Thursday 5 June 2014 Event Partners
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Young Engineers & Science Clubs Celebration of Engineering and Science 2014
Thursday 5 June 2014 Event Partners Murrayfield Stadium Edinburgh, EH12 5PJ
Your club is invited to compete in the 2014 Celebration of Engineering and Science which will be held on Thursday 5 June at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. The day is a fantastic opportunity for up to 60 Young Engineers and Science Clubs from all over Scotland, both primary and secondary, to display their projects, compete for a range of great prizes including the title “Club of the Year 2014” (£750 prize plus trophy – secondary, £500 plus trophy - primary), and compete in a series of fun 3 minute STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) challenges set by around 20 companies. Around 600 young engineers, teachers and companies from all over Scotland are expected to attend our Celebration.
There will be loads going on at our Celebration including:
Judging of the Junior Saltire Awards, Weir 3D Engineering Challenge, Heather’s Hut and Carbon Capture and Storage Judging of the National Science and Engineering Competition (subject to eligibility) Finals of the Ping Pong Pentathlon Judging of the Club of the Year Awards STEM three-minute challenges undertaken by every team (providing you have 4-6 in your team and are also showcasing your projects) Drop-in activities Awards Ceremony in the Stadium!
Thanks to the generous support of our Celebration partners, we are able to cover travel/accommodation (if applicable) expenses for our Clubs showcasing at our Celebration as well as Junior Saltire finalists. Please note that clubs must showcase their projects in order to qualify for travel expenses.
7.00 am – 9.30 am Arrival and set-up at the Murrayfield Stadium – all must be set-up and ready by 9.30 am. A display panel and table will be provided for each school. Power and internet access will be available if requested in advance
9.30 am – 2.00 pm Judging of Club Awards, Junior Saltire, Weir 3D Engineering Challenge, Heather’s Hut, Ping Pong Pentathlon, National Science and Engineering Competition STEM three-minute Challenges Hands-on activities
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm Awards Ceremony Awards presented by Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism PRIZE CATEGORIES
Celebration prizes awarded on the day will include:
LRF Club of the Year - secondary: £750 and a trophy LRF Club of the Year – primary: £500 and a trophy
STEM Challenge Winner Primary £250 and a trophy STEM Challenge Winner Secondary £500 and a trophy
Dr Swanston Memorial Prize for Best Individual Achievement £100 and a trophy
BT Scotland Award for Best Club Presentation £250
LRF Ping Pong Pentathlon – Secondary Winner £250 LRF Ping Pong Pentathlon – Primary Winner £250
Weir 3D Engineering Challenge – Winner Prizes tbc Weir 3D Engineering Challenge – Runner-up
Heather’s Hut Winner £300 Heather’s Hut Highly Commended £150
Junior Saltire Prize Award Primary Winner £500 and Saltire Medal Junior Saltire Prize Award Primary Highly Commended £250 Junior Saltire Prize Award Secondary S1-S3 Winner £600 and Saltire Medal Junior Saltire Prize Award Secondary S1-S3 Highly Commended £300 Junior Saltire Prize Award Secondary Winner £750 and Saltire Medal Junior Saltire Prize Award Secondary Highly Commended £350
ENTRY GUIDELINES: To be eligible for the Club of the Year Awards, you should showcase more than one project. Only clubs registered with Young Engineers and Science Clubs prior to 31 March are eligible to compete at the Celebration. Projects like Junior Saltire, Heather’s Hut etc can also be part of your general showcase to present to judges if you are selected separately as finalists in these categories. Shortlisted Junior Saltire and Heather’s Hut finalists will be notified in early May. A maximum of 6 Club members (mixed gender if possible!) can represent each Club. Please note that Junior Saltire finalists are limited to 4 team members. Spaces at the Ping Pong Pentathlon final are limited and priority will be given to showcasing schools. Also we cannot cover transport/accommodation costs of schools participating in the Ping Pong Pentathlon only. You must return your attendance form by Wednesday 14 May. Please note that whilst we hope to accommodate all who would like to take part, we will confirm your place w/b 19 May. If we are oversubscribed then the range of projects you are exhibiting will be taken into consideration so it is important to summarise your projects on the attendance form. Travel expenses will be reimbursed for the cheapest means of travel for up to 6 pupils (4 for Junior Saltire) plus accompanying staff. All travel claims need to be approved in advance – if approval is not sought in advance we will be unable to process your claim. Receipts will be also be required and you are asked to source the cheapest means of travel – eg in some cases this will be public transport. If a private car is used a mileage allowance of 25p per mile will be available. Please email an estimate of your travel costs to [email protected] by 23 May. Also please note that it may be possible to share transport, especially from outlying areas. Packed lunches, water and crisps will be provided for showcasing clubs. Please note that all other food and drink requirements will be each Club’s responsibility. Overnight accommodation with breakfast will be available free of charge for those Clubs travelling from far afield (Highlands, Aberdeenshire, Shetland Isles, Orkney Islands, Western Isles). As above, other food and drink requirements will be each Club’s responsibility. Please notify accommodation requirements as soon as possible and by Wednesday 14 May [email protected] and attach the Accommodation Form with full details.
For the Club Awards, your display should illustrate the range of activities and projects undertaken by your Young Engineers/Science/STEM club during the 2013/14 session and any assistance/sponsorship from local businesses, emphasising key project features and investigations using photos, graphics and text. A table and display panel measuring 0.9 x 1.2 m will be provided and Velcro supplied.
Something interactive on your stand for other clubs to have a go at would also be great!
A friendly group of 3 or 4 judges will spend 10 minutes with each Club. Each Club is asked to prepare a 3-minute (max) presentation to introduce its activities activities. You may wish to include a powerpoint presentation – if so, please supply your own equipment. A power supply and internet access are available if requested in advance on the Attendance Form.
Clubs will be judged on the following:
Teamwork – enthusiasm for projects, understanding of projects, use of research and resources, ability to overcome problems, entrepreneurial skills and communication. Project(s) – originality/creativity, consideration of alternatives, construction, testing, documentation, marketing, ethical/social/environmental considerations Showcase – effectiveness of presentation, range of activities, originality, level of effort.
For further information please contact:
Jane Martin or Julie Fleming Programme Director Projects Executive Young Engineers and Science Clubs Young Engineers and Science Clubs T. 0141 222 9733 T: 0141 222 9734 Mob: 07969 354 350 Email: [email protected] Fax: 0141 221 2835 Email: [email protected] @scdiYESC