Call for International Consultant
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Request for Tenders, November 2013 Call for International Consultant For the preparation of the Dilijan National Park Management Plan 2015-2019
1.0 Introduction
Pursuant to a "Mandate for Preparation of Dilijan National Park MP" (the Mandate) signed between the Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) and the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia (MoNP), CNF has been mandated by MoNP to commission support for the process of developing a revised Management Plan (MP) for Dilijan National Park, Republic of Armenia. The main objectives are: To identify the key issues facing the National Park.
Engage, involve and consult with the key partners in preparation of the MP.
Draft a consultation version of the MP with policies based on the issues identified, evidence gathered and incorporating actions identified by partners.
Assist with the consultation process.
Organize public consultations for draft and final versions.
Lead in preparing the final version of the MP.
A key output from this work will be the production of a revised MP, but CNF, supported by MoNP, is seeking the following specific outcomes:
A MP that has a clear vision, was created using a participatory approach to international and local standards, and is owned and supported by partners/stakeholders.
Buy in and engagement of local communities and environmental society.
Improved internal zoning of the National Park.
Long term planning and program budgeting at PA level. Specifically, the MP should contain an activity schedule linked to an operational plan and budget that can be used as a workplan by the PA and Ministry.
2.0 Background
1 The Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) is a conservation trust fund founded in 2007 with the support and encouragement of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Development Bank KfW, Conservation International (CI) and WWF. As part of its program to improve the financial sustainability and management effectiveness of the Protected Area (PA) system in Armenia, CNF is supporting Dilijan National Park in preparing a long-term integrated Management Plan for the PA. CNF works in partnership with the MoNP, the Transboundary Joint Secretariat (TJS) and WWF as well as other stakeholder institutions.
Dilijan National Park was legally established in 2002, on the basis of the State Nature Reserve, which in turn was established in 1958. The site forms part of the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is renowned for its oak and beech forests, unique yew grove and cultural monuments. The park is visited by numerous tourists annually. Dilijan town, with a population of about 16,000, is the main community and is surrounded by the park territory. Government development plans for Dilijan include the promotion of the town as a financial center and support for the creation of an international school. A mapping and rezoning exercise was recently undertaken to increase the size of the core zone of the park, but the internal zoning needs further improvement.
The revision of the Dilijan Management Plan is required due to the expiration of the existing management plan, which was developed from 2004-2006 in the framework of the MoNP “Natural Resources Management and Poverty Reduction” Project. This project was financed by Global Environment Fund (GEF) and the plan was confirmed by RA Government Decree number 204-N in 18.01.2007. This MP was valid until 2011.
3.0 Methodology
The preparation of the Dilijan Management Plan will be the responsibility of an International Consultant, who will work together with the “Dilijan” National Park” SNCO (DNP SNCO) as National Coordinating Partner under the guidance of CNF, in collaboration with MoNP and other stakeholder institutions. The International Consultant can hire other short-term Consultants upon necessity.
The MP will be developed in accordance with the conditions in the attached Terms of Reference (TOR) at Annex A. The report is to be written and delivered in English and Armenian.
Tenders should clearly set out the methodology proposed, taking into account the collaboration with the National Coordinating Partner, in order to deliver the outcomes sought and meet the timetable. As described in the TOR, the MP is to be developed in a participatory process that involves a conflict assessment. Each International Consultant applying for the tender will have to suggest its methodology
2 and working plan in this regard, which must conform to international and local guidelines (local guidelines are available upon request).
A Mandate Agreement (Mandate Agreement) will be agreed with the International Consultant following his selection. As part of the Mandate Agreement, the International Consultant, CNF and the MoNP will agree the final methodology, the scope of the work and working plan.
3.1 The international Consultant has ultimate responsibility for: 1. preparing the MP according to the TOR (Annex A),
2. reviewing of the scope of the tasks during the inception phase of the project,
3. coordinating the work of the National Coordinating Partner and any local Consultants used in creating the MP,
4. ensuring that the Dilijan MP is prepared, consulted and approved in due time, to the agreed budget and according to international and national standards,
5. collaboration with the stakeholders of Dilijan National Park and for coordinating the organization and implementation of public discussions,
6. with the support of the National Coordinating Partner, obtain the positive expertise decision on the Management Plan by MoNP and the “Environmental Expertise” SNCO and its approval by the government,
7. ensuring that the methodology and steps planned in Annex A are respected.
