AP Biology Essays-

There are two types of essays.

The first is the Scientific American article response essay.

These should be a 1-2 page summary of the article followed by .5- 1 page response to the article.

What does this mean? The summary should highlight key ideas(not just bullets) and quotes should be indicated if you use the words of the author. The response is how does this article change or clarify or support your thoughts. How does it fit with your life or those around you.

The second essay is a free response question from previous AP Exams – The first one will be about evolution. This will require you to do some research. Each of these papers needs at least 3 references(document these on a reference page), one may be your textbook. For the first one I will give you a list of ideas you should incorporate. These papers should be between 3 and 4 pages long.

All essays sent electronically – with name of the article and your name on the subject line.

Papers are due by 5 PM on the Monday assigned.

Each paper will be worth 40-60 points.

The first Scientific American Article-The Growing Menace From Superweeds will be worth 40 points