National Young Ambassador Steering Group & Leadership Academy Application 2016/17

Deadline for applications- Sunday 17th July

All applications to be sent to [email protected]

The application has five sections:

- Personal Details

- Questions to support your application

- Expression of interest to be a YA representative at Sport Wales Board meetings

- Your availability to attend training & meetings

- Additional information- parent/guardian consent and Teacher/Lecturer supporting statement

Personal Details Personal details Name: Date of Birth: School/College/University year (please state): Address:

Postcode: Guardian name: Guardian telephone number: Telephone (home): Email address: School name:

School address:

Young Ambassador contact at school or college/Teacher/5x60 name:

Question 1

What have I done to impact on ‘every child hooked on sport for life’ in the last 12 months as a Young Ambassador? (max 100 words) Question 2

What skills and qualities would I bring to the group? (max 100 words)

Question 3

Why do I want to be part of the National Young Ambassador Steering Group & Leadership Academy? (max 100 words) Sport Wales Board – Expression of interest to be a YA representative

The Sport Wales Board is looking to recruit a Young Ambassador from the newly appointed National Steering Group to join the Board for a year.

The successful Young Ambassador won’t be an official member, but will be a YA representative with observer status. This means that you won’t be able to vote on decisions, but will be able to contribute to discussion.

This is a fantastic opportunity and it would look great on your CV or University application. You will be expected to attend all Board meetings (dates listed below). Travel expenses and accommodation will be provided.

 12-13 September (Plas Menai, North Wales)

 21-22 November (Cardiff)

 January 2017 – date tbc (Cardiff)

 May 2017 – date tbc (venue tbc)

If you are interested in extending your application to be considered as the YA representative on the Sport Wales Board, please mark the box below:

I would like to be considered for this position Your Availability

Please state your availability to attend the following National Leadership Academy training sessions and steering group meetings (to get the most of the National Leadership Academy it would be beneficial to commit to all 3 training sessions but we appreciate this may not always be possible):

Proposed dates for National Leadership Academy Training: Are you available? (please highlight):

Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th September 2016

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th November 2016

Thursday 16th & Friday 17th February 2017 (Half-term)

Proposed Dates for National Steering Group Meetings:

Wednesday 17th August @ Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff

Thursday 20th October 2016 (evening meeting to prepare for Conference)

Wednesday 7th December 2016 (Venue tbc)

Wednesday 15th March 2017 (Venue tbc)

Additional Information

Tick this box to declare that the information you have given in this form is correct to the best of your knowledge

Signed: Name of Young Ambassador: Date: To be completed by parent/carer/guardian I am the parent/guardian/carer of the above named young person and hereby give my permission for my child/ward to submit an application for the National Young Ambassador Steering Group and Leadership Academy I consent to my child/ward being a member of the National Young Ambassador Steering Group and Leadership Academy should their application be successful and understand this will involve my child/ward: - Attending three residential training sessions which may require overnight stay from September 2016 to February 2017 - Attending National Steering Group Meeting which may also require overnight stay from August 2016 – June 2017 - Please note the Youth Sport Trust will pay for all travel, accommodation and food.

Signed: Name: Date:

To be completed by teacher/lecturer, for example: Head of year, Head of PE, Form tutor

In a maximum of 100 words please provide a statement supporting the above named application to join the National Young Ambassador Steering Group & Leadership Academy

Signed: Name: Date: Additional Information

Data being collected by the Youth Sport Trust will be stored and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998

If you have any queries please contact Ella Ferguson – 07825 065186

If you have any queries relating to the application please contact: [email protected]

Submission Details

Please return this application form to [email protected] or post to:

Emma Roberts, Young Ambassadors Wales Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens Cardiff CF11 9SW

Deadline for submission: Sunday 17th July