Application for Admission to Candidature

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Application for Admission to Candidature

Version 1.1 – last updated August 2017

THESIS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Higher Degree by Research Candidates (PhD & MPhil) School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering

Please review the information in the School’s Milestone Guidelines to assist with completing this form. 1. Candidate’s Details Candidate Name Student Number Program PhD MPhil Commencement Date Milestone Milestone 1: Confirmation Milestone 2: Milestone 3: Submission of Candidature Mid-candidature Review Thesis Review

2. Project Details Thesis Title Principal Advisor Associate Advisor (s)

3. Abstract Enter your abstract in the box below. For the Mid-Candidature Review and the Thesis Review you may choose to revise your abstract.

4. Objectives This field should contain your objectives for your thesis entered as bullet points. If you change your objectives at the Mid-Candidature Review or the Thesis Review, then the most current version should be entered here with details of how they have changed in the second box. 

Mid-Candidature Review and or Thesis Review: provide details explaining how your objectives changed since your last milestone (if applicable).

5. Research Milestones Identify the milestones and project-related tasks needed to complete the thesis and the expected month of their achievement. This should be as a numbered list, and these numbers will be used in Section 8. Milestone Number Description Date 1 2 3 4 5

6. Developmental Activities You may be involved in activities that are not directly related to your thesis topic, but which play a role in your development as a higher degree by research candidate. Examples include tutoring, attending seminars or conferences and any additional professional training (as part of the Career Development Framework). Participation in these activities are essential to be eligible for a Career Development Scholarship extension. List these below and include in Section 8. Developmental Description Date Activity Letter a b c d e

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Mid-Candidature Review and Thesis Review: provide details of how have your milestones and developmental activities have changed since your last milestone (if applicable).

7. HDR Final Seminar Attendance List below the School HDR Final Seminars you have attended. Description Date

8. Map your Research Milestones & Developmental Activities to the Graduate Attributes Map your Research Milestones and Developmental Activities to the UQ Research Higher Degree Graduate Attributes to show mechanisms through which they are being achieved.


Disciplinary knowledge and capability In-depth, advanced knowledge and understanding of one or more disciplinary area Ability to apply theoretical frameworks and research methods in a field or discipline to develop new concepts, formulate research hypotheses or identify new problems and produce original outputs Well-developed technical capability that enables collection, synthesis and analysis of data Ability to communicate results of research in terms of impact and application of new knowledge Ability to make a substantive and independent contribution to knowledge in the discipline and/or formulate and solve problems

Transferable Skills Ability to apply original and creative ideas, and analytical and critical thinking skills to generate new knowledge, investigate problems and develop inventive solutions Capacity to communicate ideas effectively to a range of audiences inside and outside the field of study or discipline and to the wider community Ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others, within a range of teams and contexts, respecting individual roles and responsibilities Ability to lead, manage and execute projects within or across disciplines Ability to write coherently and convincingly

Professional skills Developed or developing professional competencies in areas that may include commercialisation and technology transfer, management of intellectual assets, cultural knowledge and cross-cultural communication, entrepreneurship, policy development, research supervision, grant writing and management, and teaching & learning Capacity to communicate knowledge for the education of others, which may include teaching and supervision

Integrity and Ethics Clear understanding and practice of the requirements of the responsible conduct of research Ability to analyse and describe data and information objectively Ability to contribute to open discussion on topics that intersect with disciplinary expertise

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9. Annual Fire Safety & Research Integrity

Annual Fire Safety completed* Equal Opportunity Online* Month Year Research Integrity Module completed** Month Year *The Annual Fire Safety and Equal Opportunity Online certificates of completion must also be uploaded to your Attainment of Extension request via my.UQ. A print of your Training Report from Blackboard is also acceptable.

** The Research Integrity Module must be completed before you will be permitted to continue with your Confirmation Attainment Request.

10. Resources What resources, including scholarship support, are required to complete your work? What are the risks, or possible delays associated with completion?

Mid-Candidature Review and Thesis Review: how have your required resources changed since your last milestone?

11. Submission of Thesis Only required for Milestone 3: Thesis Review.

Expected Submission Date Day Month Year

12. HDR Final Seminar Program Only required for Milestone 3: Thesis Review.

Expected Seminar Date Month Presenting in the HDR Final Seminar Series is a requirement for completion of an HDR program in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering. Students are asked to schedule their seminar date at their Thesis Review Milestone. If you have not yet contacted the Postgraduate Administration Officer (PGAO) to schedule your seminar, please do so: [email protected]. If you have concerns about presenting your final seminar, please contact the PGAO to discuss.

13. Submission Checklist Only required for Thesis Submission.

In preparation for your Thesis Submission, you must complete a Thesis Submission form ( submission) and submit to the PGAO for processing. You cannot upload your thesis to eSpace until your Thesis Submission form has been approved by the School’s Postgraduate Coordinator. Please see a check-list of items to be completed prior to submission.

Thesis Submission Form

Turn-it-in Originality Report You are required to run your Thesis (prior to Thesis Submission) through Turn-it-in software to generate an Originality Report for review by the Postgraduate Coordinator before processing your Thesis Submission. All students should have access to a course titled “HDR School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering” in Blackboard ( You must log in to Blackboard with your student username to see this course and submit your thesis to Turn-it-in via this Blackboard course.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Postgraduate Administration Officer for assistance Page 3 Version 1.0 – last updated March 2017

([email protected]).

HDR Final Seminar Program Date Scheduled/Completed: MONTH

Thesis Development Plan

Declaration by Author As part of your thesis preliminary pages ( you are required to include a Declaration by author (all candidates to reproduce this section in their thesis verbatim). Please sign the Declaration by author below to have your Thesis Submission approved by the Postgraduate Coordinator.

This thesis is composed of my original work, and contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference has been made in the text. I have clearly stated the contribution by others to jointly-authored works that I have included in my thesis.

I have clearly stated the contribution of others to my thesis as a whole, including statistical assistance, survey design, data analysis, significant technical procedures, professional editorial advice, and any other original research work used or reported in my thesis. The content of my thesis is the result of work I have carried out since the commencement of my research higher degree candidature and does not include a substantial part of work that has been submitted to qualify for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution. I have clearly stated which parts of my thesis, if any, have been submitted to qualify for another award.

I acknowledge that an electronic copy of my thesis must be lodged with the University Library and, subject to the policy and procedures of The University of Queensland, the thesis be made available for research and study in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 unless a period of embargo has been approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.

I acknowledge that copyright of all material contained in my thesis resides with the copyright holder(s) of that material. Where appropriate I have obtained copyright permission from the copyright holder to reproduce material in this thesis. Signed:

14. Signature

Signature Date Candidate

Chair of Review Committee

Please complete this form prior to your Milestone and distribute to your Review Committee. You will also be required to upload this to your Attainment of Extension request via my.UQ. Please contact [email protected] if you require any assistance to complete this form.

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