The International Consultant should have experience in developing management plans in countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union (preferably in South Caucasus countries), be highly knowledgeable of conservation management, participatory planning and team leading, and should speak English. It will be an advantage, but is not required, for the Consultant to speak Russian and/or Armenian.
CNF will accept proposals from organizations as well as individuals or teams of individuals, however in the case of a proposal by a team of individuals the team leader should comply with the above requirements.
3.2 The National Coordinating Partner: DNP SCNO will act as a National Coordinating Partner for the International Consultant. DNP SCNO is the responsible state authority for the management of Dilijan National Park. CNF will sign a grant agreement with MoNP and DNP SNCO (Grant Agreement) stating its responsibilities for implementation of this task.
3 The National Coordinating Partner will be responsible to;
1. Assist the International Consultant in implementation of the tasks described in this tender announcement and the ToR (Annex A),
2. Collect, revise and provide all necessary local information to the International Consultant,
3. Liaise with the relevant people from MoNP, local communities, environmental specialists and other stakeholders during the whole management planning process,
4. Assist in organization of public discussions, solicit and incorporate comments on the draft MP report from MoNP, local communities, NGOs and other stakeholders,
5. Arrange the translation of the draft and final MP into the Armenian,
6. Other tasks according to the ToR and Grant Agreement.
The further division of work between the International Consultant and National Coordinating Partner can be revised and updated as part of the Mandate Agreement.
4.0 Timetable
Tender documents should identify the proposed timeline for delivery of work under the contract. The milestones sought are:
February-April 2014 Initial Meetings and evidence gathering May 2014–June 2014 Prepare consultation draft Begin July 2014 Issue consultation version of MP Mid-July 2014 1st Consultation Phase September 2014 Report back and agree amendments October 2014 2nd Consultation Phase November-December 2014 Produce final version of MP (subject to approval) January 2014 Approval from CNF, MP and submission to “Environmental Expertise” SNCO February 2015 Approval by “Environmental Expertise” SNCO
Capacity to deliver this timeline is a key consideration.
4 5.0 Contract Award
The International Consultant will be chosen by a Commission created by order of the RA Minister of Nature Protection consisting of representatives of MoNP and CNF. Interviews with potential candidates can be organized by either in person or via Skype to explore methodology, knowledge and relevant experience more fully.
The contract award will be made following evaluation of the following criteria and others deemed relevant by the Commission: 1. Evidence of knowledge of the subject
2. Relevant, evidenced experience 3. Knowledge of PAs in post Soviet or Soviet countries 4. Methodology statement and capacity to deliver against timetable 5. Cost The Commission reserves the right not to make any appointment and not to accept the lowest tender. Please note that any costs or expenses incurred in preparing and presenting your tender are at your own risk. As part of the contract award process, the Commission and the selected bidder will agree and sign the Mandate Agreement.
6.0 Budget
Your tender should provide a clear breakdown of costs for each element of the work. It should address the requirements of the brief, including full details of the methods and techniques proposed to be used and a proposed outline programme for the completion of the work, and any VAT or similar taxes that will be included in your invoice.
CNF's available budget for the International Consultant is Euro 50 000. The International Consultant would be responsible for commissioning such studies as may be required under the Mandate Agreement with the prior approval of CNF.
7.0 Submission of Tenders
Please submit tenders in writing and send to [email protected], to be received by close of business on December 15 2013. Submissions received after that date will not be considered.
5 Your tender should contain details on the following:
Methodology. This should include your understanding of the work required, the scope of different tasks, your comments on the ToR, your proposed approach, main activities, your protocol for keeping expenses and travel to a minimum and any issues you would need to address.
Proposed Timeline.
Background and Experience, including details of key staff who would be involved in this contract, their relevant experience and the role that each would play in delivering this contract. Curriculum vitae of each key team member should be provided.
Company structure and resources available, including contingency plans in the event of non- availability of staff.
Contact details for references from two current or recent relevant projects.
Costing (please provide a detailed breakdown)
The size of the proposal should not exceed 10 pages.
Questions about the tender can be sent prior to 25th November 2013 to the above mentioned e-mail address.
The decision on the winning tender is expected to be taken by January 25 2014 and the contract awarded February 15, 2014.
Further Information
Any queries about the invitation to quote should be addressed to [email protected] .
Annex A – TOR Annex B – Map of PAs of Armenia method=getOriginalImage&uImgID=%26%2AR%28%27%20NO0%0A Annex C –TOR for Dilijan NP