Principal S March Newsletter
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Principal’s March Newsletter
Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation will occur on Thursday, May 1, 2014. All children who live in the Dr. Sally K. Ride attendance area and who will be at least five years old on or before September 1, 2014, are invited to join us for Kindergarten Orientation. Please contact the main office to request a registration packet, so we can plan appropriately for orientation.
Maryland School Assessment- Grades 3, 4 & 5
The dates for our students to take the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) are as follows:
March 3 & 4 Grades 3 and 4 Reading March 5 & 6 Grade 5 Reading March 7 & 10 Grades 3 and 4 Math March 11 & 12 Grade 5 Math
It is extremely important that your child is in attendance during the Maryland School Assessment. This is a time where our children can show what they know. Please take this into consideration when scheduling appointments that would require for your child to be out of school. Please make sure that your child gets a good night’s rest, has a healthy breakfast and arrives to school on time.
Head Start and Pre-K Registration
Starting in March and throughout the summer, the Montgomery County Public Schools Head Start and Prekindergarten programs are recruiting children who will be 4 years old by September 1, 2014, for the 2014–2015 school year. Prekindergarten and Head Start programs provide comprehensive services including preschool education, health and social services, and parent involvement for low-income families, including children with disabilities.
Walk-in applications are being accepted Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Rocking Horse Road Center, 4910 Macon Road, in Rockville. Call the Prekindergarten/Head Start Unit at 301-230-0676 for information about documents parents must bring to complete the registration and for a list of additional registration locations and times. Information also is on the MCPS web site.
2014 Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented Students
The Maryland State Department of Education has announced the upcoming Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented Students. Programs are available for students entering Grades 3 through 12. The Maryland Summer Centers program offers unique instructional experiences for gifted and talented students and gives them the opportunity to work in settings and with resources not available during the regular school year. Centers are located throughout the state and offer one- or two-week residential and non- residential programs with a focus on the fine and performing arts, science, mathematics, environmental science, technology, computer science, creative writing, world languages and culture, engineering, and physics. Brochures and application forms are available on the MSDE website: For more information, contact Stephanie Zenker at 410, 767-0821 or [email protected].
Parents of Grade 2 Students
Our school is in the process of gathering information about students to plan for the upcoming school year, including screening for gifted and talented programming. You have the opportunity to observe your child in a different setting and may notice special skills or qualities that may or may not be evident in the classroom. School staff wants to consider information you can provide to plan for your child’s instructional program. You will receive the parent input form in the mail during the week of March 3, 2014. Please return the completed form to school within a week of receiving it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Wilberding.
Parent Engagement Survey
MCPS will be conducting a parent engagement survey, beginning on March 1 that will focus on parent and guardian perceptions of their child’s school and education. The information provided will help our schools better understand your involvement in your child’s education and improve connections between schools and families. A random sample of families at all grade levels in each MCPS school will be asked to participate in the survey. If you are selected, the information will be sent directly to your home with instructions on how to complete the survey. The survey will be available March 1 through May 24, 2014.
March 2014 Dates
March 4 PTA Meeting, 6:30, African American History Celebration, 7:00 March 3-12 Maryland School Assessments (MSA), Grades 3, 4 and 5 March 5 & 6 1st Grade Field Trip to Kingsley Env. Center March 17-21 Jump Rope for Heart in PE March 21 PTA Science Fair March 27 Third Marking Period Ends March 28 Professional Day for Teachers, No School for Students March 31 5th Grade Science MSA ACTION DUE: May 2, 2014
Placement of Students in Classes at Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary School 2014‐2015
With the ending of the current school year quickly approaching, thoughts turn to the placement of students in classes for the next school year. Your child’s current teacher will bring all she or he knows about your child’s individual needs and capabilities to the placement decision, as we complete a thorough articulation process for each and every student. Parental input is also valued in the decision making process and the attached form can be used to provide the school with such information. In addition, this optional input form will be passed on to your child’s new teacher in the fall.
The process of composing classes for the coming year is a task that we take very seriously. It is important to ensure a productive classroom environment for your child as well as for all children. Most importantly, the Sally Ride teachers want you to know that we are committed to providing classrooms in which each child will have the opportunity for learning and personal growth. In order to build balanced and heterogeneous classes for the coming year, we must blend three different components: the individual child, the class composition as a whole, and the balance among classes at each grade level. The variables included in this complex task include:
• relationships among individual children
• gender, ethnicity and race
• a balance of students’ various learning and working styles
• compatibility between the individual child’s learning style and needs and the classroom environment
• heterogeneity of students’ academic achievement levels • the varying degrees of adult assistance needed by children for successful learning
Your child’s teacher knows how your child works and learns in a classroom. As parents, you know your child best as an individual. We value your insights regarding your child’s learning style and social needs. Your insight and input can be recorded below by answering the following questions found on this form.
It should be noted that this form is not a teacher request form. Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary School values parental input and precludes specific teacher requests in our process for class placement. This optional form is a way of offering an opportunity for those of you who wish to provide parental input.
In order for the staff to consider information on this form, it would be most helpful to submit this form to your child’s current teacher no later than Friday, May 2nd. Further confidential concerns may be addressed in writing to the principal: [email protected]
We expect that parents will trust and respect the judgment of the staff in making placement decisions. Although many variables are involved in class placement, school staff must determine final placement. We appreciate your support in our efforts to best serve the instructional needs of your child.
Staff work together to draft initial groupings and class lists in June, but these are not finalized until late in the summer when we have the most up- to-date enrollment information. Class lists will be posted at the Open House on Friday, August 22, 2014. Thank you for your assistance in this very important process. ACTION DUE: May 2, 2014
Student Name; Current School:
Current Teacher: Current Grade:
1. What are your child’s learning strengths?
What are your child’s learning challenges/needs?
2. How does your child best demonstrate understanding and knowledge? (for example: by writing, through oral discussion, auditory/visual, via projects, art, hands-on, etc.) 3. What is an important variable for your child when determining class placement? (For example: being with (or separate from) a close friend, a match between teaching style and learning style, etc.)
4. What is important in creating a positive and productive learning environment for your child? (for example: high/low structure, class climate, etc.)
5. Health or behavior issues that affect my child’s learning.
6. Is there anything else we should know about your child?
Please return this form no later than Friday, May 2, 2014 to Sally Ride Elementary. Additional concerns may be addressed by writing a confidential letter directly to the principal: [email protected].