 July o Council Membership list was distributed (attached to forwarding email 5. DISAP Reports
Communication with OSD – Proactive involvement with OSD Sector Leads strongly encouraged. Status of DISAPs – The following completed actions are noted (a summary report is attached to the forwarding email): o Transportation o Space o DII/C3 – USN and USMC o ISR – USN o Logistics - USMC
6. CIPIS Execution Plan
Displayed without ensuing discussion
7. CIP Action Officer Topics
None noted
8. Discussion
The Final After Action Report for the CIP Analysis and Assessment Prototype (P1) was distributed
9. Next Meeting – 20 July, 1400-1600, Presidential Towers - 1100A
Memorandum for the Distribution List of 9 June 00 Subject: Department of the Navy Critical Infrastructure Planning Council Meeting
Updated Lists:
DON CIP Council DON CIP Working Group DISAP Concurrence