Delaware Reformed Church Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here! If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in February 14, 2016 the offering. ______Birth-4 Nursery is available beginning at 9:15 and throughout the service. Serving in the nursery today is Jan & Janell. Prelude Madeline Loewe Please welcome Robert Miedema as our guest speaker today. Announcements This Week: Call to Worship Wednesday: Youth Group 7:00pm

Valentines Supper is tonight at 5:30pm. Free will spaghetti supper! This is a Praise & Worship LIFE youth group fundraiser for Power Connection Youth Conference in Minneapolis “Jesus Loved Even Me” Hymn #357 and missions. See you there! “In My Heart There Rings a Melody” Hymn #514 Congregational Meeting: There will be a special congregational meeting on Opening Prayer Monday, February 22nd at 7:00pm to discuss and vote on the call of our next pastor. Please make plans to attend. Children’s Story Janell Horner Thank you to the search team, consistory, and congregation of Delaware Hymn “In My Heart There Rings a Melody” Hymn #515 Reformed Church for the wonderful expression of hospitality that you demonstrated to Julie and I last weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed our time and Congregational Prayer conversations with you. Also, I would like to especially thank one of the children who presented me a colored picture after our time of worship. I don’t have a Scripture Luke 5:1-11 name of the child, but please know I appreciate the picture! Thanks so much, Gary and Julie Hegstad

Message “Let’s Go Fishing – For the Catch of a Lifetime” Children’s Ministry Opportunity: Could you handle 10-12 preschoolers and

teach them a Sunday School lesson? Could you help one of our awesome Worship in Tithes & Offering preschool teachers work with our very large and active group of little ones? We are still looking for volunteers to step in on Sunday mornings. No prep, just Doxology & Offertory Prayer Madeline Loewe show up and serve! Talk to Jo, Tara H or Tara D if you would be willing to help.

Hymn “Love Lifted Me” Hymn #505 Bulletin information should be given to MARILYN HYRONIMUS at 605-254-7468 or [email protected] by Thursday at 9:00am. Benediction Happy Birthday! Closing Song “O, How He Loves You and Me” Hymn #513 Feb 14: Patsy DeVries; Olivia Heeren Feb 15: Macie Gaede Feb 19: Brian Gaede; Elde Smit Happy Anniversary! Feb 19: Delmar & Sally Hyronimus Offering Report General Fund Building Fund Offering Received 2/7/2016 $3,005.75 $70.00 Budgeted Average Weekly Offering $2,692.31 $748.08 Difference $313.44 -$678.08 Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary Received Offerings $18,704.29 $935.00 Budgeted Offerings $16,153.85 $4,488.46 Difference $2,550.44 -$3,553.46

Children's Ministry Offering: Fifteen flocks and counting! Information from Heifer International states, "In Guatemala, chickens provide a family with an improved diet and better nutrition. This means they have less illness and more energy for activities like school work."

Women's Ministry Service Project: Donations for McCrossan Boys Ranch will be accepted through February 28. Grab your shopping list from the bulletin board today.

Children's Ministry News: Delaware VBS will be June 6-10 with the Sunday School Picnic to be held on June 12. Worthing VBS will be held August 1-5. The theme for this year is CAVE QUEST - FOLLOW JESUS, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

The Union Gospel love gift for February is pasta. Please give pasta or if you prefer, cash, to Rhonda, Marilyn or Barb P. Thank you!

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, February 21st is Joy H & Jan T. Praise and Worship is the Praise Band. Children’s Sermon is JenaLee Dykstra. Nursery is Jani & Jen W. Usher is Dave DeVries. Projector is Paula Loewe. Guest Speaker is Jean Volkers.

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, February 28th is Jen W & Tammy. Praise and Worship is Joshua’s House. Children’s Sermon is Jeri Westra. Nursery is Jen & Mike. Usher is Dan Hanenburg. Projector is Brian Dangel. Guest Speaker is to be determined.